Abby Kowalik
SAHM & Blogger
Mom to 4
St Louis, MO
Author Archives for Abby Kowalik
Aden + Anais makes some of my favorite baby products. I not only use their stuff on my children, but I often buy aden + anais to give as shower gifts. So you can imagine that when the shampoo and bubble bath were released, I knew I’d love both. The scent for both the bubble bath and shampoo is sweet sandalwood. It is very light and earthy, and I felt it was perfect for my 1 and 3 year old. My baby has severe eczema so I am very wary of soaps and lotions on her skin, but I was pleasantly surprised after using
Author Archives for Abby Kowalik
During our twins eighth birthday celebration, we found all of their newborn pictures in old albums. We looked through each album, wondering where the last 8 years went. Seriously! It brought back all these memories of what I thought being a parent would be and all these ideas of what I could do. I realized I was a different parent 8 years ago with my first and here are just a few reasons that helped me come to this conclusion. Timid delivery: When my twins were born, I was almost afraid of upsetting the doctors and nurses. I didn’t assert my
Author Archives for Abby Kowalik
Finding summer activities for kids who range in age can be challenging. Older kids get bored.. the younger guys can’t sit still, so what’s a good middle ground? For the last few summers, I’ve watched seven (yes, seven) kids, ranging in ages 1-13. From this experience, I’ve found it IS possible to have a good summer that’s packed with engaging, budget-friendly activities for everyone. Hike/Walk/Ride: Everyone, not matter the age, enjoys spending time outdoors and getting a good dose of fresh air. Head to the park or bike trail and let the older kids bring their scooter if there’s a path. Bring a box to collect leaves
Author Archives for Abby Kowalik
After reviewing my resume during a job interview, the interviewer said, “You have been a personal chef, nurse, coach, financial advisor, janitor, photographer, videographer, life coach, counselor, and chauffeur?” And I replied, “Yes, I’m a mother.” That’s not actually true. It’s supposed to be an ironic joke showcasing the multi-faceted roles that mothers take on daily. When I had my identical twin girls, all of my instincts kicked in and I felt like I was born to be a mother. Now, many years and children later, I wouldn’t mind running away to the beach for a couple days. I call
Author Archives for Abby Kowalik
When my twins turned 2, I realized I was experiencing burn out. Like my parents, my children consumed everything. I cooked only what they ate, all of our outings were based around their naps and instead of going to the movies or tapas restaurants, we would go to the zoo or park. It was wonderful to have kids, but I was forgetting to take care of myself. I really needed a girls night. I wanted to talk about something or someone other than Dora. I spent the last two years indoors investing in my kids, which is awesome, but I
Author Archives for Abby Kowalik
Everyone has an idea of what the perfect mom is. She is beautiful and kind, never ever yells or gets angry, and provides every meal without processed sugar or flour.Her house has no dust bunnies and she definitely doesn’t wear sweatpants to the library. She is always providing educational opportunities for learning and growing. We all see her on social media. We strive to be perfect like her when in reality, it really isn’t reality. It is a perception of what is real and it is (very) unobtainable. With the flood of information that is so readily available at our fingertips, we also bear the
Author Archives for Abby Kowalik
What do moms really want for Christmas? To sleep in and go to the bathroom without toddlers banging on the door. But since that isn’t in the cards for the next few years, here is a list of practical Christmas gifts that any mom will love: Reusable water bottle or coffee mug. These are cute, convenient and a great way to stay hydrated. Lifefactory makes durable glass water bottles that are a healthy alternative to plastic. Wallet or billfold. Petunia Pickle Bottom carries adorable and affordable wallets to match any bag. Hat, scarf or mittens. Every woman loves (and needs) stylish
Author Archives for Abby Kowalik
Relaxation and motherhood sound like an oxymoron — totally impossible. However, we must enjoy the precious times we have with our children while they are young. Let’s not think of relaxing as a luxury, but a necessity – your children want the best, most-relaxed, stress-free version of you as a parent. Here are some simple ways to maximize relaxation during the day (and night). Invest in your morning at night. It is so wonderful to wake up with the kitchen counters clean, the coffee made and dishwasher and sink empty. Spending 10 minutes each night preparing for the next day
Author Archives for Abby Kowalik
Due Date: I thought there was no way I was ready to be a mom but when you hit the eighth month, you are so over being pregnant. I just wanted my body back and to be able to move again. I would often say during pregnancy, “I don’t care if I give birth to a dinosaur, just get this baby out!” So no matter how nervous or scared I felt to be a mom at 6 weeks, by 38 weeks I was ready for anything. Weight Gain: I always thought I could eat whatever I wanted during pregnancy and it
Author Archives for Abby Kowalik
Why do I have to convince my mother that cloth diapering is wonderful? Out of all the things in the world that mothers should be resistant to — tick bites, sunburns, trans fats, twerking — cloth diapering should NEVER be one of them. Why are our own mothers (and grandmothers and mothers in law and aunts and every other woman who had babies in the 70s and 80s) the hardest people to convince that cloth diapering is wonderful? Half of them even cloth diapered their own kids! I find that most people (like my mom) who are resistant to cloth diapers have unpleasant memories.