Sometimes, cloth diapering a baby during the night-time hours can be a little tricky. There are a few things that experienced parents keep up our cloth diapering sleeves to make overnight cloth diapering easy. Here are seven of our favorite tips to make overnight cloth diapering easy at your house too! Double stuffing, or putting multiple inserts into one diaper, is a simple technique to get more absorbency out of your cloth diapers. For pocket diapers like the bumGenius 5.0, simply add another insert in the pocket. I like to use a newborn microfiber insert along with the one-size insert
Author Archives for Jessica von Wallenstein
Author Archives for Jessica von Wallenstein
Editor’s note: This blog post was written and intended to be published in time for Father’s Day. However, the newest addition to Jessica’s family had other plans in mind, which required some last minute edits. We’re happy to announce the arrival of another little one into the Cotton Babies family and hope you enjoy this piece, despite it’s slightly late arrival. The first baby my husband ever held was my nephew, for probably 3 minutes before handing him back to me. Fast forward 19 months, and the next baby he held was our daughter. I remember him asking me when
Author Archives for Jessica von Wallenstein
On the heels of Heather’s Laundry Lament, I bring you some tips on how to stay on top of your laundry during the busy & crazy times of life. Which, let’s face it, ends up being every other week this time of year between vacations, full schedules, lots of special events and fun summer activities. When you’re out and about it’s way easier to forget about the laundry in the hamper, or worse, in the washing machine and fall behind. Then you have a mountain of laundry to tackle all at once the night before you’re leaving for a trip
Author Archives for Jessica von Wallenstein
When I was pregnant with my first baby, I decided to look into cloth diapering. I had heard it was very different from the cloth diapering of the olden days, so I thought I would try and find some more information and then make an educated decision about whether I wanted to try it or use disposables. I immediately became overwhelmed. What were prefolds? How many diapers did I need? How do you wash cloth diapers? Isn’t it gross? Why would anyone want to do this, anyway? So if you’re feeling inundated with too much information, here are the highlights
Author Archives for Jessica von Wallenstein
Editor’s Note: As part of our Mom’s Week celebration, we asked our blog contributors to write a special post entitled, “Love, Mom” Throughout the week we will be sharing their posts with you. We hope you enjoy them and it inspires you to take a few moments to write to the most important people in your life and to sign it “Love, Mom”. ———- To my sweet baby girl, Can I still call you that? I know you’re not really a baby anymore. And if I didn’t know, you tend to hit me over the head with that fact with
Author Archives for Jessica von Wallenstein
Just like Claire, we sing a lot throughout the day. I make up little songs for finishing meals, sing the ABCs when brushing Vicki’s teeth, and nothing beats a good rendition of “The Wheels on the Bus” to calm down a cranky toddler in the car. But my favorite time to sing is bedtime. When I was a little girl, my mom used to sing us lullabies every night. The same songs, in the same order, all snuggled together on one of our beds. It was our signal that it was time to sleep. It was our reminder that we
Author Archives for Jessica von Wallenstein
Back when Vicki was 6 months old, I started taking her to swimming lessons. I prepared weeks in advance by registering her for swimming, buying her a bathing suit, and purchasing a reusable swim diaper. I was good to go. Everything went swimmingly (pun intended) for a few months, and we greatly enjoyed our weekly swim. Then it got cold and I dropped the ball and forgot to register for the winter session. By the time we went back to swimming, Vicki needed a new bathing suitand she had grown out of her swim diaper. As I was pressed for
Author Archives for Jessica von Wallenstein
We’ve been fortunate enough to take Vicki with us whenever we have traveled. While that provided many opportunities for fun and adventure, it’s also risky to be that far away from home, away from our routine, and experiencing a ton of new things all at once. No matter how much we plan in advance, something always goes awry. We’ve been through plenty of sleepless nights as she adjusted to a hotel room and different time zones, and had a few plane trips where the screaming just wouldn’t stop. But nothing compares to these two unforgettable memories. The very first time
Author Archives for Jessica von Wallenstein
Editor’s note: Today we bring to you two stories from real moms about nursing. We understand that each mother’s journey is different and at Cotton Babies we celebrate those differences. We encourage you to read both Jessica and Casey‘s stories. If you find one resonates with your personal experience, we ask you share some love with our guest bloggers by leaving them a note in the comments. ___ I always knew I wanted to breastfeed. I was happy to be able to do so successfully for 15 months. I didn’t read any books beforehand or take a class, so I
Author Archives for Jessica von Wallenstein
A better question would be, why not? You’re already using cloth diapers, for a wide variety of reasons – environmental, cost savings, convenience, and keeping chemicals away from your baby’s sweet tush. Cloth wipes take it one step further. One of the biggest reasons moms choose cloth diapers is to save money. Let’s face it, babies are expensive! Wipes are a small expense compared to some of the bigger items babies need, but every little bit counts. So how much would using cloth wipes save you? The average price of a baby wipe is $0.03/wipe*. Assuming a total of 5,340