Jennifer Labit
Cotton Babies Founder + CEO
Mother of 4
St. Louis, MO
Jenn is the founder of Cotton Babies & creator of bumGenius, Flip, and Econobum, worldwide leading cloth diaper brands. She has four children (Andrew, Oscar, Elsie and Louis) and holds an MBA from Washington University. When she's not working full time, she enjoys teaching business leaders how to implement sustainable economic & social change.
Author Archives for Jennifer Labit
Having started my business with a little person in my lap or crawling around my feet, I am an avid advocate for parents who want to bring a baby to work for a period of time after returning from maternity leave. Making this allowance for employees enables them to further develop the parenting relationship after baby joins their family and, where applicable, also elongates the length of time a parent is able to exclusively breastfed a child. Employers who want to have a family friendly environment can make some simple adjustments to their employee manual that allow this to be possible and productive for both the
Author Archives for Jennifer Labit
Editor’s Note: This content was kindly (and voluntarily) shared with us by a Share the Love recipient. When I applied for a cloth diaper loan through Share the Love, I was 43 years old and 30 weeks pregnant with my fourth child, who had just been diagnosed with Down Syndrome. I am a housewife/stay-at-home mother who also cares for my husband’s 86-year-old grandmother that lives with us. My husband had been unemployed for four months, having worked part-time before then, and just received a 4-month trucking job. Needless to say, we have truly been struggling financially since fall 2013, but by scaling
Author Archives for Jennifer Labit
What is Share the Love? Share the Love is a cloth diaper re-distribution program that distributes used cloth diapers to families in need. Share the Love is not-for-profit program of Cotton Babies. All labor is volunteer. All diapers are donated. Is Share the Love a 501c3? This program is not currently set up as a non-profit (501c3), which means diapers that are given to the program are not tax deductible. The program does not accept any monetary donations. My application was denied. What do I do now? Your application could have been denied because diapers were not available to fit
Author Archives for Jennifer Labit
I recently read a post in a forum from a cloth diapering mom complaining that her cloth diapers weren’t clean. Her friend had told her to use a sprinkle of detergent when washing her cloth diapers. She was frustrated because the amount of detergent she was using wasn’t working. As I read the responses, I realized that many of the people writing had profiles that were relatively new and were probably unaware of the history of washing recommendations in the cloth diaper industry. This post grew out of a desire to bring some clarity to that history. The “tiny little
Author Archives for Jennifer Labit
There’s a lingering recommendation in the cloth diaper community that a few drops of tea tree oil will remove yeast in cloth diapers. We are not aware of any study showing that tea tree oil is effective in removing yeast from cloth diapers when used in a washing machine in very low concentrations. We do know that tea tree oil has been studied as an effective remedy for a few common human ailments including acne and athletes foot. In the published studies I uncovered, effective treatment involved a concentrated topical solution ranging from 5-100% concentration. To achieve this concentration in a laundry environment
Author Archives for Jennifer Labit
Share the Love hosts are filled with plans for The Great Cloth Diaper Change tomorrow. If you are also planning to attend, you may see them there changing alongside you, at an informational booth, or even hosting your local event. We now have 106 host volunteers in 42 states. They want you to know they are there, ready to receive your donations and get them out to families who need them. Don’t know your local host? Look for them in the official Share the Love host tshirt the day of the event or email to help your local site.
Author Archives for Jennifer Labit
Share the Love is two years old! One site in Saint Louis, Mo. has now grown to 100 host sites in 39 states across the U.S., which means love is definitely in the air this time of year and it’s clear that there’s a whole lot of it going around. Helping share the love among struggling families is accomplished by more than just the efforts of each of our amazing hosts. Each host is in a different community with a different set of resources. Hosts are encouraged to reach out to their communities for help in running their sites. They
Author Archives for Jennifer Labit
EDITOR’S NOTE: This story is a guest post, written by Zachary Leibel, a cloth supporter, teacher of reusable diapers, and dad to two boys. When my wife and I found out we were pregnant with our first child, we were naturally very excited, but also knew we’d have to make some decisions. One of the decisions we made was that we were determined to go from a two person income down to just my income so that my wife could stay at home with the baby. Some people thought we were crazy for even considering this in today’s world and said things
Author Archives for Jennifer Labit
A few days ago several of my friends posted a slideshow of moms supporting other moms on Facebook. The point of the slideshow, at least what I got out of it, was that we should all support each other regardless of the differences in our parenting choices and experiences. What really struck me is that, in my role as Share the Love Program Coordinator, I see this every day. We have an amazing network of moms who, without judgement, just want to help other moms. Out of kindness and love, Share the Love hosts from all over the country with a
Author Archives for Jennifer Labit
When I switched to cloth diapers from disposables there was a lot I didn’t know. One thing that didn’t even cross my mind was that cloth diapers not only have a life beyond one diaper change, they may even have a life beyond one child. A friend of mine mentioned using the same set of diapers on both her first and second children. Even more awesome is that the next go-around for your cloth diapers could be sharing the love with who may not have otherwise been able to afford diapers at all. As a Mom, especially in those early days,