Amanda Carney
Blogger/Social Media Manager
Mom to 3
Columbus, Ohio
Amanda is a stay-at-home mom of three who keep her on her toes! Her family resides in Columbus, Ohio — the Buckeye state! She ventured into cloth diapering a little "late," but is a firm believer in "better late than never!" Amanda enjoys her morning coffee, spending time with her littles, buying too many cloth diapers, much-needed pedicures and the rare date night with her husband. Get to know Amanda on her personal blog, Fluff Bum Babies.
Instagram: @FluffBumBabiesMama
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
I’ve had three children, and I’ve gotten better at figuring out exactly what I need for postpartum healing. Third time’s a charm, right? Here are some of my postpartum must-haves and what I’d recommend to a new mom who needs to recover from delivery. Earth Mama Angel Baby New Mama Bottom Spray: Hemorrhoids, vaginal tears, swelling and just plain soreness. This is what happens after baby. Thankfully, New Bottom Spray has your back! 😉 I will never have a baby again without this stuff on hand. I used it in place of the numbing ointment the hospital gave me. I also
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
After cloth diapering my daughter for over a year and now my 3-month-old son, I’m still learning new things! This month, I decided to change the way we store our dirty cloth diapers and try something new in between washes. Now, I will say I liked the way we were previously storing our dirty cloth diapers. However, I really like our new set up and I’m glad I switched to the bumGenius Pail Liner. My daughter was already on solids when we started using cloth diapers. So as a result, it made sense to keep our dirty diapers in the bathroom,
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
Are you a breastfeeding mama who worries about leaks? Stop fretting and try MilkDaze Reusable Nursing Pads. I stocked up on many reusable and disposable nursing pads before my third baby arrived because with previous children, I constantly dealt with leaks. I hated having spots on my shirts or waking up in a puddle. With this baby, MilkDaze Reusable Nursing Pads have been a lifesaver. I didn’t use reusable nursing pads with my last two babies because I didn’t know much about reusable products. I didn’t cloth diaper either or use mama cloth at that time in my life, but I’m glad I got
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
I’m going to be honest: I wasn’t planning to use cloth diapers on my newborn. I wanted to use disposables during the first few weeks because it can be stressful bringing a new baby home and getting everything — and everyone — acclimated. With two kids, I rarely got a moment to myself, and now that I have three, spare time is pretty much non-existent. Needless to say, after two weeks of using disposables with my newborn, I was done. I needed a new solution because I couldn’t keep running to the store multiple times a week to get more diapers.
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
Swaddling can be extremely helpful when it comes to soothing and comforting your baby. Once you learn how to swaddle, it can also pose many benefits, but one of the biggest is sleep! My son is a month old and we’re still swaddling on a daily basis. He gets very overstimulated at the end of the day, and swaddling soothes him faster than any other calming method. Sometimes, he even refuses to nurse until he’s been swaddled! Luckily, there are a few awesome swaddle blankets (have you seen what’s new from Genius Series?) available to help make it a little easier. Here are some step-by-step instructions on
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
My sweet baby boy is nearly a week old, and I can’t get enough of this newborn stage. There’s just something extra sweet about having a tiny little human around who just made their debut on this planet. Since this is my third baby, I know all too well that the days seem long, but the months are short. This phase of his life is just going to fly by so I’m taking in all my favorite things about having a newborn while I still can. My favorite part of the newborn phase is cuddles. There is no better feeling than
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
As I’ve gotten further into this whole wife and mommy thing, I’ve learned how important it is to have a plan (and budget) when it comes to dinner and meal planning. Since our household only has one income, I had to find a few tricks to make it work and when I did, I wondered why it took me so long! What had I been doing all those years?! Make a list and check it twice. Seriously. Do not walk into a store without a list. This will help navigate you through every aisle and, as long as you have the will
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
Some parents are hesitant to try prefolds, but really, they’re just as easy to use as modern cloth diapers as long as you know some of the most common folds. Prefolds are considered the “old fashioned” way to cloth diaper, but they are also one of the most affordable ways to do it, too. In this post, we will give you step-by-step instructions on how to fold your prefolds a few different ways. What do you need to get started? A prefold, a waterproof diaper cover, and a Snappi. Trifold This is probably one of the simplest ways to use a prefold. However, it
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
At 33 weeks pregnant, I need to start thinking about what to pack in my hospital bag for labor, delivery, and postpartum. This is my third baby, so I guess you could say I’ve learned which items are a must.. the items that are nice to have, but not a necessity.. and the items I didn’t even touch during the two or three-day stay. The necessities: New Mama Bottom Spray: This has already come in handy during my third trimester to soothe the swelling “down there” as baby puts more pressure on my lower regions. I didn’t have this product postpartum with my
Author Archives for Amanda Carney
Last week, I sent my oldest daughter to preschool. This was the first time I’ve ever turned her over to a “stranger.” I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for most of her life and before that, I was lucky enough to work somewhere that I could take her with me. Other than staying with grandparents or aunts and uncles, she’s always been under my care. Naturally, I was nervous, but she was super excited! Here we are, a little over a week into this whole school thing and it’s going pretty great. My daughter attends school for 2.5 hours and has