bumGenius Birthday Bash
December 21, 2010 1:01 am

Five years ago today, the first shipment of bumGenius cloth diapers arrived at Cotton Babies. So today, we’re celebrating bumGenius’ 5th birthday with a giveaway.
If you are new to cloth diapering and haven’t heard the history of bumGenius, we invite you to take a few minutes to learn about how it all began in Jenn’s own words.
The bumGenius brand has come a long way in five short years, from a white pocket style diaper to a dozen colors, five Artist series prints, and three styles of bumGenius diapers (one size pocket, AIO and Elemental). The bumGenius line also inspired new cloth diapering products like the Flip and Econobum diapering systems to make cloth diapers accessible to more families.
As part of our bumGenius Birthday Bash, today we will be giving out 5 packs of bumGenius cloth diapers. You could win a 5 pack of bumGenius Artist Series Tiny Socialite Collection cloth diapers in 4.0 or Elemental styles or a 5 pack of the recently returned bumGenius 4.0 brights cloth diapers.
To enter for your chance to win, please leave a comment on this blog post sharing how bumGenius has affected you or your family’s life. As a Cotton Babies customer and staff member, I would love to see Jenn and Jimmy showered with stories of how their hard work has helped so many families. (Surprise, Jenn!)
Eligible entries must be posted today, Tuesday, December 21, 2010. U.S. Residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be notified via e-mail.
Winners will be selected by predetermined post times. Cotton Babies staff has a list of 5 predetermined times (CST) today (for example, 12:01 a.m. CST). The post with the Blogger time stamp closest to the appointed time will be the winner. In the event of multiple posts with the same time stamp at the same minute, a randomizer will be used to select the winner.
Happy Birthday BumGenius! The first brand of cloth I have tried is bumgenius. The others don’t compare. I love our bum genius diapers! Thanks so much for making such a great quality diaper.
We have yet to start cloth diapering but are starting to build up our stash to start this weekend!! Both my husband and I work and thought that cloth diapering wouldn’t be possible. Then after talking to some friends found out how easy BumGenius was to us and how much they loved it!! I just put in my first order for them and can’t wait to start!!
Bumgenius ia all we use. Love them.
Happy Birthday BG!!! 2 years ago I received 4 BG 3.0’s OS for my baby shower!! It was my favorite gift of all of them! I slowly slowly built up my stash until finally I could get rid of all my prefolds and use my BG 100% of the time! We have not turned back! My stash of 25 diapers include 23 BG and that makes me so happy!
Thank you for helping us to save the environment and save my baby’s little bum from toxic chemicals!!! Thanks for making her bum look absolutely adorable!
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!
Bum genius is the reason I cloth diaper. It is fast, doesn’t leak and
I love the fit. Happy birthday!
Happy 5th birthday bumgenious!!! I’ve been cloth diapering for about 9 months now, and I owe it all to cotton babies! I was a huge skeptic, and said that I would never ever use cloth diapers. Well, I got curious, and ordered some flips. I was floored by how easy they were to use and wash, and how cute and economical they were! I’ve splurged and invested in various bumgenious diapers……I definitely call it a splurge, because while they are still an economical choice, they are just so easy to use and so well made that I feel as if I’m putting my babie’s bum in something luxurious 🙂 thank you bumgenious and cotton babies!!
HaPpY bIrThDaY! may you be blessed for another 50 years! my favorite diapers are the BG 4.0 (love the snaps) and the Flips!!
vkc922 [at] cox [dot] net
I never even tried cloth until baby #8 and I LOVE it!! I wish I would of tried earlier, but maybe I was waiting til you perfected your diapers 🙂 I might of given up if it wasn’t so easy and convienant to use. I think I’ve got my whole family converted now!
My wife has saved our family so much money using your diapers. Cotton Babies are by far her favorite!
vcoday at cox dot net
I am expecting my second child and have decided to start cloth diapering. I wanted to do it with my first but was too scared. I have searched and searched and Bum Genius seems to be the top choice brand that I keep coming back to. I have never even seen a cloth diaper in my life, nor do I know anyone who does it… but I am excited, nervous, and happy to choose them over disposables.
I consider bumGenius as my “entry drug”! A friend showed me theirs when my daughter was only 4 months old, and I loved them! So simple! I bought them six at a time until I had 12, and I diapered my 5 month old and my 2 year old with them at the same time, and washed daily.
Now that I’m on my 3rd baby, I’ve branched out a bit, but bumGenius diapers, Flip, and Econobum are still major parts of our stash, and Cottonbabies will always be a part of my cloth diapering journey!
Happy Birthday!
This company has changed my life by being one of the first on my bookmarked websites! Seriously!
I think it has also furthered my role as an educator. I am a science and health teacher by trade, and so I do like giving people advice or sharing facts with them. I hate our American disposable norm and I feel like with your products, I am able to give good advice for what to use, as well as to practice what I preach in terms of using less and doing more with our money.
Speaking of money… I had the benefit of being a stay at home mom for the first year of my son’s life and a part time working mom for the next few months. I think our spending habits had a lot to do with this. I think your company encourages breast feeding and cloth diapering, the two resources that were able to free up a lot of money and let us live on less, but get more out of life.
As a fellow Missourian, I feel excited when I tell people that your business is in St. Louis! I also think its amazing how young your company is. It makes me feel challenged to follow my ideas because you have set such a great example.
When I started cloth diapering last May, Cotton Babies was the first source of information that really made CDing seem accessible for me. I was interested in pocket diapers but hesitant to buy the BG 3.0 that was out at the time because I knew I didn’t want an aplix diaper. So when the 4.0s came out with snaps I was so excited! I love my 4.0 and really want to get more. They are my favorite nighttime diaper, the wide pocket is so easy to stuff with my Cotton Babies prefolds and keep my toddler’s jammies dry until morning. Thank you for all your hard work and Congratulations on your success. Happy Birthday!
I love Bum Genius, because my son loves them. He doesn’t even get upset when his diaper is wet (unlike the disposable diapers). They are so easy to use that even my husband prefers to use them over disposables. They look adorable, and we are saving so much money.
I love my BG 3.0s. Cloth diapering is one of hte things that has allowed me to save the money necessary to quit my job and stay home with my son. It also seems to help keep his sensitive skin happier than disposables do. I show my diapers off to people all the time, and they’re always shocked at how far CDing has come!
Cloth diapering/BG have had such a positive impact on my family’s budget! We received most of our Elemental diapers as gifts, and it has just been the biggest blessing to not have to buy diapers with our baby! We love how functional they are, how great they really work, and how totally cute they are.
I’m new to the whole cloth diapering world, but I do look forward to helping the environment.
Happy Birthday!
I started using cloth diapers on our third child when she was six months old. We are now expecting our fourth child and are very excited to cloth diaper a newborn(yeah no rinsing poo). Bum Genius is our favorite brand of cloth diapers and because we started cloth diapering we now are much more conscious of how all of our decisions affect the world our children will grow up in!
Thank You Bum Genius!
BumGenius is the first diaper we tired, and even though we’ve branched out, BumGeinus still makes up 80% of our diapers. I’m excited to know that I’m filling the world with less waste, and putting only the best on my baby’s bum. I can’t thank you enough for making it so simple to use cloth diapers.
Flip diapers were the first cloth diapers I purchased, they were a great introduction to cloth diapering. Since then I have used pre-folds and econobum covers, and Bumgenius which I also LOVE. Bumgenius truly makes cloth diapering so easy. Love to hear about all the great things Cotton Babies is doing it, I love buying products from a company that contributes to it’s community! Happy Birthday!!
I ordered some fleece pocket diapers before my baby was born, and bought two Bum Genius’ to try as well. After he got here, we quickly started grabbing the BG over fleece. They are so compact for cloth dipes, and easy to clean. I have been slowly adding them to my stash when I can. We love them!
I have been cloth diapering for a little over a year now and have been using our BG’s the entire time! I decided to go with your diapers when I was pregnant – I was fortunate to have had a store in the area that carried several kinds of diapers and even though I hadn’t ever changed a cloth diaper before, I could tell that the Bum Genius brand diapers were, hands down, the best ones! I was dumb and wasted my money and bought one of each, just in case… out of the five brands I bought, I only bought more of the BGs and have since expanded my fluff collection to include Flips and econobums!
Using these diapers has been such a positive thing to everyone in my little family! Between using the diapers, breast feeding and making my own baby food through the past year, I have NEVER had to stop in the baby aisle in the grocery store and I LOVE that! We save so much money, which has allowed us live more comfortably, we’re actually able to put a little away each month, when that definitely wouldn’t be possible if we were spending several hundred on diapers each month!
I also love the friendships that I’ve made! I had joined a ‘mommy and me’ group at the hospital that I gave birth to my child at – when other moms had seen how easy it was to use your diapers, they made the switch too! I have several friends who actually saved SO much money that they were able to stay home with their children instead of going back to work!
We recently started using cloth diapers. With an 11 month old, and another due in 3 weeks, it was a no-brainer decision for our family. I only have one BG diaper, unfortunately. But it is my absolute favorite, and my go-to-diaper for my daughter at bedtime. I would love to win, and help build up my stash. We have been really struggling to get enough dipes for both babies. Thanks for the chance!
BG has always been my “leave the house” diapers. They are easy to use and work for us.
ginger c at gmail dot com
Happy Birthday! I love my Bumgenius. I hope to use them a long time.
I started with cloth diapers when my second child was 9 months old and with a different brand. about 3 hours after giving birth to my 3rd child I ordered 19 bumgenius 3.0 one size. I had never used them with a newborn so I was nervous. My third child is now 3 months old and we have never had a single blow out until this past weekend, because we went out of town I decided to use diposables while we were gone and almost every single b.m. was a leaky mess. I couldn’t wait to get back home to my leak free Bum Genius. I will never use disposable again. On a side not my husband is more than willing to change diapers this time around because of their ease of use. He would change diapers when I was using the other brand of cloth. Thanks Bum Genius just in case i win my email is Angeil1@yahoo.com
Happy Birthday! I suspect I’m a bit late to this particular party, lol, but all the same.
Honestly, I suspect the BGs are the difference between my husband enjoying cloth diapering and just tolerating it. They’re absolutely the diaper that I stock in the diaper bag; they’re both easy to use, and great to show off if someone asks. 😀
I bought my first BumGenius before my first son was even born! I now have mostly 2.0s and 3.0, but would LOVE some new ones. Many of my diapers are one their last legs, as they have been used for 2 or more children. I love the money saving benefits of cloth!
I cloth-diapered a li’l girl who pooped approx. 5 times a day. I thought this was normal till I spoke to other moms. I won some crazy lottery. I believe that had I not cloth diped her, her occasional bouts of diaper rash would have been more extreme than they were. I again will be cloth diapering my soon-to-be-born babe and hope that s/he does not take after big sis in this way.
We started out with prefolds and covers with our 1st child 3 years ago. After investigating we found BumGenius! We ordered some, and now 3 years and 3 kids later…We still have a couple of the FIRST ones we ever owned, in use on our 3rd baby! They are on there last leg, BUT, I am impressed that they have been worn and washed NON-STOP for 3 straight years!!! We love your product!
Happy birthday BumGenius! Your line of amazing products have been tried and true in our family – from BG 3.0, BG 4.0, econobums, flips, hemp babies, insert socks – they’re all great and so interchangeable too! Looking forward to using them all on baby #2, doing wonders to help our baby budget and the environment too 🙂
– Winnie
Cloth diapering has saved us so much money and really helps us to keep our children rash free. Thank you for making such a fantastic product :)-kellyrichir@yahoo.com
We just recently started cloth diapering our 5 month old and 2 year old. I did alot of research and started with the Flip diapers and then got a Bumgenius 3.0 and now I am loving the pocket diapers and keep buying more and more 3.0s and my little one just received his first 4.0 for Christmas 🙂 I know in the long run it is going to save us a lot of money and is so much better for our children and the environment. I have tried a lot of different brands and I am so glad you came up with the Bumgenius because it is truly wonderful!!
Thank you, Kelly
I can’t tell you how Bum Genius has affected my life, because I haven’t started using cloth yet. I did just place my first order for Econobum and anticipate trying different brands and styles of diapers as our budget allows. Winning these diapers would get us off to a great start in trying other diapers! 🙂 And Happy Birthday to Bum Genius.
Happy Birthday bumGenius! I don’t think I would have ever cloth diapered without your product. I started with just three of your diapers to give it a try. I realized that I liked them and bought a whole stash! My son will be two in February and I have been cloth diapering him since he was about 2 months old. I am currently pregnant with our second child and I can’t wait to cloth diaper a newborn. My bumGenius are by far my favorite diaper. Thank you for your product, we love them.
We love all the cotton babies diapers. I tried bumgenius pockets after having fit problems with medium old style fuzzi buns. Then we switched completely to 3.0 pockets for a long time. Last year, I got into the bumgenius AIO’s with my second born, and in the spring got into the flip diapers. We are still loving the flip system, but lately my son is wearing elementals more and more. We also like the new fit of the 4.0 pockets. It’s great to have so many options with snaps now. I feel so strongly about cloth diapering, I started working in a store that sells diapers.
Happy Birthday BumGenius! First diapers i ever bought when I started cloth diapering my son. Still my favorite diaper! Can’t believe how far BumGenius has come in just 5 years!!!!
We used Bum Genius when our daughter was born and love it! They were so easy to use (and clean) that even the grandparents got on board. We’ve had such a positive cloth diapering experience because of them that I can’t help but talk my friends into trying them as well! Thank you so much for making one of my dreams (to cloth diaper) so easy. 🙂
My husband and I are foster parents to little ones. BG has helped us soo much! In total we have had 6 babies come through our home and two birth children. You have saved us a ton of money. I can use the same set of diapers for any size baby or toddler we receive! Right now we are diapering with 4.0’s on a 2 year old, 1 year old and 2.5 month old. Thanks BG!
Happy Birthday! We wanted to try cloth diapers from the start with my son but didn’t have any luck with the first type of cloth we tried. Luckily our neighbor told us about your BumGenius diapers and we have been using our 4.0s ever since (we have also added Fips and Econobums to our stash). Thanks for a great product!
Happy BG Birthday!! lol
I have just recently started CDing my seven month old son and I LOVE IT. I have 14 BG pockets, 2 fuzzibunz, and 2 rumparooz! The Bum genius pocket diapers are my favorite by far!
Happy Birthday Cotton Babies! We started cloth diapering our 26 month old when she was 2 months old. From birth to the time we switched to cd she had terrible diaper rashes. We tried everything, switching brands, every cream imaginable inlcuding presciption but nothing worked. We had planned on using bum genius 3.0s and had been building up a stash but being 1st time parents weren’t sure how overwhelmng everything would be and were wating untill we had a footing so to speak before we switched to cloth. Little did we know how easy it would be! When we finally made the switch our daughter’s untreatable rash cleared up within 24 hours! We love cloth diapering and spreading the word about how economical, eco-friendly, and easy it is with cotton babies! Now our two year old demands “soft diaper” and we have a 5 month old who has been a cotton baby since birth!
Flips were the first system I purchased when I decided to use cloth. My daughter was already 20 months, and I was worried about “getting my money’s worth” out of cloth. But after reading about the cottonbabies products, and seeing affordable options for our family, I decided to give it a try! So glad I did!
Well, since my first child isn’t due for another 3 weeks, I don’t yet have any stories to share about using BGs. That will change, however! I am very excited about being able to use this product to save both the environment (I feel sad when I see babies diapered in plastic disposables) and money for my household.
When I initially started my cloth diaper research, the only cloth diapers I knew were the thick white rectangles that needed to be pinned. I was so happy to find that someone has taken the disposable diaper idea and made it so much better. I can’t wait to change my baby’s first cloth diaper!
–Angela at zephyrsfolly@hotmail.com
I LOVE my bumgenius diapers. I used them on my 3 year old, and I currently us them on my 16 month old, and I will also use them on my new baby due this summer! They have saved me ridiculous amounts of money and have saved my kids a lot of pain from rashes! Everything i put sposies on their little bums they would get rashes so we stick with our BG’s. They are SUCH a good value for the money and last forever. Thanks for such an awesome product and happy birthday!
Isaiahsmom27 at yahoo dot com
We love the ease of Bum Genius:) Plus, people are just amazed by them all the time! I love being able to share cloth diaper love with anyone watching me change my baby boy!!
3 years ago when my daughter Grace was born I thought I had heard a lot about cloth diapers but still had in my mind the old pins and prefolds. The day I found out I was pregnant I googled cloth diapers, came across bum genius and ordered just 1 to see what it was like. I was amazed. There was a lady in our town here in Alaska who had an online diaper shop so I went to her house and she showed me all the new diaper technology. I was amazed. That day I bought $300 worth of diapers. It took a while to get in the groove because I wasn’t educated on how to use, wash etc them so we had lots of failures but I’m proud to say we are on baby #3 now and fully cloth diapering 2. I’m thrilled that bum genius came to be and someone had it in them to invent something so amazing!!
Opps sorry for the multiple posts above. I kept getting an error and i didn’t think my comment posted.
I used disposable diapers on my daughter for almost 11 months. Cloth diapering never crossed my mind. It was never an option to me since I had visions of diaper cloths, pins and plastic pants…yuck.
One day I went over my friend’s house who happened to be cloth diapering her son just a few months older than my daughter. She showed me a BumGenius and my response was “It has snaps!?!” this is not at all what I had envisioned. She explained how simple it was to do. I was very intrigued by this diaper.
Later that month I was invited to another friend’s home to a cloth diapering party. As I was walking out the door my husband yelled to me “you’re not buying anything”. Right…we have all heard that line before. At the party I was blown away and overwhelmed with all the choices there were. But in my mind I was committed to cloth diapering, where my husband was aware or not. Like a good wife I called him and negotiated with him. The deal was I could spend $100 dollars but he was not going to change a single one. I agreed.
So now it came down to deciding which diaper to get. I was still overwhelmed my all the choices and not really sure what I was getting my self into. In the end the BumGenius 4.0 met all the requirements I was looking for. It was a one size diaper so I didn’t have to worry about my daughter out growing them and I could use it for our next child. I liked the look, the closure style, the snaps and it didn’t seem as bulky as some of the other diapers. Last but not least it was affordable I could buy 5 and get my 6th free and still be under budget.
I was so excited to get my diapers from the party. I was hooked immediately. The BumGenius 4.0 met all my expectations and more. I couldn’t believe how dry my daughter’s bottom stayed. For the first week or two I couldn’t figure out if she had peed or not since the diaper worked so well. I felt stupid, here I was with a almost one year old and I couldn’t tell if she needed a diaper change. HAHAHA! Thank you BUMGENIUS FOR MAKING SUCH A GREAT DIAPER!
YAY for birthdays!
We started CDing with Bum Genius diapers this spring, when our baby turned 8 weeks. I don’t have other diapers to compare it to, but I feel glad that I am putting something near my baby’s bum that isn’t full of chemicals, and that our diapering is hurting the environment less than using disposables would. After 8 months of using Bum Genius, I am thrilled at how well our diapers work, and how well they wear. Thank you for a terrific product!
I started potty training my then 2-year-old in February. He had decided that he didn’t want to wear prefold diapers anymore, and that was all we had. For six months, we tried. and then went back to diapers. As I struggled through the battle to get him into a diaper, I decided to buy one or two pocket diapers to see if they would inspire him. Because a friend had recommended them, we bought Bum Genius. The battle was over. My son loves picking between “Leakless” and “Chick Hicks.” My husband smiles. When I was asked about cloth diapering this Thanksgiving, he chimed in: “The snap Bum Genius are the only way to go!”
Thanks for saving my sanity, and happy birthday.
When I was pregnant with my dtr the subject came up many times weather to cloth diaper or use disposables. My response was alway a loud roar of laughter and a quick answer of “disposables”. My vision of cloth diapering was boring white diaper cloth, pins and plastic pants…def not for me. So the first 11 months of my daughters life I used disposables. I hated all the trash, it seemed like I was always at the store buying diapers and the nursery stunk. But what choice did I have?
On day I went over my friend’s house who happened to be cloth diapering her son just a few months older than my daughter. She showed me a BumGenius and my response was “It has snaps!?!” this is not at all what I had envisioned. She explained how simple it was to do. I was very intrigued by this diaper.
Later that month I was invited to another friend’s home to a cloth diapering party. As I was walking out the door my husband yelled to me “you’re not buying anything”. Right…we have all heard that line before. At the party I was blown away and overwhelmed with all the choices there were. But in my mind I was committed to cloth diapering, where my husband was aware or not. Like a good wife I called him and negotiated with him. The deal was I could spend $100 dollars but he was not going to change a single one. I agreed.
So now it came down to deciding which diaper to get. I was still overwhelmed my all the choices and not really sure what I was getting my self into. In the end the BumGenius 4.0 met all the requirements I was looking for. It was a one size diaper so I didn’t have to worry about my daughter out growing them and I could use it for our next child. I liked the look, the closure style, the snaps and it didn’t seem as bulky as some of the other diapers. Last but not least it was affordable I could buy 5 and get my 6th free and still be under budget.
I was so excited to get my diapers from the party. I was hooked immediately. The BumGenius 4.0 met all my expectations and more. I couldn’t believe how dry my daughter’s bottom stayed. For the first week or two I couldn’t figure out if she had peed or not since the diaper worked so well. I felt stupid, here I was with a almost one year old and I couldn’t tell if she needed a diaper change. HAHAHA! Thank you for making such a wonderful diaper.
Using Bum Genius at night on her wakeful 3 month old baby boy means my exhausted daughter gets more sleep at night! Now her sister wants to try them on her 7 month old baby girl. They both LOVE the flip covers! Hmmm, doesn’t it sound like grandma needs to do some more Cotton Baby shopping? 🙂
When I was pregnant with my dtr the subject came up many times weather to cloth diaper or use disposables. My response was alway a loud roar of laughter and a quick answer of “disposables”. My vision of cloth diapering was boring white diaper cloth, pins and plastic pants…def not for me. So the first 11 months of my daughters life I used disposables. I hated all the trash, it seemed like I was always at the store buying diapers and the nursery stunk. But what choice did I have?
On day I went over my friend’s house who happened to be cloth diapering her son just a few months older than my daughter. She showed me a BumGenius and my response was “It has snaps!?!” this is not at all what I had envisioned. She explained how simple it was to do. I was very intrigued by this diaper.
Later that month I was invited to another friend’s home to a cloth diapering party. As I was walking out the door my husband yelled to me “you’re not buying anything”. Right…we have all heard that line before. At the party I was blown away and overwhelmed with all the choices there were. But in my mind I was committed to cloth diapering, where my husband was aware or not. Like a good wife I called him and negotiated with him. The deal was I could spend $100 dollars but he was not going to change a single one. I agreed.
So now it came down to deciding which diaper to get. I was still overwhelmed my all the choices and not really sure what I was getting my self into. In the end the BumGenius 4.0 met all the requirements I was looking for. It was a one size diaper so I didn’t have to worry about my daughter out growing them and I could use it for our next child. I liked the look, the closure style, the snaps and it didn’t seem as bulky as some of the other diapers. Last but not least it was affordable I could buy 5 and get my 6th free and still be under budget.
I was so excited to get my diapers from the party. I was hooked immediately. The BumGenius 4.0 met all my expectations and more. I couldn’t believe how dry my daughter’s bottom stayed. For the first week or two I couldn’t figure out if she had peed or not since the diaper worked so well. I felt stupid, here I was with a almost one year old and I couldn’t tell if she needed a diaper change. HAHAHA!
I have been cloth diapering now for only a month and a half and I love it. I am never going back to disposables again. I love doing something positive for the environment and my daughter at the same time and her bottom looks so darn cute. I just wish it were summer time so she doesn’t need to wear pants.
Thank You BumGenius for making a great diaper. Happy 5 years!!!
We are really new to the cloth diaper thing but we love your brand a lot so easy! The AIOs are my fav! happy Birthday!!!
Friends of ours registered for 3.0s back in 2008, and I remembered thinking, “Cloth diapers? Are they nuts??” But when I was pregnant and facing medical bills, daycare costs and a general increase in expense, I realized that cloth diapers might just be a small part of the solution. We had those friends over for dinner and they kindly answered all our questions: How do the diapers work, Is poop gross, How often do you wash diapers, Do you have blowouts…. The list went on.
When the D-Day arrived, I couldn’t wait to get home and use the diapers. The diapers are awesome — and cost effective. Our home daycare person has no problem with cloth once we showed her how it works. (In fact, there’s a new baby she watches whose parents use the 4.0’s — and they were so glad to hear that our kid uses CD too!)
Now, there seems to be a CD revolution within my circle of friends. One of my BFFs has a two month old and is using a mix of 3.0 and 4.0. A mutual pregnant friend of ours just registered for 4.0s at a local boutique. Other friends are talking about CD when they have children.
Word of mouth for BumGenius has worked wonders in my social circle. Everyone loves BG for their ease, cost savings and general awesomeness. So just wait Jenn — You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!!!!
I was lucky to receive BG diapers as a baby shower gift. My daughter ended up being born almost 2 months early and was in the hospital for 3 weeks. We were fortunate that the hospital let us “live there” at no charge while our baby was there. While in the hospital we had several life changing moments (besides the shock of just having our baby early since I had no pregnancy complications). Losing jobs, gaining jobs, selling a house, finding a temporary home, moving out of state and extended maternity leave that included a big pay cut–these were a few of the things we were dealing with at the time. Anyway, after paying hospital bills and draining our savings we had to save in any way possible. I was so thankful to have the bum genius diapers! My main reason for cloth diapering was to reduce my carbon footprint, but I’m so glad it has saved us money! Thanks bum genius! 🙂
Happy Birthday, BG!
BG has made it possible for us to continue CDing after I went back to work.
My daycare provider is awesome and has been so generous to tolerate CDS and has actually told me that if she’d known it was “so easy” she would have CD’d her kids.
Live and learn…and inspire others!
We love our bumGenius diaps! It’s what started us in the world of cloth diapering. I don’t think I could made the change or convince my husband to use cloth if the system wasn’t so easy.With #2 on its way, I’m looking forward to bringing out the diapers again and saving some $$ Thanks for such a great product & happy birthday! 🙂
I am a grandma(of one)and day care provider (20 children in the day care)..when my own children were little I used the “old cloth diapers–pins and plastic pants)…more for the cost than saving our planet. Now before my grandson was born (now 6 months old)–I started researching how cloth diapers have improved with time–not only are they saving money but saving our earth. I talked with several people about bumGenius—and ordered his 1st pack–using them only at the day care—it was only a couple of weeks before my daughter and her husband were sold on the idea—-and now they use them all the time—and also 2 other babies in the day care have switched over—so Happy Birthday–and keep the new ideas coming!!!!
Happy birthday BG! I’m on vacation and unable to bring my BGs 🙁 I thought my daughter was just being a stinker by continuously removing her own diaper (disposable), come to find out she just won’t wear anything else but cloth! I can’t say I blame her, I guess once you go cloth you can never go back!
BumGenius makes it possible to cloth diaper my baby full time as they are the ones my husband likes to use on my daughter, and they are the diapers that the day care agreed to use. We are thrilled with them!
My little one will be a month on Christmas and we’ve been in Bum Genius diapers for a whole week now! His little red bottom is perfectly pink (instead of the nicely chaffed red from disposables) and I am finding it to be quite simple to diaper him in cloth. I love using these diapers for the simple fact that I am helping to give my baby a better bottom and a cleaner planet. THANK YOU!!!
Missy from Illinois
I LOVE my bumGenius diapers. With DS1, I cloth diapered part time but always had him in disposables for night time. He did not like the feel of wet and would not sleep well in cloth. When DS2 was born, an aquaintance told me about bumGenius–she was out to convert as many people as she could! I ended up buying two used 3.0 diapers from her and loved them. I now have 10 bumGenius (mostly 4.0), six Flip covers and 8 Flip stay-dry (and just received 4 more). Because of the bumGenius and Flip stay-dry feature, DS2 is in cloth diapers full-time except for trips and the occasional diaper rash. I really like the one-size aspect to keeping my diaper stash stream-lined, too.
Melanie Nygaard
my_rabbit_barn at yahoo dot com
Happy 5th Birthday!! Thank you so much for dedicating your lives to providing the best quality cloth diapers for babies! We love our bumGenius and Flip diapers. bumGenius diapers are our go-to diapers..they are the best quality, clean so well, and fit comfortably on our little man. In fact, these are the diapers I always try to send to daycare because of their ease of use!! Flip covers and inserts are awesome too…we love them. I have been dying to try an Artist Series diaper and get a few of the brights for my baby on the way…a little girl this time!! 🙂 Thank you again for your amazing products!
jennifer_atchison at hotmail dot com
i started CD’ing with almost all BG’s and couldnt have been happier. i love how the cotton babies stores have used diapers, which helped me get my stash for sure!
Bg has helped convince my husband to give cds a chance. He sees how easy they are to use and plays with the velcro:) It definitely has helped show him we can do it easily with our kids!
BumGenius is by far our favorite cloth diaper. We started cloth diapering about 9 months ago, using a diaper trial, and the BG 3.0 pocket diaper was the very first cloth diaper to go on my baby’s bottom. I was instantly in love. So soft! So adorable! So leakproof!
Happy birthday, and a huge THANK YOU for saving my baby’s bottom from those icky disposable diapers. 🙂
lisadawnchase at gmail dot com
We started using Bumgenius when my cousin introduced us to the whole world of cloth diapers! We use prefolds and econobum covers during the day and night time we use our small stash of BG diapers. I wouldn’t change and go back to disposables even if they were free! Living on one small budget that my husband makes is a lot easier with our cloth diapers! Thanks for all you’ve accomplished because we love our diapers!!
Happy B’day BumGenius! We (my darling 8 month old son and I) have been extremely lucky to have you in our lives. You have been the best decision I have made as a mom. I am saving each one of you for my future babies too 🙂 Happy B’day once again and wish you many many more..
Congratulations on 5 years!! May you continue to do wonderful things for our world, our family budgets and our children’s bottoms! Thank you!!
BumGenius is what opened my eyes to the world of cloth. I always thought cloth diapering was the old traditional pins and buckets of bleach. Silly me! Once I discovered BumGenius I became addicted. I was able to cloth diaper my son with BG 3.0’s and I’m now using FLIPS on my daughter (along with my 3.0’s.) 🙂 I love BumGenius and get excited telling everyone about it!
Thanks for all you do!
I knew when my husband and I started talking about family I wanted to cloth diaper. Once we found out we were pregnant I started my research. Months and months of research!! Once all was said and done, we were at our local retailer (The Little Seedling) buying our stash of BumGenius 3.0’s. Everyone doubted us, even had a friend look to see how much I could resell them for “when it didn’t work out”. 16 months later I am a huge BG fan, and avid spokesperson. BumGenius has been a reason for me to be able to stay at home with my little girl Tegan. The cost of not having to purchase disposable diapers has been amazing for our budget! My husband and I always talk about how cloth diapering has been one of the greatest parenting decisions we have made!! Thank you for being such an awesome company! You guys rock!
We love our BG diapers. We use a mix of Flip, 3.0s, and Elemental. They make cloth diapering so easy and so affordable. Using cloth is one of the reasons that I am able to stay home with our precious new daughter and hopefully more babies to come. I love every minutes of it!! 🙂
Having friends who cloth diapered old school (gerber prefolds, plastic pants, and soaking pails), I swore I would never cloth diaper. Then my little bundle of joy entered the world…eczema and all.
I started reading about the “new” cloth diapers, and how well BG 3.0’s were! After a terrible chemical burn from a sposie that will remain nameless, hubby supported my somewhat crazy idea (or so he thought at the time) and ordered a dozen 3.0’s. My plan was to use these only at home, but to my surprise (and my hubby’s) they were too easy to not use. My then 18 month old also had an opinion…if I so much as went near the sposie basket she’d ask for a “soft one” instead. After thinking through how rough those sposies were, she won. Her skin, and hubby’s wallet couldn’t have been happier. Now my little miss is 4 and long been potty trained, but still has issues at night. Thankfully your 4.0’s with snaps work like a charm as a night time pull up, and I get to still purchase fluff!!!
So, at one time hubby and I thought cloth diapering was a crazy idea. Now, we think we were crazy for taking 18 months to come around to it!!! Even my hubby has convinced unsure dad’s to be. Thank you BumGenius for helping us make a VERY good decision!!!!
Where do you begin when you are in love with CD’ing your precious baby & you only own BG’s!?I love the comfort they provide my LO on his sensitive skin,the cost savings&we aren’t contributing to the landfills!Happy Birthday Bumgenuis&thank-you Jen!!Merry Christmas!
Thank you for making such a wonderful diaper. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
sarah (at) 2ghz (dot) net
After finding out we were expecting not one baby, but two, we realized I would not be returning to work. We’ve had to work hard at adjusting our budget to allow for this. BumGenius has helped make this all possible for us. We save lots of money cloth diapering our 4 month old twins and I am loving every minute of being home with them. Since many of our cloth diapers were shower gifts, we’ve saved even more. (I am so excited the brights are back by the way!)
When I found out I was pregnant, the thing I wanted most was to stay home with my child. We decided to use cloth diapers and wipes to help relieve some of the baby expense, so I could stay home. Little did we know how much we would love them, too. Thanks Bumgenius!
We love bumGenius in our house! When baby boy developed a SEVERE diaper rash @ 2 weeks old and nothing would clear it up, we decided to give cloth a try and purchased a few flip covers and stay dry inserts to use “just until he was better”. Here we are, exactly one year later still using those flip diapers and have been rash free since!
We were instantly hooked and I have become addicted to BG! We have expanded our stash to include BG AIO, BG 3.0 and would love to add the 4.0!
We started cloth diapering our youngest when he was 3 months old… I was in the hospital for 2 weeks during mid-pregnancy and I researched online for a better way then disposables.. with all that was going on I didn’t mention it to my husband till our new son was born and I was fed up with rash after rash on his little bum.. I was also fed up with all the blow outs and piles of laundry… I told my husband there has got to be a better way and I then decided to do a bit more research on cloth.. I told him that I was going to order some but there was a lot of different styles and brands to choose from… He sat down with me and we looked at several different brands and styles we decided to try 2 different brands and styles.. I immediately fell in love with the 3 BumGenius 3.0’s we orders and I sold the other brand as they were not for us.. We ordered more 3.0’s and a few other pockets.. We defiantly Love our BG’s..
Happy 5 years!! I first heard about cloth diapering through a friend of mine. I thought she was nuts!! Then I had my own son and experienced the awful smelly chemicals of disposables! I then did a little research and asking around about cloth diapering. It didn’t take long to realize that it was the best decision for our family! It saves us tons if money, not to mention the impact environmentally! I feel proud every time I change his diaper that he looks cute in his bg’s and that we are doing the best possible for his little tush! Thank you fir making such a user friendly, comfy, cute, affordable, long lasting product! E are a cloth diaper family and proud of it!!!
…and just to say it… we went to our new daycare today and I was so nervous to explain CD’s to them… they said it’d be fine, but we were worried because they’re not that popular around here. I planned on taking only BGs there because they’re by far the easiest we have. The daycare lady was an old pro! She was so happy to see we had BGs! Man… a day care in a small town, who’d have guessed they’d be all over this! I’m so happy right now I could sing! This is my first baby, and this’ll be my first time leaving her anywhere without me, at least I know they love our diapers! Thank you BG for making such a friendly product!
we Love our BG diapers!
Right around when the 4.0s came out, we decided to switch our daughter to cloth diapers. We tried a bunch of them, but bum Genius were the only ones that actually fit our skinny, long girl without being overly bulkier. We loved them right away. Now, months later, we would never go back! You have helped us save so much money and help the environment. Thank you so much and happy birthday!
We are new to cloth diapering but after looking at the products we decided to a few to try out. Can’t wait to use them. and happy birthday
Remembering my mom doing prefolds and plastic pants, I was 100% certain I was not even going to consider doing cloth diapers. And THEN! A post on LLL forums introduced me to bumGenius 2.0, and I was intrigued! The option to return it if we didn’t like it helped me convince my husband, and we bought ONE green bumGenius for our little boy in 2007. Pretty soon we accumulated a whole stash of bumGenius, then added some pink ones for new baby sister, and now we’re CDing our third baby with the same diapers, plus some Econobums! Thank you for the introduction to a whole new world!
We have purchased a bunch of BumGenius diapers: elementals, 3.0’s, and the 4.0’s in both hook and loop and snaps! We’re still waiting for the baby to get here (5 days!) but we’re very excited to start trying our cloth diapers. It was an easy decision for us to go with cloth and with all the many BumGenius options it was clear what brand we should be using! Happy 5th Birthday!
We love our BG’s and just got our first elementals. My daughter is almost 4 and we are now using her BGOS 3.0 on our new daughter. I love cottonbabies and really appreciate how this company has helped us save resources for both our finances and the environment not to mention our children’s health!!
Happy B-day BumGenius! If it was for the easy, leak free, adorable nature of BG I would have given up on my wish to cloth diaper
We just love our BG. They fit wonderfully, wash up beautifully and draw comments from all the ‘sposie mommas 🙂
I am just finishing cloth diapering my first baby. When I started, I was so overwhelmed!! I found Bum Genius online, and then in a local kids store. I fell in love with them right away!! So pretty and easy to use!! They were my only go-to diaper for night time, as my DD is a VERY heavy wetter. In fact, we are trying for baby number 2, and can’t wait to use them again. In fact, husband is INSISTING that we only use BG’s from now on!! 🙂
Happy Birthday Bum Genius!! Keep up the good work! We Love you!
Cotton Babies and BumGenius has taught me that cloth diapers don’t have to be old school. There are lots of modern options for Modern Moms. BumGenius Pockets are my favorite by far.
I’m new to cloth diapering, although I’m on my 3rd child. But I love love love it! I love all of the benefits, and I’m so glad I switched! I’m currently using your infant sized premium indian prefolds with Econobum covers, and it works beautifully! I would love a chance to try some bumGenius’s though!
We decided to cloth diaper as our disposables that we received from our baby shower starting to dwindle down. We tried bumgenius right away and haven’t needed to try anything else. We love them. Thank you so much for your hard work to help make my family’s life a little easier;)
Happy Birthday! We are just starting our stash out right now. The BG 4.0 looks extremely easy and comfortable for baby. The designs and colors are beautiful! Ribbit is my favorite, as I love bright greens:) But I absolutely love the tiny socialite collection. Brilliant!
Happy Birthday, bumGenius! My husband and I haven’t started using our one size pocket diapers yet, as our first child is not yet born (due March 2011). However, we are excited about being able to live in an environmentally friendly way even under our limited budget. Thank you for designing these diapers!
We started diapering our first son when he was three months old. Though we’ve tried every diaper out there, our stash mainly consists of bumGenius because of the fit. They’re definitely my favorite diaper! … and Daddy-friendly to boot.
I can’t wait to try the 4.0s! I have 6 3.0s right now and I use them everyday and wash them every night. I asked everyone from my family to buy us more cloth diapers for Christmas instead of toys for my 6 month old son, Max. I can’t wait for Christmas with my family and my son, and I can’t wait to add the new diapers to my stash!
We knew we wanted to cloth diaper before our daughter was born. Okay, so I knew that I wanted to do cloth diapering and thankfully my husband is a tightwad so all I had to do to bring him over to my side was show him the math. 🙂 We did a newborn cloth diaper trial and it had fitteds, covers, prefolds, aios, and we had already bought a one size pocket. We thought we were going to try prefolds, but then I was searching for one size covers and discovered ai2 systems. That’s when I found flips. We really like our flip covers; they fit great, never leak, and we put them over prefolds, fitteds, and inserts. Our favorite is the stay dry insert though. It’s amazing that the insert can be totally saturated, but our little girl’s bottom stays dry. We’re hoping to get some more for Christmas! 🙂
I forgot to post my email: gutdg@cox.net
Haven’t had the pleasure of using bum genius yet. I am hoping to switch to cloth diapers soon as I am a stay at home Mom and need to save all the money we can. My son also has a sensitive bottom and I’m hoping the cloth diapers help. I’ve heard nothing but good things about BG! Hope to have a stash soon!
DH and I are pregnant with #4 and SUPER excited to ‘try’ CDs for this one!! We are sick about how much $$$ was wasted on the disposables for the first three babies!! UGH!
I know this isn’t a story about how BumGenius has changed my life – but it is about how I’d like to give them a chance to in 2011!!!
Kiera Wells
Happy Birthday! Our first ever cloth diaper was the Bumgenius3.0 (actually 15 of them!) and it is what convinced us to make the switch from disposables. The diapers make cloth diapering easy and we’ve since cloth diapered 2 babies with another soon to be cloth bum on the way! We now have of course expanded our stash but our favorites still are all Cotton Babies! Thanks!
BumGenius made it possible for us to CD. My husband was afraid of other dipes (prefolds/covers) and hated the first few kinds of pockets we used. I was at a loss, so ordered a used BG so as not to lose too much $ on another failure at CD. Once we landed on BGs, it was a miracle – we learned that CDs aren’t supposed to leak! And they should fit! And you should be able to rely on them when you go out! We have a whole stash of BGs and love them.
My wife started using cloth diapers about a year ago. At first I wasn’t on board, but after seeing how easy it was with the Bumgenius and Flip diapers I was completely on board. Now I’m just as enthusiastic about the cloth as she is.
Cloth diapering is a piece of cake with Bum Genius!! I was skeptical when my wife wanted to use cloth, but I’m thrilled now!
I wish I had a local supplier so I could buy one at a time! I <3 BG!
My little girl was so sensitive to disposables so we decided to give cloth a try. The first we picked up just didn’t work. Then I got a BG 1.0 off of Craigslist. My husband looked at me and asked, why haven’t you got these before, these diapers are great. So a long story short most of my stash is made of Bum Genius Diapers. 3.0s, 4.0, Elemental, Flip and AIOs. Because of the amazing fit of the XS AIO’s my newest addition has been cloth from day one! A small AIO is on him right now! When people ask me about cloth diapers, I always tell them to check out your products and pick the system that will work for them, knowing that I am recommending an excellent product.
Happy Bday BG crew! My husband and I just started cloth diapering our first daughter almost 2 months ago.Our little girl had horrid diaper rash with disposables and we needed an option that would be easy for us to work with while keeping the chemicals off her skin. We tried out a smattering of different brands and kinds but the BumGenius ones always seem to be what we reach for. Our Bum Genius diapers are our favorites. I love the snaps, hubby loves the velcro (I’ve heard this is pretty common among the CD mamas and papas).
We’re hooked 🙂 Hope you have many more successful years!
I’m commenting again, to try to win! 🙂 I’ve shared my story above, just really want to win!
Jenn, your Bum Genius was the very first cloth diaper I ever purchased. I started with cloth after taking care of a friends baby who wore cloth diapers. At the time I had a 3 year old and, my 17 month old boy who I was considering trying it on. My husband had just gotten accepted into medical school and we were looking for ways to save money. I started with just one diaper and would use it when it was clean. The next month I bought another diaper, and slowly I added to my stash. My son potty trained at 23 months and I was totally sold on not only how cloth could save us money but also helped to potty train my son. At that point I was almost due with my 3rd child who was only cloth diapered and now is 23 months and begging to potty train. And I just had my 4th baby who is also only in cloth. My husband and I have really appreciated how your diapers have helped us save money though medical school! And we have had such a positive experience with them that we tell every one we know about your diapers and after trying many types and brands have always returned to yours because they are simply the best! Thank you, from our family to yours! And congratulations on 5 years!
I have converted so many mom’s to cloth diapers by showing them my bumgenius. They are so easy to use and I have saved so much money and garbage from going to the landfills. I have used 2.0s, 3.0s, AIOs, elementals, flips and econobums and like them all. I want to have a stash of elementals, they work the best on my babe and I love the organic cotton. Its so so soft.
I have a LOVE affair with BumGenius cloth diapers.
I didn’t think I would like pocket diapers. However after trying BumGenius along with other cloth diapers; BumGenius is my FAVORITE cloth diaper.
I feel such a sense of pride every time I place one of these diapers on our little boy. My heart smiles, knowing that my son is wearing the best diaper on the market.
Thank you for sharing. Happy Birthday BumGenius!
My husband and I have 3 children Beau(4) Jamison(2) and Juno (3weeks). bum genius has given our family comfort Because we know diapers are one thing we don’t have to work into our super tight budget every week. We were gifted 9 diapers from each of our parents as a baby gift and have never had to worry about running out of diapers or buying bigger sizes or painful diaper rash. We also get comfort from knowing we are not filling up land fills with disposables. our boys wore the same 18 diapers till they were unusable. We were so grateful for the 4 years of regular use we got out of them but, When we were expecting Juno we worried how we were going to afford new diapers for her but, econobum came to the rescue. Econobum has been an affordable option without having to sacrifice quality or comfort. We don’t just love bum genius we love Cotton Babies.
I wanted to cloth diaper my oldest but cotton babies wasn’t around and it all seemed overwhelming. Then four years later I find out that we were expecting twins! Tried the BG 3.0 and love them! The boys are almost 2 and I am not looking forward to potty training because that would mean I was done with these wonderful diapers. I love them so much and feel confident in telling everyone about them. I am proud to have inspired three friends to make the switch to Bum Genius! Thank you for making a product that I strongly believe in.
Tonya V.
me again 😀 Please Please Please let me win this pack, so I can give it to my best friend. I should also mention that their son is 5 months old, just came out of the hospital, where he had horrible diaper rashes, when I told them to use CD. Since they tried, he has been rash free. They also just found out that they are expecting baby no 2 🙂 🙂 SURPRISE!! But as mentioned before, after the long hospital stay of their firstborn they can’t even afford enough CD’s as it is. Now with #2 on the way it will get even harder. So I would LOVE to give this pack to them, so they have one less thing to worry about! PLEEEEEEASE (not too proud to beg 🙂 )
I wanted to use cloth with my first son, but my MIL persuaded me that I’d hate it, and it would be so much work. When my second son was almost a year, I spotted gDiapers in a BabiesRUs and bought them. I had no idea there was a modern way to cd, and was using a wet pail and washing with dreft and using softener sheets :/ The ammonia got so bad that it transferred onto our clothes and towels. I threw my gDiapers away and gave up on cloth.
When we unexpectedly got pregnant, and were hit with the sudden realization of what it would cost to diaper 3 children under 3 years old, I looked back to cloth. We weren’t prepared for the upfront cost of buying all pockets, especially not being sure if we would be able to avoid the ammonia that had ruined our first experience. We got prefolds, some craigslist prorap covers, and 1 BG 4.0 to start. I would go weeks without using my BG, because I hated knowing I only had one, and once it was dirty, that was it 🙁 Eventually I’ve built my way up to 4 pockets, 2 of which are BG’s. The BG’s are by far my favorite! I can snap them up or down and make them fit any of my children in a matter of seconds. Try saying that of a disposable!
My older two kiddos (ages 3 and 2) have recently potty trained themselves. (YAY!) I love being able to tell people that we don’t have to spend any money on our youngest, since he’s breastfed and cloth diapered. My prefolds are my workhorse diapers, but the BG’s have proven to me (and all my friends, and anyone who happens to start a converstaion with me) that there IS a modern way to cloth diaper, and it’s SO EASY!
Happy Birthday!
I just started using bumgenius for my 4 month old. The cost of diapers just seems silly to me, especially since I am a SAHM. She also has really sensitive skin, so I think that the dryness of the pocket diapers seems like it will be great for her!
Not only have our BumGenius diapers saved us money, but they got us thinking more about other things we throw away. Now, not only do we NOT have to throw away diapers, but we don’t throw away wipes, napkins, or paper towels, either. We have washable/reusable things to replace these items. We love being more “green” and saving money too. And my daughter looks so darn cute in her BumGenius diapers, too!
i started my cloth diapering experience with just 2 little flips covers that were a gift at my baby shower from a momma friend who wanted to convert me. 5 months later, those flips are going strong, and are in regular rotation with many BG items i have added to my stash. from econobums to elementals, i have tried and loved all of the BG products. you guys seriously rock, thanks so much for existing!!!
I love BG’s. I need more for my brand new baby boy. Happy 6-week birthday to him, and happy 5 years to you!
Lisa D.
justastargazer at hotmail
We love our bumgenius diapers! I have 6 month old twins and use a combination of bumgenius 3.0’s 4.0’s and Flips — and love ’em all. Better for my babies bums and better for the environment 🙂 My husband was not too excited about the prospect of cloth diapering… but bumgenius has made it so easy to do, that even he’s a convert. Happy Birthday BumGenius!!
I love bumGenius diapers! They were the first cloth diaper we were exposed to, and continue to be the “go to” diaper in our stash. Our son almost always has one on his little bum during the night as well. I’m confident we won’t wake up with leaks when he’s wearing a bumGenius. I was given one of the new designer bumGenius diapers as a gift and love it. The designs are perfect for me, as I’m not a fan of the cutesy, childish prints offered by most other cloth diaper companies. BumGenius got me hooked on cloth, and I hope our son uses them with his future children!
I always have and always will use Bum Genius diapers. I lend them to my friends and have to date converted three of them to cloth as well. I thank you and my husband, who convinced me to cloth diaper, every day. My baby thanks you too for his stylish, leak proof, easy to use, long lasting fluffy bottom. Thank you Bum Genius and happy birthday!
Just so you know, we love BG diapers over here in Canada too! Wish we could enter.
Good luck to everyone and Happy 5th Birthday!
we love bg too:) when i decided to give cloth diapering a second run with my second dd(3yrs ago), i came across a mom selling 8 pink bg aio’s for $40ppd. they were used for about 2 weeks. i knew it was a good deal but had no idea it was the best deal in the world. i wasn’t familiar with anything outside of the prefold world. these bg made cloth diapering cake. now i’m on third baby and our whole stash is os bg and a couple bg bamboo fitteds. our stash is small and anyone who loves bg knows that the elastic and velcro do go after awhile so 5 new diapers would be a god-send right now:) i do love that they offer fix-it kits for those who can sew. thank you bg:) because of you i have enjoyed cding 2 babies:)
I used to think that people who used cloth diapers were crazy. Why would you do that when you could just go with disposable? Well, then I became pregnant with my wonderful little boy. While doing research, I read that the average child creates approx. 1 ton of waste that just sits in our landfills. That was awful and I didn’t want to be responsible for that much waste. So I started looking for our solution and found BunGemius-LOVE THEM! Now when I have to use disposables, I am almost grossed out by it. We love our BumGenius cloth diapers and can’t imagine using anything else. Happy Birthday and thank you for such a great solution!
Bumgenius diapers have provided me with an affordable, environmentally-friendly, and absolutely adorable way to diaper my baby!
Happy Birthday BG!!! I LOVE the new snaps!!! And the bright colors!!! You are a fantastic company and keep up the great work! My email is KrystalBrook@aol.com and on facebook I’m Krystal Ewers
BG are so easy for parents, grandparents and babysitters to use. They have made it possible for us to use cloth consistently throughout our son’s first year, no matter which caregiver is with him. They make laundry simple, and Flips have made travel a breeze as well with the disposable inserts! I literally don’t know what we would have done without BumGenius!
laurafanucci at gmail dot com
I know I’ve already commented and I want to give everyone a fair chance. But after posting, I went back through and read everyone’s comments and was moved to tears by the HUGE impact you’ve had on hundreds and hundreds of people. You are really changing the world, bumGenius. And if that’s not the best birthday present you could get, then I don’t know what is. Thank you!
These were the diapers that got us started on our cloth diapering quest. I love how cute my baby looks in BGs and can’t seem to get enough of cloth diapering.
I haven’t had much experience with bumgenius yet. I won a few OS 4.0s in a giveaway and was impressed with both the quality and the price. I haven’t tried them on our baby (to be born in a few months), but my stash consists of almost 100% new and used bumgenius diapers. I like the flexibility and options you offer, and look forward to seeing what will come in the future.
akdelk at anderson dot edu
After my daughter ( my first child) was born last year I wanted to use CD. Few weeks I tried to use prefolds and covers and she would get rushes. So I stopped. When she was about a half year old I decided to try Bum Genius CD after two of my friends told me about the Flips. So I ordered two and loved them. That’s how I started to use Bum Genius. Now we own Flips and AIO as well as one size fits all. I love them and so does my husband. The new Artist Series by Chelsea Perry looks wonderful and I would love to win one. I am expecting number two and will need to get more. 🙂
We started cloth diapering our son at 1 month because he was getting such bad diaper rash in the different disposable brands we tried. Cloth diapering had always intrigued me, but I didn’t have any friends who were doing it. I found a volume of resources online and decided to try out a few types before we invested in a full stash. Bumgenius 4.0 and Flips are my FAV, husband friendly and we haven’t had any more diaper rash! They’re so fun and I love snapping a fresh, clean diaper on my son!
Happy Birthday, BumGenius! One-size pocket diapers were my gateway into cloth diapering the modern way.
Happy Birthday! I was introduced to your diapers when my son was born. I was torn in my decision to use disposables or cloth. Cloth since has taken over my life. It has changed my family in other important ways. I love bum genius! Mostly have 3.0’s but want to try out the elementals and the 4.0’s with snaps. I am addicted to cloth. Thank you so much for helping change our lives.
Allison Jarmon
The bumgenius elementals have been awesome to use. dd1 started in disposables as I wasn’t confident in using cloth yet. We eventually started using prefolds when she was a month old, and the elementals came out a few months later. I got a few to do a “test” with: how easy to change her if she’s standing, blowout, comfy, etc, and they passed with flying colors, so we got more. Now with dd2 she’s only worn disposables 1-2 days in her life (we couldn’t find a snappy until day 3) and now that she’s more wiggly I *love* not having to do much work to get her covered. I get sick seeing disposables in the trash, and bumgenius has helped our family reduce our babies’ footprints and saved us tons of money, plus being so cute that I don’t want to cover the diapers! 🙂
I have pictures of my NOW 6 year old in those BG 1.0’s!! She was such a cutie in her BG’s at age 1!! Now…5 years later…I have used the BG 1.0s, 2.0s, 3.0s and 4.0s on 4 of my kiddos 🙂
Thank you Cotton Babies for making an AMAZING product!! I never thought I could use cloth…until I used your diapers.
Flips have been one of my favorites parts of being a new mom! I’ve even convinced a few friends to try cloth!
Two years ago when my niece was born my sister-in-law decided to start cloth diapering and went the BumGenius route. She fell in love with BumGenius diapers and now uses them on my niece and two month old nephew. Now that my husband and I are expecting in February, we decided to go with BumGenius as well since she had given us such rave reviews. We are so excited to buy our first batch and get starting using them with our new little one.
Hooray for spreading the cloth-diapering-word!
bum genius has been awesome. we started cloth diapering when my son was around 6 months and i’ve loved it. i’m about to have another baby and i’m excited to start him from the start! cloth diapering is easy and fun with BGs and i love how cute a baby bum looks in one. plus, i feel good about what i’m doing for the environment and my bottom line!
thanks BG!
Dear cotton babies, I’ve been a bumgenius mommy for 6 months now and could not love these diapers more. When I was pregnant with my second we decided I would stay home from teaching to raise our 2 babies. Knowing cloth diapering would save us money I committed to the task of sneaking in a few diapers at a time until I had fazed out disposable all together before my son arrived. The first 10 bg 3.0’s I bought were awesome. I was in love, my family thought I was nuts, but I have since managed to change everyone’s mind about how easy cloth tapering can be and how beautiful. Since my 1st purchase of bgs I purchased an additional 6 4.0s when they came out. The velcro on a few of my 3.0s began unraveling & I sent them in. With customer service, quality, and a warranty I have never wanted to buy another cloth diaper brand. Thank you for such a perfect product. > > Sandy Chambers
I went from laughing at my friends for being so ridiculous to cloth diaper to be a huge supporter but only after trying the BG diaper. It was so incredibly easy to use, clean and store. No pins, no folding and totally affordable. Thank you for converting me into a believer!
Happy Birthday BG! Thanks for making Desitin an unnecessary thing in my house!
Happy Birthday. 🙂 BumGenius with aplix are the go-to diaper for the diaper bag when our little ones are with Grandma or in the church nursery. I love how simple they are to put on for someone who isn’t as familiar with cloth diapering. And with our newest little one, I was SO impressed at how well the new 4.0 fit her right from the start! Way to go!
I am sort of new to cloth diapers, since my only daughter is only 3-1/2 weeks old, but we have had her in cloth diapers since her 2nd day home from the hospital. Even my mom, who’d never before changed a cloth diaper in her life (and was quite leery about it) said they are just as easy as disposables! The only trouble they have that disposables don’t is the laundry, and really, who can’t do an extra load or two of laundry every other day or so? Even our pediatrician was impressed that we’re using cloth and said he never sees diaper rash in babies wearing cloth diapers. So keep up the good work, and a very happy birthday, bum Genius!
Oh, I love my BGs!! They were my first CDs and they’re my favorites for overnight and travelling — times when I need dependability and longevity in a diaper! My parents, the workers at my daughter’s day care, and other babysitters MUCH prefer my BGs (3.0s and 4.0s) to the other diapers in my stash. They’re so easy!!
Thanks, Cotton Babies, for such a dependable product!
Bum Genius has been such a blessing to our family! With one income and our first baby we loved the idea of using cloth diapers to save money. I cringe at the thought of having to buy disposable diapers each week. We are slowly trying to add to our current collection so the washing process becomes a little easier for us. We are hoping for some for Christmas!
I am not sure how to leave my email address:
Happy Birthday BumGenius!
HOnestly – your diapers are the reason I got into and stuck with cloth. Even though I get microfiber stinkies now and again, I love the colors and the fit. I’m so excited that you offer snap closure now and can’t WAIT to start buying for my new little on due in August! Keep up the great work! <3
Whoohoo! Molly finally fits in her Bum Genius diapers! So excited to finally be able to use them!
We’ve used our 3.0s ever since my son was about 6 weeks old, and love them. Not only is it cheaper and better for the environment, but I never have to worry about “running out” of diapers and the poo leaks are few and far between!
We decided to cloth diaper for the environment and for cost. All my friends raved about BG so that is what I went with. Has been a great decision for my family! 🙂
Of course everyone thought we were crazy when we decided to cloth diaper our now 2 1/2 year old. Bumgenius made it so easy for us, though! After the newborn phase, she moved right in to one size pockets that we still use and will use with baby #2 due in April. Of course, we now use more than pockets. We use the organinc all in ones for nap time and the flip organics for overnight. We love flip for our weekend trips as well. Can’t wait to see what comes next!
kristensmith20 at hotmail dot com
I was in on that original shipment of BumGenius 5 years ago! Then they were for our now 6 yo daughter and 5 yo son. My initial purchase was because I could use the same diaper on both kids. We now use BG (& Flip & Econobum) on our daughter! I recently purchased some for my sister in law who is due next month! I have always loved BG diapers. Easy to use, easy to wash! I have been able to switch many friends to cloth diapers because of the ease (and cute factor)of BG! Thanks BG! (& Cotton Babies, I have loved you guys since I started using cloth 6 years ago!)
any day now we will have not one but 2 girls in BGs! Thanks to you we are able to save a lot of money thanks so much cotton babies!!!
I love packing the BG AIO in my diaper bag too! Great for when I need to do a quick change at the mall!
BumGenius was our first cloth diaper purchase for our now 17 month old and I still go back to them as my favorites. I love BumGenius.. and it’s amazing to see how far they have come in just 5 years!!!
Happy Birthday, Cotton Babies! My cloth diapering journey would not have been the same without Cotton Babies!
I started out with prefolds and covers and was really not happy with that system. I had an 18-month-old and a newborn and that system just was not convenient enough for us. I always left them at home when we were out and opted for disposables instead. Which I really didn’t want to do. So I bought a 4-pack of BumGenius pockets and fell in love. I’ve slowly increased our stash and now we use pockets almost exclusively (and about 75% of them are BumGenius). I also have a good-size stash of Flips that I don’t use as often, but I love them for travel. I absolutely love Cotton Babies diapers and am so glad that I found them….I sometimes wonder if I even would have been able to stick with cloth if I hadn’t found them….but I did and now my little man is exclusively, 100% cloth-diapered!
seeing the bg was what finally sent me cloth
noble4 at ymail dot com
Happy Birthday!
My son is 3, my daughter 16months and we’re expecting our third child in April! We’ve decided it’s time to stop spending our life savings on disposable diapers and switch to cloth! I am excited to start trying BumGenius cause I’ve heard so many GREAT comments about them! Cloth diapers here I come!
Econobum and Bumgenuis have helped my family so much since I lost my job and had a newborn to boot! It is such a blessing to know there is a company out there to help struggling and non-struggling families with natural and cost effective products! Happy 5th Birthday Bumgenuis!!!
We just had our third baby and decided to give BG a try. The AIO’s are GREAT to use at night for a newborn who wakes up several times a night and usually has a full diaper. I can practically remove, wipe, and refasten another Bumgenius All-in-One in my sleep! Thank you Bumgenius for making my experience with my newborn heavenly!
I LOVE Bumgenius! We use prefolds and covers at home for the affordability, but bumgenius one size is what made us brave enough to use cloth on every trip, brief or all day or overnight, away from home 🙂 Love Them! We now have several, and they are what we use overnight on our youngest and away from home!
Happy Birthday Bum Genius! What a difference you’ve made in our diapering lives. We can feel good about the decision we’ve made to lessen our environmental footprint by using your washable diapers. Also, your diapers are SO easy to use, everyone who changes our 8 month old marvels at the ease. Thank you for also including your labor practices on your packaging. I love it when I adore a company–for its product and its standards. Salud!
BGs are our go to everyday diaper
They are simple, we just love them
Love, love, love the bumgenius’. After 2 years they still look like new. I love to tell others about cloth diapering and am proud to say I have converted at least two friends to cloth diapers. They are so cute and soft, environmentally friendly and we are expecting baby number 2 and the savings just keeps adding up..
It took me a while to take a step out and do cloth diapers. First I tried fitteds with covers. They are ok, but definitely not my preference. Someone gave me a BumGenius (maybe a 2.0??) and I fell in love with it. I’ve tried other diapers, but I continuously come back to BumGenius every single time. I love them even more now that the 4.0’s have snaps and my now 12 month old can’t get them off! Not a big story to tell, but it’s my story. I’ve tried several diapers, but BumGenius is our family favorite, and my husband and I are already talking about how much of our tax return we’ll use to complete our diaper stash.
I’ve been cloth diapering someone for the last 11 years and I love what Bumgenius has done with cloth diapers. My big girls are 8 and up so diapers were different even just 6-7 years ago. My little guy will be 1 on the 30th & while I’ve tried other brands briefly, we keep coming back to Bumgenius so I sold the rest & I’m just sticking with BG. We have everything from 4.0 to Elemental to prints to Flips to aplix and snaps. No complaints. From his start at almost 9 lbs to now at almost 30 lbs, the fit has always been perfect & still no leaks ever! Can’t go wrong with Bumgenius! Happy 5 years to you.
Happy birthday to your company. Since becoming a mommy 16 months ago this is my favorite company and of the cloth diapers I’ve tried, bg and flip are my favorite. My little guy doesn’t do well in disposables, so flip are really great for all the traveling we do.
Happy Birthday, bumGenius! I started cloth diapering my son when he was born this past July. When I showed interest in cloth while pregnant, a friend of mine suggested I check out the Cloth 101 class at Cotton Babies. I’ve been hooked ever since! BGs are some of our favorites in our stash! My little sister, and my most recent cloth diapering convert, is due with her first baby very soon and has already stocked up on a stash made up of Econobum and bumGenius 4.0s! PS: Today is her birthday, too!
Our Flips have made PL’ing a breeze – thank you!
Happy Birthday BumGenius!
I have been cloth diapering for almost a year. I tried many brands of cloth in the beginning (some cheap, some not so cheap) until I found my favorite, my BumGenius! 🙂 I honestly think that if I had not found them, I would have stopped cloth diapering all together long ago. We love the quality, the ease of use, and most of all, the reliability that comes from using BG diapers. Everywhere I go I run into people who have not seen how cloth has evolved and I love showing them how simple BG makes it! We are expecting baby boy #2 soon, and can’t wait to let him be a cd baby from the get go! 🙂
I always was interested in cloth diapering but it seemed so intimidating. When I got pregnant with my fifth child I decided to really see what was out there! I was shocked by the ease of Bum Genius! I ordered *one* to check it out. Ironically that diaper had it’s debut last night. It was amazing how simple and snug and easy it was. I had planned to use a different system, primarily, but am thinking it’s going to be Bum Genius now!
We love BG at our house! My daughter has sensitive skin and does much better with cloth than disposables. I love that I’m not filling up landfills or wasting money. I love that if she pees immediately after getting a clean diaper, it’s no big deal to get another clean one right away. The BG do not leak like the other cloth diapers I have tried. They are easy to take care of, easy to use, and super cute! My daughter is now learning colors by talking about what color her diapers are!
Thanks to BumGenius I can honestly see myself not using disposables ever again!
BG elemental are the perfect solution for me. I love the organic cotton. They make it much easier to diaper my alligator. My baby has never had a rash with them. Thank goodness!!
We love our BG 4.0 with snaps! they’ve made our life much easier– they’re the first diaper we reach for. No rashes! Thanks!
I haven’t had the chance to cloth diaper yet, but I will in March! So far, it’s been so fun to educate friends and family on the cloth diapering option! Many people don’t realize how much cloth diapering has changed over the years. Thanks for making such great products that I’ve been bragging about before I even use! 🙂
Happy birthday! BumGenius dipes were our first cloth diapers that I actually bought. I made my own but never perfected the AIO. Your diapers save my fingers and my wallet. My little girl never looked more adorable in cloth!
We didn’t cloth diaper with our first daughter. Then, we discovered that our second pregnancy was twin girls, we opted the cloth diaper route to save money. My sister-in-law gave us all her old prefolds and covers so we could try it out and see what we liked. Right around this time is when BG was introducing the Flip system and I wanted to try it so badly!! Thanks to Cotton Babies and their awesome Seconds Sale, I got 6 Flip covers and organic inserts. As soon as they came, I threw away the other covers we had been using and never looked back. I loved that it was a one-size cover and how trim the cover was, even over prefolds.
As our girls got a little older, I decided it was time to get some pocket diapers for the times when Grandma or the ladies in the church nursery were watching them. I once again turned to Cotton Babies and stocked up on 12 one-size pocket diapers. I absolutely love that I can get one-size diapers that aren’t huge and bulky. I love how easy they are to use and wash, and if I had known how easy cloth was with my first, we could have saved a ton of money!
I have since passed on some of my stash to help a few friends get started on cloth diapering. It is wonderful to get good quality diapers that are easy to use and stylish all at the same time!
I’m new to the cloth diapering world. I’m not even pregnant yet, but I’ve begun doing a little research for when the time comes. I’ve heard great things about BumGenius and am excited to learn more about it and getting its products!
How have BG diapers affected my life? They have made it so much fluffier! I was very hesitant to try cloth, but when my sitter told me that she would be willing to use cloth on my son during the day and she would take care of the laundry, since her daughter is in cloth as well, I thought, why not? It’ll save money! As I started shopping for a mini-stash, I was quickly drawn to Bum Genius because of the coupon at that time (May 2010) – I could get a free diaper with my purchase! What did I have to lose?
Well, I never did let my sitter handle the laundry, and my son ended up in cloth full-time. 6 months later and I’m still loving our Bum Genius Elementals. Thanks again for such a great diaper, and Happy Birthday!!!
We have cloth diapered at home since our DD was 3 months old and had her first daycare on board. However, we ended up having to switch daycares and our daycare provider was not on board with cloth so we reluctantly took disposables for daycare. THEN, in a last ditch effort we decided to try Bumgenius and use those to help pitch cloth to our new daycare and it worked! They have also become Daddy’s favorite and we have been stocking up on boy colors for #2 due in April. So thank you for creating a daddy/daycare friendly diaper that helped keep our daughter’s bum out of disposables 🙂
Happy Birthday!
We decided to start cloth diapering when our son was 4 months old. I didn’t know anyone who used cloth diapers, so I just tried a bunch of different styles to see what would work best for us. I quickly learned that I’m not so great at butt oragami and my husband down right sucks at it, so prefolds were 86’d. I liked fitteds a lot, but the hubby hated fighting to rinse the poop out of them. When we finally tried BG’s we found something that worked for both of us (and baby of course). They were a cinch to put on and the microfiber lining rinsed right out. And they finally gave our little guy the absorbency he needed for night time.
So, three cheers for BG!
You guys rock my babies socks off!
I did so much research before my daughter was born and bought the cutest xsm BG AIO diapers. They were even better looking when I put them on her bum. I love BG diapers! I was hook before I even used them, lol. When anyone watches my daughter I make sure they are the ones washed and ready. They are so easy to use and makes it stress free when someone new to CDing is trying to help out with our little one. I can’t wait for baby number two…I will finally have an excuse to by the 4.0 in all the great colors! I love the Artist Series…thank you for the creativity and wonderful giveaways 🙂
Happy Birthday BG! It’s also my favorite Aunt Gigi’s birthday! BG has been our brand of choice with diapering our first born Max. My husband and I LOOOVE our BG’s! They’re so easy to take care of! Thank you BG!
After seeing friends use Bum Genius, I knew it would be easy. The hard part is convincing our parents…but slowly but surely they are all coming on board. We are all saving money and that’s the highlight of my budget! What’s more fun than choosing a color to match the outfit vs. a boring white disposable diaper? Happy Birthday bumGenius!
bumGenius has risen the bar for me in my cloth diapering experience. These diapers are the best of the BEST in my opinion. The fit, leak protection and quality are better then any other diaper I’ve tried. Thanks for making cloth diapering easy and Happy 5th Birthday:-)
Happy Birthday!
I came to cloth diapering to save money for my family, and have stayed with it because of the benefits for the environment. I can’t stand all the waste from disposables when we use them on occasion.
Cotton Babies was my entry to the cloth diaper world and made it really easy to diaper my daughter. Plus, I’ve had so much fun with it! And she looks super cute in her Flips! Thanks CB!
I decided to dive into cloth diapering my son when he was four months old. I did a trial package with several different kinds of cloth diapers. When my trial was up all the diapers, except for the bum genius, were returned. I fell in love with the simplicity and dependability of bum genius.
My son is almost 11 months old now & I have tried the B.G. 3.0, B.G. elemental, & B.G. 4.0.
The Elemental is my favorite!
I started cloth diapering my twin boys when they were 9 months old. The next summer we were at a splash pad and the boys were wearing the only 2 BG we owned at that time. A woman approached me and out of no where offered me about a dozen BG for FREE! She said she didn’t use them on her toddler son anymore and would like someone else to use them. They were not in great condition, but they do the job! I shared the generosity and passed a few on to another twin mom who had decided to start cding her twin boys. I still have the rest and plan on using them on our new baby boy due this spring!
Happy Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I would love to win this pack to give it to my best friend, who just started CD and does not have enough money to buy enough!!! And what’s better, than to give BG’s for Christmas to those who need it more than us????
Acts 20:35
In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ “
Happy 5th Birthday! BumGenius diapers are awesome! We use them all the time, my baby’s bum is bright and colorful. I love the fact that they are super cute and totally green! Thank you for all your awesomeness!
WOW!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I remember purchasing my first BG 1.0 LOL!!!! How has bum genius changed my life? It was the very 1st green purchase I ever made(although I did not purchase the diaper for that purpose) I’m now CD’ing my 2nd child and we have turned into a totally green family. Without that very 1st purchase I would have had miserable bleeding rash infested kids and a very environmentally UN-friendly home 😀
I still remember telling my sister over the phone that the diapers I wanted to use were called ‘BumGenius’ and how confused she sounded repeating it back to me. I knew as the shock of being pregnant settled that I wanted to cloth diaper, and was surprised to see all the options (I figured prefolds and covers were the only option 😛 What’s a new mommy supposed to think!?) I found BumGenius first at Target and they’ve been the cornerstone to our stash since. We love the Organics and have been using them since we hit the ten pound mark! Our first stash was a veritable poop load of BG 3.0, Flips and a couple Econobums that my aunt gifted me 🙂 We LOVE your products. We probably would have stopped CDing if it weren’t as easy as BumGenius makes it. You took the guess work and questions out of natural (heiney) parenting. With that- congrats on 5 years of Bum{Flipn}Genius, can’t wait to see what you’ve got in store for our next baby 🙂
I just recently started cloth diapering (a week ago) so for right now I am just using prefolds & covers. I am really wanting to try something else and have heard such great things about bumGenius that I just HAVE to try them out. I am planning on getting a few as soon as I can afford to so winning this giveaway would definitely be super helpful in upping my stash.
After spending way too much using disposables on our twin girls, I promised myself I would cloth diaper if we ever had another kid. Well, this past June our son was born and we have been cloth loyal ever since! I love BGs for their quality and fit. Living in NJ, I can count on my hand the number of people I know who cloth diaper – but I am proud to talk about it! 🙂 Happy Birthday!!!
Happy birthday! We started cloth diapering our daughter about a week after she was born. We were using just flats and covers at first, and then prefolds and covers. We were having trouble with night-time diapering since she’d wake up and fuss as soon as she was wet, and I couldn’t really get up to change her during c-section recovery. I ordered a 3 pack of 4.0s and they last all through the night! Not having to get up in the middle of the night a few times to change her made a big difference in my recovery, I actually had time to rest.
Happy Birthday, BumGenius!! I have so much love for BGs. I recommend them to all of my friends and family.
We have been blessed by BumGenius not only by the money we’ve saved but by all the wonderful relationships I’ve made through the cloth diaper community. THANK YOU!
Happy Birthday bumGenius!
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They have been great for daycare!
BumGenius has changed my life by making cloth diapering no big deal. The diapers are husband and daycare friendly – easy as disposables. They’re awesome!
BumGenius hasn’t actually affected our family’s life yet. We’re expecting our first in early March and even before we conceived, I knew I wanted to cloth diaper. Doing research introduced me to bumGenius and completely changed my attitude from one of “This is going to be hard but rewarding” to just “This is going to be so rewarding!”
I love my BG’s! They are so easy to use! Some people turn their noses up when they hear I cloth diaper but when they see them they can’t believe how easy they are! They’ve come a long way since pins and rubber pants…thanks for making such a great product!
We love our Flip Diapers! We enjoy proving to others that cloth diapering is easy!
We have twin boys coming and have never cloth diapered before but we are ready to start! We were given two BG 4.0’s at the baby shower and we can not wait to try them out! The rest of our stash is made up of econobums and two more FLIPs along with a few WAHM dipes. We also have the FLIP disposable inserts to try!
Happy Birthday Bum Genius… thank you for helping US cloth diaper our little guys!
I love bum genius! These diapers have singlehandedly convinced our child’s grandparents that cloth diapering isn’t “wacky” and that it’s totally easy! Thank you!
You changed my overnight routine! I love not having wetness on my babies bum! I love bumgenius!
I love supporting a company that is not only socially and environmentally conscientous, BUT one that gives too! I am so happy to find a cloth diaper without pins, that doesn’t leak, and that my childcare provider has no hesitation to use. All my girls had sensitive skin as babies and had to “tolerate” disposables while away from my care. NOW my third precious skinned girl can enjoy her cloth diapers 24/7. Thank you Jenn and Jim I hope you get to enjoy your success now that your company is a bit older.
I love Bum Genius! Using these diapers has allowed our family to focus our spending where it counts (to us) to put yummy, wholesome and delicious food on out table for our whole family. I love not having to run to the store at night if I run out of diapers. I just run to the dryer instead. I feel good about BG’s making cloth easy so I can also play a part in saving the environment from all the trash that disposables create
We started using BumGenius 3.0 3 years ago with our first daughter. We are now using them with our second daughter and we still absolutely love them. We were new to cloth diapering when we first started and really didn’t know anyone else with children using cloth. Cotton babies answered all of our questions and helped us to transition easily from disposables to cloth. Now we tell everyone who is interested in switching to cloth all about how great Cotton babies is! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Happy Birthday!! I love your elemental aio for my little girl is is soo sentitive to anything! You have saved us from sposies!
Happy Birthday, bumGenius!
Over the years, I’ve been collecting ideas and theories about my future and life with a baby. Now that I am expecting for the first time (it’s a BOY, due in March) I’m anxious to see how my theories will play out.
One of the top things I’ve always been interested in is cloth diapering. Because they’re so much more eco-friendly, I figured I’d try to use cloth at home at least. Well, thanks to the advice of some supportive girlfriends, I’ve been introduced to bumGenius. I now realize that cloth diapering is possible full-time, even when out outings or trips! 🙂 They’re comfortable, cute and… more convenient than I thought they’d be!
After doing more research, I’ve found many of my friends are full of rave reviews and recommendations for your products so with a lil practice and bumGenius diapers, my lil boy will be a cotton baby! 🙂
We love bumGenius in our house! When baby boy developed a SEVERE diaper rash @ 2 weeks old and nothing would clear it up, we decided to give cloth a try and purchased a few flip covers and stay dry inserts to use “just until he was better”. Here we are, exactly one year later still using those flip diapers and have been rash free since!
We were instantly hooked and I have become addicted to BG! We have expanded our stash to include BG AIO, BG 3.0 and would love to add the 4.0!
Happy birthday bumGenius! We were introduced to the wonders of modern cloth diapering when a friend registered with Cotton Babies for her first baby. We became pregnant with our first not long after, so we took advantage of the FREE cloth diapering 101 class offered at the South County store. We were very, very grateful for all the detailed and personalized information Michelle provided during the class, and for the opportunity to learn about and handle the wide variety of options. We then registered with Cotton Babies, as well, and tried out a variety of cloth diaper types and methods.
We didn’t find a favorite until another friend suggested the bumGenius Elementals with snaps. Providentially, Cotton Babies offered a seconds sale on them the next day! Our stash is almost entirely seconds, yet we rarely experience any difference between those and our few first-quality diapers. We’d had a lot of trouble with aplix in the wash, so switching to snaps was a tremendous relief. We have been thoroughly impressed by all the bumGenius diapers we’ve tried, as they have all proven to be “bulletproof” on the baby and of superior quality, so they stand up to many washings. We are looking forward to using the same diapers on baby #2, and it’s exciting to think of all the money we’ll save!
The Elementals are so user-friendly that we’ve never had any trouble teaching grandparents and babysitters how to do it, and they’re typically impressed by how easy it is. Although it wasn’t our primary concern when we first bought them, we are also very happy to have natural, organic fibers right up against our daughter’s sensitive skin, and they’re so soft! Another plus is she’s not quite 17 months old and has already shown signs that she might be ready for potty training. We strongly believe that cloth diapering is a big part of that.
We’re also big fans of the Flip! system, which is especially convenient for travel. Thank you for investing so much in the development of quality cloth diapers. You made it easy for us to choose cloth diapering, and now we love to show off our diapers and tell others about how easy and fiscally freeing it really is!
Happy Birthday! I was always one of those people who swore they would never cloth diaper, but after having my son a friend recommended it saying I wouldn’t believe how easy it was. Well, we decided to try it and now we love it! It is easy and there are just so many ways to cloth diaper depending on your child and what they need and what you need as a mommy. It’s amazing. We are expecting our second child now and I’m already planning on cloth diapering that baby as well.
We started using cloth diapers when our son was almost one and a half. I started out with pre-folds and just 3 BumGenius. I soon discovered BumGenius was the way to go! We love our BumGenius collection and was just thinking about using my Christmas money to buy some more. You know you are a mom when you spend you Christmas money to buy your child cloth diapers. :O) I wish I had jumped on the cloth diaper thing earlier with my first but our second son got the privilege from the start. Thanks for offering such a nice gift. Happy birthday!!
Happy birthday BG!!! I love it when someone ‘makes it big’ in their own small business.
dibz at hotmail d ot co m
I researched cloth dipaers pretty much my whole pregnancy with out 3rd and final baby, I was pretty overwhelmed and gave up but once he arrived in July 2010 I knew I wanted to just go ahead and go for it but we were in an apartment due to move out in the middle of August so I waited until we moved and had our own washer and dryer. I made the jump and bought 3 Flip and 2 Bumgenius and I havent looked back since. They are by far my FAVORITE diapers! Happy 5th Birthday!!
Bumgenius made cloth diapering easy for our family – they are so daddy friendly! I’m also glad to say that the BG OS 4.0 are the only diapers that fit my tall 2 year old boy now. We have tried other brands to see what we like best, but nothing beats BG elementals and now the 4.0s for their high rise!
We love our BumGenius diapers! Wrapping my daughter’s little bottom in soft, cute cloth diapers is much more rewarding than using paper-like disposables.
BG changed our lives in parenting. We’re so thankful for the quality products you have made for your customers and your commitment to bringing cloth back to modern parenting. We LOVE being a cloth diapering family!! Happy 5th birthday!
Happy Birthday BG!! I have been using both bumgenius & flip diapers for the past 3 months and I absolutely love them. I love that I only need a total of 18 diapers during my little ones diaper days plus, I never have to worry that I am contributing to the millions of diapers being thrown into the land fill each year. I plan to purchase some for my sister who is expecting this January; I know once she tries them out she will fall in love just as I have. Thanks for making cloth diapering so easy!!
we have had the worst year ever. we ran out of money, my husband left, we aren’t really celebrating christmas because of the above reasons…I was having a hard time diapering because my two girls kept getting rashes…I got some really used hand me down bumgenius dipes and it has made it so much easier to save a little money and keep them rash free. even though they are falling apart, I am happy to use them as they are so easy and we are rash free!!!
I am newish to CDing, but use BGs to convince all of my friends!! happy 5 years!
Jennifer R
jenn454ss (at) hotmail (dot) com
When my husband told me we were going to cloth diaper with my daughter I refused thinking it was too much work, that I would be touching a lot of poop, and it would be too stinky. Well then when baby #2 came 14 months later I realized there was no way we could be buying diapers for 2 babies! That is when I started researching the different types of diapers and purchased my very first BG diapers and became an addict. Who would have known! Thanks Cotton Babies!
I primarily use prefolds and covers but the hubby thinks its a pain so I bought a few bum genius 4.0’s so that if I need a break he doesn’t have to use disposables and I don’t have to do everything myself giving me a little bit of freedom. I’ve also grown to like using them at night because when I’m half asleep I sometimes have a hard time fumbling with the prefolds (I’m pretty new at it) and I love how dry they feel on baby’s skin. Unfortunately if hubby has used them that day they are not available to me that night. I plan to increase my stash little by little. If I could afford it, I would use them 24/7, I love them.
We fell in love with the BG Elementals when we first started cloth diapering and they still make up the majority of our stash. We are so happy to have an easy, functional, reliable, organic cotton diaper that we can use day in and day out, on the road, and even overnight (with a fleece liner). We’re also big fans of the BG 3.0/4.0 pocket diapers – using them double-stuffed has been our best solution to overnight issues for our heavy wetter. Both my kids (6-months and 21-months) are actually on the same rise setting right now (which I find funny), but it makes it even easier (I don’t have to color-code diapers for my husband anymore, although we do reserve the Zinnia and Blossom for our daughter). We use the FLIP line as well (covers with disposable inserts) for daycare, since they won’t use our cloth diapers. We made the move to cloth diapers for environmental reasons above all others, but we’ve been pleasantly surprised at the cost savings as well. With 2 babies under 2, both in diapers, cloth diapers can REALLY save you money! (And the no longer available BG bamboo wipes we have are pretty awesome too)
Love bumgenius! They are the diapers that caused us to make rhe switch. Happy birthday! 🙂
Happy Birthday, Bum Genius! You’ve saved us so much $$$ and made our babies bums a lot healthier, too. 🙂
I love the convenience that is a BumGenius diaper. I truly believe that because of your hook and loop closures we are able to continue using cloth diapers and are able to show others how easy they are to use. My husband was always supportive of us using cloth diapers, but I think because of the velcro he is more confident to actually change a cloth diaper or two! I am proud to say that I have gotten two new babies in cloth and that is partly from showing them a BG! Now if only you were around when I had my now 6 year old! Congrats and Many More Years of Success!
I started researching cloth diapers for my 12-month-old daughter when I was still pregnant with her and had heard so many good things about bum genius from my cloth diapering friends. Hearing how easy BG diapers are to use (and the diaper rash my daughter had when we started out with disposables right after she was born) convinced me that cloth diapering was the way to go and we’ve been exclusively cloth diapering ever since. I LOVE her BGs that we’ve bought used, but would LOVE to win some new ones for my daughter to use. Happy Birthday!
How appropriate that I get to write this today–after a lovely morning coffee with the wonderful woman who told me about Cotton Babies and got me started on cloth and BumGenius. I got into the CD game quite late, when my son turned two. Though at first it seemed like a lot more work, like most of us I soon adapted and fell in love with my BGs. I felt good keeping diapers out of the landfill and about saving money.
What I realized I felt the best about is the example I was setting for my four year old daughter. She tells me frequently that she is going to use cloth when she grows up! I love that Cotton Babies is helping me instill values into my child by allowing me to set an example of care for the environment and care for children.
My daughter will, I hope, be part of the group of mothers buying BumGenius diapers for their babies on BG’s 30th birthday!
When I first started researching cloth diapers (because I felt like it would go against every ounce of my being if I didn’t), I was pleasantly surprised to find diapers like bumGenius. Before my son was even born and I was able to try them out, I knew that bumGenius would be my favorite! Now he is 20 months old and we have tried many different kinds, bumGenius really are our favorites! How exciting it must be for you to look back on the past five years and all you have accomplished! Happy Birthday, bumGenius!!!
I was somewhat nervous to do cloth…but bumgenius made it so easy, and I fell in love with cloth. I think they are the greatest, and I tell everyone about them. I love that we are saving money and helping the environment.
Just started cloth diapering, so I cannot really share a story, but am looking forward to good experiences with cloth dipes!
happy birthday bum genius! i always wanted to cloth diaper, but my husband was very opposed with our first child. i was working at the time, and overwhelmed as a new mom so gave in to him and allowed our first born to wear “paper diapers” (as we call them in our house) by the time our second child was born, i had stopped working and become a full time stay at home mom. we again started with “paper diapers” but she kept getting terrible rashes from them. i started to do some hard core research into cloth diapers, and convinced my husband to let me try them for a few weeks just to see if it improved her skin. i went to the cotton babies store and invested in a few bum genius 3.0’s and was hooked. even he was impressed by how easy they were to use and eventually came around. now when people ask him abt using cloth diapers, he tells them it’s no big deal 🙂 thank you bum genius!! 🙂
Happy Birthday, BumGenius!
BumGenius diapers changed our life as one of the first “modern” cloth diapers I discovered, and helped me make the choice to cloth diaper my son! If I hadn’t been introducted to BumGenius, I never would have delved in further to learn that cloth diapers are not flats, pins, and plastic pull-up pants. BG make cloth diapering my son easy, cute, and fun!
I am crossing my fingers for a chance to win some new 4.0’s! I only have 2.0’s, with really worn out hook & loop, so a chance to try the new snap ones would be awesome!
We love our BumGenius diapers. In the two and a half short months that we have been cloth-diapering, I have found BG’s to be the best by far. Our baby sleeps in his BG 4.0s and never had a leak yet. I love the feeling of not throwing away a disposable diaper and BG’s have made that feeling possible. Happy Birthday!
I started using BG 3.0 diapers with my daughter (who is now 3), now I use them with my new baby boy (2 weeks old).
I love it, I wash everyday and stuff while the kids are napping, really not much work at all. I brag about the BG diapers to all my friends, I absolutely love them more then the other brands out there. I have tried lots, You can call me a cloth diapering addict.
When I first suggested cloth diapering to my husband, he was a bit tentative. I went ahead and purchased my first set of bumgenius diapers. At first, he didn’t want to use them in public, but 18 months later, her prefers them – even when traveling with our daughter by himself overnight. He has even told his guy friends that “it really isn’t THAT bad” and has encouraged them to try it out. 🙂
I’m an advocate for cloth diapering now in my social and work settings. I always make sure new mothers know what options there are our there. They usually think of pins and vinyl pants. I make sure they are educated. From there they can make their own informed decision.
We love our BGs! Thanks!
By the way, I posted with my husband’s google account… 😉
bum genius was my introduction to cloth diapering. If another baby is in the cards for us, we’ll definitely be using our beloved bg 3.0s and 4.0s and investing in some small AIOs as well! We’re so glad to have a healthy, easy cloth diapering option for our little girl!
We love our bumgenius dipes! Not only are they good for the planet, but they’ve saved us soooo much money and been a great conversation starter! We have a 21-month-old and a 3-week-old in bumgenius this very minute! No regrets!
A few weeks before my daughter was born (nearly 15 months ago), I bought a pack of BG 3.0s during the buy 6, get 1 free sale going on at that time. I had no idea if I would stick to cloth diapering or not, but decided to give it a try. The first time I put that zinnia diaper on my girl, I fell in love. They were beautiful and soft and I loved not having to buy diapers at the store. I immediately bought a huge pack of them online and we haven’t used a disposable since! It is so reassuring to know that I don’t have to budget 20+ dollars/week just for diapers. Cloth diapering set me on a path to a better lifestyle, too. I started thinking of ways to cut disposable products out of my life and now we use cloth napkins, dusters, cleaning rags, etc. Good for the environment, our health, and my wallet.
Happy Birthday, BumGenius! Thanks for making such wonderful products!
As a rather late convert to cloth diapering (we used disposables on our first and only started cloth on #2 when he was 10 months old (now 18 mos)), after I found BGs, I was kicking myself that we didn’t start much, MUCH sooner!! They are cute and easy, and I love tallying up how much we save every day. I like it that one of my friends said I’m the only “non-hippie” she’s knows to choose cloth. 🙂
Thank you so much for creating a product that saves families money, and allows us to live a more natural life. We have used your products for 2 1/2 years and are on baby #2 in the same diapers. It is so great to tell people that we use cloth and love it (and mean it!). And YEAH for the bright colors being back!!
My sister bought BG when she moved to Seattle and decided that I would love them and bought me 5 as a “welcome baby” gift. My stash hasn’t grown much, but we’ve saved a lot of money and a LOT of trash. Coming from a conservative, semi-redneck town, the only people I know who CD are twice my ages with grown up kids who used rubber pants and pre-folds. I love the ease of cloth and it has made saving my little bit of the planet so much easier :]
flats…PINS…Gerber plastic pants. OOPS
Happy birthday! BumGenius is my husband’s favorite CD brand — I think the velcro helps! You have saved us so much money so far, and our first child is only 6 months old. Looking forward to more dollars saved and more birthdays celebrated!
Happy birthday BG! I never would have considered cloth diapering on my own!I only knewof flats, pis and Gerber plastic pants. Our son (our 3rd child) has had health problems since he was born. By 6 mos old, we had entered the world of allergies. Every time he was tested, something new showed up. We obviously avoided the problem substances, yet his breathing and skin continued to get worse. After our dog shredded a case ofpampers and we eneded up in the ER due to wheezing and facial swelling, we learned he was allergic to his diapers.
I spent that night researching cloth online. BG was the ONLY brand I came accross that had consistant RAVE reviews and even the negative ones weren’t so bad. I had no time to test out certain brands and hope they worked…..I put all my faith in you guys, drove 80 miles to the nearest diaper retailer and stocked up! No regreats here! We love them!! Neveragain will we use disposible diapers on futures children. Cloth diapering has actually turned out to be a fun adventure! Thanks for being our guide!
Bum Genius has made it possible for me to cloth diaper 3 babies at the same time. We had fertility trouble and ended up adoption a little girl then surprise…we had a biological son 5 months later and then our birth mom gave us another blessing 10 months later. It’s been crazy but I can’t imagine not using cloth! Now Baby number 5 is on the way and I’ll still be using BG!
I’m due any day now with my first. When I did my research on what cloth diapers to use, I kept hearing about BumGenius…the top of the top, affordable, cute, earth friendly…etc…etc…when I told my family I would be cloth diapering, they were skeptical…I showed them what Cotton Babies had to offer and how they made it “doable”. Not only has Cotton Babies prooved to be an amazing resource for me in my decision making process, they offer much more than that. I feel I am already part of a larger community.
Thank you in advance!!!
Happy Birthday! BumGenius has changed my life, saved me money, stress and time! I cant believe it has been 5 years, congratulations on all your hard work, it has really paid off!
Laura Bentley
BG were the first diapers I ever bought and are the majority if our stash (4.0s)! I decided to CD this time and am loving it! Soo easy and fun. 🙂
I started cloth diapering in April. My son was almost 1 and I hated buying diapers all the time. I tried Flips first and loved them. Next I bought 6 3.0s from Cottonbabies and loved them too. I have tried many other brands and my Bumgenius still get used nearly every wash cycle.
Happy Happy Birthday Cotton Babies! I have been cloth diapering my baby for about 3 months now – she’s turning 4 months this Friday. With loads of research I came across Flip and BG – I love them both! I love my baby’s diapers not only because of the health benefits and the environmental consciousness, but they have become an even bigger blessing to us in recent weeks. I have recently resigned from my job when my my company would not negotiate a new schedule for me to help offset the cost of child care – we literally could not afford for me to return to work. So, I am now a stay at home mommy! I did not know how fast our family would reap the financial benefits of cloth diapering until this recent change. Thank you BG for helping our little family in so many ways!
Happy Birthday BG! You are responsible for the huge success of the modern cloth diaper! You have made my babies booties more comfy, helped me save a lot of cash, and assisted me in preserving mother earth! I can not thank you enough! You have changed my life in so many ways. First of all you have made me a cloth addict! 🙂 You have given me tons of cute fluffy pics as well! And even inspired me to open my open cloth dipaer store! My friend encouraged me to try BG 3.0’s with my son switching to cloth when he was about 9 months old! The same friend lent me her BG XS’s for my 2nd. And I have a new found love for flip! I love the artist series…..and am so happy about the return of brights!
BumGenius was one of the first cloth diapers I tried. I saw my friend using the bumgenius AIOs and was impressed by how pretty and easy to use they were. So when I made my first cloth purchase, I made sure bumgenius was there. I also got a Flip cover that I love! So I am sticking with cloth due to bumgenius products.
Happy Birthday!
I just started Cloth diapering when I had my baby almost 3 months ago. I love it! Bum Genius what the first diaper I bought. I love them. They work great and my little girl looks so cute in them! I love the snaps and we have get to have a leak. I love cloth diapering and Bum Genius!
kcrfoster (at) yahoo (dot) com
I always knew I wanted to use cloth diapers on my baby, but I had no idea how they had changed until I started looking online. I only did that because a friend of a friend told me that there were “new” diapers on the market. Boy was I thrilled! I started buying them right away, before my daughter was even born, and I was in love. After she arrived, I loved getting more to match her clothes and outfits, something you can’t do with disposables. It seems really silly, and of course the health and environmental (and budget) benefits outweigh the style, but still, I was in love! BumGenius rapidly became my favorite pocket diaper, hands down, and we always use them when we go out anywhere. I do use prefolds at home, but I actually look for excuses to go out so I can put her in her cute diapers! They are so easy to use, and even my husband, mother, brother, babysitter, and nursery staff use them with ease. The touch tape closure is perfect for people who are unfamiliar with cloth diapers. My cloth diapers even influenced a friend of mine to make the switch. I am so proud when people ask me about my daughter’s diapers! Thank you for all you have done for cloth diapers, and the environment, too.
Bum Genius is what got us started cloth diapering. It seemed to be a favorite of many so we created most of our stash, before our baby was born, around Bum Genius. After our LO arrived, we realized that Bum Genius really was a great diaper & now it makes up our main stash. Our LO is almost always wearing a BG & it’s our night time & travel across the country dipe.
BG has really changed our persepective on things with me growing up with only knowing disposables. When we got pregnant with our first child we knew we wanted to do things the natural way. With us planning a homebirth, me wanting to be successful with breastfeeding we thought something was missing with our naturalistic view points. This is when i did my research and discovered Bumgenius!! I love the concept but my husband at first was a little nervous having never changed a diaper in his life. We started out using the BG aio which was great for him to learn, then moved up to the BG OS, and now we currently use prefold and covers and our BGOS at night for our toddler. Now that we are expecting baby #2 in early march we are going to need to purchase my favorite diaper BGOS as well as some prefold to get us by with having two in diapers. I can say my husband is hooked as well as i am. He will actually change a prefold now which is amazing from where we started. We are looking forward to having two in the best quality products that we know for cloth diapering. Thanks and Congrats for the last 5 years, and we pray there are many more to come.
Happy birthday BG! I love your diapers! They work great for my son and I’m sure they will last him till he’s potty trained! Can’t wait to add to my stash when #2 comes along some day!
love love love BG! they are the only ones we can count on!!!
Happy Birthday! I love love love the FLIPS
I started using cloth diapers 15 months ago when my 2nd child was born. In my quest for the perfect diaper, I quickly discovered that we are an all in one kind of family. On a whim I ordered a 12-pack of BG AIOs and fell in love with them! I am excited about the return of the brights and can’t wait to get my hands on a few more of the 4.0 pockets with snaps. Happy Birthday!
These are the best diapers that we have used. We particularly love the 4.0s and the Elementals. We are cloth diapering our 14 month old daughter and feel happy knowing that we are doing something great for her bum, the environment, and our wallets. Thank you and happy birthday to a great product.
hwannie dot shen at gmail dot com.
My stash started as a mix of pockets, and now I only by 4.0s as my daughter is getting bigger and is growing out of her other one size pockets. I love BGs-they are our go to diaper and I recommend them to all my parent friends. I’m so impressed by this company and how far it’s come in 5 short years. I’m also a little jealous I didn’t think of this myself 🙂
BG’s were my first name brand cloth diaper to try and we love them. It was a good experience for a first time with a more expensive diaper!
Bum Genius made cloth diapering so enjoyable for us! No leaks, great fit and super cute!
I am a mother of three, currently cloth diapering the two little ones. I just stumbled on BumGenius 7 months ago, and I’m so glad I did! I had no idea cloth diapering could be so easy, so cute, and so fun! I’m just sad my first born never got to wear a cloth diaper. Thank you thank you for providing such a wonderful product.
Well I remember hearing about you when a friend was pregnant and I wanted her to try cloth diapers. It took another friend giving her a gift card to get her going. Now almost all of my friends cloth diaper or have tried it out. I am finally having #1 and can not wait to use your diapers! Happy 5 Years!
Congratulations! We love Bum Genius for my son. He’s now 18 months and we have 3.0s and 4.0s in several colors… I even splurged on one of the new Artists. We’ve got a variety of diapers, but the BGs continue to be the most adaptable, the most super-stuff-able, and the most grandma-friendly of them all. They have never leaked, have stopped every potential blowout, and they look great after a lot of wear. Thank you for a wonderful product!!
We have always loved the elementals! They are definitely my go-to diaper for my two girls.
lucycontest at gmail.com
I started with Bum Genius in 2007 when my first son was born. I was told you guys had the easiest to use and the most convenient cloth diapers on the market. I started with used 1.0s and 2.0s and when I finally saved up enough a got 6 3.0s which I loved. When I was diagnosed with cancer in late 2008 I had to sell my stash and my BELOVED BGs because we needed fast money and with me being so sick I couldn’t keep up. Fast forward to 2009 and I found out that I was pregnant with a miracle baby! I was able to get my hands on some NEW BG AIO and I am totally in love. My little guy now proudly sports his BGs everywhere we go. Keep up the good work Cotton Babies and HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We love your diapers and I hope that someday when I have grandchildren (a VERY VERY long time from now) they will wear BGs TOO! 🙂
We love bumgenius and really has allowed us to grow our family! Without cloth we maybe would have waited longer to have more children. I am soo happy to say #2 is coming in may and I don’t have to spend a dime on diapers! Thank you soo much!
Happy Birthday! I would just like to say that I may not have a lot but what I do have I appreciate. When My son was just two months old I was forced to move from TX to KY ( My mom got remarried and left me no choice.)I was 18. When my son was 5 months old I found out I was pregnant again, In Jan. 2010 My mom and step dad told me I need to move out. I was forced to live in govt. housing since I have no one here except my mom, step dad, boyfriend, and my now two kids. Living off one income Bum Genius has made cloth diapering possible. I have enough for my 5 month old but not for my 19 month old. You have helped my family tremendously now we are able to save that $60 a month that would have gone to disposables and save up to get a car and non government housing. Thank you so much!
Katelyn Neagle
we love the cloth diapers… fantastic!! happy birthday, bumGenius! 🙂
Happy Birthday! Thanks for making the best cloth diapers on the planet. I have 4 children, and my youngest just turned 6 months. Not only have you provided us with wonderful and dependable diapers, but you have also saved us tons of money. As a family on a budget you have helped us in so many ways. Not just financially, but you have also given us a healthy way to diaper our precious babies. Thanks again for everything.
My son and his wife have been using BumGenius for 2.5 years and we all love them! Our daughter is due with her first baby and is planning to use them also. We really like the new colors and prints, and the new snap fronts are so great! And also so cute 🙂
Happy birthday BumGenius! While pregnant, I watched a friend of mine fall in love with your products. I figured any diaper that could draw out that type of emotion was worth a try with my child. Sure enough, we’re 5 months into cloth diapering and I’m in love! I’m a stay at home mom, so cloth diapers started out at as economic choice (now we know they’re cute, fuzzy, and so easy on the little butt).
My background is in production agriculture, so I’m not one to make a choice based on organics, anti-PUL, EBF, etc, etc…. I just do what makes sense to me and so far, cloth diapers make a lot of good, common sense!
As I’m getting our diapers ready for our next little one, I am so grateful for BGs! I wouldn’t have loved CDing without them.
Happy birthday!
I was serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA in Missoula, Montana when I found out I was pregnant with our first child. Being a VISTA, I was on a set stipend–$750 a month. Cash was tight. My husband was immediately worried about the cost of diapers.
We both agreed cloth diapering was best and when we saw the BG 3.0s we were immediately in love.
We started cloth diapering our newborn from day one and now 14 months later we are still cloth diapering our 14 month old and our 2 month old. When we found out we were pregnant again, we were even happier with our choice to CD.
For us, cloth diapering is a no-brainer. It is better for our children, for the environment, and our wallets. And it all started with a BG.
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I don’t know why I took so long to try BumGenius but my son is 6 months old and I just tried them this week. I LOVE them. I knew as soon as I put them on that I would be buying more. He is a tall skinny boy and they fit him PERFECT.
I started using bum genius “elementals” (they were called organics back then!) in August of 2008 for my 5 month old son. He potty trained right before his second birthday (cloth helped SO much with potty-training!) & his new baby sister (who was 6 weeks) took over using the diapers, along with 24 new ones I purchased (on sale!). My daughter had used the bg bamboo fitteds (discontinued now, so sad) & organic wool covers from birth. The switch from the fitteds to the elementals was seamless. I just can’t speak bum genius’ praises enough. I now give your diapers to any new mom whom I know is open to cloth diapering & have convinced one friend to cloth diaper exclusively. More friends (who haven’t had babies yet) are comfotable with cloth after changing my kids diapers & cant wait to use bum genius with their kids someday! Your company simplified our
diapering needs, took care of our children’s sensative skin, & saved my
husband’s wallet! Thank you Cotton Babies!
Allie H.
Henhenmom at gmail dot com
P.S. Your customer service is also EXCELLENT, as we have had a few minor issues with our diapers. Your employees took great care of us & went the extra mile!
Happy Birthday!! So, I’m actually not cloth diapering yet (little man is due in a month!), but I’m so excited to use our BG XS AIO’s on him. I love that they give me the opportunity to put our little guy into something so much better for him, the environment and our pocketbook. Thank you for all of your hard work!
heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
We absolutely LOVE bumGenius diapers! We started out with Econobum but for some reason they weren’t working for my son and he leaked every time he wore them no matter what we did.. I almost gave up on cloth diapering but just a few weeks ago decided to give the AIO 4.0’s a try and they are amazing and he hasn’t leaked once in them! We are so happy with our BumGenius diapers! I can’t wait to cloth diaper our future children too.
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BG has helped us to save so much money! Without having to include disposable diapers in the buget it has helped me to be a stay at home mom to my 5 month old daughter! Thank you so much for making such wonderful products! 🙂
Happy Birthday!
I was pregnant with our second baby, and I knew my family was growing but my budget was not. I was committed to stay home with my kids, and looking for ways to continue doing what I loved to do. I used the bumGenius 3.0 diaper first on a baby at church. It was so easy, no folding, no pins, no bulky rubber pants. I loved them. Now baby #3 is using the same diapers I got for my daughter 2 years ago. I love using them, I love even more not having to buy diapers. Thanks for a wonderful, long-lasting product!
Our first child is only 7 weeks old, but we’ve been using BG 3.0s and 4.0s since around week 3 (and not even at 7 lbs at the time!). My poor husband has had to listen to me prepping to CD for months before her arrival, but both of us have taken to it well. We wanted the savings, but also the cuteness factor and the comfort factor–we’ve achieved it!
The “cutest” moment in our quest was definitely over the summer–we went up to STL for the $1 sale and I saw Jenn but I couldn’t just go say hi because I felt that was weird (like… you’re the rockstar of my cloth diapering world?)… but she actually said hi to us on the way out, and I squealed the whole way home, rummaging through my lovely loved diapers. Now my husband can’t STOP telling people about these diapers and the store and how nice everyone is… he’s such a cute convert… 🙂
As a skeptic about cloth diapers because of all the nay-sayers in my family, I hesitated and bought cloth diapers when my first son was already starting to walk (9-10 months). We’re now starting to cloth diaper our second son (5 weeks old), and loving the Cotton Babies products that have kept us going. I was so glad that we were able to buy EconoBum diapers since we were so skeptical as to whether we would be able to keep it up; it was in the budget at the time, and they have more than paid for themselves… even as a family that still uses disposables on occasion. Thanks for the awesome diapers! Happy birthday!
We started cloth diapering to save money. I used strictly prefolds and covers in the beginning, but had to look for a new solution when my son started getting wiggly during diaper changes. I’ve tried so many other brands, but always keep coming back to BumGenius. I started with the 3.0s and now have a full stash of the 4.0s. I love them!
And I forgot to add that I am in LOVE with the snaps. I bought one a couple of months ago and have been back for more since. I wish they were available when I first bought my stash 3 years ago!
I started using Bum Genius as my first cloth diapers almost three years ago when our son was born. My husband was hesitant to use them, but he wasn’t against me using them. Over the years, he has come around to the idea. In fact, he told me that he was discussing cloth with another nurse at work the other night. I NEVER thought that would have happened. In fact, he loves picking out ‘girlie colored’ diapers for our daughter.
Happy birthday, BG!
We started out this cloth diapering adventure 10 months ago with Bumgenius small aios. We were hook and looped! We have since graduated to mediums and added elementals, flips and 4.0s to the mix (a must for our overnight heavy wetter)! Thanks for the awesome diapers and happy birthday 🙂
I love all your giveaways, BG!
BG saved me from having to change bed sheets every morning when my son woke up. Disposables were not cutting it for our heavy wetter little guy, it was so bad that the gross chemicals started exploding out of the front thus causing me to have to give him a bath in the morning which I don’t have time for either. I love bumGenius! No more explosions.
Just got done stuffing my BG laundry from last night. Even that is easy – they come so clean in the wash! Thanks for making such an awesome product and Happy 5th Birthday!!
A giant thanks and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Bumgenius! These were the first cloth diapers that we tried and we still love them! BG has made it easy to cloth diaper our little ones!
We are expecting our first baby this Feb. I knew years befor i got pregnant that i would want to cloth diaper we purchased so far 4 bum genious elementals I want my baby to have organic cotton next to its bum 🙂 It seems like its the perfect solution for us. It has the conveniance of a disposable but its great for earth and babies bottom. We live in NYC apartment and we are not allowed a washer in the apartment so we will do our diapers in the municipal laudry room and even with paying 2.75 per load it still makes sense to cloth diaper.
Happy 5th Birthday! We started using the BG 3.0’s when our daughter was 4 months old. she is now 2. They have been amazing! They have been the most reliable diaper. We even went on a trip and I had her in sposies, she blew out of them. And i remember thinking, she never does this in her Bumgenius diapers. It’s changed our family’s life by honestly not having a whole bunch of nasty diapers in the trash. And obviously the $$$ saved by using cloth. I’ve recently been busy with our newborn and have taken a cloth diaper break. And my husband has honestly asked me a couple of times, when are you going back to cloth? He loves them! I guess I’ll be changing back shortly :).
chocolategirl81 at rocketmail dot com
I had no intention to cloth diaper. I thought it was something only way out there hippies did to be honest. My husband however is cheap and convinced me to give it a try when our first was born. Our agreement was that we would try IF and only IF he did all the laundry.
I have tried every diaper out there, and BG has been the best by far, and I even enjoy washing them now. We got less leaks than with disposable and they are just so cute.
I am pregnant with our second and I am hoping I have a girl so I have an excuse to buy more diapers!
Saving money and smiling a lot these days.
Thanks so much!
My first daughter inherited my sensitive skin, it seems. We moved away from disposables when we noticed her skin in the diaper area was always a little irritated. Who knew that cloth diapering would be so addicting and rewarding? This happened right as the BG AIO Organics, now Elementals, were first coming out. We bought a couple, loved them, and bought a bunch more. And now we have two more little ones who are going to be getting BG 4.0s for Christmas!
I used disposable diapers on my first 3 kids, not really knowing there was a better option out there…But when I was pregnant w/ my 4th, my sister was also pregnant – with her 1st. She mentioned she was going to use cloth, so I decided to look into it too. The BG 3.0 was one of the first diapers I happened to see in my internet searching, and when I saw how easy it looked, I thought, “I could do that!” Later I let some of my other mom friends know that I was going to use cloth for our 4th baby. Not long after that, I got a surprise baby present in the mail from one of those friends – a beautiful zinnia BG organic. I was so touched that she’d get such a nice diaper for me, and after using it for nearly a year, it’s still one of my favorites! We also have a 3.0 and a 4.0 in our stash, and love them both!
We love the BumGenius company and Cottonbabies.com….my daughter is three and we cloth diapered her from the beginning trying different brands out to figure all the cloth out…well…BumGenius was the best hands down! We used pockets and AIO’s with her and still have them for my son, who is now 6 mos old. We have used the econobum covers with the bamboo bumgenius diapers, which are our faves, unfortunately they have been discontinued 🙁 We have also used the econobum prefolds and just love them! I think this company provides the best selection of diapers/accessories, something for every budget and cloth diapering style! I could not rave enough about these diapers! Thank you so much for all of your hard work and dedication to cloth, it is much appreciated!
I love bumgenius! They fit the best for my 6 month old. I’ve had issues finding the perfect diaper for him, but the BG AIOs fit him perfectly! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! I love these. I can’t wait to buy some for my baby due in May!
BumGenius is probably the biggest reason we started cloth diapering in the first place. We liked the idea of cloth diapering, but it was all so overwhelming. We finally saw some BumGenius Flips and Organics in person, and my husband fell in love with them. We’ve had such good luck with them that we haven’t even tried other brands! We’ve been cloth diapering our 6-month-old daughter since birth. 🙂
Even before I became pregnant I knew I wanted to use cloth diapers. I have very sensitive skin and break out in rashes from disposable feminine hygiene products so there was no way I wanted a similar product on my baby’s bum all day every day. I did sooooo much research before and during my pregnancy and I heard great things about BumGenius diapers. So I registered for some BG 3.0s and received some at my baby shower. They were so cute! I couldn’t wait to put them on my baby. We used them at night and prefolds during the day when my daughter was a newborn. Once she was big enough we started with Flips. Now we exclusively use Flips during the day and BGs at night. And we are so happy with both products. We don’t have leaks, we don’t have blowouts, we don’t throw away a bunch of nasty trash, we don’t spend money on disposables week after week and my daughter’s bum is happy!! My family and friends have seen how happy we are with our Flips and BGs and some have even started using them on their little ones!
We have been cloth diapering our 6-month-old son since he was a newborn and we love our BumGenius diapers! We have tried a number of other styles, and these are our favorites! I love that they are so easy to use, clean, and maintain, and also, oh-so-cute! We love sharing our experience with other families and explaining what cloth diapering is “really” like – people are always so amazed at how easy it is with our BumGenius diapers! Through our example, we now have both friends and family who are trying or planning to try cloth with their kids, which is awesome. Every time we change a diaper I am proud of our decision, and am happy that we are doing the best that we can for our babe’s bum, our wallet, and the enviroment!
Happy Birthday, BumGenius!
Cloth diapers are such a blessing. Once you go CD you’ll never go back! Bum Genius are the best around for your baby & the environment!!
We just started cloth diapering our third child. Mostly because they are so cute, but I love that we are saving money and our little one doesn’t have so many chemicals next to his skin!
Happy birthday! Bumgenius has changed my entire perspective on diapering. I started babysitting a little boy three years ago, and his parents wanted me to use cloth while I watched him. I told them I was fine with it as long as they were willing to show me how it worked. I associated “cloth” with prefolds, so I was pleasantly surprised by their bumGenius diapers. They were colorful and cute, and most important-easy. When I was pregnant with my own son two years ago, we decided to use cloth and compiled a huge stash of bumGenius diapers. It’s been 1.5 years and we’re still going strong with them! I can’t wait to use them with the new baby in June.
Thanks for a great product 🙂
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com
Our DD was born last March – and previously to that, I knew I wanted to cloth diaper, but didn’t know how to start or what to use. Also, husband had the requirement that it needed to be easy, as he would be the one changing all the diapers while I was at work!
I started to do research, and was totally overwhelmed. Prefolds, covers, where to get them, etc. Then a friend pointed to cotton babies, and it was SO EASY to figure out. I looked over the different types, and chose the 3.0s, and fell in love. We use econobums for our baby shower gifts, and the flip covers/prefolds for our emergency backup diapers.
I’ve also been guilty of telling new parents in Walmart how easy it is to cloth diaper, and how inexpensive too! (And then sending them to cottonbabies.com)
We love bumGenius in our house! When baby boy developed a SEVERE diaper rash @ 2 weeks old and nothing would clear it up, we decided to give cloth a try and purchased a few flip covers and stay dry inserts to use “just until he was better”. Here we are, exactly one year later still using those flip diapers and have been rash free since!
We were instantly hooked and I have become addicted to BG! We have expanded our stash to include BG AIO, BG 3.0 and would love to add the 4.0!
The Flip was the first cloth diaper I used on my son at two months old. The first pocket diaper I purchased was a bumGenius 3.0 in moonbeam. I took a chance after a month of cloth diapering only during the day, and decided to use my bumGenuis on my son at night. He slept the whole night in it. When I went to change him in the morning, he was dry, not at all red or soggy looking and very happy. The first cloth diaper soap I bought was bumGenius brand.
BumGenius has taught me the cuteness of cloth diapering, that cloth diapering is very economical, and that I can trust their brand. Thank you for making such great products and happy Birthday!
Bum Genius 3.0 Diapers were the first I used for my daughter!! We love them. We only changed to Flip diapers when she got bigger. They have changed our lives adn our daughters lives greatly! I can count on one hand how many diaper rashes she has had!! Every time we put her in a sposie she would get one! They have saved us a lot of money in the two years she has worn them. I can’t wiat to CD our twins coming in May! Thanks!! Jen P
Happy Birthday!! What a celebration. We love our BG diapers.. cloth diapering has become such a blessing to our family. Not only financially but also we really value the way we can give back to the environment… or should I say not give to the environment 😉 We live in the country and burn the garbage we can’t recycle. We feel so good that we are not only giving our little guy a cute little bum but also we are able to buy other things and help the environment in the process. Thank you BG for making cloth diapering so easy!!!
Though BGs weren’t my first introduction to cloth, I found that the 4.0’s were the only one’s that fit my 2 year old until she PL about 3 months ago. The package of 6 I received from you guys was truly a life saver! Thank you!
Jessica A
jaje1 at yahoo dot com
I love Bum Genius because it has made my husband a cloth diaperer. I prefer fitteds and he won’t even give those a try. He loves BGs because they are so user friendly. He loves the aplix because he can get a good fit on the baby and I love the colors!! We have a new one due in May so we are already preparing our XS BG AIO’s for her.
Kaylyn.buckner at gmail dot com
My sister uses BG and I got to see how managable cloth diapers could be. We love them
BG Aios were the only diaper from the trial pack I got that my little one liked when I considered switching at 13 mo. My husband was anti-CDing but loves the AIOs with an extra hemp insert for night time. No leaks!
Happy Birthday, BumGenius! I used cloth (BG and prefolds w/ thirsties covers, which are gradually being replaced with flips as they wear out) from the beginning with my 2-year old daughter and now my 5-month old son. Love how easy it is, how much cash I’ve saved, and how cute my babies look with big fluffy bottoms!
Happy Birthday!
I first considered cloth because of the cost savings, but actually went with cloth because of the cute factor. 🙂 Also, because DH had debilitating eczema, and the chemical-free route was appealing, as there was no way of knowing if baby would have his daddy’s skin.
Our first cloth diapers were thr BG Organics. I’ve since tried way too many other diapers! We keep coming back to the Elementals. DH won’t use anything else!
BumGenius also saved us from our “poo poo painting” issues. My twins had torn off their disposibles and smeared there poo on the walls so many times I had given up on their room ever looking nice again. When using BumGenius with snaps though they no longer take them off and we are painting today to refresh the room!
My son was 5 months old when I decided I wanted to CD. My husband couldn’t believe it and wasn’t interested. I bought several brands of CD’s so I could see what we liked the best. BG is hands down our favorite, and the only one my husband will use. We love CDing now. Thanks for making such an awesome diaper that turned even the most skeptical Daddy into a CD lover!
Happy Birthday, BG! What I appreciate about you guys is that you’re always adapting to your customers’ feedback. Snaps? Check. Organic? Check. Bright colors? Patterns? Check and check. You can really tell the caring and hands-on behind the diapers.
We loved our BGs so much with our 1st daughter we passed them on to my sister for my niece. She loved them so much she passed them on to our cousin. She loved them too, and then passed them back to me for our 2nd daughter. Can’t tell you how much we all saved, but it’s a lot. Now our stash could use a little re-freshing, but we still love them!
Congratulations!I love love love my flip diapers and Cotton Babies! I have saved money and feel good about putting natural materials on my baby’s tush. I also love to pass the work along about cloth as most people I talk to do not understand it. Yea Cotton Babies!!
I cloth diapered my son from day 1, using mostly prefolds and wool covers. When he was 8 months old, I had to return to work and I needed an easier diaper system that my mom, who was keeping him, knew how to use. The BG 2.0 had just come out at that time. I ordered a dozen, and LOVED them. When the 3.0 came out, I ordered another dozen and packed my prefolds and covers away. There is just nothing trimmer or easier than the BG one size pockets. I used the same 24 diapers until my son potty learned at age 3. The still work just fine, and they are in storage waiting on my next little one to use.
If it weren’t for the ease and perfect fit and absorbency of the BGs, I would have had to put my son in sposies while I worked. So, thank you Cotton Babies – my son has never had a sposie on his bum, and its all thanks to you!
laura.cooper2 {at} gmail {dot} com
I started out using prefolds from a local diaper service… after 15 months, it was getting expensive as I had to start paying more to upsize, and I always had to change diapers in the middle of the night to prevent rashes, despite double-diapering with prefolds (which was thick, let me tell you). And storing dirty diapers for a whole week always resulted in a very smelly, heavy load. Anyway, this all changed when a friend who used BG 3.0s told me about the new Flip system that just came out that she was eyeing, and it was the perfect solution. With her guidance, and a lot of reading about washing and stripping diapers, I took the plunge and bought a daypack of the Flips, and then 2 more, as I found out how easy it was. I figured that if I changed my mind, I could always go back to the service, and the total cost of the Flips was less than 2 months of the diaper service. My son is now 27 months old, and I’ve never looked back! Using the Flips has saved me so much money, and I look forward to using them on my newborn (due next month), once she gets big enough for them. Thanks for creating such a clever, ecological, and affordable system! Happy birthday!
Love BumGenius. When we were pregnant, my husband was not in favor of cloth diapers. Then I sent him a link to BG, and everything changed. Once he saw how amazing these are, he was fully on board. I cannot imagine not doing cloth, and BG has made it so easy.
As a new first time mom trying to find money in the budget to stay home as long as possible…bumGenius is a HU?GE help with that! AND they are SO easy!! We are definitely having more kids…and definitely continuing cloth diapers!! Thank you for seeing a need and making an incredible product!
BumGenius has changed our family’s lives and finances! I have learned that doing what is BEST for our family may not always be the easiest or most convenient, but neither is it impossible or unachievable! I love sharing how much money we are saving by using BumGenius, and people are always so surprised by how easy they are! Thank you, Cottonbabies, for making cloth diapering so convenient and affordable.
I just love BG’s! If I could afford it I’d replace all my CD’s with BG’s! They are the most absorbant and fit the best!!!
Our dive into cloth diapering was made by purchasing all used diapers because that was all our budget allowed and our little girl is allergic to disposables. They were prefolds and covers because that was what our budget allowed. One of the “lots” I bought contained 2 XS BG AIOs. I was hesitant to try them because I heard AIOs took forever to dry. One very poopy day I found myself using my BG AIOs. I was immediately in love. I had no idea what people couldn’t love about these. And they dry fast enough for us.We have since moved into the OS 4.0 (snap)love and Flip love too. Hubby and I both stalk Cottonbabies site, blog, Facebook page and e-mail blasts awaiting the seconds sales. Unfortunately that is the only way we can fit our love of Bumgenius into our budget. I have not only converted 2 friends and my SIL to cloth but they are also feeling the BG love. Thanks Jenn for changing out cloth diapering lives.
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We love our pockets and elementals! I can’t wait to use out bg xs aio’s in just 8 short weeks with our next baby. Thanks Jenn!!
laurel dot olson at yahoo dot com
im new to cloth (4 mos) but bg and econobum have saved us SO much money and are perfect for my heavy wetter, no leaks! and with bg she hasnt had any rashes. total lifesavers!
I love BumGenius Diapers…thats pretty much all we use other then our prefolds which ar more of a backup or at home use! I love the 3.0 and I also love the AIO’s. Great diaper quality and so easy to use and wash!!
We love our bum genius diapers! When we found out we were pregnant, I knew I wanted to cloth diaper. I ordered a few of a few companies. Washed them. Played with them. My husband diapered some stuffed animals with them.
When my daughter was about a month old, I started using them. Bum Genius was our favorite! I went on and ordered a dozen more. Then after a few weeks wanted more and ordered more! Now we have 36 diapers in rotation! I absolutely love them.
My daughter even loves them! WE love how cute they are on her. Love how our trash isn’t full of diapers. Love not having to go to the store for a package of diapers. So easy and so fun!
Even when we have babysitters over, they are so simple for them to use!
morriganirene at gmail dot com
Happy birthday BG!! I’m brand new to cloth diapering… actually, we are still waiting on our newest addition to arrive! When we found out we were expecting again, I became interested in cloth diapering. Knowing very little, I turned to friends who had made the switch. Through their advice, I came to the decision that BGs were the dipe for me! My friends through me a wonderful diaper shower where I surprisingly received about 14 3.0 AIOs. I can’t wait to get her little tush in them!! Hopefully we will be celebrating a birthday soon, as well!
Happy Birthday BumGenuis!! We love our BG diapers! Ds is 3 mos old, he is our first, so we haven’t been cd’ing long, but we love it. Dh always grabs the “bum genies” first.
I’ve used the diapers for both of my children, if it had not been for the easiness of BGs I would be doing disposables! Instead, I’m addicted! Thanks guys!
We were only able to cloth diaper part time with my little man, but it was a life saver when he’d have one of his allergic rashes covering his little butt. A few days in the cloth, and he’d be good as new. They’ve really helped him with his potty training, too. Our last baby is due soon, and she’s going to be cd’ed full-time-and I’m very much looking forward to it!
I have been buying bg since the beginning. Yes I am one of the few old school cloth diaperers that can remember the 1.0 and then the 1.0 with fleece was all the rage.
Until the 1.0 came out I didn’t really like pockets much. That all changed…
fast forward to the aio’s… the xs was the diaper I brought to the hossy for my 3rd baby. His stash is now os all in ones…
Thank you Bum Genius for your products… you helped bring cloth diapering out of the dark ages in to “main stream”
Our first baby will be born in March 2011, and we have already added bumGenius and Flips to our growing stash. I can’t wait to see her cute little butt in a mama-created, eco-friendly cloth diaper!
When I found out that I was pregnant with our fifth child I started looking for anyway that we could save money and one was to start cloth diapering… and I found Bumgenius and love them! It is so nice to not have to worry about having money for diapers every month ( when you have five kids you have better things to spend money on). I am a bumgenius/cottonbabies only cloth diapering mom. Thank you so much for great products and making my life easier!!! Happy Birthday!!!
I’m a fairly new mom, and I wanted to start cloth diapering and my Bum Genius diapers are my go to! I have a few other brands, but none work as well as the BG. I never lay my son down to sleep in another diaper because they leak, but the BG stay dry! I love my BG diapers!
We love our BG 4.0s! We’ve been cloth diapering since September 2010, when my daughter was 10 months old. I was tired of literally throwing my money in the trash. We love the colors in the BG 4.0s and I can’t wait to get some new brights! My daughter looks adorable in her CD, long sleeve tee and leg warmers 🙂
Thank you for such a great product!
I got my only two BumGenius 3.0’s used from another mom. I remember when I first looked at the inserts and the snaps on the inserts and the snaps on the outside of the diaper (to adjust for the diaper size) I was so confused… I thought the insert snapped onto the front of the diaper, on the outside, but then couldn’t figure out how it was supposed to absorb anything or be put on my son LOL! That was my first blonde diapering moment. Needless to say, I have figured out that the snaps on the inserts are to adjust the insert size as well, and our BumGenius dipes are a well-loved (and much used) addition to our cloth diaper rotation.
Happy Birthday Bum Genius. We started cloth diapering 16 months ago and you made it so easy. We have occasionally used disposables when traveling and hate them. We have been spoiled by your diapers, never a leak, always fit perfectly, and are super cute. I will use Bum Genius with our next and have recommended them to so many. Thanks for making such an amazing diaper.
we love our bumgenius diapers! when we had our fist my husband was in between jobs and we were planning on me staying home with our LO. Money was tight-really tight and we had a friend who used BG. I thought she was crazy I mean who CDs when you can throw them away? Well the $$ changed our mind and now over a year later my daughter still wears BG everyday and so will her little sister due any day now! We have saved a bunch of money and helped the planet too! We tell everyone about BG because it really has helped our family-I stay at home with our kiddos, how cool is that?!
Congratulations and Happy Birthday!
BumGenius was the first cloth diaper we ever used and was what convinced me that CDing would be doable! Plus, they are SO daddy-friendly!
Thanks for all your hard work!
When I found out that I was pregnant the first thing that I said to my husband was “we are cloth diapering.” At this point I had no idea that cloth diapers were the way that they are, with snaps and velcro. I was totally ready to use pins and plastic pants. When I started to do research the first website that I came across was Cotton Babies. I was stoked to find out that they are a company based out of St. Louis. I was born and raised in St. Louis and thought that it was great that I would get to support a local company. At the time I was living in California and when we decided to move to St. Louis I was excited that I would be able to see the diapers before I bought them. I had my mind set on the BG but when I got the the store I saw the Flips and all the different ways that they could be used. I really liked the Flips. So after many conversations with my husband we decided on the Flip system. And since the arrival of our son, May 2010, have also added BG to our stash. We have a total of 54 diapers and love every single one. I love to talk to other moms about cloth diapering and I even converted my siter in law. She is on her 5th kid and is FINALLY using REAL diapers. Cotton Babies offers a great product and has amazing customer service. I would never do colth diaper business else where. Happy Birthday, and thanks for such a great product!
After my daughter ( my first child) was born last year I wanted to use CD. Few weeks I tried to use prefolds and covers and she would get rushes. So I stopped. When she was about a half year old I decided to try Bum Genius CD after two of my friends told me about the Flips. So I ordered two and loved them. That’s how I started to use Bum Genius. Now we own Flips and AIO as well as one size fits all. I love them and so does my husband. The new Artist Series by Chelsea Perry are wonderful and I would love to win one. I am expecting number two and will need to get more. 🙂
BumGenius is the only cloth diaper I use! It was the first one I picked out and I loved it so much that it continues to be my primary choice!! Thanks for making a great diaper!!
We love Cotton Babies and BumGenius Diapers! We used them with our first daughter 3 years ago and now are awaiting daughter 2 in a few weeks who will be diapered with Bum Genius as well. I am so excited to also try the Elementals this time around. They are so cost effective since they grow with baby and they keep little tushies rash free! I have several friends who were leary of cloth diapers until they saw our BumGenius and how easy they are to use and wash and they too became fans. Thank you for this innovative diaper!
I would love to add some AIO to convince my husband that CDing isn’t as bad as it seems with the prefolds and covers that we have right now. I hope I could win this, prove to him it’s not as bad, and then go buy some more! sugarberry07@gmail.com
My sister in law was using bumGenius diapers and I was very intrigued with the idea and was sold by the time our first baby arrived. I have been using them for almost two years now! I’ve never used anything like them before but am glad I have. I get excited thinking about all the money we are saving. Plus I get to coordinate the color of her diaper to what she is wearing. I also like the idea of less trash to fill up on.
When I first traveled I dreaded the idea of bringing the CDs with us and what I would do with them until I wash them. But I have gotten into the groove and have mastered traveling with CDs.
But it is inevitable I get into conversations with others about the reason why we cloth diaper and some are more heated than I can handle. I still need to get used to that. I don’t want to pressure anyone, but I would like them to give it a try!
Anyway, bumGenius has changed our diapering world lots!
Happy birthday!!!
Econobum is the reason I cloth diaper. We couldn’t afford it any other way and it is so easy!
can’t wait to try it out. happy birthday!
I am new to CD, only a few months. I started with bG 4.0 diapers and loved them from the beginning. I bought them through Cotton Babies and fell in love! I have tried other diapers, but nothing compares to my bG 4.0s. I even love the seconds! They are just as wonderful as my ‘good ones’. My 4.0s are so easy to use and come in yummy colors. I would love to get some more in new bright colors! It would make my new year!!!
Happy Birthday BumGenius! We love using your 3.0’s and Flips! Your one size designs are comfortable for my son as he grows (even around his chubby thighs!). Thank you for helping our babies be healthy and helping to keep our planet clean!
I love these diapers- but what I love more is the story of how they were born! God was so faithful to provide Jenn and Jimmy with a means to provide for themselves and their family. It is such a testament to their goal of providing affordable cloth diapering solutions to moms and dads everywhere! Thank you for your creations and Happy Birthday bumGenius!
Happy Birthday! We just celebrated my daughter’s first birthday and the anniversary of our first year using cloth diapers! We love the BG’s for the money the save us, how well they work and how cute they are. Heres to another year for all of us full of BG’s!
I was dragged kicking and screaming into cloth diapering. No way was I going to do THAT! A local retailer offers a two-week trial of several different diapers, so you can see what fits your baby and your needs best. -I caved!- It was the best ‘cave’ I could have imagined! I fell head over heals for the BG Organics and we have been using them for nearly a year now. My husband and I actually argue about who GETS to change our son’s diaper because we both just love the BG’s. -We actually call him ‘Mr. Bum Genius’. I love my BG’s so much that I don’t want to give them up to potty train! Thank you for a fantastic diaper that stands out above the rest, and Happy Birthday!
We are new to cloth diapers but since getting our little one out of NICU have been almost exclusively in your diapers. Except for with grandpa who hasn’t been converted, YET. 😉 We have been using the flips, econobums and fuzzibunz and LOVE them!! I was amazed that one size truly is!! We started using the smallest size on our daughter at just 3 weeks of age after using disposables in the hospital. She came home with one of the worst rashes I had ever seen due to meds etc and after switching to cloth her rash immediately started looking better. Now if only we could get a night time pull up alternative for BIG kids!! Big brother has a bed wetting problem and is a HEAVY wetter.
Bumgenius has made cloth diapering affordable and easy for our family.
I thank God for bumGenius! The 3.0 Pocket Diaper was the ONLY pocket diaper that fit my long, lean one month old. Before that, I rented a newborn prefold package. I was SO ready to try a nicer, easier diaper and the bumGenius was my saving grace! No leaks at 1 month old and no leaks now at almost 6 months old! Thank you for a great fitting, quality product! Happy Birthday, bumGenius!
I have 3 kids and did not cloth diaper with my first 2. Now I know why. Bumgenius wasn’t around at that time. When I started out cloth diapering with my last, I tried almost everything out there until I found what I loved the most. I am a religious BG cloth diaper parent now. I love all of them and have some of all. The elementals, the pockets, and the AIO’s. Thanks so much BG. I love your diapers.
Happy birthday! We’ve almost reached our one year mark of no sposies! We use mostly prefolds at home, but I love my BG AIO’s for going out. Thanks for creating such helpful products!
BG restored our ability to CD at night! Yay! Thank you!!!!!
I started you using cloth after I saw a friend using the 3.0’s and saw wow how easy is that. I really didnt realize that cloth was still around and so easy. Plus we were looking for something other than sposies for my daughter, she gets rashes all the time and we are always looking on way to go green. So bumgenius was the missing fit into our lives. Since using bg my daughter is rash free. since then my son has starting wearing them to bed!! BG’s make this mommas life easier, happy and fun with all the colors =D Thank you and Happy Birthday
I love these diapers for babysitters, grandmas, and other friends who don’t understand the “snappi”. 🙂
We love the stretchy tabs! Creates a great fit!
Two and a half years ago, my husband and I were both working, and still just getting by. As I was going over the budget, I realized that I was spending almost $100 a month on diapers for 2 of our 3 boys. I was almost sick to my stomach to see that waste. I chose Bum Genius 3.0’s, because they would adjust to fit both boys (although the 4.0’s do fit much better), and they were daycare friendly. I bought 18 diapers, and the diapers paid for themselves in about 3 months. THANK You Jenn, and Cotton Babies!!!
I have loved BumGenius from the start of our journey with cloth diapers 20 months and 2 babies ago. They were our first diapers with 3.0’s and now with flips. We are so pleased with how they have withstood our wear and tear. I bought a whole bunch used and they are still going strong. Everyone who asks me about cloth diapers I send to cottonbabies because I know they will not go wrong! Every time I have had a question or issue the staff has been over the top friendly and helpful. Can’t say enough good things about it all. Thank you for making my cloth diaper experience amazing!!!
Happy Birthday Cotton Babies! We love our Cotton Babies diapers – theya re the only brand we use – bg3.0, FLIPS and econobums. I’m a working mom and BG have made it easy for my son to stay in cloth while at daycare. They are so easy for everyong to use and no one has issues with them. We are so thankful not to spend money on other diapers weekly. My pocketbook thanks you! We would love to try BG4.0 to add to our wonderful collection.
I started using cloth diapers 11 years ago on my oldest son. Now on my 3rd little boy and I love all the fun colors and prints and different styles and options there are to choose from. Bum Genius is one of my families new favorites, Even that 11 year old boy can help with diapers now! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday BumGenius!
If it wasn’t for CottonBabies and BumGenius I probably wouldn’t have given cloth diapering more than a second glance during my preparation for my first baby. My parents used cloth for three children and were encouraging me to do the same, but I was skeptical of my ability to do so much laundry. The information on the CottonBabies website was incredibly helpful, and we finally made the switch to cloth full time when my son was three months old. Thank you so much CottonBabies!!
As a cloth diapering dad, I am thankful for the BG’s dipes! These diapers are super easy to use and I wouldn’t have let my wife go with cloth unless that was the case. Thanks for helping make my decision to use cloth diapers… it has been a long road!
heff31 @ msn dot com
Congratulations! We love Bumgenius – the first cloth diaper that fit my preemie boy was a butter yellow xs all-in-one that I had cuddled and pre-washed carefully throughout my pregnancy. It’s so cute and has been lent out to 2 friends already to get them started with cloth. In a few days my now 1 yr old boy is going to unwrap his gorgeous new designer series v4’s and I can’t wait to see them on him 🙂
Bumgenius was the first modern cloth diaper I happened upon, and it was the seed that started the slow process that eventually took over, and I became a cloth addict. A bumgenius 3.0 was my first cloth diaper purchase, and my first cloth love. I soon after discovered the Flip system which fueled the flame of my love affair with your products. Thank you for making such a great and reliable product. A product that is easy, convenient, quality, stylish, cute, and so much more. Thank you, and Happy Birthday!!
I am very excited that I won’t have to buy ANY diapers for Baby #2 due in May!!!
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I used cloth diapers on my daughter back in 1993. I was 19 years old and probably the only person I knew who used cloth. Although I used covers with a diaper and no pin- it was easy. I didn’t plan on having anymore children, so they were given to a family member, who then gave them to her friend after she was done using them on their son.
I had a baby boy in 2008. I ordered the same kind of diapers that I used on my daughter. Unfortunately, the quality wasn’t as good and they barely lasted his diapering period. (He is now potty training)
I have a baby due in February and I decided to try Bum Genius diapers from all the great reviews. I ordered 2 dozen to get started.. they are washed, stuffed and ready to go! I hope they will last for our baby! She is our last child. Already loved them and haven’t even used them yet!
Brooke Smith
Olympia, WA
My daughter’s life has been changed because of you guys, thank you!
Before I used bumgenius I was not keen on pocket diapers now I love them… Or at least bumgenius.
We started using cloth diaper because my husband is in school and I stay home with the baby. Frankly we couldn’t afford sposies. A friend of mine told me about Bum Genius and the first time I tried them I was hooked! they are perfect for my baby’s sensitive bottom and he stays dry all night! Thank you so much for an awesome cloth option!!!!
Bum Genius has saved us mucho money! It super simple and I dont have to make extra stops at the store to pick up diapers. I love love love that I am helping the planet and NOT contributing to the waste! Thankyou Bum Gunius…its genius!
Happy Birthday and Thank you! You have made my cloth diapering experience joyful! I have only BG’s in my stash and will only have BG’s on my stash from this baby to the next! I love the way they fit and ne’er have leaks! Your colors ar great and I just love doing fluff laundry! Not to mention I love my lo’s fluffy bottom in your BG’s!! Your an amazing lady and I admire your hard work and vision!
Happy Birthday!!
I never considered cloth diapers until a good friend showed me how easy it was with her daughter. I fell in love immediately and slowly started stocking up for my little one who was on the way. She is now two months old, and we are so happy so far! I feel so much better using our Bum Genius–not having to worry about all the disposable diaper waste, plus saving a little money in the long run as well. Switching to cloth was such a great decision! Thank you!!
Happy Birthday Bum Genius! As a first time parent of twins, I can honestly say that I never felt like a good candidate for cloth diapering….that is until I picked up a few of your deluxe AIO’s. It was like a gateway drug….and now I am an addict, on my third child and plan to completely cloth diaper! Thanks for making products that just make sense and are so accessible to even the most overwhelmed new moms! PS. Your great customer service will keep us loyal customers!
Happy Birthday! I have cloth diapered three of my four, and number four right now is doing great with flips. I just love them! I love the BG as well, but the flips work great for our budget. Thanks for such wonderful products!
was having a hard time posting from my phone so I came here….. We love CD’ing- the best part is my 10 yr old. she loves changing her baby brother’s diaper and choosing what colour “shorts” he will be wearing next. BG’s just make it easier for her. I just hope it lasts for a LOOOONg time since he is still new….. Hoping soon to fluff up my stash with more BG’s!!
With a lil’ one with sensitive skin only cloth will do and bumGenius is easy enough for my husband, daycare and rest of the family.
Happy Birthday! I am so thankful for you guys! By showing my hubby how much like disposables cloth can be, he let me buy a bunch and try it out with our second son. We love BG :)! Thank you for making such a wonderful product. I just wish I had some more 😉
Bum Genius are amazing. Happy Birthday!!!
They are so easy to use, i brought some with me on a recent trip to Ireland and converted some relatives. 🙂
We LOVE our BG AIOs. They are the only diaper that allows us to use cloth when we are out and about. So you’ve saved us from using more disposables! And I’ll admit it, they’re also my favorite diapers to use at home.
Happy Birthday Bum Genius!! Our Twilight BG 4.0s were given to us at the baby shower… and that was our introduction to BG!
I’ve cloth diapered four children, and Bum Genius wasn’t available until my third was born. Once I went Bum Genius, I never went back!! The fit has been perfect on my skinny little girl (who is now 4, so doesn’t wear diapers) and my chunky little boy, who at 7 months sports only Bum Genius diapers, even the pink ones his big sister wore! I am so thankful for a diaper that doesn’t leak, is trim under clothes and keeps my baby dry and happy! With four kids running around, Bum Genius has made cloth diapering easy!! Happy Birthday, guys!
I am hooked on your 4.0’s!! I can’t wait to get my brights in the mail soon!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday bum genius!
I was very blessed to have received a free pack of econobums when Jenn came to the little seedling in Michigan this fall. I have two in cloth and my youngest has very sensitive skin which was causing her alone to go through twenty diapers a day. I couldn’t keep up with diaper laundry for two kids on the stash I had. I was also unable to afford more in order to spread my wash out. The generosity of Jenn and the bum genius company made it possible for me to keep both kids in cloth with my sanity intact.
My family is fairly new to cloth diapering. We started 3 1/2 months ago when our second son was 2 months old. I purchased a number of different brands including BG. I knew we were adding a ton of trash to the landfills with all the disposable diapers….but didn’t realize the magnitude until I started cloth diapering. Now every time I wash a load and see the same diapers used again and again I feel great! I’m really impressed by the quality and ease of use with the BG products! We own 2 4.0s and 1 FLIP system. I definitely plan to buy more 🙂
love that there are so many choice in the same diaper! aio, elemental, and 4.0. snaps or hook and loops! its great!! love my bg 4.0 for nights i can really stuff those bad boys full!!
BG diapers have made it possible to not have to worry about the dreaded diaper blowout with my daughter who turns five months old today!
My daughter, husband, and I are newer to BumGenuis since she is just six months old. The BumGenuis diapers have made our life easier. My daughter is tall for her age/weight and so there was not a disposable diaper that fit her well enough to prevent blow outs. We have never had one problem with the cloth diapers for which we are so thankful! On top of that I just feel better as a mother putting cloth next to my daughter’s skin instead of chemical covered papery plastic! Thank you for all of your work and dedication!
Happy Birthday BG! When we first started looking into cloth, BG was the first diaper I looked at…and it became my very favorite of all the brands we tried! Now over a third of my stash is BG! We have at least one in every color! I love showing off our BGs to other parents interested in cloth because they’re super cute & easy to understand! Thanks for making cloth diapering easy!
I love Bumgenius. I first tried a BG 3.0 and fell in love. As a military wife, and momma to two boys in cloth, I find I can never have enough BG’s! They are very well made and very easy to clean and use!
Thanks for the chance to win one!
angela_heffner at yahoo dot com
I don’t think I would have been able to cloth diaper if it hadn’t been for BG’s Flip diapers. This is such a great way to make cloth diapering more affordable but still easy and convenient for people on a budget!
When I told my daycare provider (my sister 🙂 about using cloth she was less than excited – but now she raves about how easy the BGs are and how cute my baby looks in them!
These diapers are the absolute best way to get someone on board with cloth diapering. Today I sent my daughter off to spend the day(and night! I’m already missing her.) with her aunt and uncle. I packed as many BG diapers that I have, knowing that they could handle cloth diapering for the day if they had something easy to use. I even have one double stuffed with a sticky note attached for her night time diaper 🙂 They have no children yet, so I’m hoping they’ll see how easy cloth diapering can be. I used to buy disposables for people to use when taking care of my daughter, but I refuse to buy any more!
Living in Germany where almost everything is recycled, cloth diapering seemed the logical choice. That and our regular trash can has a high false bottom, meaning disposables would fill it too quickly for the bi-weekly pickup. Bumgenius has been the best option for our baby. We’ve had no diaper rash and no epic-poo leakage. That fact that they will grow with her and be ready for our future babies makes BG all the better.
Thank you and Happy Birthday!!
I started using washable diapers (mostly BG) when my daughter was 9 months old. I love it! I have a few odd diapers from other brands, but BG are hands down my favorite (Flip is my go-to night diaper because they are so versatile.)
I bought 6 BG AIO (XS & S) on last year’s black friday/pre-Christmas sale, in the hopes of a new baby for 2010, and at the end of August my 9.5lb son wore the XS for exactly a week before outgrowing them! Cloth diapering a newborn has been great! I traveled for 4 days when he was 9 weeks and we had a blowout almost every diaper in the disposables, so was super excited to get back home to our BG’s! (I lent my XS & S and a couple OS and a Flip cover to a friend recently in hopes of winning her over to washable diapers!)
bumGenius are simple and have made cloth diapering possible as well as saving us a lot of money! I <3 bumGenius!
Unfortunately, we don’t have any BumGenius diapers in our stash, but I can comment on how cloth diapers in general have affected my life!
I don’t feel the guilt I once did when I saw my husband take the big bag of disposables out to the trash can every couple of days. I have become extremely addicted to the cuteness and ease of using cloth.
Since we don’t have any BGs yet, I would really love to win some so DD and I can enjoy them as much as others have!
Happy Birthday Bum Genius! My hubs and I LOVE your fantastic diapers. We have two beautiful daughters, just 18 months apart, and your fabulous diapers made it possible for us to cloth diaper them both {normally not an easy feat with 2 kids in diapers!} 🙂 I am a BIG fan and a loyal customer. In the last 3 years, I have had many conversations with friends, family, and complete strangers about how much I love my Bum Genius diapers. I’ve even been called a “diaper pusher” by a few friends who tease me about how much I love cloth diapering. THANK YOU for making a product that is truly worth recommending to friends! Congratulations on your 5th birthday – I wish you many more! 🙂
Our grasshopper BGs were our gateway into the CD world. Happy Birthday to you all!
Changing how babies go potty one day at a time!
Congrats and thanks!
BG are so easy to use and the fit is great. These are my favorite overall. They never cause a rash or leak. I want to get the new prints, they are too cute.
Cottonbabies was the company that introduced us to cloth diapers! It seems like yesterday (not 1.5 years ago) that I ordered my first 3.0’s from cottonbabies.com. We haven’t looked back at disposables since! Happy birthday!!!
I love how CD’ing has made our lives easier. Part of it is because the BGs are just so easy to use and take. We’ve even converted some of our friends to the idea that CD’ing isn’t our parents’ version anymore.
I’m 2 weeks away from having my first baby and can’t wait to try BumGenius. I’ve been stocking up my whole pregnancy on different brands, but the BGs seem to be the highest quality! I can’t wait to try them, thanks for helping me get started CDing! Happy Birthday!
Thank you for making such wonderful diapers! We chose Econobums before my son was born for the low cost. Once we proved we were going to stick with it my mom ordered us some Flips I’d been drooling over. We eventually got some 2.0s secondhand and those are the only ones Daddy will use. I’d love to try the newest models and prints! Thanks for the chance to win!
mkwdavis (at) gmail (dot) com
I love Bum Genius diapers!! They have changed my life by making myself and my children happier! Night time diapering is easier, diapering in general if more fun and cute of course! I love getting to tell people about the “new” cloth diapers! My favorites are the organic cotton 🙂
bumGenius was the first mainstream big name diaper that I tried. I loved it! I tried Flip also but found they didn’t work well on my skinny legged babies. But the 3.0s certainly did! Thanks for all your hard work and determination to help make a difference in the lives or our children and the future of our world.
Happy Birthday!
Though our little girl is just shy of a year, my husband and I can’t imagine NOT using bumGenius… We live in an area where not many people have gone to cloth yet so I find myself constantly debunking the age-ol’ myths and explaining that this option makes sense for our family on so many levels (financially, environmentally, etc.) INCLUDING ease.
I hope that (and want to do my part to help) cloth diapering gets so integrated in our culture that we can soon get to a point where cloth diapering is a choice that every new momma at least considers.
And bumGenius’s fifth anniversary– and the company’s diverse, ever-expanding, and adorable array of products– are proof that the collective “we” are making progress!
Ah! My first experience with cloth diapering came when I found 12 XS BG on craigslist. I had been so overwhelmed with all of the choices out there that I hadn’t gotten anything yet. And I tried these. And loved them! I loved how easy they were to use, how washing friendly how I could get stains out with the sun. And I loved all of the colors! My favorite diapers in my stash? I’ve got 3 elementals that I just adore 😉 Thank you for making CDing a little more mainstream. And especially all of your work to help families in need use cloth so they do not have to continually buy diapers! Great job and Happy Birthday Cotton babies!
I love Bumgenius! I always wanted to try cloth diapering and learned about it while we were trying to conceive. Four years went by and there was still no baby to diaper. We recently adopted a baby girl from Africa and brought her home. I finally got a chance to try out the little bumgenius I had been saving. Our stash has grown since her adoption and I keep adding in more brands but bumgenius is my favorite and go to. Not only is it saving us money (which is imporant in adoption!) but we also found out she breaks out in rashes with any disposables. So it’s win win all around. 🙂
We started out cloth diapering almost 3 years ago. Our 1st (and only) diapers were bumGenius 3.0’s. They are still our main diapers, and the only ones we use for nighttime and leaving the house. We also use prefolds and wool, but that’s because I like to knit. :)These made our transition in to cloth a breeze. We were amazed that they did even better at night than the sposies, and contained the “blowouts” (which were no more). Thanks to our bumGenius 3.0 we haven’t even considered using a sposie again!
The very first cloth diaper my baby girl ever wore was a BG AIO, that’s the diaper that got us hooked on cloth! Elementals (and Flip covers, with BG bamboo fitteds) are our go to daytime diapers! THANKS and Happy Birthday!!
I decided to cloth diaper before I ever got a positive pregnancy test. When I was pregnant I did so much research and decided to start with prefolds and covers since I wasn’t sure I wanted to spend a lot of money in case I hated cloth diapering.
I should have known myself better than that! I had made the right decision when I decided long before that cloth was for me! I used the first size of prefolds for my 10lb newborn and when he outgrew those I began to eye the two BG 3.0s that my best friend gave me. It seemed like such a hassle to change the whole diaper all at once!
And then I put the first pale blue diaper on his chubby little bum. And fell in love. My son is a very heavy wetter and even other pockets had not been able to contain it. Even triple and quadruple stuffing didn’t help. The first time I put a BG on him he fell right asleep afterward and I realized I only had ONE insert in there! I panicked and put a towel under him in the swing when I laid him down.
When he woke up four hours later he was bone dry. I thought he just hadn’t peed and started calculating how much fluids he’d had that day…
And then I opened that fateful diaper…
And immediately went and bought 5 more.
The diaper itself was SOAKED and once I got it off of him I realized the diaper weighed a ton. Out of curiosity I weighed the dry BG I had in reserve and then weighed the wet one. It weighed a full POUND more even with one insert and had not leaked!!!
Yep, I’m in love. BG is my go-to diaper and the one I’ve recommended to ALL of my friends as the best diaper on the market (and I’ve tried more than 20 different diapers!)—my favorite convert has 20+ BG4.0s waiting on her little man to be born and wear them.
I’m so jealous of her stash its ridiculous 😀
When we were pregnant with our daughter in 2008, I was really interested in using cloth diapers b/c of the environmental impact, but I had no clue where to start! I stumbled across Cotton Babies’ website, but I still wasn’t sure where to go and what to buy. Thankfully, at the same time I was teaching at UMSL and one of my students came up and asked me if I’d thought about using cloth diapers since I was pregnant. I was so surprised by her question, but happy to learn that she actually worked for Cotton Babies and that it was a St. Louis company. My husband and I went down to the store one Saturday and bought our first diapers. The staff was GREAT and answered all our questions. My husband was timid about using them, but it was love at first sight when he saw how they actually looked and felt. We started using our BumGenius diapers when our daughter was a few weeks old and haven’t looked back! We are extra thankful that we made the decision to go with cloth b/c our daughter ended up having terrible rashes in disposables and is actually allergic to something in regular baby wipes. Cloth saved her little bum! Now, we are starting to shop for extra diapers for our second daughter, due in May, and I can’t imagine using anything else for her! We have had the best experience with Cotton Babies and our BumGenius diapers. The company is excellent and truly stands behind their product! The more we see how Cotton Babies takes on different challenges and issues, the more we respect and admire the company. Plus, we have been sharing our love of cloth and recently a family member and a friend decided to use BumGenius diapers for their babies! Thanks for being such a truly caring company! We appreciate what you’ve done for our family so much–the money we’ve saved, the health benefits for our daughter, and just knowing we are doing something to preserve our beautiful Earth. We love Cotton Babies! Happy Anniversary!
We love BumGenius and they have helped us a. stop wasting money b. stop wasting livable land and c. stop wasting time making midnight trips for more diapers!
Happy birthday BumGenius! We just recently converted to cloth diapering our ten month old girl. We were fed up with the rashes she constantly had from every brand of sposies we tried. I had no idea anything like BG cloth diapers existed until I read the blog “All about cloth diapers” and saw that your brand was consistantly voted a fav among CDering mamas. We ordered 3 used 3.0s from Rediaper.com and fell in LOVE!! No more rashes!! I told my husband all I wanted for Christmas and my birthday was BumGenius 4.0s! Our stash is small but we plan to build it up over time and never go back! Thank you SO MUCH for your wonderful product! I would have used them from the start had I only known they existed.
We started out using BG 2.0s with our oldest, 4 years ago. Then they were upgraded to the 3.0s after 2 years. We have nothing but nice things to say about these diapers! They are very gentle on the skin and won’t give rashes like the disposable diapers. We plan on using Bum Genius diapers with our next baby, due in a few weeks!
Happy Birthday, Bum Genius! Bum Genius helped open our eyes to the world of pocket diapers! We’ve only got one in our stash, but it’s one of my favorites! 🙂
Bum Genius was the first cloth diaper I tried with my now 7 month old. It is by far our favorite( along with the flip system) and what we use now. I’m thankful for the ease of use, which makes it really easy for all caregivers!
Happy Birthday!!!
You guys have made cloth diapering my two children, fun and pleasant! Thanks a million!
wow, bumGenius has affected our lives in so many ways! I used prefolds with my first daughter, and I found them to be so difficult. I had heard about these easier diapering systems, but they were expensive. I don’t know if they were available then or not, but the one size thing has really made them affordable to me. Someone suggested bumGenius to me before my second daughter was born. I received them, and I was hooked! They have saved us so much money since we don’t have to buy disposable anymore. I feel better about not adding disposable diapers tp the landfill. Plus, they have saved me time because they are a cinch to change unlike the prefolds that I used the first time! We love our bumGenius diapers!
Happy 5th! BG’s AIO was one of the first dipes I bought for my 3rd child when I decided to try cloth. I love it – it is so easy and fits my chunky 7mo very well.
I am very new to CDing, and Christmas is allowing me to purchase many more dipes! My go to diaper is the BG Elemental AIO….LOVE IT! Happy 5th Birthday and am very thankful to have found such a user friendly diaper! Thank you 🙂
We’ve been using cloth since the day our son was born. Now, 1 year later Bumgenius is the only diaper in our house and has been for quite a while. We tried several types of cloth diapers, but when it came down to it, Bumgenius was the best-and they are so darn cute, I love the colors! Our stash consists of pockets, AIOs, and elementals and I couldn’t be happier. Bumgenius has made cloth diapering easy and easy to convince others it’s a great way to go.
Happy Birthday BumGenius!
I’ll be having my second child any day now. I started cloth diapering my son when he was 6 months old and plan on cloth diapering my second from the beginning! Can’t wait! The benefits are great!
Happy Birthday. BumGenius diapers have allowed us to leave the house! They are our diaper bag diaper because we can trust them. We use the elementals and love them. We also use Flip and econobum around the house.
bumGenius was the first modern cloth diaper I ever heard of. When I first started with CD’s, bumGenius was the first thing I tried. They were my ‘gateway drug’ into cloth diapering lol.
Bum Genius has saved our family money, provided comfort for my baby’s bottom, and helped save the environment for future generations of our family! We are hooked. Literally!
Happy Birthday!
Bum Genius has been a LIFE saver to me! My DS was severely allergic to something in disposable diapers. He looked as if he was wearing a bright red diaper…when he was naked. 🙁 It was awful. We did special natural disposables, but the cost was killing us. I ended up finding a tiny cloth diaper shop with the most knowledgeable guy shop owner! After a hour of learning all about cloth diapers, I let with 5 BG 1.0’s in hand. I washed those 5 diapers every day! As soon as he needed a change I would hand wash the diapers and let them dry till I needed it. Thankfully my MIL bought him more diapers for his 1st birthday- I then had 10 diapers and a few 2.0. The best part is that he was rash free. He never had another diaper rash and was a much happier little guy because of it. I am so very thankful for all that you have accomplished in the last five years. My third baby is now wearing the BG’s, even the 1.0’s still! But we have expanded our collection thanks to your well loved sale and repair kits I have been able to afford a few more!
Thank you so much!!! Your business has truly blessed our family!
Happy Birthday!
*our fill cloth diapering story is written here http://theappletree-milwaukee.blogspot.com*
My husband and I have 3 kids 8, 6 and our new addition who is already 6 months. We used disposable on the first two, but as tight as our budget is these days I knew that would be near impossible. Since I stay at home with the kids there is no extra money beyond what hubby brings home. I did a lot of researching going into this and have only read the most wonderful and positive things about BG’s. Sadly this is out of our budget. I did however like the Econobum covers which are very affordably priced. They have been great since my little guy out grew other covers within the first 2 months! We are definitely getting some wear out of these. Shortly after purchasing them I even allowed myself to splurge on some color… green and blue Flip covers!
I have to roll my eyes when I hear people talk about how some low incomes have to choose between diapers and food etc. With Econobum and Flip there are very affordable options for those with low and limited incomes! Thank you!
My little guy turns 6 months this week and has been in cloth diapers since he was about 2 months. When I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to cloth diaper since my mom did it with us and saved a lot of money, but I wasn’t excited about it until I learned all of the great options available! I was planning to have disposables for baby sitters and church and even Dad if he had trouble, but with bum genius, I have been able to teach every one who watches my son how to use them very quickly. We are very pleased with our cloth diapers and would never go back to disposables!
I love my BG organic AIOs. We converted when my daughter was 8 months old, when I finally convinced my husband it was the way to go. I have loved them ever since. A friend recommended them to me and I am so glad I followed her advice. I love how easy the all-in-ones are. It is great that I don’t have to mess with un-stuffing and stuffing separate pieces. I love the adjustable snaps on them as well and how I won’t ever have to worry about having the right size of diapers!
Thanks so much for your wonderful product! Happy 5th Birthday!!
Happy Birthday!!! BG was the third cloth diaper I tried, the first two woefully inept. BG has worked so well, it is the only diaper we have in our stash. I never thought cloth diapering could be this easy! My husband was dubious at first, but now loves that we CD our daughter. Even my old school mom has been a convert. 🙂 I love that we are saving $$$$ and the planet at the same time. Keep up the good work!!!
I love Bum Genius diapers! As a first time mom I was determined to cloth diaper to save money and because I felt it was better for my baby. We tried bum genius in a trial package and I fell in love. My son loves his colorful diapers and I love saving money. I’m veryy excited to have a girl to put pink diapers on come February! Happy Birthday!
BG was my first cloth diaper and is still my go to diaper when I need for sure no leaks like at night. Contests and thanks! Amy Bryan audioamy@gmail dot com
We love our BG’s! I looked into cloth diapering when I was pregnant with my 3rd baby. I liked the idea of saving some money and doing something that was healthy for the environment and my son. We weren’t able to get started immediately after he was born because of money issues and I needed to talk my husband in to it. Since using cloth my son no longer has diaper rash and it’s even easy enough my husband and my older kids can change a diaper. My son is 2yo now. He was potty trained for about a month with no accidents and just decided he didn’t want to be potty trained any more. (We’ll try again later.)He brings me a diaper and a prefold. Even he loves them that much!
The bumGenius 3.0 introduced me to pocket diapers and sold me on them. They remain one of my very most trusted diapers for absorbency and no leaks! I actually scraped up money consigning things to pay a friend for 5 of them that she had bought and never used. She wanted to give them to me, but I wanted to pay her. They became my “going out” diapers. Now I’m a pocket diaper for daytime girl all the way!
We decided to try Cloth for our fourth baby, a daughter, born in August. While I loved the flats and covers we were using in the day time, I knew they would not hold all night. So we were doing sposies. I wanted so badly to be done with sposies all together! A friend recommended bGs for night time and we have not looked back since! They are INCREDIBLE! With sposies we would have night time leaks all the time but we have NEVER had a leak with bGs! I LOVE them! They are our go to diaper for when we are out and about as well. Thank you, thank you, thank you for allowing us to cloth diaper full time! I only wish I could have more of them in my stash!!! Happy Birthday BumGenius!!
i just started using BG and love them. they are so soft and easy to use. i wish i had tried them earlier on so i had more of them in my stash. currently i’m working on thinning it so i can get more. cotton babies has all my favourite diapers, BG, Flips and Econobums.
BumGenius, I’d like to tell you how your products have directly affected my life on this snowy day in Northern Illinois. Instead of rushing out into the cold with my two boys to buy a package of paper diapers, I am sitting – nay, basking – in the warmth of our home. Baking cookies, snuggling my little guys, and waiting for a rinse cycle to finish so I can hang my baby’s plush, fluffy diapers to dry.
So I thank you guys, not just for making a modern cloth diaper, but for making a modern cloth diaper that never fails us. For saving the environment, for saving us money, for saving my boy’s little bottom from harsh chemicals – but also for saving us MOMENTS, sweet and cuddly winter moments that don’t have to be interrupted by an unplanned trek to the store…because as all parents know, those moments pass us by much too fast.
Kat Harper (katharper1984@gmail.com)
I have gone through 16 different types of diapers and in the end we have chosen to go with BGE’s and 4.0’s. We really have enjoyed using these diapers. Even daddy LOVES them! I want to thank BG for for creating a good quality and perfect diaper!! Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! Our first is 10 months old today and he’s been a bumGenius baby since birth (along with Econobum). Both my brother and I were CD babies, so I figured I could do the same with my son. A close friend of mine, whose son is a year older than mine, uses bumGenius. I didn’t do much research other than visiting her and watching everything in action. I was sold. As a result of me using bumGenius I’ve had two friends decided to CD and use BG too! They’re so easy to use and clean. Thank you for designing a quality product.
Happy Birthday!!! I am so glad that bum genius is what it is today. I was interested in CDing my newest baby but had no idea where to start and found bum genius pocket diapers on cottonbabies and bought some and fell in love. They are AWESOME. They are simple to use for my husband and easy for me to wash. I am glad that we are able to help the environment by not throwing away thousands of disposable diapers thanks to your company. My baby boy just loves all his bum genius diapers and I love that I save a ton of money. We are now able to put money into savings every month that we would have been spending on hundreds of diapers a month. Thank you!!!!
thank you so much for making it so EASY to CD…love love love the 4.0s, flips, and elementals, which combine to make 95% of my stash.
Happy Birthday and wishing you many more to come!
BG’s as they are indearily termed in my household are a lifesaver. I use the organic AIO’s with snaps. They are wash and wear and that is that. I exclusively cloth both at home and at daycare and the daycare staff adore them. They are amazed how easy they are to take on and off. Thank you Cotton Babies for making my life easier!
Josefa Pena
Congratulations on your 5th birthday. We love Bum Genius elementals. We have been cloth diapering our now 5 month old since birth and have tried many brands & types of cloth diapers. Our number one, the one one my babysitter & husband reaches for all the time is Bum Genius elementals. It is so easy to use and so easy to put together after washing. No need to stuff or find inserts. We’re in love and wish we had more. Thank you for creating these diapers.
How has BumGenius affected my life? Not only does it have economical consequences, but it has social ones as well. My friends and I have another topic to talk about at church and Facebook. Also, the other day I visited my in-laws’ church and met someone who worked at Cotton Babies! Very cool! I recognized her as the lady who handed me a coupon at the spring sale.
Being on a tight budget due to ongoing medical expenses for our 10-year-old son, we didn’t want to have to choose between diapers for our new baby girl, or his prescriptions or allergy shots. We opted to try cloth diapering and have invested in the Flips – they seemed to fit our budget and our lifestyle pretty easily. Three months later, we are LOVING cloth-diapering and are striving toward building a collection of AIOs or Pockets so that we can use them all the time! (We currently use disposable while we are out running errands and such.) Our cloth diapers don’t leak as often or as bad as the disposables and they seem SO much more comfortable on Jane Ellen. Thank you, bumGenius, for offering something so simple yet so wonderful! I only with I had known of this secret world of cloth-diapering when my son was in diapers! 🙂
It was the word of mouth reliability of bumgenius diapers that gave me the confidence to jump into a world that I knew nothing about, and now love to pieces! I bought one BG 4.0 to try and then found a store selling off their old 3.0’s for a great price…I bought everything they had left. I’ve since acquired a few more bg’s and it is the bulk of my stash, and the only thing I send to daycare.
Thanks, BG!
I started cloth diapering when my son was 6 months old, I saw another mom using Bum Genius and loved how bright they were and EASY to use. I bought a few to try and fell instantly in love! I am proud to say we haven’t had to buy disposable diapers in over 7 months! Even my husband and mother-in-law are impressed with how easy they are to use, to clean, and how much better they are for our baby’s skin and our budget! I have tried other diapers but my all time favorite and the majority of my stash is still bum genius. I am already thinking about a new baby in the future and picturing a little newborn in them one day!
What I love about Cotton Babies in general: free economy shipping! Their availability of repair kits, I could not afford brand new diapers and was able to find some gently used and made them brand new again! Their helpfulness and wealth of information. If it weren’t for Cotton Babies I might not be a devoted cloth momma today! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!11
We love BG’s! At first our families gave us a hard time saying we were crazy to use cloth, but now that they’ve seen how easy, adorable, baby and earth friendly BG’s are, everyone is on board! They are even insisting we travel home for Christmas with them (they originally requested that we use disposables while visiting because they didn’t want us to use their washing machine).
Our very first cloth diaper was a twilight bumgenius I gave them a try on the recommendation of a good friend. They have never leaked and held up over the last 3 years!
My great experience led me to encourage other friends and I’ve “converted ” 4 other families to cloth who have in turn spread their love of cloth diapering and BumGenius! Thank you for creating such a great product and for the continued innovation!
I cant wait to try BumGenius. I just had my third boy and this is my first time doing cloth diapers. We have prefolds right now, but I am trying to build up a stash and try a few different kinds. I hope to get a few bumgenius pocket diapers to try soon. So far though I am loving the cloth diapers so much more than disposables!
Congratulations Jen & bumGenius! Oh my goodness… how I love my bumGenius! Thanks to their ease of use, our family has remained committed to cloth diapering. It’s the only diaper that my husband will use (which includes disposables) AND he doesn’t mind stuffing them either! 🙂
When I found out that I was pregnant with my second daughter, and discovered the horrid rashes my first daughter was getting were an allergic reaction to disposables, I made the leap into researching cloth diapers. The first brand I came across was Bumgenius. I didn’t know such diapers existed. It made me sad that I didn’t start using cloth right from the beginning. We are on an extremely tight income though so I was not able to purchase any Bumgenius. I still long to try them though. I am a online stalker, and I surf to see if there are deals that I can afford on them almost every day. I have other diapers, and they are good, but there is always that “what if” in the back of my head about Bumgenius diapers. They don’t even sell cloth diapers in stores within a 2 hour drive from me so I can’t even go admire them in person. Thank you for giving me the courage to dive into cloth by making such amazing products though.
I tried posting earlier, but my computer messed up, and I don’t think it posted…? I have been using BG’s for about 7 months, they were my first purchase of Cloth diapers and are still my current favourite 🙂 I probably never would have CD’d without such an easy-to-use option!
nari_gal at yahoo.com
About 3 years ago, long before I was pregnant or even trying for my first, I found a BG pocket diaper at a local thrift store. I found it intriguing so I bought it for $.49. I knew it was a diaper, but that was all. So I looked up the name online and that was how I discovered cloth diapering. I had a good stash before my DD was born. She has been cloth diapered since day one. Thank you for introducing me to cloth.
Happy Birthday Bum Genius! I got into the cloth diapering game quite late with my son since I was so afraid to try them. And now I can’t believe how easy is! We have lots of Bum Genius diaps in our house, pockets, elemental AIOS, flips, and artist series – I just love them all! And now I’m pregnant with twins, due in the early Spring, and super excited to have a nice cloth diaper stash going to use on them and to buy some more (I need some PINK now!) 🙂
I didn’t know about the advances in cloth diapers with my first son (imagined folding and safety pins all over) and then I moved to a small town and saw other moms using cloth diapers, including BumGenius. So when I got pregnant again I thought I would try it. My husband was skeptical until my Mom said we would never stick to it. He was immediately on board! Our little b’Abe is now 1 year and we have been using BG the whole time! Everywhere I go, I pull one out of the diaper bag to show people. My husband calls me the CD Evangalist. I come across a lot of people who have no idea how far CD has come and when I show them a BG they can’t believe how easy it is. I hope I have converted at least a few new Moms. Thank you BumGenius and Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! I started my cloth journey with 6 bumGenius 4.0’s the day they came out. Haven’t been cding very long, but already feel that I’ve saved money and am doing right by my little man. I’ve accumulated a few other pockets during my 5 months of cding but my bumGenius are the ones I turn to for dependability. Thanks for coming up with a great product!
ktiegen at yahoo dot com
I have three children and did not start using CD’s until my youngest was 8 months old. My sister in law uses CD’s and I used to think she was nuts for it. I was tired of always needing to go out and buy diapers so I decided to ask her a few questions and do some of my own research. After finding out how easy it is to use CD I decided to go for it. On our way home from a family vacation we were passing through St. Louis and I decided to make a stop at Cotton Babies and ended up buying 12 BG AIO diapers. It was by far my best/favorite purchase!
Since I started using CD’s I have convinced a few of my friends to make the switch and they are as happy as I am! I also started babysitting a 8wk old baby boy and I only use CD’s on him as well.
–Kelly Kurek
Bum Genius has been a huge part of my cloth diapering journey! My son was born two years ago on Christmas Day, and has been exclusively in cloth ever since birth. He has never once worn a disposable. Being that he was born large (9 pounds 9 ounces) his Bum Genius one-size diapers fit him from birth, and we’ve been using them nearly daily for two years. They were wonderful during our move from Georgia to Texas when he was 2 months old, and our road trip from Texas to Minnesota for his first birthday. They keep him comfy in the car, and overnight, and even just when he’s running around and playing in the yard. They’ve stood up to everything, and we can’t wait to pass them along to the next baby, who will join us next summer. Bum Genius is what got us started off in cloth the right way. The ease of use and nice look of them was actually what got my husband on board with cloth diapering in the first place, too. Even though now, two years in, that man folds a prefold prettier than I do, he still reaches for Bum Genius before anything else. They’re a staple in our house.
I’m going to be a first time mom in April and I’m looking forward to using cloth on my baby, because it looks like a great way to save money and be kind to the environment. I haven’t had a chance to use any bumGenius products yet, but I’m really impressed with how far cloth diapers have come in the past few years and how they look so easy to use!
I have to say, I originally steered clear of Bumgenius, thinking I could get away with a far cheaper ebay brand. Man was I wrong. You get what you pay for and Bumgenius is worth every penny!
Never tried a BG, but we <3 our flips and econobums! WHat a great giveaway 🙂
We just started cloth diapering both of our children after seeing how disposables affected our sons’ sensitive skin. Bum Genius offered an easy (and adorable) way to switch over to cloth diapering. They came highly recommended by lots of my Mama friends and now I can see why 🙂
I love the new BumGenius 4.0 snaps. I could really use some more and winning a 5 pack would be a wonderful Christmas present. I had been having trouble with my little one having a red tummy from the applix area rubbing. I no longer have the problem since I got 4.0 snaps.
They are the greatest. Pus a huge cost savings!!!!!!!
Ryan W.
Happy birthday! BumGenius 3.0 are the only diapers I have used, and I love them. My 10 month old daughter never gets diaper rash and looks so cute in her brightly colored diapers. And they really are easy to use and save both money and the environment. What’s not to love?
Hello! I have never used Bum Genius but I would LOVE to! We currently use disposable and I would love to start using cloth diapers. I have many friends who use the BG diapers and love them.
I just hope I can win this pack to get started!
Thank you!
I thought my husband was crazy when he first suggested cloth diapering for our first baby. After I saw BumGenius diapers and read about cloth diapering on Cotton Babies, I understood how easy (and clean) it could be. We started with just one BumGenius, some gentle-used Thirstie covers and a stack of prefolds. Cloth diapering has been wonderful. I can’t wait til baby #2 gets here next May.
I love BumGenuis. I chose to cloth diaper my first born a few years ago, and did extensive research on which one I wanted to go with that would allow me the ease of disposable without the waste and adverse chemicals. BumGenius has gone beyond my expectations, and their customer service is beyond wonderful. Now with my second born, I am still using my stash, and would love to win some more to add…
Happy birthday, bG! Our daughter was diapered exclusively in bGs from birth to potty training . . . we couldn’t have done it (CDing) without you!
I want to say thank you for all that you do and for making a WONDERFUL diaper! All of your product are AMAZING and I appreciate all the hard work that you do! Happy Birthday bumGenius!!!!!
I love Bum Genius diapers! I decided from the get go to use cloth and have only gone back for vacations (haven’t invested in flips yet, but for sure will!). I just smile when I hear other mothers recounting how much they spend on diapers each month. Cloth has saved us tons of money and for a young couple just started out, that has meant so much!
BumGenius has been the deciding factor for us to cloth diaper our son. When I was pregnant and saw adorable little babies in blue and pink diapers I just couldn’t resist! Now my husband tells EVERYONE about them! 🙂
We love our BGs- they are easy to use, cute colors and fit great on my son. I love them for this reason, but I also love the fact that I have 0 bags of dirty diapers each week to throw away! I was helping at a relative’s house and realized how heavy and BIG the bags were- they have 2 a week!
I’m not sure if I would have even considered cloth diapering if it wasn’t for BumGenius, specifically the All-In-Ones. Now when I tell people are planning to use cloth on our first child (due in June) I have a full arsenal of cute, practical, easy to use diapers to fire back when they say “You’re crazy.”
We didn’t start CDing until a few weeks ago (on our third baby…) but I can already see the difference in the garbage cans and my little girl’s skin on her bum! BG diapers make it easy for ANYONE to cloth diaper, even my husband… the most resistant to the change of all!
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We started cloth diapering because my daughter was allergic to every disposable imaginable. Bumgenius literally saved us. Saved my daughter as well. I had never heard of cloth diapers until my doctor mentioned that we may have to switch. Bumgenius were an easy choice for me. They are so simple! Happy Birthday you have a wonder product and the best costumer service!
When we decided we wanted “just one more baby”, I started looking into cloth diapers. After reading and reading and reading I realized that the common consensus was that BumGenius were the best of the best, so that’s what we chose. My husband was very reluctant at first, but once he saw how easy (and cute!) the BumGenius cloth diapers are- he is completely sold! Thanks for making such a great product that brings the benefits of cloth diapering to such a wide audience.
Happy 5th Birthday! I absolutely LOVE our Bumgenius diapers! Bumgenius has saved our family thousands of dollars, and have helped keep our baby comfy and healthy. The 4.0’s and sized AIO’s are my favorite. I love the style, fit, colors of the diapers, and that they keep my babies skin dry. I can’t wait to use them on our new baby due in May.
Happy Birthday! We have not had the chance to try bumGenius yet. We however do use Flips and the Econobum system and I love them! Not one leak EVER! I love how your company has made options for every budget.
lacey1715 at yahoo dot com
BumGenius 3.0s, and now 4.0s have always been our go-to night diaper. They’ve been keeping my son dry at night for over two years. I also love the discontinued fitteds on our newborn.
Happy Birthday!
First off HAPPY 5TH BIRTHDAY!! What an amazing milestone to reach! I want to say a big thank you because without your products I don’t know if I would be cloth diapering today! My family very generously received 12 brand new BG’s from my husbands client and at the time I was not cloth diapering, nor did I have any intentions to because I was very misinformed about how easy and convenient cloth diaper can be! So we decided to give it a try and I now have become obsessed with cloth diapers and I love to say that cloth diapers chose us! Thank you once again for all the wonderful things you are doing and Happy Birthday!
tara_lundgren at hotmail dot com
BumGenius cloth diapers seemed like a crazy idea I was wanting to try with my son before he was born (I actually had friends tell me I was crazy!) I am so glad that I did try it, because I actually LOVE them. I like not having that feeling of OH NO THE DIAPERS ARE LOW. I like that I can match the diapers to his clothes. I like to know that his diapers wont be sitting in a landfill for an eternity! I like the challenge of figuring out the perfect fit and absorbency challenges that come up as he grows. I like that my friends who thought I was crazy for trying cloth diapers and now using cloth diapers too!
Happy Birthday Bum Genius! You’ve changed the face (or should I say hiney) of cloth diapering!
When pregnant with number 4 I decide I was brave and wanted to try cloth. So many women I know and respect use cloth, so I can do it too right? BG had a great sale that allowed me to acquire two small AIOs. When they came in the mail, I fell in love. Now I’m full time cloth diapering my 4th baby and loving it, I do wish I could use nothing but BG on her, and look forward to building my stash of them over time.
I am the proud mother of a 8 month old little girl. I leaned about bum genius diapers 10 months ago when I was given a gift that keeps giving. Someone bought my daughter 7 pink and 7 yellow 3.0 bum genius diapers. I was very scared but due to the personal choice to become a stay at home mother I decided to give them a try. There has not been a day that I regret that choice. It is so easier then I ever dreamed possible. The stress of having to worry about money to buy diapers is gone.My diapers can be reused and reused for free. My friends that want to be stay at home moms, or my friends that need to save money always get to hear my story. Thank you Bum Genius and thank you to the friend that knew we needed that gift. It has blessed our whole family.
Happy Birthday BG!
We took a class while pregnant with our daughter and the speaker did a dads 101 class – up until the class, my husband was very much anti-cloth. I’m not sure what was shared during that class (moms were not allowed) but whatever was said, it changed my husband’s mind. We ordered our BG 3.0s and started cloth diapering around 3 months. I just had to return a bunch of ours but can’t wait to start up again!
I started off CDing about 10 years ago when my oldest was around 14 months old. I started off with prefolds (the old Gerber DSQ’s) and some nylon pull on covers. I added a couple hook/loop wraps to that. I discovered Bumgenius diapers about 4 years ago, when my 3rd child was in diapers. I am local to Cottonbabies, so I was able to pick up some used 1.0s and 2.0s to try them out, and I was amazed at how wonderful they were. If Bumgenius diapers had been around when my oldest 2 were in diapers, they’d have been more fully CD’d. 🙂 Each of my babies since my 3rd has spent more time CD’d, and that is in large part thanks to Cottonbabies and Bumgenius diapers. My younest 2 (out of 6) are in diapers now (2 year old and 4 month old) and I’m in the process of replacing old 2.0s with new 4.0 for them. I’m also a fan of Flips and Econobums. I would have loved to have a product like Econobums available when I was first starting out, it would have made it so much easier to get started, just in minimizing the overwhelming choices, and start up costs wouldn’t have been such an issue! But they’re such a good product, I’m using them now as well, even as a seasoned mom and CDer. 🙂
Hello, my name is Heather and I am a bunGenuis addict. However, 6 months ago I knew nothing of your product or cloth diapers for that matter.
While I was pregnant I was completely turned off by the idea of cloth diapering. I fell victim to the cliches – too messy, too much work and yes, even its too ‘old fashioned’. 6 months ago my SIL had her baby and introduced me to the wonderful and addictive) world of CDing. I was hesitant. She insisted it was easy. I thought, “Sure, easy for you, you’re a SAHM with only one child. I work 40 hours a week and have two kids.” Still, the ‘cuteness’ factor intrigued me. It wasn’t until I read that disposable diapers take 500 years (if at all) to decompose (Blech!) that I finally took the plunge; I dove in head first too. We tried gDiapers but they just did not work for us. I bought a Flip and loved the fit but at the time, diaper changes were like WW3 around our house. My LO had zero patience. On a whim, I bought a OS 4.0 and I’ve been in love (yes, with a diaper) ever since. Super easy, super cute and quite honestly, without a CD my son’s pants wouldn’t stay on and a smaller size would be too short. We use Flips with disposable inserts on longer outings so I don’t have to lug around a bag of dirty diapers and Econobums are my go-to cover for night time.
So, for us, it wasn’t about saving money, it was about doing our part to help ensure a cleaner planet for our children (and their children). So for that, bumGenuis I thank you.
Happy Birthday!!
One year ago today I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd child. I immediately decided I would use cloth diapers. (With my first son the thought never crossed my mind.) Bumgenius products are so easy to use I couldn’t imagine going back to disposables. Thank you Jenn and Happy Birthday Bumgenius!!
We started out CDing two years ago with 3 packs of Bum Genius diapers! It was a GREAT way to start cloth diapering- totally took the “fear” out of cloth! Now, the trend has spread to 3 sisters and at least a half dozen friends!
Happy Birthday! Your diapers are wonderful, the best cloth hands down- great fit and so absorbent! Why use disposables when there are Bumgenius Flips, 4.0s, Econobums, and Elementals- All of which are just as convenient but better for the environment and streets ahead in the cute department! Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!
A little story for you!
Well, I was pregnant with my 5th child, being an experienced mom and L&D nurse I thought I knew just about everything there is to know about babies. One, of my co-workers had a daughter due about the same time, and we would talk regularly about progress of pregnancy, and baby stuff. I remember vividly the day she told me about her daughter wanting to use cloth, specifically Bumgenius 🙂 She pulled up the web site to show me. I said, “Wow, those look great, but man that would be a lot of money for diapers for a newborn.” The seed was planted and it wasn’t until after my baby was born, about 8 weeks later, I bought a stash off craigslist, with some Christmas money. The next week, you should’ve seen the puzzled look on my Mother-in-laws face as I told her I bought cloth diapers with my Christmas money 😀 And so the love insued, and I am so happy to not have missed this wonderful time of lovingly diapering my baby in the best especially since he is my last:( I am so proud to see a mom who has dedicated herself to showing families the natural side of parenting. With each new store, class, and product, you are reaching more and more families and enriching their experience of pregnancy, birth, and parenting. Thanks for all you do! Can’t wait to see you here in Dallas, Tx.
Happy birthday Cotton Babies and Congrats to the Labits! BG is my go to diaper. I have tried, and loved, every type of Cotton Babies diaper. The only one I have not tried is the elemental. You wouldn’t imagine how much money you have saved me by cloth diapering my two babies!
Bum Genius is the reason I cloth diaper. The cute colors lured me in along with the ease of use. They are still my favorite fitting diaper. The diaper sprayer is great too! My husband loves it for a bidet! It’s so handy for spraying out a little potty too!
Cloth diapering was always something I had wanted to do for various reasons. In fact on our first date 9 years ago my husband made the comment that he wanted to cloth diapers his children. When my first and second children were born (now 7 & 4 years) I didn’t do my homework and imagined it all to be prefolds, pins and plastic pants-basically the same cloth diapers my mother used on me. Finally for baby #3 I began researching and as soon as I found the Bumgenius diapers I knew they were for us. So while I don’t have my baby…yet, I have quite the (growing) stash of 4.0’s and I absolutely cannot wait to use them. I show anyone and everyone who will listen and love to see the looks on their faces when they see how cloth diapers have evolved. So until my baby arrives I cloth diaper my infant niece for practice several days a week. Thank you for such a fantastic product and great customer service!
I never thought I could do cloth with my first, but decided to give it a try with my second. Love them so much I’ll be ordering more for our third in a few months!
After trying probably 25 different brands of diapers I switched to BG Elementals. I can’t say enough about them. I love love love them. They are so easy to use and they hold up so well. I will be using them again on this baby due in March. Can’t wait.
Happy Birthday, BG!
I started cloth diapering my daughter 7 months ago, after I was laid off from my job. The staff at the South County store were very helpful when I needed information about how to start. So far I’ve only used the Flip (and I love them), but I’ve been wanting to try the BG 4.0 too. Thank you for making cloth diapering easy and accessible to more people!
Melissa (mjholden(at)charter(dot)net)
We ventured into cloth diapering with BG for our son, now 18 months. We were so nervous about cloth! But even my skeptical husband was won over quickly with how EASY it all was–the BGs have us 1000% converted to cloth diapering for all our kids (however many there end up being). Plus, really, there can be NO debate about the cuteness factor of that colorful fluffy bum!! (Seriously, adorable!)
Thanks BG for making it easy and sucking us in!
I’m so happy for you guys! Our Bum Genius and Flips are our favorite diapers. My daughter is only 7 months old, but I have become so passionate about cloth diapering in that time. I tell everyone I know how fun and easy it is to do when you have Bum Genius. Congrats on five great years!
Happy Birthday Bum Genius!
We have been cloth diapering our son since he was born two years ago. It was the best decision we made and my husband and I are so happy with your product. We decided to use cloth diapers after extensive research into disposables and the environment. It seemed like a no-brainer. There are many things we love about cloth diapering: We love how easy it is to change a squirmy, two year old. We love being able to clean our diapers at home. We love how they look. :). And we love that we are making the responsible choice for our environment. Baby #2 is due in June, and we will definitely be using cloth again! Thanks for making it so easy and affordable.
Happy Birthday Bumgenius!
I am a stay at home mom in Brooklyn, New York. My husband is a school teacher. We first looked into cloth diapers for financial reasons. My husband however, was not on board with cloth diapers, until we had lunch with some friends that were using BUMGENIUS! I watched 2 grown men sit there discussing these cloth diapers in the restaurant. Thanks to him, my husband was now EXCITED about using cloth diapers!!! He even helped my husband install a diaper sprayer on our toilet!
We are now using Bumgenius and Flips exclusively and totally love them and would never go back! We are also so excited that the brights are back. Thanks Jenn for all the hard work you do!
I wrote a long comment out but somehow it got lost! =(
We love our bumgenius diapers! Finally after the 3rd baby i was able to cloth diaper and feel so comfortable with it. It’s so easy! I have been spreading the word everwhere i go! I even asked our MOPS leader if i could speak about cloth diaper and how easy it is now!
Thanks for making an easy diaper everyone can use!
I decided to research cloth diapers when my son was 4 months old. I was intrigued by all the options out there. I took a break from researching and went to a Target to pick up that god awful box of disposables and right there in the target baby isle were Bumgenius 3.0 Pocket diapers. I bought a few and was instantly hooked. I loved how great they fit and how easy it was to use. Did I mention how I loved the colors? They were so comfy on my baby and his diaper rash that I was battling for a week and half disappeared after being in a cloth for 2 diaper changes. Bumgenius has changed a lot in the last Year and a half but I love it and continue to use them on my little guy who will be Potty Learned soon. Once he’s done I will be passing on my BG’s to my 3 month old God daughter who is new to cloth. =D
Happy Birthday, Cotton Babies! We started using cloth with our third child- mainly for financial reasons. While we encountered some initial problems in our early days of cloth diapering, baby number four gave us the opportunity to perfect the little mishaps we initially had! We love cloth diapering now and would have it no other way!
Cloth diapers have changed our lives in many ways. At first it was just some cute diapers- it evoloved into a change in the way we live and view many other aspects of our life. It brings me back to a simpler way of living- a non-dependence on comercial items and big name super stores.
One thing I love is how it’s such a constant. So many things change throughout a baby’s life- but the diapers my baby wore as a tiny newborn are still the ones she wears crawling around the house today. Love that!
Thank-you, Cotton Babies! You’ve made a difference in our lives!
Happy Birthday Bum Genius!
Bum Genius came in a pack of our very first “trial diapers.” They are one of the reasons we continued to use cloth! I love BG. That very first diaper is still in rotation and is going strong. I used it until my now 3yo potty learned and I have been using it on my 7mo since she was 10 pounds!I always reccomend BumGenius as the only coomercial cloth diaper maker I support! keep up the good work!
Happy Birthday! I plan on cloth diapering after the holidays on my 3 month old. I am ssoooo excited to try BGs out!
I love my BGs. I actually bought mine off craigslist, they were brand new! We got into cloth to save money, and its hard to not keep putting the money out there when there’s such cute dipes to be had! But I have my 17 BGs and some prefolds, and I LOVE my one flip cover! thanks for making a great diaper.
Happy Birthday!
When I first looked into cloth diapers 1 year ago, I was immediately drawn to the bumGenius brand. I loved the colors and versatility. My first cloth diaper ever was a Flip, which I loved immediately. I have since tried every other BG cloth diaper and I love them all. The more I have learned about this company and about Jenn, the more I am impressed. Honestly, ask my husband how often I have raved about how much I admire Jenn! Its so inspiring to see how a normal mom has had so much success with a business and it makes me want to do more. I have had nothing but wonderful experiences with this company. I wish that I could work for you! I hope that God continues to bless your business and your family Jenn!
BumGenius HAS changed my family’s life! We use bumgenius and flip exclusively and love it this way. Seeing your diapers helped get my husband on board and completely squashed everyone’s doubts. Cotton babies has helped my family financially and has helped our environment. I am a huge advocate for cloth! We love Cotton Babies!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! I love cottonbabies and only use your diapers. Flip and econobum made it affordable for us to start cloth diapering our children. Thank you!
Greetings everyone! When I first heard of cloth diapers it was my best friend who told me while she was expecting her beautiful baby girl. The only cloth diaper system she showed me was prefolds and covers. When it was time for me to have my son, prefolds seemed like a good idea at first, until my husband had some “issues” making sure everything was tucked in, and the cover was tight enough to prevent leaks, etc. Plus my son started hating bulk on his bottom. So, after doing some research I purchased 6 Bum Genius 3.0’s…and instantly fell in love when they arrived. Not only were they adorable, but they were simple to use for daddy or even grandparents and babysitters. Super easy to wash, and easy to care for. Since then we have tripled our stash and even though my son is just about 8 months old now, that is still my husband’s go to diaper. We have figured it has saved our single income household at least 40 per week, and it is making my son’s world a little greener. We found out yesterday that we are expecting number 2, so we will have to stock up on more. Thank you so much for a wonderful product.
Congrats on your 5th birthday! Being somewhat of a tree-hugging hippie, I wanted to cloth diaper from the first moments I found out I was pregnant. But as a working mom I thought the work, mess, knowledge and upkeep associated with prefolds and covers (especially the term “WET PAIL” haha) was so intimidating that I might have to skip it. At about 6 months along, my mom found out about bumGenius and shared your wonderful invention with me, and bought my lovely baby girl most of her cute, colorful bumGenius OS 3.0’s. They are all we have used since she was born.
The fact that they can be used and rehabilitated and re-used for many babies is amazing. Hopefully we can restore our diapers and pass them along to another family member or keep them in case we have another little one… We have saved so much money not having to run to the store for disposables, and have gained a lot of respect (and questions)from people who know we cloth diaper.
Thanks so much for sending your truly GENIUS creation out into the world to join my family on our crazy little journey. My little girl is one year old and her BG’s are still looking and working great.
Happy Birthday to bumGenius! I really love how easy your product is to use. We have a stash of 3.0 one-size, and I recommend them to every expectant mom I know. A cousin from St. Louis told me about your diapers before I was even pregnant, and as soon as I was, I started to build my stash. My son is now 9 months, and using cloth has saved us so much money! Even his daycare is open to using them. Some of the diapers in my stash are another brand, but I always find myself reaching for the BG’s first! Thanks, and happy birthday again!
you are the reason my daycare will CD! HAppy bday!
jenn454ss (at) hotmail (dot) com
How has it not changed the way I raise my babies! We clothed diapered my oldest from the start but didn’t discover the BG until my second son. It has made diapering simple and easy. We were able to use our old prefolds as extra inserts and use the BG as a cover. My husband doesn’t mind changing a diaper as long as the baby has a BG on!
Your products were some of the first we tried when starting cloth diapers, they were recommended to me because our baby has such HUGE thighs! We have tried all of the line of products and like them all but Flip covers and BG Elementals are our favorites!
Happy Birthday!
I started CDing almost a a year ago on baby #3. BG was not my first brand, and I liked Cding, it was cute, fun and pretty easy. then I got my fiirst BG 4.0s… OMG, I fell in LOVE with CDing! I love my BGs!!!! They are so cute, fit so well, and are so easy to clean! Thank you BG for the awesome love affair!
husskl at comcast dot net
When we started with cloth 2.5 years ago, we used BumGenius. I have used a couple other brands but BumGenius always makes up 99% of my stash! They are just the best cloth diapers, hands down. I never thought I would be so enthusiastic about cloth diapering, but I have raved about BumGenius diapers SO many times to SO many moms over the years. I’ve converted many, but I still feel like cloth diapering is a “secret” that a lot of moms have never even considered or heard of because they think of the old school cloth diapers. I want them to stop wasting their money on disposables and try BumGenius! Once you try them, you never want to go back!
After my daughter ( my first child) was born last year I wanted to use CD. Few weeks I tried to use prefolds and covers and she would get rushes. So I stopped. When she was about a half year old I decided to try Bum Genius CD after two of my friends told me about the Flips. So I ordered two and loved them. That’s how I started to use Bum Genius. Now we own Flips and AIO as well as one size fits all. I love them and so does my husband. The new Artist Series by Chelsea Perry are wonderful and I would love to win one. I am expecting number two and will need to get more. 🙂
My first cloth diaper was a BG AIO. It was used and was in poor condition (the PUL was shot and the person I bought it from didn’t tell me). I fell in love right away even though it was a crappy diaper. I loved the ease of the diaper and the look! BG is one of my favorite diapers!! I love your AIOs!!!
I haven’t had the opportunity to try your product just yet, but have heard great things about them. I hope to be receiving a BG diaper soon. Thank you for giving CDers an easy as disposable option! Happy Birthday and congratulations as well.
Trisha W.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com
Love BumGenius AIOs. Love ’em. Last night, I realized, after 10 months I have not purchased a single package of disposable wipes. By going cloth, we’ve saved not only in diapers, but in wipes as well. That’s a good feeling. Not only for our pocketbook, but also for the environment, and most importantly, our little one.
Happy Birthday!!
Thanks for making such a great diaper!! I don’t ever have to worry about leaks or blowouts if baby has a BG on 🙂 I love all of your diapers!
never would have even considered cloth diapering until i saw a friend’s BG’s…now we LOVE it!! makes it so easy, even daddy can do it 😛
Happy Birthday! Bum Genius is the reason I decided to cloth diaper. I just started and I bought a cyber Monday mystery gift and got a Bum Genius AIO. I love it! I can’t wait to buy some Flips…I have heard wonderful things. They look so easy to use. I look forward to buying more of your diapers…I love the colors! Thanks Bum Genius for converting me and saving my family money!
Your 3.0 were the 1st diapers I fell in love with. Thanks.
Happy 5th to BumGenius! I love my BG Flips, especially their ease of use/care. I love that I can find a BumGenius color to match just about any baby outfit, and I love the BG fit. I’m hoping for some of the new Tiny Socialite diapers for Christmas!
Happy Birthday BumGenius! This is an awesome giveaway.
I actually don’t have ANY BumGenius proper. I haven’t been able to afford any. However, my son has two each of Flip and Econobum. We love both so much. We use prefolds with them and they hardly ever leak and never blowout. I get nauseated walking down the diaper isle, mostly from the smell but also from the price.
My life is SO much better thanks to my cloth diapers! Thanks!
Loved having the 1.0s as options!! They were PERFECT under little tiny dress pants 0-3m even! The nylon just slid right in! 🙂 We love now, knowing we don’t have to buy a whole new stash with unexpected size changes and can diaper 2 sibs in completely different sizes!!
Without BG innovations, those awesome stretchy tabs would still belong to only the sposies. How sad would that be?!?!
Happy Birthday, BG our the favs in our house!! These diapers are what made me a cloth diaper mom!
We started out with the flip diapers. I really loved them and still do but a friend inspired me to try the 3.0’s or 4.0’s because I was having issues with blowouts with the flips. Blowouts being with my breastfed infant’s poo. The 4.0’s I purchased worked so much better. Now I use the flips while we are out and the 4.0’s at home. I love bum genius and wouldn’t want to have any other kind!
The very first cloth diaper I bought was a bum genius 3.0 white diaper. I started using it at night on my 10mth old, now 21mth old. That diaper is still going strong and is still one of my favorites for nights! That diaper also convinced me of how easy cloth diapering could be, and that I should continue. I cloth diaper full time now and love all that bum genius has to offer. I have baby number three on the way and intend to use cloth from day one with this baby so I could sure use some more bum genius to add to my stash!!! Happy 5th Birthday and thanks for the diapers!!!!
Happy Birthday! I became a lover of BG’s as soon as my son could fit into a then organic AIO. The elemental is my daddy friendly, diaper bag, and babysitter proof diaper but I find myself reaching for it more often than any other diaper. We also use the 4.0s as our nighttime diaper to keep him dry and comfy!
I got BumGenius for my friends daughter, but I haven’t tried it yet…I would love to try some though because everyone raves about these.
emmerswee at gmail dot com
BG’s weren’t my first choice. But I decided to try them for overnights with my son. I bought two of them and fell in love. Now I have a pretty large stash of them. I don’t use them all the time, prefolds are still our around the house diaper. But they are my out of the house, diaper bag, babysitter and overnight diaper of choice.
I have one child (expecting our second in May) and we use just Bum Genius at this point. We used some prefolds early on, but BG’s are just so EASY. I love that anyone who watches our son for us can easily figure out the diaper. It’s a no brainer for us– they save us money, help the environment, look super cute, and are easy! Thanks BG and Happy Birthday!
We have been cloth diapering for about 2.5 years after my son broke out in a rash that would NOT quit,..after trying every sposie out there I (reluctantly) decided to try cloth. With in a day his rash was better and within 3-4 it was gone completely. I thought to myself,..I can do this! So I tried using prefolds and covers for a month and I decided if I still liked it after a month I was going to invest in some really good dipes. After the month was up I couldn’t WAIT to buy, but I didn’t know where to start! There were so many brands and styles! After doing some research it was CLEAR which diapers were going to work best for my family. I LOVE my bumgenius diapers and have used them on my son, my daughter, and will be using them on my new babe due in August. Thanks so much for your dedication to having an amazing product! I <3 BG!!
Crunchymamacraig at yahoo dot com
Happy Birthday, bumGenius!
I never thought I would cloth diaper, but I found myself looking into it after my son was born. My hubby was 100% against it, but finally agreed to give it a shot so that I’d stop asking about it. Two orders of BG 4.0s later, we BOTH love them and have gotten our best friends to switch, too!
Thank you for making cloth diapering so easy in so many ways. So easy you’ve made two formerly anti-cloth-diaperers wonder how this isn’t yet the common sense solution for every parent!
We love the flip system! Such a great price and available at major retailers (BRU)!! They never leak! I’ve converted other moms to cloth when i tell them flips never leak….end of newborn blow outs!
I found bumgenius because my cousin was using them. we had cloth diapered our 2 boys, but when our third baby came 20 months ago, we needed a modern option! Now we have the 20 month old and our 6 month old in bumgenius, and even though I’ve tried others, bumgenius is our absolute hands-down favorite!!! They hold up well and are my #1 recommendation to mamas new to cloth.
Thanks so much for a great product!
My husband and I just had our first baby. Before having our baby I was interested in using cloth diapers because so many of our friends used them. My husband was not in favor of the idea, but we were given a large gift of BumGenius diapers by those aforementioned friends. I figured I would use them and let him use the disposables. Turns out, he LOVES them. He refuses to use disposables and also refuses to use the prefolds I have on hand. It’s BumGenius or bust in our house. Thanks for making a diaper that even husbands love!
I decided to cloth diaper my then 9 month old daughter, and asked for recommendations from friends who already CD’d. They unanimously recommended Bum Genius, so I bought a few used to give it a try and fell in LOVE. At the time my son was 2 and a half and I didn’t plan to cloth diaper him since he was so close to potty training. However, He kept wanting to wear his sister’s “comfy diapers”, so we went to the Cotton babies website and I let him pick out some boy colors that he wanted. After a while, we tried the flip system as well. Now, we use both regularly. Even our sitter is comfortable with them.
Thanks for a great diapering experience, and Happy Birthday!
Bumgenius has allowed our family to cloth diaper full time. Hubby and Grandma were not thrilled with prefolds and covers and Bumgenius has enabled them to participate in the diaper changing. I love being able to coordinate outfits to the diaper color and I am particularly grateful for being able to adjust the absorbency as needed to make it through the leak free!
I still happily brag about the giant messes that my Bumgenius have contained which would have resulted in a major blowout with other diapers.
Happy Birthday Bum Genius! I started out buying 18 pre-used BG 3.0. I’ve used those same diapers for 5 months of my son’s life, my entire daughter’s life (she’s 23 months), and will for baby 3 due next week. I’ve also bought 12 new ones over the years, but they are all holding up great. I can’t imagine the savings both environmentally and monetarily I’ve achieved.
audio flyer at g mail dot com
Happy Birthday Bum Genius! Congradulations to all the hard working memebers of the company (especially the owners) who have made it what it is today. I am a CD convert and was thrilled to find BG 3.0 which was such an easy switch. 2 years later I still adore and prefer BG products and I am always impressed with Cotton Babies. Can’t wait to dipear my 3rd baby in your wonderful product next summer!
BumGenius was the first brand of diapers we purchased for our daughter and they have been our ‘go-to’ diaper ever since! The hook and loop feature makes it possible for us to use them full time and ‘daycare-proof’! Thanks for all your hard work!
When I wanted to cloth diaper our daughter I started off with some Angel Baby AI2s that a friend gave me. Soon after I joined a cloth diapering group and those moms introduced me to BG! We fell in love with them, and more importantly my husband loves them! So I built up a stash of BG’s just for my hubby to use with our daughter. He is already asking for more colors so he can match to her outfits! 😀
I love that everyone will use my bumgenius diapers, Grandparents, daycare, nursery.
Thank you for making such a easy to use product.
happy birthday! I just gave birth to my fourth child (my first girl!) a month ago. After doing some research and having a wonderful friend as support, I decided to cloth diaper. I already went the natural route for birth (having her at home), so it makes TOTAL SENSE to cloth diaper. I loaded up on 24 BumGenius cloth diapers and have not looked back at all. She’s been in BG’s since 10 days old. LOVE it!! Wish I would have cloth diapered all my kids because BG’s make cloth diapering so easy! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!
BumGenius gave me faith in cloth diapers–enough to make the switch! BG is all we use now.
I got two Bum Genius diapers just to try it out and see if I would love or hate the whole cloth diapering thing. After trying those I was sold, and I would never again want to use disposables! Now I love cloth diapering my baby, and last week talked a friend into giving it a try with a couple of my BGs, and now she is on board too :)Happy Birthday Bum Genius, and THANK YOU!
lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com
I’ve been cloth diapering for almost two years – since my first son was born. The cotton babies site was my cloth diapering bible and fantasy site during those early days and still is. 🙂 The BG’s have always been out of our price range but I have lusted after them from day one. We do use (and LOVE) Flip along with our prefolds and covers.
I love the BG’s they have made diapering a breeze in my house. With my husband deployed last year in Afghanistan it made my life so much easier knowing that I never had to go shopping for diapers, and the customer service has been excellent as well. Thank you for making such a wonderful product that has helped this stay at home mom and military wife!
I LOVE my bum genius diapers! I started cloth diapering when my ds2 was 5 months old and my first cloth diapers was a two pack of bum genius 2.0 seconds. I LOVED them! And lucky for me, ya’ll came out with the 3.0’s shortly after so I was able to afford the 6 pack of 2.0’s that went on sale and I eventually upgraded to the 3.0’s and a year later the organics. I loved them! I now use the 4.0’s and elementals on my DD and still love them, maybe even more! haha They just fit so awesomely, never ever leak, awesome customer service. I dont think I would have been able to stick with cloth diapering if it wasn’t for bum genius 🙂
I’m on daughter #3 and using cloth for the first time. If you had asked me a year or so ago if I would ever use cloth I would have laughed at you!! I started doing research while pregnant and started liking the idea of cloth more and more. After talking with other cloth Momma’s and hands on research it was obvious!! The bumgenius had to be what I tried!! I am so loving them with my daughter who is now 6 months old…thank you for making the transition so easy for me 🙂
BG 3.0s were the first cloth diapers I ever bought, followed by Flips. I loved these diapers and they were the reason I decided to keep using cloth. I can’t even explain how much these diapers changed out lives.
I first encountered bumGenius when my sister showed me her 1.0s. I re ommenxed pocket diapers to her, because I was already using a different brand of sized diapers. I was really impressed by the flexibility and design of the stretchy tabs. And all the money to be saved by not buying three sizes of diapers! I’m now on my third baby and her entire diaper wardrobe is BG. I love the 4.0, we have AIOs for babysitters and flips for trips or the rare times we have a rash.
BG has changed our families life by:
Saving us money
Keeping our babies bottoms soft, cute and colorful.
We could use paper towels, disposable diapers and paper plates. We live in a culture of disposable convenience. Our BG remind us every day in a very real way that there are simple ways to respect ourselves, our children, our personal resources and the earth.
Happy Birthday BG! I have two BG 3.0s that I won or bought used. I love them! Bum Genius is my go to diaper when I need something I know will hold up to my super soaker for an extended time and not leak. When we leave the house, I like to have at least one of my BGs with me in the bag. If I didn’t have these BGs, I don’t know if I would be that in to using cloth when out of the house. I need that confidence in not leaking for a longer time when we leave the house.
Happy Birthday and congrats on coming this far in such a relatively short time! Thank you for such an awesome product line as well!
My son has suffered with severe diaper rash his entire life due to an allergy to disposable diapers. We spent so much money on every disposable we could find in hope to cure his rash but nothing seemed to help until a friend talked about how she had made the switch to cloth. Her cloth of choice was BG so I jumped on the internet and discovered I was just in time to test out the brand new 4.0s! I ordered 6 of them. My husband was a little hesitant at first, he didn’t know if this was really going to work until he talked to his mother and learned she cloth diapered him and his 2 brothers. Now we have been cloth diapering for about 6 months and plan on cloth diapering all our future children. The best part of this whole experience is knowing my son is no longer suffering. Thank you for making such an amazing product!
When my daughter was born, I used a diaper service that provided prefolds. I got frustrated after about 4 months because there were only 2 sizes of prefolds and my daughter, although very chunky, just wasn’t big enough for the toddler sized diapers instead of the infant prefolds. I was terrified, however, to try to do my own laundry. Finally, facing a move to a rural area, I took the plunge and discovered how easy it could be to do it all myself (and promptly kicked myself for not doing it earlier). The diapers that I tried were the BG3s.
Almost 2 years later, those BG3s are being used on my son. I have ordered replacement aplix but due to the time constraints associated with having 2 kids only 17.5 months apart, haven’t replaced it yet. Kudos to cotton babies that this is not a problem! I have a fairly small stash so these diapers are used every other day and they are minimally stained, the elastic is good, and the aplix is hanging in there. Of course, we have expanded our stash since then to include more BG3s (too bad I was done buying by the time the BG4s came out!) and we are loving it!!
I bought some well loved BG’s at a consignment sale. I was pg with #2 and thought about using cloth. I bought 3 b/c I wasn’t sure. Looking back I wish I ‘d bought all 6 of them. I soon began to add to my stash and the BG are one of the first I grab. Thanks for such an awesoem product!!!
alanna_dixon at yahoo dot com
Bum Genius (through Econobum) made it possible for us to cloth diaper. We haven’t gotten to try Bum Genius yet, but we love our Econobums!
Happy Birthday!!!
I didn’t know much about cloth diapers with my first, but with my son I met a really amazing lady who had cloth diapered all 4 of her children, she and I met due to a job and we traveled together and it gave us 4hours one way to talk. She spoke very highly of BumGenuis and by the time we got back to our home town, she ran into her home and carried me out four of her Bum Genuis and told me that that is all of her’s that she could part with, but she promised me that it would be enough to make me wnat a lot more. I used them for 1/2 of a day and I was online on cottonbabies.com ordering two of the 12 pack bundles. When the package arrived I ran straight to the laundry room with the package to get them started on being washed so I could use them. haha.
One of the main reasons my friend suggested bumgenuis to me was because my son was barely 2months old and had a continuous rash around his little butt and the doctors kept treating it and treating it and it wouldn’t go away for anything! The 1/2 of a day that he wore the 4 that were given to us his diaper rash was GONE!!! And I mean completely gone as if there wasn’t ever a rash there.
When we have our 3rd child, I REFUSE to ever let a disposable diaper touch their little baby booty. I wish I would have known more about BumGenuis before my first child was born.
Now days when I go to a baby shower for a friend, when asked to bring along a “pack of diapers for a diaper raffle” I get a cute basket and buy a 3-pack of 4.0’s and use that as my “raffle” drawing. I have gotten a lot of my friends to go to BumGenuis.
Thank you BumGenuis!!!
Bumgenius has always been my go-to diaper, whether its the organics for their trimness or the pockets for overnight. I love that they fit both my differently shaped kids and that I know I won’t get leaks overnight using them! What a dependable diaper brand, thank you so much!
If it werent for bumgenius I wouldnt be cloth diapering! BumGenius made it affordable and easy for the whole family. I love the fact that I am able to share my cloth diapering experience with all of my friends and family and increase awareness.
We weren’t sure cloth diapering was for us, until we found out about BG and Flips. I’m so happy BG has made it easy to cloth diaper. We save money, keep trash out of landfills and chemicals off of our son.
I started using Bum Genius nappies on my first baby June 2009 when he was 4 months old. I wanted to use cloth nappies and couldn’t decide which but then a friend recommended them to me so I tried them and used them ever since. Then come April 2010 my daughter came along, and she has been cloth bummed since birth using Bum Genius V3’s. We love them and have tried to convert some of our friends! One friend who had her baby in November now has bum genius!
I am now expecting my 3rd baby due in July 2011 and he or she will definitley be cloth bummed using Bum Genius. I may just have to buy some of the new V4’s so I have enough for 3 in nappies!!!
These are my favorite cloth diapers and I LOVE the new colors. My husband made me promise not to buy any more, but winning them should be fine, right?
Happy Birthday!!
I started using cloth about 18 months ago. I knew nothing about it, everyone suggested pf’s and covers. I looked around and saw the bumGenius and convinced my husband to give it a go. We bought a 12 pack of 3.0’s and have not looked back! When I found out I was pregnant with a boy I started buying nothing but bumGenius xs and small AIO’s. Because I had such a positive experience with your brand from the get go we have saved so much money, we are saving the Earth, and both my little ones have cute fluffy bums!!
armywife2120 at yahoo dot com
<3<3<3<3 Happy Birthday BumGenius! Herzlichen Glueckwunsch BumGenius!!<3<3<3<3
I think the name is fitting. These diapers are just pure genius!! We have 3 kids, two of them were born in Germany and we didn’t have the info about cloth diapering. The whole wrapping and pinning seemed way to complicated and too messy. But my children ALWAYS had real bad diaper rashes. Never knew it could be because of the disposable diapers.
My 3rd child was born in Colorado Springs and I’ve heard about BumGenius from a friend. I’ve researched your cloth diapers and others and it seemed like a secret society. 🙂 I decided to try BumGenius and I am hooked. Have a mix of BG04’s and Flip’s. And just love them, my son never had a diaper rash and looks so cute in them, so we won’t even try another brand. So far I’ve introduced BG to 2 of my friends, who are now also part of the “secret society”. I am upset that us cloth diaper parents are still “outcasts” and wish it would be the norm. My husband always jokes, that he thinks I should be a spokesperson. And while I hate commercials etc, for you I would do whatever commercial. 🙂
Our plan for our new family was for me to stay home with the baby for the first few years. I was looking for ways for us to save money while living on one income. Cloth diapering was an obvious choice, but I wasn’t sure where to begin. All I knew of were the kind my mom used. Rubber pants and pins, dunking and swishing. It was intimidating.
I found the Cotton Babies website while researching my options and it opened my eyes to the world of modern cloth diapers. By the time I was done reading the website, I knew what detergent to use and had a good idea what would work best for us. I ordered a six pack of BG 4.0’s. When they arrived, I was so pleased with them, I ordered another twelve. I just ordered another six and some prefolds yesterday. We are a Cotton Babies family!
Your products have made diapering our son so easy and even fun. We’re reducing his footprint AND saving money. Thank you!
I can’t wait to use BG diapers!! We are currently going through fertility treatments and with all the money spent on that, we are looking at ways to save money once we do have a baby. After reading about cloth diapers I knew that was for me! Not only because of the money saved and the impact on the environment but because of how much better they are for your baby.
I started using BumGenius while DH was a college student and I was home with the kids, unable to find a job that I could afford to take! It started as a way to save a little money, and quickly became an addiction!
We are expecting our first baby in May, and I’m anxious to try out cloth diapering. This would be a fantastic way to get started.
Happy 5 years. I started Cloth diapering when my son was 5 months old becasue I could not stand the chemical smell of the pampers we were using and my son always had a red Butt. A friend told me about BG and we have never looked back.
I got my DH to agree to cloth diapering with Flips. We are both fans. I think that if we would have tried any other system that we might not have stuck with it!
Now a year later we have a HUGE stage. I got 24 of your well used BGs fixed them up, we have two elementals, two BG 4.0s, countless flip covers and inserts, two econobum covers, hemp baby doublers, and silk liners (that is just your stuff!)
Anytime any newbie want suggestion of brands… I recommend you guys! Keep up the good work!
Bum Genius has helped me easily and economically cloth diaper my son. Bum Genius was the first brand that I tried and I loved it. I purchased an AIO and after trying it in a trial program. I’ve since acquired several of the Artist Series Prints. They are so cute. My next Bum Genius purchase will be the econobum. I’m not much of a prefold user but these look easy peasy!
By using Bum Genius diapers it helps me know that I am doing something good for my family and community. I am sure that if we had used prefolds with covers, My husband would have given up long ago! Instead he and other family members tell people about cloth diapers and how easy and affordable they are. I enjoy educating people on my favorite hobby.. cloth diapers. Thank you for making a wonderful product!
We have not BG (yet!), but my EconoBums have saved my cloth diapering experience! After a very hard time with another brand of pocket dipes, I bought EBs as a last-ditch effort before throwing in the towel (no pun intended). They have worked so well for our family! I still love the idea of AIOs and pocket dipes, but for now my EBs are the perfect match for me.
Happy Birthday! I love your diapers – I have a 2 year old and a 6 month old and I love that I can use the same diapers for both of them! Quick, convenient and cute!
Honestly I’ve never used Bum Genius cause we can’t afford to buy em…I want to try them tho because i have heard awesome things about them!
skeatherberry at gmail dot com
i love cloth diapers. we bought them before my son was born and it is so great knowing that you dont have to go out and spend a ton of $ on disposables. We cloth diaper because its better for our son, saves us $, and is better for the environment. I love that we are set on diapers for as many kids as we have in the future. Happy birthday cotton babies!
stephanie smith
We have been using Bum Genius for about 8 weeks now and are so much happier about our decision to cloth diaper than I expected. Opening your diapers at my baby shower has converted at least 2 moms to cloth. When my little one wears her black and white artist series people are so interested in her butt!! The amount of money we will save over time combined with the smiles I get from my baby when i am putting a BG diaper on her make this decision the most valuable one I have ever made!
I started cloth diapering when my first baby was born 21 months ago. I started out using prefolds and covers, but those weren’t sufficient for the night-times. I got a trial pack of one size AIOs, and included in the pack was a Bum Genius 3.0. That proved to be the winner, hands down. I don’t think we’ve ever had a leak, and they wash up so nicely! I recommend Bum Genius to anyone who’s considering cloth or updating their stash – simple, easy, economical, and fits my 21-month old as well as my 2-month old! Hip-hip-hoooray and Happy Birthday Bun Genius!
We first started using BumGenius 2.0 over 3 years ago. This was my first attempt at thinking globally, with the excuse of saving money at the same time; so my husband jumped on board with me. It only took a week for him to change the baby without complaints; he has not had anything bad to say ever since his initial fear of using washable diapers. We now have a second baby in BumGenius. In fact, baby brother sometimes wears his sisters pink AIO’s, because even after 3 years, they are still perfectly usable. Happy Birthday!
I love bumGenius!
My neighbor had a baby a month before my 2nd baby was born and she used flip’s right from the start. When my baby was 3 months old we were having blowouts every day, sometimes multiple times a day. I was constantly soaking his clothes in Oxy baby to save them from stains! That was my breaking point with disposables. I asked my neighbor if she had daily blowouts with her baby… She said she had never had a blowout! I went out and got a flip day pack to try. I have since tried all of the Cotton Babies diapers and the bG pockets are my favorite!
I never imagined using cloth diapers could be so easy. I’ve even converted some friends!
Happy Birthday bG, you really are a little genius!
A friend of mine had these diapers and I very much admired them. So with the birth of our fourth child I decided to make the investment. I fell in love with these diapers, I could not believe the quality, versatility, and the money saved. Then shortly after, my husband lost his job and we were suddenly in a spot where we could not have afforded diapers so having our stash of bum geniuses proved to be a lifesaver. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your product, I have tried to convert all my friends and I have even devoted an entire post to them on my blog. Thank you so much and Happy Anniversary!
I’ve always been grossed out by the thought of disposable diapers. Knowing how much they’re clogging our landfills, seeing them strewn about parking lots, and the mysterious chemical concoction of which they’re made were all such turn offs to me, even as a kid. Two years ago, I got the baby itch. My husband was deployed to Iraq, so I spent a lot of time researching what’s new in parenthood. BumGenius were the first modern cloth diapers I had ever seen. I instantly fell in love! An earth-friendly option that the whole family can be on board with!
Now, over two years later, I’m expecting my first child, and am anxiously awaiting his first bumGenius diaper change. 🙂
Happy BIrthday! I started used bumGenius 3.0s when we got our first foster placement .. who also ended up being our first adopted son! I had used disposables with my bio kids and never thought anything of it. Several years down the road, however, and I was interested in looking into a more gentle side of things. 🙂 Our little guy came to us with some severe health issues, and cloth diapers solved issue #1–the horrible diaper rash he had had for so long that he actually has scars on his little bum from all those months of cracking and bleeding! Three years later, and we’re total cloth converts. As our family has grown (2 adoption & 1 birth in three years!) so has our commitment to cloth. Thanks, BG!!!!
I started CD’ing when my daughter was 16 months! The 4.0 persuaded me that it was still a good investment since I could use with another baby (I almost didn’t do it because I figured she was so close to being potty trained). I tried a few others but none fit like Bum Genius and none held up as well. I will be CD’ing my other children and love the ease of the 4.0! Thanks BG!
We have twin boys coming and have never cloth diapered before but we are ready to start! We were given two BG 4.0’s at the baby shower and we can not wait to try them out! The rest of our stash is made up of econobums and two more FLIPs along with a few WAHM dipes. We also have the FLIP disposable inserts to try!
Happy Birthday Bum Genius… thank you for helping US cloth diaper our little guys!
BG and all of cotton babies products have made it possible to cloth diaper our son who could not tolerate disposable diapers. As well as making it easy and affordable! Happy birthday!
Our first CDs were a green BG 3.0 and a clementine organic AIO BG. We started usign them when DD was 3 months old and continue to at 14 months now. She loves her CDs. We have a huge stash of BGs, Flips and prefolds all that we bought at CB. We even travelled internationally with her CDs. Wishing you more success in the future. Open a store in CHicago 🙂
shilpa dot v (at) gmail (dot) com
I am new to cloth diapering but BumGenius is the one that started me going. I was given one as a present and when I tried it out I loved it so much I decided to start
mellanhead74 at hotmail.com
I had planned on using cloth diapers before my son was born, but he was such a big baby that the prefolds and homemade diapers I had ready for him were too small by the time he was born. This, coupled with apprehension due to my fears of the difficulty of cloth diapering, led us to use disposables until he was about six months old. Around that time, the bumgenius spend $15, get a free AIO promotion started. It was such a great deal, I spend about $150 and got enough diapers to start cloth diapering full time. The AIOs were so easy to use, all my fears of cloth diapering disappeared and we have been going strong ever since!
Happy Birthday! BG OS 3.0 were my wish diapers. I finally broke down and bought a 6 pack when we had the money. They instantly became my favs! I used them almost exclusively. DD is now potty-trained and we are TTC our next so I am building my stash and I guarantee most of it will be BG!
Happy Birthday, Cotton Babies!
I have never cloth diapered before, but with the encouragement of two friends, I took it up with #6. What a blessing it has been to save money, and BumGenius makes it soooo easy! I wish I would have known about them sooner. I’ve even used BumGenius at night on all four of my youngest because of bedtime wetting.
I only have 7 BG’s, 1 EB, and some prefolds/covers. I am hoping to order mor BG’s before the sale expires. Thank you for the terrific sale.
Also I want to thank you for developing a quality product. I never thought cloth diapering would be simple and fun. Now it is my joy to share BumGenius and EconoBum with moms that I meet.
when i was pregnant and first mentioned that i was interested in cloth diapering, i got a lot of funny looks! however, after seeing how easy and adorable the bumgenius diapers are, the same people have changed their minds! my family has saved so much money and we have virtually no diaper rashes around here! i am so pleased that we can help the environment in our own little way. thanks for creating this wonderful product!
I bought my first BG 3.0 in July 2008 and never looked back! I’m now cloth diapering my 3rd child and the BGs have stood up the best with 3 kids! Couldn’t be happier with our investment.
With 3 kids and a tight budget, cloth diapering was the easiest way to make our dollar stretch a little farther. Bum Genius was the first brand I bought and is my favorite to this day. I have AOI’s, pockets, and Econobum. Your next product should be Bum Genius training pants! – Lara Chiaverini
We have been using BumGenius since my daughter was 8 weeks old…so going on 15 months now! I have had such success and no diaper rash that two of my good friends decided to buy cloth diapers for their new arrivals! I will never go back!!! Bumgenius are wonderful! And THANK YOU soooo much for making cloth diapers WAY easier than the pins and plastic covers! 🙂
Hi Bum genius Happy Birthday!! Your products are wonderful! I switched to cloth diapers to save money after my third child was born. The BG’s are as easy as disposables to use and my son loves them… He was wearing nothing but a Ribbit colored one when he took his first steps!
Congratulations on five years, bumGenius! I hope that you have many more great years. I am expecting a new little one soon and cannot wait to give bumGenius diapers a try. I have heard so many great things and have a small stash to start out. =)
laceylenhart @ gmail dot com
When we first started with cloth we had a set of prefolds lent to us by a friend. They were wonderful! However, my husband took his tim elarning to use them and once we had cloth, I adamantly refused to epdn teh money on another box of sposies. So, we purchased the BG 3.0’s and they became his diapers to use on our son. From then on, he was a convert and will now happily change my son no matter what’s on his bum 🙂
Happy Birthday BumGenius!!!! We love BG in our house!! So easy to use and super cute. Have saved a ton of $$ not buying disposables and I like the fact that there’s not a bunch of chemicals next to my little guys skin.
bumGenuis has made our cloth diapering journey so much more enjoyable and easy! We first started with just a few ebay dipes, which quite frankly don’t hold crap. (pun intended)We then switched to prefolds and a few flats with a few covers, which we loved but our daycare or family would not use. With an ongoing rash that would clear up on the weekend in cloth, and return after 1 day of sposies, we decided we needed to find something that worked for everyone. After much research and many recommendations we decided bumGenius aio’s were to become our new stash. We took the diapers up to our daughters day care, and after showing them how simple cloth diaper really can be they agreed to put cloth daipers on our little ones bum! We have even converted a few families at daycare to switch to cloth as well. 🙂
Thank you bumGenius for such an amazing dipe, and happy birthday!!
I’m a brand new cloth diapering momma. I have a full stash of Bum Genius that Molly is still a little bit too small for, but we have been using the Econobum covers with great success! It’s amazing how those covers hold in massive poopsplosions! I can’t wait for Molly to be big enough to wear her BGs!
We have used cloth diapers since day 1 with our son who just turned 1 last month. We have heard numerous diaper rash horror stories from friends that don’t cloth diaper. How their children have diaper rash running up their back and their front. We had heard rumors that cloth diapering prevented or at least dramatically decreased the instance of diaper rash. We are so glad the rumors were true!! Cloth diapering has not only lessened our impact on the environment (which is always a plus) but has given us 365+ days free from diaper rash!!!
I love BG! I wish you guys were around 10 years ago when I was diapering my oldest. I love the affordability! I love the ease of cloth diapering! I love that I am saving money and the enviroment at the same time! I love them because this time my husband likes to cloth diaper because it is easier for him too 🙂
Happy Birthday BumGenius! I am so thankful for your diapers! We used prefolds and covers part time with my 5 year old when she was a baby and now my 5 month old is cloth diapered full time using BG! I have 3 children and work full time and not having to worry about buying sposies or having leaks is worth it, not to mention money we save on not buying sposies!Our daycare LOVES bumGenius and we are so glad we introduced them to these wonderful diapers!
We love Bumgenius! Happy birthday!
Bumgenius has affected our family by making quality diapers that are so easy to use I was able to get my husband and the grandparents on board with cloth diapering.
We have several types of diapers, of which our BG 3.0s are star performers. Our daughter’s skin is very sensitive to acidic poo, so we have gone through rounds of major booty TLC. We love that BGs are most dry to the touch of all our brands/styles and that we can custom stuff them with Flip organics or hemp doublers for nighttime dryness.
I LOVE cd-ing. My little one is 3 months old. Initially I was going to use cloth just at home, but now use them out and about. I try to tell everyone about them and dispel any myths of cloth diapering. I just started BumGenius and find them to be super easy, especially the aplix and I like that they grow with her! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I only have four bumgenius diapers. Three were purchased as a pack from my registry before my daughter was born, and the fourth I picked up at a trip to Whole Foods. I always saved these diapers for when she stayed with her godparents or other friends for baby sitting. It makes it so easy for people unfamiliar with any diapering to change her. They also make middle of the night changes in the dark a breeze. She’s growing out of the 3.0s though and I would love to try the new improved design with the higher raise, we just simply cannot afford them. I’m crossing my fingers we get a chance with this birthday bash.
BumGenius were my first diapers for DS. I blame you for the addiction that followed!
We started using bumGenius when my daughter was a month old. She is now 3 years old and was potty trained at 2 1/2. I love the fact that we had no diaper rashes and was able save money on diapers and help the environment. We are baby #3 and need to purchase another few sets.
Thank you for coming up with such a wonderful product that helps families in so many ways.
We are using BG 4.0 with our second baby. What a difference! After all the trash we had from disposables with our first we were determined to use cloth this time around. Not only do we feel better about the environmental impact but also about what we’re putting on our baby. There is no comparison.
My first diapers were Bum Genius 3.0s. They were so easy to use that DH and both sets of grandparents totally supported teh idea of cloth diapering. I’m now in love with my 4.0s!
Happy Birthday!
My wife and I were blesses with out first child this year, a baby boy named Ethan Patrick. Since before we even knew that my wife was pregnant we had discussed cloth diapering. At first I was extremely skeptical about how it would work, but after a meeting with the owner of the local diaper store, my confidence was raised. So we did it. We committed to cloth diapering (even though many people in our lives thought we were crazy for it).
We now have a stash of over 25 cloth diapers (most of which are bumGenius) and we know we will never look back.
Not only is clothing diapering economical and good for the environment, but they are darn cute on our little boys behind.
My wife and I advocate cloth diapering every chance we get. So Happy Birthday bumGenius!! Keep up the great work!!
bumGenius saved our son’s little bottom. We had started out using disposibles and he always had a diaper rash. We tried all different kids of butt creams but nothing worked! Finally a friend recommended switching to cloth. He RARELY had a rash after that! We used both the bumGenius 3.0 and the Flips. We loved them both! Thanks so much for making such a great product! And Happy 5th Birthday to bumGenius!!!
Happy Birthday bumGenius! Jenn and your team have done amazing things for which I’m very thankful for. Without bumGenius I may still be in disposables and not involved in the cloth diapering community like I am today. Your product made me feel confident and comfortable about taking the leap into cloth. My family has been so supportive because of the ease of your systems…even hubby! Thanks so much for all that you do! And thanks for allowing me to enter your world and help spread the cloth diaper love to others. XOXO! Much love!
BG was the first diapers we ever used! They were what got us hooked on cloth!
kaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com
Happy birthday! BG is the brand that got my friends and eventually me into cloth diapering. No other brand makes it simpler!
BG has not only saved our family a lot of money, but also nearly completely eliminated the diaper rash problems we were having. Thank you and happy birthday!
We have used disposible diapers with all 3 kids, but when #4 came this October we were blessed to have a friend using cloth who introduced us to it! We did a diaper trial and fell in love with bum genius! We’re so happy we did! Good for the environment, good for baby, good for our family!
Bum Genius pockets were our first nighttime diaper solution (because of the stay dry and they could be stuffed for extra absorbency) that worked for us allowing me to go completely to using cloth diapers instead of having to use dispoables on my boys at night.
kroegerfamilycreations at gmail dot com
Happy Birthday Bum Genius! We have been using your cloth diapers on our son for six months now and couldn’t be happier. (He’ll be seven months on the 23rd) He is almost diaper rash free and we have saved so much money. Not to mention all the space in landfills we have saved. Thank you for helping our family SAVE!
My husband and I recently got out of the military to be full time students so money is tight. Well, thanks to Cottonbabies and your amazing company, we have been able to save money. We absolutely Love Bum Genius, and only use your diapers. Happy Birthday!!
My wonderful baby boy was born 4 weeks early and was in the NICU for just under a month. When we got home we never could have dreamed of how many diapers we would go through. When he was 3 months old, we ended up having to borrow money from family because my husband was laid off at the time and I didn’t have an income from being on maternity leave.
My husband ended up getting a wonderful job with a $2,000 sign on bonus. We took the money and created a stock of bumgenius diapers! Never could I have imagined how wonderful these diapers would be! They are wonderful for the environment (which I’m very conscious of) and wonderful on the checkbook!
Can’t imagine my life without bumgenius in it!!
I got pregnant about 13 months ago and my mind started spinning almost immediately about how I was going to avoid throwing all those diapers in the trash that I almost thought was unavoidable these days. Let alone paying for diapers, we were already tight on money. I started researching EVERYthing about cloth and started seeing all the wonderful reviews about BG so without even hardly thinking about other brands started my stash and registered for more. It took me about 3 months to work up the courage (and have the time to go through the learning process) to start using them, but I love them! I’ve convinced my grandma they’re not awful, and even converted my mom who, in the beginning, said “I’m not using those things when you’re gone…” She likes them better than disposables now! I have a lot of family and friends who don’t care a bit about the environment and are “too busy” so I’m not having as much luck on that front, but I won’t give up yet on them! Thank you Cotton Babies for making such awesome cloth diapers! =)
I’m pregnant with my first and can’t wait to use bumGenius. I’ve heard such good reviews and as someone who will be trying cloth diapering for the first time, bumGenius seems like a great choice.
BG also have been the thing that helped ease my hubby into cloth!
We love bumGenius in our house! When baby boy developed a SEVERE diaper rash @ 2 weeks old and nothing would clear it up, we decided to give cloth a try and purchased a few flip covers and stay dry inserts to use “just until he was better”. Here we are, exactly one year later still using those flip diapers and have been rash free since!
We were instantly hooked and I have become addicted to BG! We have expanded our stash to include BG AIO, BG 3.0 and would love to add the 4.0!
We had never considered cloth diapers – no one in my family used them, no one we knew used them, and we had no idea about all the options available and how easy and money saving it could be!
I got turned on to BumGenius by going to a new parent and breastfeeding support group at our local New Seasons store – many of the mamas there used BGs, and they taught me how to use them – and we immediately fell in love! We tried out several different pockets, and we are certain that our BGs are the best!
Happy Birthday, BumGenius!!!
My daughter had horrible diaper rash so I decided to try cloth. I had been using disposibles for 4 years through 2 children and fitteds or prefolds with a cover just weren’t for me. I tried different pocket diapers but the BG were the best, there were never leaks (I use the BG soaker even if I use another brand of pocket), they hold up well so I can use them through multiple children, and mine still look new 6 months later. They are not only better than other cloth diapers but they are better than disposables.
Thank you!!
I started using Bum Genius cloth diapers about 2 years ago. They sure did save us some money! I really loved them. Right now we are in the potty training stages so not using them right now. However, we are expecting our third child and I’m going to use them again once the baby comes. I have 2 girls now and we are having a boy! Very excited. Some new Bum Genius in boy colors would be awesome! Happy Birthday and Congrats on the success!
-Molly Perry
Before I became pregnant with my first son, I had already been influenced by cloth diapers. I am the youngest of my sisters and all three of them cloth diapered. I was hesitant to commit to cloth diapering because we had a problem with hot water in our home. Not having hot water to clean my diapers would not be a good thing! During my pregnancy, we got that problem fixed, but I still wasn’t sure about purchasing cloth diapers in different sizes.
Shortly after my baby was born, my sister emailed me about your awesome one-size product. This was everything I had hoped for. Getting my hubby on board was no problem — seeing that we’d save money by cloth diapering was great to him!
Now that I have two children, one still wearing bum genius one size diapers, I can see that we have saved ourselves money and saved our planet extra waste. Those two things are very important to me! Knowing that I’m supporting a small business is meaningful as well.
I was given a few bumGenius diapers at my shower before my daughter was born. To be honest, I had never even given cloth diapering a thought. I had even registered for several cases of disposables and thought that I was doing the responsible thing by planning ahead. After using the bumGenius diapers we were given we decided to completely switch over to cloth and were able to purchase a convertible car seat with the credit we had from disposables. I don’t regret the decision for one minute and am so happy not to be throwing money away on disposables each week…what a waste! I am very happy to spread the word and love on to other new moms now. We truly love our bumGenius diapers and they have definitely changed our lives for the better! =) Happy birthday bumGenius!
bethannemalloy at gmail dot com
I love our BG. They are trim and fit great with dd’s clothes!
Happy Birthday 🙂
Bum Genius have helped keep my kiddies in cloth while being watched by family members. They’re so easy to use they never complain and threaten to default to sposies! Thanks BG!
We love Bum Genius diapers. I have a 16 month old and they have been great! I think they were the best investment we made when it comes to purchasing items for babies. Thanks so much and happy anniversary!
I love Bumgenius. I started with the AIOs and once my little one mastered velcro, moved to the elementals which I love, love, love. I always recommend Bumgenius to anyone who is interested in cloth diapering. They are trim, super absorbant and cute.
Cloth diapers have helped me make it through being a stay at home mom. We so couldn’t afford for me to stay home with our daughter, but I was going to leave that part up to the LORD and looked for ways to save. Most of our diapers were shower gifts and have saved us SO much money that we would have spent on disposable. My daughter is now 19 months & we will be able to use them on our next baby due in April! : )
Cloth diapering has been a huge change in our household! My husband was onboard with the cloth idea as soon as he heard how much $$ we would save! I love being a cloth diapering mom and it has even influenced my friend and I to start a blog spreading the word on how easily we switched to cloth!!! Love my bums-they are the only ones that keep my LO bum dry ALL night!!!!
We love BumGenius diapers. When I got pregnant I knew I wanted to cloth diaper, but when we found out we were having triplets, I was so overwhelmed with that decision. So when they were born we started using disposables. When the babies were about 9 months old, we decided to look more into cloth. BumGenius 3.0s came highly recommended to us, because they’re so easy to use! I bought a bunch to try them, fell in love with them, and bought a bunch more! Our stash is entirely made up of BumGenius 3.0s (36 to be exact). We love BumGenius in this family, even my husband is a big fan!
Thank you BumGenius for making my triplet’s butts fluffy!
As a single mom of 4 boys, I love, and am thankful for, how easy bumGenius makes diapering. The diapers fit my 7mo.-old like a glove, I don’t have to worry at 2am about running out to the store for ‘sposies, and I never have to worry about coming up for $$ for more diapers. I’ve got my bG! stash: my babe is comfy and dry, I’m being environmentally responsible, and, let’s be honest, they’re SO CUTE 🙂
I was introduced to the “new” Cloth diapering and BumGenius about 2.5 years ago while pregnant with my daughter. WE LOVE BG, FLIP, and have also tried Econobum and like that system two. I have shared CD and the BG products and made some converts as well. I love the money saved, healthier, better quality dipe that CD offers. I would love a package as we are trying for #2 and a refresher would be awesome! Thanks so much and Happy Birthday!
Lachelle McCaig
My husband tried to get me to use cloth diapers with our first. I immediately said no. I was thinking of the cloth diapers they had when we were kids and I was not about to do that. Then we became pregnant with number two and he again suggested it only this time I knew of someone who did cloth diaper so I gave her a call and asked her everything I could think of, started doing my own research, and finally decided this was the way to go. Boy am I glad I did! Thank you BumGenius for making such a great product, it has made our transition to cloth so easy and wonderful!
Bum Genius is the reason I stuck with cloth diapering. I got an AIO in a trail pack and it was the only one that I could use easily and fit my daughter properly. Without it, I would have written off cloth and stuck with disposables. They have saved my family money, trips to the store, trips to the dumpster… etc! I really love the fit of all the BGs I have tried, and th Elementals are my go-to favorite diapers.
I have not used any bumgenius diapers yet because I am just starting to get a stash together for my 19 month old and 9 month old. I am really excited about starting cloth diapering and would really like to win these Bum Genius. I get a lot of good feed back about the Bum Genius diapers and would really like to try them. I currently don’t have loads of money to go buying all sorts of diapers and trying them. I have gotten a few in aucions on Facebook and I am just waiting for them to come in. I can’t wait to be a part of the Cloth Diapering family!
Happy Birthday BG!!! We started into the cloth diapering world by using BG 3.0s and still love them today! They made our switch from disposables easy and now we’ll never look back. Our BGs are our majority shareholder when it comes to our diaper stash! We love them and plan to continue using them on our son and our children to come! 🙂
Thank you for being my never-fail nighttime diaper! When I ask my hubby for a nighttime diaper for our pumpkin, he always brings me a BG 5.0!
For trips around town, I also rely on the BG Elemental – a trimmer, fantastic way to get all the great absorption POWER of BG. HUGE thanks from our family to yours. And – Happy Birthday!
BGs are what made my switching to cloth super easy! I was so intimidated with cloth, but when I got my BGS (my first diapers!) I was so impressed with how easy they were to use and wash. I never looked back!
carlaboo11 @ yahoo.com
Happy Birthday BumGenius! I am always so impressed at how you operate your business. It seems that your customer service is top priority and that you care about creating an excellent product to help so many families! I am so glad that a friend showed me her BG diapers when I was pregnant and so now I try and spread the word myself. I love how they have saved our family money, too, since my husband is in school and I am a stay at home mom.
I haven’t ever tried bumgenius, but I would love to. They are too expensive for my budget and winning would make it possible to have these awesome diapers!!
Oh how we <3 bumgenius!!! I was one of those "Cloth Diaper, why?" people before I was pregnant, but then during my prebaby prep I discovered bumgenius diapers and I have never looked back. My husband and I work as full-time volunteers on missionary support at a Christian summer camp, so our reasons were 100% financial. And we have never looked back. We've been able to save so much money that we've been able to help out two other friends in need start THEIR stash!!!
Now we’ve got a two year old and a one year old and likely to have another soon…. all bumgenius (or flip) babies. Thanks for all you do!
I have just recently started cloth diapering my youngest. We started with a brand you can buy at Babiesrus but recently were introduced to the bumGenius product by a friend of mine. And I LOVE bumGenius diapers! I am always excited to tell people about your wonderful product! I can’t even count how much money we have saved by using cloth diapers but the AIOs make everything so easy, its almost just as easy as disposables. Thank you for working so hard to make such a great product!
We have loved using Bum Genius with our twins! We started when they were 4 weeks old, and now they are 13 months old. I used disposables with my older 2, and I had no idea what I was missing. When I first saw the Bum Genius on one of my friend’s babies, I was “hooked” (HEHE!) and knew I had to use them for my soon-to-be-born twins!I loved the way they looked, their ease of use, and that I wouldn’t be creating so much waste for our landfills, too. I buy them locally and still LOVE them!!!!
I think cloth diapering and the Cottonbabies team has made my days easier! I own several product shipped to me by the wonderful team at Cotton Babies and I just love them all.
BumGenius keeps my little one’s bum dry all night long. No complicated system like some people say you need, just 2 inserts in my super cute BGs and we’re good for the whole night.
We <3 our BumGenius!!
I had two in diapers. Buying disposables was not working. Between paying for the actual diapers and paying for the trash to be taken away we were struggling. Lurking on cloth diapering groups I learned everything I needed to know. I ordered one Fuzzibunz, one BumGenius 3.0, and a wet bag. I quickly realized I LOVED BG. Luckily, you had just started your buy one 3.0, get an AIO free. Our stash grew rather quickly. Now I just need to stop buying!!!
I’m also happy to say I’ve managed to convert a few Mama’s with my enthusiasm. Even daycare loves my diapers!
If it wasn’t for bgs my husband would have never agreed to cloth diaper! They are awesome!
I just love our BG’s!!!! They are my go to diaper. We started out with 1 3.0 that I got as part of a sample pack along with prefolds and some pro-rap covers. The prefolds and pro-raps worked well, but weren’t one size and I wondered how that would really help us save money in the long run if I would always be having to up size whenever baby grew. Plus the prefold took a long time to dry and didn’t hold much. My babies it seems are heavy wetters. Our youngest who is 2 recently discoverd how to undress himself and take his diapers off, which means I had lots of wet sheets after nap time because he thought it was great fun to get naked when he should have been sleeping. go figure! A 2 year old with a mind of his own. I bought some 4.0’s with snaps and since then I have not had a single incident of naked nap time. yay! He just can’t undo the snaps. I love them. Cotton Babies, this is the 2nd of my kids that I’ve used cloth for and we are expecting another addition in May I can’t wait to cloth diaper another itty bitty baby. Happy Birthday!
When my son was screaming in pain every time he wet his disposable diaper and started developing chemical burns, I knew I had to switch to cloth completely and immediately. I made the trek to Cotton Babies (I live just outside of St Louis in Illinois, so about a 40 minute drive). I picked up a few diapers (including 2 Bum Genius 3.0s) but didn’t have the money at the time to buy all the diapers I needed at full price. I was given a flier that 3 days later they were having a Dollar Diaper sale in a few days. So, I made the trek again to buy used Bum Geniuses. 6 months later, I am still using many of those used diaper and my son doesn’t scream in pain anymore when he relieves himself. Thank you Cotton Babies!
Happy Birthday!
We LOVE bumGenius! They were our first cloth diapers, and still are our daily go to diaper! Thanks to bumGenius we don’t have to deal with constant and severe diaper rash! Thank you so much for making such a fantastic product at a price families can afford!
Woo hoo! Happy Birthday! I was anti-cloth with my first two daughters thinking that it was going to be such a pain and messy! Boy was I wrong!!! With our third daughter I decided to buy a few and try them, I could sell them if I didn’t like them. I had nothing to lose! I fell in love instantly! My husband actually laughs at me because I show everyone the diapers! I think most people are still in the old fashioned frame of mind and if I can change one person’s opinion then I’ve done something!!!
bgs were the first and only diapers we used for our daughter. the quality and ease of use blew away any of our critics out there!! i simply love bg and cotton babies as a company. so inspiring for so many families and mothers. thank you for creating and standing behind such an amazing product! can’t wait to have another child and diaper him or her in the newest and most innovative cloth diaper ever! congrats on five years!!
bumGenius is changing ALL of our lives for the better by helping families to make an environmentally safe change for the better. I vowed never to use another disposable diaper after using my first bumGenius diaper on my daughter. And really, who can resist the sight of an adorable BG on a little one? SO CUTE! Love you, BG! Happy Birthday! 🙂
morgan_pearsons @ yahoo dot com
When we started cloth diapering friends and family thought we were nuts and questioned why we would want to do such a silly thing. We knew it was the right choice so went for it getting all of our info online and by word of mouth. I was hesitant at first to go the Bum Genius route because I heard a lot of mixed reviews. I finally found a great deal on a Bum Genius lot on my local Craigslist and decided to give it a go. I LOVED my new dipes and couldn’t believe I waited to try you guys. You’re like the best kept secret in fluff! I’m still here and have a little bit of everything from pockets, elementals, flips etc and I can’t wait to add the new designer line to my collection!
Thanks Jenn for taking that leap and creating an amazing product!
We started using bumGenius 9 months ago when our first baby was born. We had wanted to use cloth diapers so before she was born I researched all the many many kinds out there and found that bumGenius was by far the best rated and most loved! My daughter ended up getting a really bad rash whenever we put her in disposable diapers, so we were very thankful that we had decided to go with cloth anyway. We LOVE bumGenius – they are so easy to use, I think they are easy to keep clean, and they keep my baby girl so comfortable and dry. Thanks for an amazing product that helps keep our babies comfortable and helps us cut down on household trash. Here’s to hopefully many more years of bumGenius innovations! Thanks!
BumGenius made it possible for me to cloth diaper two! The ease of use, quality, and excellent fit allowed me to use them for my baby and my toddler. The 3.0 pockets are the basis of our stash, and they’ve been in heavy use for about a year and a half. They’re still in great shape and I still love them today!
Happy, happy birthday!
Bumgenius one-size 3.0s were among the very first diapers that we tried on our then 3 month old. They were the hands down winners of the diapers we sampled at the time and are still the diapers we rely on 2 years later 🙂 Even if I get a wild notion to try another brand, BG is always our go-to diaper for dependability and the one I recommend to anyone thinking of using cloth.
At first, our stash mostly consisted of used BGOS 3.0s that I purchased on diaperswappers so we have quite a few that are on their fourth baby bum and still going strong!
I also wanted to thank you for offering seconds sales, they are a very affordable (and reliable) option for building a great stash on a budget; we have quite a few “seconds” that I can’t find a single flaw with and the ones that had noticeable flaws have always been so minor that I would barely have noticed.
We are expecting a new baby in early August and I honestly can’t wait to put them in the super tiny XS BG AIOs that I have stashed away!
Thanks for running a great brand with great customer service!
We CD mostly with Fuzzibunz, but he is not comfortable in them at night time. Night time is our BG time. It holds lots with a hemp liner and is more comfortable for him. We love teh hook and loop and the 4.0s are AWESOME!! We didn’t have much luck with the 3.0s, which is why we went with Fuzzibunz, but I think it’s just because he was really small for a while.
The BGs are comfy, easy to use at night and it’s what we rely on. I need more, as he’s getting bigger and squirmy, I’m relying more and more on hook and loop to get the job done quick. I think we will slowly be transitioning to BGs.
We love the diapers as she can’t figure out the snaps 🙂 bit really I love bum genius’ story as a small business owner. Its very inspiring and I love to have such a success story on my hands.
Until yesterday we only had 1 Bumgenius diaper, a 4.0 pocket in blue. I loved it but couldn’t justify buying more since my little guy already has enough dipes. Then we found out that we are expecting baby #2 in May so we’ll need more dipes! I found an awesome deal online of a lady in my area who was selling her stash of Bumgenius elementals and I snatched them up:) Even though I contacted her minutes after she put up the ad, there were numerous people interested. I only got them because I was willing to buy the whole stash and could meet her the same day! They are now in the wash and I can’t wait to try them out on my 11 month old until the new baby arrives:) So thanks for making such an awesome product and making cloth diapers just as easy as disposables. Happy Birthday.
richardrachel at hotmail dot com
We are all set to cloth diaper our first baby, who is due within the next few weeks. We have some BumGenius diapers in our stash, and they are the first ones we pull out to impress friends and family who are skeptical about cloth diapering. Hard to resist a diaper that functions with the simplicity of a disposable but has all the cuteness of cloth!
We love Bum genius! I have used them for my 2 daughters, and now with baby number 3 on the way I am excited to dig them back out. Glad to have found a company that makes it so easy to save money and be environmentally friendly at the same time! Happy birthday Bum genius!!!
I forgot my email..
bdschad at comcast dot net
Happy Birthday bumGenius!
I’m so happy that you make such a wonderful diaper. We started cloth diapering when my son was 2 weeks old. He had horrible food allergies to what I was eating that caused blood in his stool and very messy diapers. I remember having to take him and his messy bgs to Children’s Hospital because I didn’t know what was going on with him. One of the bright spots in the whole trip was how much the nurses and a pregnant doctor liked his diapers. It tooks months to figure things out about what he couldn’t eat. (hence we had lots of yucky, nasty baby poo) Even with yucky, yucky baby poos, when he wore bumGenius he never had blowouts and didn’t really get diaper rash. Other cloth and disposables wouldn’t contain the yuck. I’m so thankful that I did the research and found these diapers. These are what I suggest to anyone who has a baby or toddler.
Sarah R.
I LOVE our BG’s! When my sister had a baby 2 years ago she started off using prefolds. I knew when I finally had kids that I would want to use cloth also but I saw the mess that my sister delt with and it really made me wonder if I would be able to stick it out when it was my turn. This past summer I had my first and I started to research the world of fluff and that’s when I found you! Thank you so much for a great cloth diaper!
I wanted to cloth diaper before my lo was born but we could not afford the investment at the time. shortly after he was born I had saved a decent chunk and invested in a second hand set of another brand pocket. They were ok, and worked for a small infant, but these sized pockets that I had planned to last him until at least 6months or more… he had outgrown by 3 mo… Hes a big boy.
So I started buying a few new ONEsize diapers to try out sizing and fit. I have fallen in love with BumGenius one size. They seriously have the best fit I have found, with out crazy elastic adjustment, and they never leak, even with 10hours+ overnight. I am so impressed with the BGs I reccomend them to anyone I talk to who is thinking about Cding.
I have bought a few more and am planning to get some more here soon, I also plan to give a small ‘stash’ to a friend who is due in March.
I am glad someone who had the drive and ingenutiy to make such a great product and lead a great company to really spread the word about modern cloth diapers.
Kristin Gates
Kristin gates (at) bellsouth dot net
I never knew that there was an option other than pinned prefolds and rubber pants until I was given a bumGenius diaper when DD was born. Since then, I have only used bumGenius diapers and have converted several other mommies that I know. I know that I wouldn’t have been able to convince my husband to cloth diaper if it weren’t for the ease of our bumGenius diapers. They are every bit as simple as a disposable, but SO much better in many ways! I love that not only do we eliminate exposing our DD to chemicals, but also prevent the waste of a disposable to our environment. bumGenius diapers are easily the best gift we have received as parents. We love them! Happy birthday, bumGenius!
linsley_matthews (at) yahoo.com
I definitely credit bumGenius with converting my husband to cloth finally! We use Flips most of the time but even they were ‘too complicated’ for him to figure out, but after a few goes with a BG 3.0 he now reaches for any available cloth diaper when changing him instead of just defaulting to a disposable. As I like to tell my friends, every time you use a cloth diaper instead of a disposable it’s one less diaper in the ground. Doesn’t matter if you do it part-time, full-time or one single time – every little helps.
We have a super-pooper and BG saves our house from being a hazard zone. Disposables have always been a weak contender, so we are very happily not dealing with them Thank you!
When my husband lost his job and we couldn’t find another (even in another state), we struggled to even put food in our mouths, let alone buy disposables. My husband’s Aunt bought us an entire set of Flips for our (then) 8-month-old, and we were able to continue to exist, plus our baby was much happier, and we didn’t have blowouts every single day anymore. We saved more and we lived more. Then, a couple months later, we found out we were pregnant with our second child–while my husband still had no job and we were still living with friends. The only thing we could take solace in was that we wouldn’t have to spend thousands on disposables when the time came–the Flips (and now some bumGenius 3.0’s, too) have been a saving grace in our family and I don’t know where we would be without them today. Thank you, Jenn, and Happy Birthday, bumGenius!!
My husband and I have been cloth diapering our 14 month old for a year now and we are hooked. Bum Genius is out staple, the most reliable diaper we have and the only one to stand the challenge of our heavy wetter overnight. We love them, they are so easy, even my husband loves them. We would adore having more, or evening giving the 4.0’s a try. Another bonus is how customizable and how slender these diapers are.
Happy Birthday!
How has bumGenius affected our lives? Well, we knew that we wanted to cloth diaper even before our daughter was born. We decided to use mostly prefolds in order to be frugal. However, we did buy a few random AIO’s and pockets to use when we had babysitters or when we were out of the house. We were not totally opposed to disposables and thought we’d probably use them when traveling. Bad idea! When our daughter was 4 weeks old we took the train halfway across the country for my brother’s wedding and our poor daughter got a massive, oozing, raw rash. Turns out we can not use disposables at all. BumGenius allows us to be able to use cloth 100 percent of the time- on road trips, when friends are watching our daughter, whatever! They are easy to use and oh so cute. 🙂
Love your diapers! Just ordered more yesterday to add to our stash for our 4 month old little guy. Your diapers have contained more blowouts in the 3 months we’ve been using them, compared to our first awful month of disposables.
I decided to cloth diaper my second child, now 6 months and tried so many brands and types starting with hybrids, then pockets, then fitteds, and everything in between. It got so overwhelming for my daycare providers that they said PICK ONE and an easy one please! So I tried one last type BG All in Ones, and we are in <3. They work for Dad, Daycare, Grandma, etc. Makes CD'ing easy and practical even for the most CD challenged folks that help raise our little ones! Thank you so much! So happy we found you.
i just started cloth diapering this year, with baby #7. i don’t know why it took me so long to take the leap, but im so glad i did…and kind of sad that i didn’t long ago…just think of all those cute diapers i missed out on!!!
right now i am slowly stocking up on fluff…and as the pile grows, i still don’t h ave any bum genius…i’d love to have the opportunity to try them out, and be come a bum genius lover too!
congratulations on five years of fluffy goodness!
Bum Genius are the first cloth diapers I tried. I found one at a Target store 3 years ago. I have tried many other diapers along the way, but everytime I come back to my BG’s. They are all I use now and recommend them to every mommy I know that is considering using cloth! Thank you!
Happy Birthday!! We *love* Bum Genius (I’m expecting some fluffy mail any day now!). Our 3rd baby and first in cloth is a month old and Bum Genius is definitely a “go to” diaper for us! We really love the AIOs. He’s in XS still but we’ll be needing to move into smalls any day now. And the one size 4.0 started to fit this week and is really great. I love how easy and trim BG is on my little 🙂
I don’t have a LOT of bumgenius dipes. But the site helped me discover what cloth diapering was all about. And when I was visiting family during what was supposed to be our family christmas last feb and turned into an extended visit and funeral I discovered my almost 3 mo old reacts to almost all sposies. Alas, we had left all our cloth at home!!! (7 hrs away) Thankfully there was a brick and mortar store 45 min away that carried some a flip pack and econobum pack. They saved me and my little one’s bum!!! Since then I have gotten a few more flip covers and do own a bumgenius 3.0.
Having such great easy cloth diapering options really helped me convince DH that using cloth diapers didn’t have to mean soaking prefolds in the toilet like he remembered from his childhood. We still LOVE our BG especially daddy. Happy Birthday!
I started cd’ing about a year ago and the first diapers I always reach for are my Bumgenius 3.0/4.0 or Elemental. We NEVER had leaks and they fit my skinny mini perfectly. BG has made me a cloth diapering lover, thank you for an amazing product and happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday!
We started using BumGenius on our toddler shortly before our son was born in May. We LOVE them! I love that we are saving money and that I don’t have to worry about running out of diapers. I love that I’m not contributing as much to landfills. It has even inspired me to be more “crunchy”. We now use “unpaper” towels and take our recycling seriously. And try to be aware of our impact on the environment. We aren’t perfect but we are trying! And I can’t leave out the fact that BumGenious are so cute!
BumGenius made cloth diapering easier for My family because it got my husband on board with cloth. He was overwhelmed by other diapers but the bumGenius ease of use roped him in!! Happy birthday, bumGenius!!
Cloth diapering was my first step toward becoming more green in my life. I started cloth because of my kid’s sensitive skin (and because they’re so darn cute!) and now I am much more conscience of the things I use and recycle and how to keep my family more healthy. Bum Genius diapers are my favorite and are so easy to use. I’ve used a variety of diapers but keep going back to my bum genius for simplicity and ease of use. Love them!
We have not gotten to try BumGenius diapers yet but I am saving up to buy my first few and cannot wait to try them! We started with prefolds and covers as they were cheap but I have heard so many wonderful things about BumGenius diapers that now that my daughter is outgrowing her stash I am making the switch!
we started cloth diapering 4 months ago with 4.0s. They are awesome. They have enabled us to go leak free through the night and for every day diaper that we use 4.0s. BGs has made our cloth diapering experience much easier. Thanks! And Happy Birthday!
I am new to cloth diapers but LOVE BumGenius! I wish I had used them with my oldest son. My husband even likes them! I am working on stocking up so that we can eliminate disposable diapers all together.
Five years…awesome.
We are new to cloth, expecting number two next summer thought it would be nice to use the two year old as a tester!!!! Love the website, alreadt shop often and visit daily, just to look for new ideas.
Tonya Pittsburgh, PA
Happy Birthday, BG! I was close to giving up the cloth diaper plan when I discovered your BG 3.0s and they saved me from quitting because they were so easy. Even my husband was swayed and we used cloth for 2 years on our daughter and are getting them ready all over again to use on our new baby due in March. Thanks for your great products!
I love bum genius! it was the best newborn diaper and its still the best diaper for even a two year old! I love how it can fit from birth to potty training. I am so glad that these awesome diapers are available to moms! I have converted a cousin in my family and I’m giving her some diapers to start with over Christmas! I can’t wait to show her the cloth diaper love! Thanks so much for all you do bum genius!
aimee murad at gmail dot com
I am proud to say that Bumgenius Diapers have diapered 2 of my children 🙂 We love the Organic/Elemental collection and it has always been kind to my boys delicate skin!!
Thanks for creating such a wonderful product!!
Happy 5TH Birthday Bumgenius…. and I can only imagine what the next years will become with cloth diapering 🙂
Heartfelt thanks
Whitney, Riley and Rory
Happy Birthday bumGenius! I have been carrying your products in our store from the very beginning of the bumGenius diaper! We carry your product and use the bumGenius products on our own children…. It has been fun watching the product line grow through out the years.. Your team is great to work with, we would be lost without Kathy!
So Happy 5th birthday, and can not wait to celebrate many more with you!
I was introduced to BG by a friend. When having our first child I decided that we were going to CD, for all the common reasons, environmentally friendly, healthier, more cost effective…but I always assumed it would be less convenient and we would end up using disposables as well. We now have 36 BG 4.0 and I am GIVING AWAY the disposables that I had bought when my son was born, since we never really ended up using them.
My husband has actually said that he thinks diapering is EASIER with the BG than with disposables. His words, “Diapering isn’t as bad as I thought it would be, especially with the Bum Genius”.
Happy Birthday BumGenius. We started off a little late cloth diapering at 7 months with a trial of the 3.0s, now our stash includes mostly elementals, a couple 3.0s, and a bunch of flip (waiting for another