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Kim Borchert

Kim is a birth and postpartum doula in Austin, Texas. She is the Mom to 6 children and has experienced both cesarean birth and home birth. She is a champion for VBAC's and postpartum support. In her free time (ha!) she likes to knit, sew, read, write, and take long walks with her podcasts.

You can find her on Instagram at @kimborchert.

Author Archives for Kim Borchert

Doula’s Guide to Packing a Labor Bag
September 14, 2017 10:00 am | by

You’ve taken your childbirth classes, breastfeeding classes, and newborn care classes. Baby showers are done, and you have all the sweet newborn clothes washed and put away. You are seeing your care provider weekly and your magical due date is inching closer on the calendar. You are feeling ready to welcome your sweet new baby into the world, but… what do you pack in your labor bag? As a doula, this is one of the questions I am asked most frequently. When I do prenatal visits in my client’s home, they will show me their bag and ask me to tell them what

Author Archives for Kim Borchert

Understanding Postpartum Mood Disorders
May 3, 2017 7:10 am | by
Understanding mood disorders - and how to get help when needed.

The number one complication from childbirth is not pelvic floor damage, hip pain, or cesarean scarring. The number one complication from childbirth is postpartum mood disorders. Postpartum Mood Disorder or PMD is the umbrella term used to describe postpartum depression, anxiety, and psychosis. PMD’s are different from the baby blues most experience. During pregnancy your hormones are at an all time high. These hormones help the baby develop, the placenta to do it’s job, and the body change to accommodate pregnancy. After delivery of the baby and placenta, those hormones leave the body, and it can be quite a drastic

Author Archives for Kim Borchert

A Doula’s Guide to Baby Prepping Your life
March 3, 2017 8:00 am | by

Everyday I see something new for babies; some new gadget, toy, or item that is guaranteed to make your life as parents easier. When reality hits though and your sweet bundle of love is home and in your arms, the items you will use the most are pretty minimal. Here are some tips of things you really need and how to get them when baby prepping your life. Prepping a Sleeping Space for the Baby Figure out where your baby is going to sleep. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends baby sharing a room with you for the first 6

Author Archives for Kim Borchert

Preparing for a Homebirth
February 20, 2017 8:00 am | by

Every year in the United States over 3 million babies are born. And more and more mothers are carefully considering their birth place options. While the majority of those births will happen in hospitals, for about 1% of the population, home is where they choose to birth. The reasons for choosing an out of hospital birth are varied, but it is very important to be prepared. Interview and Choose your Midwife I recommend researching about midwives, what they do, and what to expect. Midwives Alliance of North America, MANA, is a fantastic resource for this. To find a certified midwife, you

Author Archives for Kim Borchert

Birthplace Options – Understanding the Pros and Cons
December 21, 2016 8:00 am | by

As a Doula, one question I am asked repeatedly is, “what are my birthplace options?”. Many of my clients are first time parents, but there are some who have given birth before and want to know what choices they have. Birthplace Options There are pros and cons to all places for birth. Regardless where you choose to give birth, it is important to be aware of these pros and cons so you can make an informed and educated decision. Hospital Birth This is the most common place for people to give birth in the United States. OBGYNs and CNMs (Certified

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