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Melissa Ganim

Melissa is a mama to three adorable girls: Emmaline, Avianna and Eleanor. She enjoys hiking and watching wildlife in her backyard with the littles, cooking yummy food, spending time with friends and family, and love love loves coffee. With three adventurous little ones, a cat that acts like a dog and a husband with a fun, Lebanese family, life is never boring in Melissa's world.

Author Archives for Melissa Ganim

The Great Car Seat Shuffle
February 27, 2019 4:00 am | by

Recently, my middle daughter, Avianna, went to the doctor and was measured at 48 inches tall. This meant that she was only 1 inch away from outgrowing her Nuna Rava car seat. It was officially time for the great car seat shuffle! I already had a booster picked out for her, so I was ready to uninstall her Rava and install her new booster. I am a Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST), so I knew I could safely take on this task myself. I recommend always consulting a CPST for car seat installation or a safety check. I waited for

Author Archives for Melissa Ganim

Growing Kids, Car Seats, and Peer Pressure
October 11, 2018 4:00 pm | by
A CPST explains why her growing kids remain in car seats. It's not just about age, it's about a child's size.

I have three growing girls and I am also a Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) so car seat safety is never far from my mind. My 10-year-old in a low back booster, my almost 7-year-old in a Nuna Rava car seat that is forward facing and my 3-year-old in the same seat, but rear facing. I often get asked if my kids mind their seating arrangements, especially my older two girls. From time to time they do ask when they can ditch their car seats. I usually approach these questions from a safety standpoint. We discuss that for Emmaline, my

Author Archives for Melissa Ganim

How to Choose a Baby Carrier
October 5, 2017 11:50 am | by

Working in the Cotton Babies retail store, the staff and I often get asked, “What is the best baby carrier?” We can only truly begin to answer this question by understanding more about our customer and how they envision using their baby carrier. We need to understand a customer’s wants and needs before helping them to choose a baby carrier.  Keep in mind that many people choose to own multiple carriers to fit their various needs. Here are some things to consider when choosing a carrier: Will you be using your carrier primarily in your house? Will you be using

Author Archives for Melissa Ganim

Raising a Fiercely Determined Child
November 22, 2016 12:10 pm | by

I have a fiercely determined child.  She’s smart, beautiful, creative, and once she puts her mind to something, there is no stopping her.  You can try to slow her down, but actually stopping her from what she has set her heart on is highly unlikely.  Raising Avianna Marilyn has been a learning process for me. Avianna was born 5 years ago on a beautiful October morning.  Her birth was the easiest out of my three girls.  I was at the hospital for only 45 minutes before she was born, and the entire experience was amazing.  I pushed three times, and this

Author Archives for Melissa Ganim

Letting Go
November 7, 2016 10:00 am | by

Looking out my back window in itself can induce stress… if I let it. Or I can choose to simply let go and remember a much more enjoyable and important way to spend my time… Quality time with my girls. This is one of the many times I’ve learned letting go was more important than getting all the things done. Growing a Jungle of Weeds In the four summers we’ve lived in our house, I’ve managed to have a vegetable garden three out of four of those years. It has been a blast growing our own veggies and herbs, but this

Author Archives for Melissa Ganim

Introverted Mama Musings
September 13, 2016 7:00 am | by

Let’s chat for a moment about being a mom and an introvert.  I often feel that in a culture that caters more to extraverted people, it’s a little more difficult for us introverted mamas to chat about our lives.  Talking may not be the easiest thing for us introverts, but there is another way.  Writing, on the other hand, is  has always been by outlet (easier than talking), so let’s start a dialogue about being an introverted mama.  Before Kids I used my mornings to recharge and get ready for my days full of children and parents.  I used to teach early childhood special

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