Did you know that there is now a #clothdiapers twitter party at 8pm (CT) every Monday night on Twitter? This event was started by Cotton Babies last year and over the course of the last year, the Monday evening chats have become a popular time for cloth diapering parents to discuss issues about cloth diapering, natural parenting and even current events. Other cloth diaper businesses (manufacturers, media, bloggers and retailers) have made the event a fun place to be with frequent giveaways and special promotions that are only available during the #clothdiapers twitter party.
You should! It is so much fun to hang out with other people just like you from the comfort of your own home. Most participants are moms, business owners, bloggers or manufacturers. To participate, all you need is a computer with an internet connection or a smart phone (like a Blackberry, Droid or an iPhone), a Twitter account and some free time around 8pm (CT).
Still wondering what it all means? This is our Twitter dictionary… let us know in the comments if there is anything we should add.
Tweet – (verb & noun)
As a noun it is the the 140 character message that you put on Twitter (if you use Facebook, think of it like a status update). “I posted a tweet about my chicken sandwich.”
As a verb, it is the action of posting a tweet.
Followers (noun)
Like “friends” on Facebook, followers are people who see your Twitter updates.
Follow (verb)
You can “follow” users and then will see their updates on the homepage of your Twitter account when you log in.
@username (verb & noun)
This is your username. It is also used to reply to or mention someone in your tweet. Spoken, you would call this a mention, “at-ing” or “at” replies. Use @ when you want to communicate with someone specifically. When you mention someone’s @username in your tweet, it automatically shows up in their personal feed.
DM (verb & noun)
Direct Message. you can send a direct message to someone that will be sent to only them, no one else can view your direct messages.
Usage: DM me. Shelly send me a DM.
RT (Retweet) (verb) – use RT in combination with @username when quoting someone else’s tweet. Here is a great blog post all about the art and ettiquette of RTing.
#Hashtag (noun) – a hashtag allows you to participate in a conversation on a specific topic. Putting #clothdiapers in your tweet makes it readily viewable to anyone who is searching the clothdiapers topic or participating in that conversation. Here is a great blog about using hashtags.
Usage: Are you coming to the #clothdiapers (spoken: pound clothdiapers) twitter party on Monday night at 8pm?
Cotton Babies offers occasional unannounced Twitter promotions! To be eligible to win, you must be following the @cottonbabies and the @bumgenius user on Twitter. Don’t have a user account? Visit Twitter today.
Hi, Some one from facebook refereed your link i have book marked it nice blogs you write see Free how to grow twitter followers here
Love bumGenious! They were the first I ever used 🙂
Weee. Thanks for the guide. I love it! Very useful information.
Yes, a tweet to someone using @username will show up on their list of tweets that were “to” them (even if your tweets are protected). They have to specifically check their “@” replies though. They won’t see it in their regular twitter feed.
Ok, I think I’m having a hard time using twitter….if I do this @username (not my own, but someone elses) blah blah blah, would it show up on their page if I’m following them? At first I thought things weren’t showing up because I had my tweets protected, but they aren’t protected anymore and I’m not sure if I’m doing this right…thanks in advance!
Oh geez, I hate Twitter too. I’ve tried to follow these things, but it’s close to impossible to understand what’s going on. I have officially given up on Twitter.
I’m one of those people that just can’t get into twitter. I don’t know what it is about it but I prefer facebook.