Congratulations to Erin Rugg Ketchum, winner of 6 free bumGenius Elemental cloth diapers! She responded on our Facebook page: “We shop @Meijer. They have good produce and are a local company so we love and support them. =)” Our next prize is 3 limited edition color trim @econobum #clothdiaper covers! What is your favorite type of #chocolate? White, milk or dark? Do you have a favorite brand? We’ll choose a random winner from all Facebook, Twitter and blog responses in an hour.
Author Archives for Heather Vaughn
Author Archives for Heather Vaughn
It’s day two of Free Cloth Diaper Week. Yesterday’s winner of the Flip Stay Dry diaper was Sarah Ann Tielke. She said her most indispensable baby product was: “My husband! And my camera. My daughter is due this Saturday but so far these two have been lifesavers! My husband has been so supportive and helpful and my camera helps me document everything!” We’re continuing the fun today. Same rules as yesterday, we’ll post a question here on the blog, on Facebook and Twitter. We’ll give you an hour to respond. One random winner will be selected from the responses to
Author Archives for Heather Vaughn

Congratulations to Beccajoy, our random winner of a BumGenius 4.0. She left her response here on the blog: “beccajoy said… Just yesterday I poured my son a glass of milk and then I could not find the lid for the milk jug anywhere. I finally figured out I had put the lid in the cabinet with the glasses. Total mommy brain!” Remember, we’re selecting randomly from Facebook, Twitter, & our blog. If you leave a comment here on the blog, be sure we are able to see your e-mail address in some way so that if you are chosen