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Angela England

Mother of five living in rural Oklahoma with her husband and children, Angela is the Founder of Untrained Housewife, co-founder of Homestead Bloggers Network and full-time Director of Content and Social Strategy with Element Associates Digital Marketing Agency. She is a CAPPA-trained childbirth educator and labor support doula who loves empowering women through knowledge and understanding to take the next step in their motherhood journey, whatever that step may be.

Author Archives for Angela England

Cloth Diaper Storage Solutions and Ideas
March 28, 2017 4:00 pm | by

As you build up your cloth diaper stash, you might find yourself wondering – where do I put these? In a recent discussion about cloth diaper stashes in the Cotton Babies Mob Group, we saw a lot of cute ideas for storing cloth diapers. Here are some of our favorite ideas that will help you find the perfect storage solution for all your cloth diapers! © Jennifer C Jennifer C uses simple wall shelves which keep her cloth diapers close at hand when they are needed.   © Kalika B. We love these colorful shelves by Kalika B. because the

Author Archives for Angela England

Spring-Themed Crafts for Toddlers and Preschoolers
March 24, 2017 8:00 am | by

Whether it’s bad weather, spring break, or just hanging around the house, here are a few screen-free crafts and activities to have some fun with the kids this spring. First, check out this lovely story, The Secret Garden by Babylit that will have your toddlers enjoying blooms and flowers of warmer weather. Then follow up with one of these spring-themed DIYs! These spring crafts for toddlers and preschoolers are the perfect way to have some hand’s on educational time with your family. Felt Easter Basket by Nap Time Creations – Create your own Easter baskets to save money and have fun at the same

Author Archives for Angela England

10 Ways to Make Bath Time Fun
March 22, 2017 8:00 am | by

Bath time can be a ton of fun for kids with even just a few fun toys. I love seeing my kiddos take delight in splashing around and having fun with sensory play, stacking, pouring, and more. Here are some of our favorite toys to bring the joy back to bath time. 1. Skip Hop Sort & Spin Fishbowl Shape Sorter Make learning more fun by incorporating them during bath time. This fishbowl will let you child sort animal shapes into their color-coded slots. 2. Skip Hop Zoo Bath Stack & Pour Buckets Help enhance your child’s motor skills with

Author Archives for Angela England

Wall Decor Inspirations for a Baby Boy’s Bedroom
March 20, 2017 8:00 am | by

When you are getting ready for your baby’s arrival, I think one of the things every mother wants to have ready is the bedroom or nursery area. I love these inspirational ideas for decorating a boy’s bedroom wall. Pick out the ones that will inspire you! Animal Wall Art for a Boy’s Room These beautiful wall art prints are part of the Cotton Babies genius prints. Just print out what you want, pick out your frames, and ta da! Instant personalized touches to spruce up the baby’s room. © Cotton Babies   If you want a rustic or country inspired

Author Archives for Angela England

Slow-Cooker Side Dishes Recipe Round-Up
March 17, 2017 8:00 am | by

When you first bring your baby home from the hospital, you might find that people bring you lots of meals ready-to-eat. But if you want simple side dishes to accompany the dinners you are getting, try some of these slow-cooker side dish recipes. Start them during a morning nap and let the crock pot do all the work for you while you take care of you and baby during those first few weeks postpartum. Three-Cheese Mashed Potatoes by Whole and Heavenly Oven – Your favorite three-cheeses with mashed potatoes are the perfect combo. They’re comforting and make a delicious side dish

Author Archives for Angela England

Third Trimester Pregnancy Developments
March 16, 2017 8:00 am | by

You are almost there! It may feel like your baby’s arrival is so far away, but you are in the home stretch now. During the third trimester you’ll probably finish preparing for baby’s arrival, decorating the nursery room, and gathering all your postpartum supplies. Emotional Feelings During the Third Trimester Forgetful – The joke about women having “pregnancy brain” is no joke! Between all the shifting hormones and so much focus on the upcoming baby, it is no wonder pregnant women can forget what they went to the store for. While this lack of concentration and mental focus may be annoying,

Author Archives for Angela England

Morning Sickness During Pregnancy
March 15, 2017 8:00 am | by

Morning sickness is a normal part of early pregnancy for about 80-90% of women. I think the term “morning sickness” was coined by working men who only saw their wives nausea in the mornings before they left for work. Many women I know have days when their nauseous feelings last all hours. Not every woman experiences morning sickness, however, and if you are one of these fortunate ladies, please keep your good fortune to yourself out of pity for the rest of us. Morning sickness is usually worse during the first trimester and very few women experience nausea throughout their

Author Archives for Angela England

Signs and Symptoms of Labor
March 13, 2017 8:00 am | by

As you near the end of your pregnancy you can become anxious and eager to see the baby. You may have been experiencing signs and symptoms that may seem like labor, such as Braxton Hicks contractions, what I call “warm-up” contractions. These can begin days or weeks before you actual go into labor. So, what at what point does that warm-up turn into the real thing? Remember labor has three stages and for some mothers the shift from warm-up to active labor happens so gradually you’re well into active labor before you realize it. For others you may have a prolonged period

Author Archives for Angela England

Figuring Your Estimated Due Date
March 10, 2017 11:00 am | by

Congratulations on your new pregnancy! One of the first things a women usually does in her first trimester is to figure out her estimated due date. You can use a similar technique your health care provider will use to figure out your estimated due date, or EDD. A doctor or midwife will figure your initial EDD, by figuring from your last normal menstrual period (LNMP). They will take the first day of your last period and add 266 days (or 38 weeks) to figure your estimated due date. This gives an estimate of your due date but it isn’t 100%

Author Archives for Angela England

Second Trimester Pregnancy Changes
March 8, 2017 8:00 am | by

The second trimester is a time of relief, both physically and emotionally, for many women. With more energy, and less morning sickness, you might find that you are better able to wrap your mind around the reality of your pregnancy. Emotional Changes of the Second Trimester of Pregnancy If you had avoided telling people during your first trimester, your growing waistline, and growing confidence in the reality of this pregnancy, means you are likely to break the news now. You might feel more alive, more sexy and more energetic than you have in weeks. On the other hand, you might

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