When I became pregnant with my first baby, I thought I had everything planned out. I wanted to cloth diaper, wear my baby and breastfeed for at least the first six months. I hadn’t been around breastfeeding mothers before I had my daughter, but I figured it would be easy. After all, it was natural, right? Little did I realize… babies don’t necessarily follow your plans and unfortunately, breastfeeding my baby wasn’t going to be as easy as I expected. With my girls, I had some difficulties. I dealt with cracked nipples, low supply, and a baby with horrible reflux. Our breastfeeding relationships lasted a
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
I’m going to start this off by saying… I’m not an “outdoorsy” kind of girl. I’ve only recently started camping with our kids because well, they like it, and I like to see the smiles on their faces from experiencing new adventures. So now, we go camping. This summer, we went camping four or five times. I guess you could say we kind of became pros at it! Traveling with a baby can be stressful – especially if it isn’t something you’re used to doing. But it can be fun! Here are 8 simple tips to make camping with baby a
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
I don’t know about you, but I love buying baby shower gifts! Buying for a fellow cloth diapering mom-to-be can be easy (and fun) because it gives you a reason to #buyallthediapers! But what do you buy from your favorite cloth diaper retailer for the mama that doesn’t want to cloth diaper? Here are a few super affordable gift ideas! A Wet Bag. Most mom-to-be’s don’t think of this, but wet bags can be handy even if they’re not cloth diapering! They can be a lifesaver in extreme situations, such as “poopsplosions” when you’re out and about with baby. JuJuBe Be Quick Bag. This is one of
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
This summer flew by! One day, we’re hanging out by the pool and the next thing I know, it’s time for the kids to go back to school! This may be our second year of “school life,” but I have to say – it does not get any easier leaving them on that very first day. This year is a little more of an adjustment for me because I not only have a child in full-day kindergarten, but also one preschool half the day. I must admit – my routine is starting off pretty hectic. I’m basically a chauffeur half the day, driving back and
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
When I had my first child, I didn’t even know that cloth diapers were still a thing. So of course, there was no question in my mind whether or not I would use disposable diapers. It wasn’t until my second pregnancy that I discovered cloth diapers still existed. You see, my sister-in-law was also pregnant at the time and after some research, she made the decision to cloth her first baby. I, however, still had the mindset of using disposable diapers. It’s just what you did, or so I thought. So what was my first reaction to cloth diapers? “Ummmmm that’s disgusting. You’re going
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
How do you know you’re a cloth diapering family? Here are 10 signs you can look out for! 10.) You use coconut oil on EVERYTHING! 9.) You look for baby shirts when you shop for your baby, not onesies. 8.) Wet bags…. Wet bags everywhere. You found numerous ways to use them so you’re *almost* wet bag obsessed. 7.) You can’t help but play “disposable or cloth” while at the playground. Can you guess what type of diaper the other babies have on? 6.) Your mind goes to cloth-diaper related things when people start talking in “code.” CD= Most people talk about actual
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
It’s that time of year again! Parents of school-aged children will be packing lunches and sending their littles off to school. This is my first year sending off a child for the whole day so it’s also my first year packing a lunch for my oldest daughter. She’s excited. I’m a nervous wreck, but with a smiling face to not show my worry. To make my life a little bit easier, and her day a little brighter, we picked out some super cute lunch containers! We’re a huge fan of Skip Hop in our house so it was a
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
Let’s talk water bottles. And more specifically the “Choose Love” S’well Water Bottle because it’s awesome. No, really. Let me tell you why. I just spent a total of six hours in the sunshine at our local pool. That felt like a REALLY long time, especially in 90-degree weather, and I needed to stay hydrated to chase after the two bigger kids and nurse the baby. My cooler isn’t super big so it doesn’t have enough space for all the water bottles I need for a full day outdoors. For this reason, I decided to pack my S’well water bottle with some ice water, knowing there was
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
Before I was even pregnant with my son, I started switching up some of the products we used in our home. One of the biggest changes was with personal hygiene products. When I started doing my research, I found Earth Mama Angel Baby was exactly what I was looking for! All products are certified organic, GMO-free and 100% natural. I first tried the soap. Then, I started using the tea. I later fell in love with the Happy Mama Spray, grabbed some of Baby Bottom Balm and Mama Bottom Spray. Then lastly, I decided to try the Nipple Butter. When
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
First things first: Why are Genius Series T-shirts only available for babies?! Sometimes, I just want to rock my favorite cloth diaper prints, too! Genius Series T-shirts are made for babies six months and up. Jackson is just starting to fit into 6-month clothing so this shirt still has some room for him to grow into, but that’s okay — he just gets to wear it longer that way! Like most T-shirts, I expected this one to shrink a bit. In actuality, it didn’t shrink much at all, which is even better when it comes to children’s clothes. The Genius Series T-shirts match Jackson’s cloth diapers