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Tag Archive: natural

Review: Earth Mama Angel Baby Wellness Spray
August 7, 2016 1:48 pm | by

Morning sickness in my second pregnancy has been quite terrible compared to my first pregnancy. I remember experiencing it with my first, but this time around it’s been magnified. As soon as I hit the six-week mark, keeping anything down, including water, was nearly impossible. After about 10 long weeks of feeling incredibly ill, dropping weight and having no energy I’m happy to report that the morning sickness has somewhat subsided and I actually feel human again! I tried everything under the sun to combat the nausea and I must say that the Morning Wellness Spray from Earth Mama Angel Baby has

Review: Mrs B’s Handmade Soap
August 13, 2015 7:20 pm | by

I received a few different baby soaps as gifts before my daughter was born. I didn’t put too much thought into bathing her — beyond the fact that it needed to happen regularly — so I just used the first thing I opened. The soap I was using worked fine, but then I received a bar of Mrs. B’s Calm Baby Soap. I was unsure about using bar soap at first, however, the very first time I used it I was hooked. I just swirl it around in her washcloth a couple times and the lather is so rich and smooth.