An easy, healthy meal/snack idea for little ones. Frozen mixed vegetables. Served while frozen. Really! Even the child whose nose often turns up at veggies will like them now because they don’t taste like veggies, they just taste like ice. Lily hates peas. She is the only one of my kids who doesn’t like them. But she will happily sit in her high chair and eat frozen peas. To round out and make a meal with some protein and carbs, you can add in some cheese or some browned ground meat of your choice. Rice or some favorite crackers round
Author Archives for Jenni
Author Archives for Jenni
The envorinment may not be my primary reason, but it is at least part of my reason for cloth diapering. I want my kids to grow up in a world that is not bogged down in pesticides and garbage. Having reusable diapers helps to minimize both of those. But cotton can be a picky and pesty crop. It requires a lot of water and often many pesticides, although you can find organic cotton products, they are harder to grow. I live near several cotton fields. The defoliant that is sprayed on them to aid in harvesting is some nasty stuff.
Author Archives for Jenni
Toddler Lunch of the Week:Black beansMozzarella CheeseAll Bran Crackers (or other family favorite) Once baby has tried out several kinds of foods and is getting to the “Me Do It!” stage, meals can get messier, but they can also be more fun. In an effort to sneak in a little more protein for Lily I have been putting some beans on her high chair tray while we eat lunch. At the start of the week dumped out and rinsed a can of organic black beans and put them in an easy to reach container. Lunch could hardly be easier! Her
Author Archives for Jenni
1. They are easy. This is about as easy as cloth diapering can get. It is like using disposables only you never have to run to the store or worry about running out. You are just a load of laundry away from having all the diapers you need. They can be put on even a squirmy baby in a flash.. 2. They are cute. bumGenius diapers make little baby bums all rounded and smooth and pastel or bright. 3. They fit under all baby clothes. It seems today that most baby clothes are made with the expectation of slim, trim
Author Archives for Jenni
There are all kinds of diaper covers out there to keep baby’s clothes dry and the diaper mess contained. Some are very inexpensive and some are not. For those just getting started, you might wonder why someone would choose to pay over $40 for one diaper cover that needs some special care. There actually is a very good reason. Because it is wool. There are many reasons for choosing wool. It is a natural fiber, renewable, breathable, and while the care of wool diaper covers is a little pickier than most other covers, the times it needs care and attention
Author Archives for Jenni
Colors, styles, hook and loop and snaps, basic or fancy, cloth diapering is more than just a way to catch the pee and poop.
Author Archives for Jenni
This is part 3 in my series on baby sleep. (Part 1, Part 2) Here are some more ideas for troubleshooting your baby’s sleep. Short Naps: Those 15-20 minute naps are killers! Just when you think you FINALLY get a break the baby is up before you have fully formed a thought about how relieved you are. This takes a little work on your part but it can help to stretch out naptimes. Put your baby down for a nap as usual, but don’t go anywhere. Sit nearby where you can hear when baby starts to stir. (This is where
Author Archives for Jenni
In my last post I wrote about setting up good sleep habits. But while setting up good habits gives you a general framework of good sleep, there are always still problems to be had. Here are the basics of a few: Days and Nights Mixed Up: A lot of babies start out their life like this. When you are newly postpartum and exhausted it can be hard to handle. Keeping the baby in bright rooms during the day and dark rooms at night help baby’s circadian rhythm to get sorted out better. Time itself is the only other cure. Startling/Fussy
Author Archives for Jenni
Almost the first thing out of anyone’s mouth when they start asking questions about someone’s baby is, “Are they sleeping through the night?” or “Is he a good sleeper?” No matter what the actual answer is, I usually just say yes and move on, I don’t really want to give everyone the play-by-play of how things are going with regards to our nighttime routines and how they may or may not be working right now. There are some people I know who have fabulous sleepers. Their children seem to sleep well from the day of birth and are easy to
Author Archives for Jenni
You might have noticed that I have not been around to post much lately. I place the entire blame on my now- eight month old who is going through a few new developmental stages that make using a computer fairly difficult. And even now she is trying her best to climb all over my laptop. A couple of weeks ago she hit what we call around here the Yo-yo Stage. She had mastered crawling and sitting and was enjoying playing with toys much more. She was a much happier baby now that she could choose what to do and where