Holly Kelley
Accounting Associate
Mom to 1
St. Louis, MO
Holly is an Arkansan turned Missourian, and a graphic designer turned accounter. She loves thrifting, crossword puzzles, movies, and keyboard shortcuts. She's having so much fun being a mom to baby Lola!
Author Archives for Holly Kelley
It has been over two years since I last mused on all I’ve learned as a parent of one. My daughter is now three and every day is a roller coaster of emotions and laughs. She’s spirited. Yes. We will go with that euphemism. Here are some things I’ve learned as a mom of a toddler. A lot has changed since my last list. 20 Things I Know as a Mom of a Toddler I know NOTHING. I have more questions than answers. Questions like, is this karma? Wait, we don’t spank anymore, right? Time out? Time in? When can
Author Archives for Holly Kelley
We took our first family vacation last summer. Lola was 10 months old and we went to the lake for the the Fourth of July. Prior to this, we made many long road trips back and forth to my parents’ house, but this was different because our cabin wasn’t prepped ahead of time with baby gear. Lola sleeps much better in a very dark room, so we created a makeshift canopy with a comforter and some telescoping pole devices my husband found. We had to roll across two beds ninja style to get to the bathroom while she was sleeping to avoid destroying the contraption. I
Author Archives for Holly Kelley
I love Halloween! Actually, I just love dressing up and being someone else for a day. Long before I had my daughter, I had a collection of future baby Halloween costume ideas. However, the DIY daddy costume wasn’t on that list, but this is something I’d strongly consider if you’re looking for something quick and easy! My baby would look EXACTLY like my husband, so of course, I had to take advantage of the opportunity because I don’t know how long this strong resemblance will last. I decided to take the most recognizable features of Lola’s dad and create a look that everyone would
Author Archives for Holly Kelley
I received a few different baby soaps as gifts before my daughter was born. I didn’t put too much thought into bathing her — beyond the fact that it needed to happen regularly — so I just used the first thing I opened. The soap I was using worked fine, but then I received a bar of Mrs. B’s Calm Baby Soap. I was unsure about using bar soap at first, however, the very first time I used it I was hooked. I just swirl it around in her washcloth a couple times and the lather is so rich and smooth.
Author Archives for Holly Kelley
Caring for a baby is something you don’t really know.. until you KNOW. Everyone sure has a lot of advice to share when they see your growing baby belly. Take some of it with a grain of salt, or heck — dismiss it all! With that being said, here’s what I’ve learned in my brief 8 months of parenting. For context, I’m a neurotic non-perfectionist and this list refers only to BABIES (really just my baby) and not CHILDREN. I don’t know a thing about children yet. Figure out the pump ahead of time. You may find yourself sobbing at 1:00
Author Archives for Holly Kelley
I’ve worked at Cotton Babies for nearly five years. So when I became pregnant, I knew I would cloth diaper my baby. But what surprised me about cloth is that I had A TON of questions — even though I was surrounded by diapers! The first big question: Which system do I want to use? I remember my sister asking me the same question when she had her first baby. I had no idea what to recommend at the time so I said try a little bit of everything to see what works best for you. But when it came to choosing