Admitably, I’m a bit of a daddy’s girl, as my bio shares I’m the oldest of four, and no kids of my own yet. This is a fun picture of my family from years… and years… AND years ago. I’m the one in red with the slightly mischievous look on my face. By the way, I was a cloth diapered baby, when I was growing up we didn’t have much money but my parents made us feel like we had something special and rich every day.
Pictures like this one are so valuable because they captured one of those moments where life – no matter how hard it was – still felt joyful, it’s clear from the expressions and the bed-head that there was lots of love in that moment.
Dads have a special place in our hearts at Cotton Babies. Of course, there are the obvious reasons why fathers are wonderful, but we have special admiration for the “Cotton Babies dads” when we see awesome, HILARIOUS comments like this….
“My husband is gonna FLIP just like the new bubble cover I got! HAHA!…I know I know not a seconds but I wanted it!”
And trust us, we see comments like this frequently, so let us first say – thanks for the entertainment – we get a kick out of your passion. Many a Cotton Babies dad has been the (perhaps unknowing) subsidizer of the latest and greatest cloth diaper, amazing seconds sale stash, or even that newest color gracing your finger tips as you click way on Facebook. So how could we pay proper homage to the man in your life this Father’s Day? We thought we’d give you a chance to give dad’s wallet a little break. We know the word dad has many different meanings for many different people. We know your children are so blessed to have a parent such as yourself to love and care for them no matter how conventional or unconventional the person holding the title of “dad” is. We’re hosting a special Father’s Day photo contest with the top prize a $100 gift certificate to CottonBabies.com
Here’s how to enter the Cotton Babies Father’s day photo contest.
Post pictures of a special “dad” moment for you or your little one on your favorite social media website and post the link here on the Cotton Babies blog. One entry per family, please.
Entries must be received by Sunday, June 26th. The winners will be announced by Friday, July 1st. It may be sooner, but we’re anticipating quite a few entries to sort through. We want enough time available to give each entry a fair review. Please be sure your e-mail address is visible to our Cotton Babies staff, winners will be notified via e-mail only.
• 1 grand prize winner ($100 gift certificate to Cotton Babies)
• 1 second place winner ($50 gift certificate to Cotton Babies)
• 1 third place winner ($25 gift certificate to Cotton Babies)
• 3 additional runners up per 100 contest entries ($10 gift certificate to Cotton Babies)
Gift certificates will be e-mailed to the winners and can only be redeemed online through the Cotton Babies website. You must either live in the United States or have a shipping address in the United States to be eligible to win. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win.
Here is a pic of daddy giving our baby first kisses the day she was born!:)
This is a picture of my daughter and her father on Mother’s Day in their cute matching outfits.
Jennifer H
I love this picture even though she looks a little mad. It looks like she’s saying “Stay away, he’s my daddy!”
Nicole R.
In case last link didn’t work. Please see my post from moments ago.
this is a picture of my husband with our second child just minutes after he was born. it was such a tender and powerful moment
This is a picture of my son and my Dad. We were in a waiting room while my mom was having surgery to remove a cancerous tumor. My Dad and I were very scared, but Braxton was blissfully unaware, got us to smile and forget for a moment what was going on in the next room. Braxton and I had driven 7 hours through the night to b there. Love both my Dad and my Mom!
Jenn454SS (at) gmail (dot) com
My hubby gave me a break since I’m 9 months pregnant due in a few days… I took this on my phone. He’s the greatest and is little by little scraping enough for me to buy hopefully a couple new diapers by July 7th. (My due date! 🙂
My husband and my 5 week old son taking an afternoon nap together. This is what I woke up to when my husband took over so I could get some much needed rest. So sweet!
This picture was taken last year just a few weeks before my 2nd son was born while my son and husband were walking along the Missippi River. This was a trip we took as our last “hoorah” before we became a family of 4. I am so grateful that I captured a special moment between two of the most important men in my life. This is hanging in my husbands office at work 🙂
I was able to take this beautiful picture of my husband and daughter yesterday at the park. I love the fact that they were completely unaware of the camera and having a great time. You can just see the love between them and it makes me so happy! My husband is an absolutely amazing daddy to our little girl. I am so proud of him and thankful for all he does for us. 🙂
indianairishgirl at gmail.com
We read to our son Henry every night – but I read “Guess How Much I Love You” and my H reads Beowolf.:-) Either way, we know he’ll love books!
(Also posted to Facebook)
apollo.noel [at] gmail.com
our first son and dad the day we came home from the hospital. he was 3 weeks early and so small at just over 5 lbs! he also surprised us as a boy by proving the ultrasound wrong and NOT being a girl as predicted!
emilie s
Hopefully this link works! The security settings on my FB are pretty tight so I don’t think you would be able to see a pic link.
The pic is from my LO’s 4 month photos (sorry she’s not wearing her BGs in this one). She would not smile for me but when my H held her, she lit up. She absolutely adores him and she has daddy wrapped around her little finger 🙂
I love this picture of my husband and our boys. Parenting is hard work and some times it just tires us all out. My husband is amazing father, and I couldn’t have asked for a better partner, his love, tenderness and humor are what keep me going.
Such a wonderful day! I’m so lucky to be related to these two!
DH & DD napping on the living room floor when she was just 1 month old. I think they look so precious together!
This is a picture of my husband sleeping with our new baby the night before we were allowed to bring him home from a 10 day stay at the hospital. This picture really captures the pure joy of fatherhood! I really love it!
I’m so proud of my husband. There isn’t enough space here to list the reasons, but one of many is that he passed “Boards” last week and is officially a RN. He left a career as an electrician to go back to school, start over, and become a nurse, knowing that he would never be happy if he wasn’t helping people in a real way every day. I’m even more proud of him for having the discipline and stamina to continue a difficult nursing program during the early months of our son’s life. I know that when I returned to work, I was not nearly as dedicated, productive, or “sharp” as my pre-mom days. He didn’t have the luxury of letting up and easing back into school. Instead he continued to work hard, balance school and family better than I ever could hope, and never once complained about the stress, the long hours, or the sacrifices made. Instead, he paced our house with our newborn son in the “magic baby hold” reading notes balanced on his little cloth diaper rear; on the rare fussy night, he bounced our son with one arm while taking practice tests on the computer with the other hand, so I could have a few minutes to myself; and when he couldn’t multitask, he put our son first and stayed up hours, sometimes all night, after we had gone to bed to catch up on studying. This photo shows my husband receiving his BSN this spring…. our son joined him for the trip across the stage. Fitting, I think…
Hanging at the Wine Fest — Picture 70 of 100.
This is posted on my facebook. Love my husband for providing for us..This is one of my favorite photos of him with our girls. http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/photo.php?fbid=10150216118425636&set=a.432337200635.223819.557325635&type=1&theater
I got to post my email address so i deleted the first post sorry. it’s hmurray876@gmail.com
Father’s Day 2010 and 2011 wearing their Version 1.0 and Version 2.0 shirts from ThinkGeek– a Father’s Day gift from me!
This one took me back before baby #2 was born. I guess we’ve been so busy since then that we’re not in many pictures. She’s really Daddy’s Little Girl.
My husband and I are expecting our first child in a month. I love this picture of him right after I told him I was pregnant. We are so excited, but no matter how many books we read on “What to Expect,” we feel a little bit clueless. I’m so glad we have a sense of humor, because I think we’re going to need it on a daily basis. There’s no one else I’d rather figure it out with than him. http://yfrog.com/h3yrqgqj
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Father’s Day 2010 and 2011 in their Version 1.0 and Version 2.0 shirts from ThinkGeek– a Father’s day present from me!
my baby girl veda and her daddy all tuckered out 🙂
This was one of those “caught in the act” kind of photos…in fact, my husband didn’t know I took it & posted it to facebook until a few days later! I was in the midst of trying so hard to get laundry put away when our 21 month old threw a fit because she was hungry. About the same time, our 3 week old (at the time) was screaming during a colic episode. Within a matter of minutes I walked into the kitchen and my sweet husband had the toddler in the high chair and was feeding her dinner & had put on my sling and put our son in the sling all by himself! I have never been more in love with my husband…the best part is, he loves me & our children with such kindness like that all the time!
sorry for posting twice, the first one I forgot my email…
my email is
I’m posting this pic in honor of Fathers Day….a few days too late, LOL. This pic was taken back in April when our son Boston was SUPER sick. He had the flu, though we didn’t know it at the time. His fever went up to 104.7 which was so scary. This was the first time he has EVER been very sick. Daddy and Boston fell asleep watching a movie, with their favorite bear Wallace in tow (he was given to Daddy when he was born, over 30 years ago). Both of us were worried about our little boy, it took him a couple of weeks, but soon he was back to normal. What a great Daddy!
emailjunky (at) mac.com
My hubby and our baby boy at the beach this summer. Baby’s bum genius diaper is sticking out the back of his swimming trunks as daddy and baby reenact the “circle of life” from the lion kind (daddy’s favorite)
blog with pictures about my hubby’s first father’s day http://hopefulfuture.blogspot.com/2011/06/fathers-day-2011.html
Here’s my fave pic of my hubby and our daughter. http://twitter.com/#!/walkwithme/status/85154051192406016
This is a picture of my husband talking to my oldest and middle sons about the C-17s after we had gone and had a “tour” with him on his plane. He left a few days later on his second deployment. He was gone on Father’s day, but will be home THIS WEEK!! We’re very excited!
Here is the photo I put on your facebook page…
My husband just got home from work and our son had been waiting for him to play in the sprinkler all day!
Even though he was tired from a long day, he played with him for hours. He is a good dad.
Oops–here’s the link:
Even during stressful times, daddies have such a calming effect.
It was very hard to choose! However, I noticed I found myself choosing between photos with a similar theme – the beach! The Oregon coast is definitley our family spot. This one especially gives me the warm fuzzies, just because not only is daddy and son walking into the great wide open of who knows what’s ahead… but I love how my little Donovan looks up at his dad for guidance. I couldn’t ask for a better dad for my children! He is amazing!
My hubby surprised me by really getting into the cloth diapering thing….
My husband is a little rough around the edges thanks to the military, but the one thing that always softens his heart is our daughter. You can just look at his face when they are together and see the love that they have for one another. Every night that he is home, he reads her a bedtime story. He is such a great dad; both near and from afar!
Link to a bigger version of the picture- if you prefer that one.
happynutty @ msn dot com
Daddy and daughter special moment! Lucky for mommy the markers were washable 🙂
Our first camping trip as a family, and of course the dog is part of that family as you can see!
email is julieaham@gmail.com
My husband introducing our brand new daughter to our four-year-old son.
I absolutely love this photo:
I love everything about it. We had just spent the evening outside, coloring with sidewalk chalk, playing in the grass, and having a picnic dinner of pizza.
You can see how happy my husband is to be holding his little loves. My son, Audric, is smiling (a skill he had recently acquired). My daughter, Lillian, has pizza sauce and a big smile all over her face. Love it.
happynutty @ msn dot com
This is my husband and our son Isaac. He just loves to try and get Daddy’s glasses off his face!
This is their favorite game to play <3
One of my favorites of my husband and our son his first few days home. Our little one was on a Wallaby belt for jaundice for five days after birth, so the few times we were able to hold him were so fantastic that first week!
One of my fave pics of a pair of farm boys
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We took all the kids to the zoo a couple days before Father’s Day. This is Eli on daddy’s shoulders. He is a daddy’s boy 100% 🙂
amjodu AT gmail DOT com
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My husband’s first try babywearing ever! So cute 🙂
Daddy just got home from work and was running around the yard playing with the kids before dinner. 🙂
My favorite pic of my husband and child at Bounce U for a birthday party. I’m not sure who had a better time!
I commented on this earlier; however, I noticed a lot of facebook links weren’t working. If mine did work, sorry for the duplicate!
This is one of the first pictures of my husband and our son, Xavier. He was a preemie in the NICU for the first 15 days. Xavier looks like he feels so safe and cozy in his Daddy’s arms despite all of the scary equipment attached to him. I love how you can see the father/son bond even at 2 days old. 🙂
kaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com
This is one of my favorites of my husband cooking dinner with our two girls.
My husband is an amazing father. Here he is with our oldest (9m) of three children. He has so much fun with the kids. And of course, they have a blast with him, as you can see!
this was the first time my husband held our son. He was born extremely premature at 1lb 14oz and spent 3 months in the NICU before coming home. My husband has been an incredibly gentle and loving father from the very start, and was a great support to our family during a very difficult season of life!
My husband & our son when he was 5 days old. <3
etwilkins at gmail dot com
Forgot to post my e-mail mariemp23@hotmail.com
Picture of husband and son when he was a few days old. http://noahjuly2009.shutterfly.com/174
I have to do an anonymous comment (thanks a lot blogger!) but my email is maria at change-diapers.com.
I had a hard time choosing, I have so many great photos of my husband and our kids! This isn’t the best photo or the best quality, but it illustrates why my hubby is a great Dad! Our son was about 6 weeks old and DH was carrying him in the sleepy wrap while we hiked & climbed the steps up a monument. He not only wore the sleepy wrap, but learned to tie it (and said he felt like he was pregnant, LOL!)
He is supportive of all my crazy ideas like baby wearing and cloth diapering!
My son taking a nap with his dad when he was a few days old.
This is one of my favorite pictures of my husband and daughter just before Father’s Day.
This is my husband and our first son on his first Halloween. I LOVE this picture!!
A favorite moment is my dad holding his first grandchild…captured the moment she got a look at him for the first time…the look on his face shows such joy!
this was a very special moment for my son and husband!! We were picking him up from the airport for his R and R from Afghanistan! It had been 9 months since we had seen him, and our son acted like he hadn’t been gone a day!! Ayden was showing his Daddy his flag in this picture!!
I love this picture of my family. It shows the joy in the simple moments we have with our children. It also shows the gentle side of a soldier. My husband is in the military, he is also a war veteran. I think this picture shows how even the toughest man has a soft spot for his daughters.
channinggrinnell (at) yahoo (dot) com
My husband with our twins. 2 of 8 children. ;)I love this one.
comerrick at sbcglobal.net
We just got this diaper to celebrate Daddy coming out of a deployable unit <3 He missed a lot with #1 and #2... but he's guaranteed home until this little one starts pre-school :)
This is a special moment from today, June 26th…My little ones first birthday! Daddy and Molly on a hay ride!
Djsnuggless at aol dot com
I love this pic of my and my dad, and then there is the one of my husband and my daughter too!
Here is a good Father’s Day memory:
I hope I liked that correctly!!
We just took this picture ON Father’s Day! This was our first trip to the zoo together!
I love this photo because it is the first one of my husband with both of our baby boys. This was about 2 hours after our youngest was born and the first time big brother, then 13 months, ever saw him.
Like father, like son. Except Daddy didn’t get to enjoy Econobum Diapers :).
This is a picture of my husband and 3 children in Destin, FL. A day after this picture was taken we found out we were expecting our 4th child! It couldn’t have been any better, the best vacation, with my favorite people, finding out the best news!
Email: skyeayer@hotmail.com
This is daddy and his “little buddy” looking at the new little buddy. I was glad I caught this precious moment with my camera. If you can’t view facebook, it’s also my profile pic here. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=508143873&success=1#!/photo.php?fbid=10150107190218874&set=a.432842078873.206479.508143873&type=1&theater
My e-mail: maguirea@gmail.com
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This is a link to my husband’s first dance with our daughter. My sister was married in February (when our daughter was 5 1/2 months old) and at her wedding during the Father-Daughter dance, they requested all fathers dance with their daughters. So, my husband joined in with our daughter. She won’t remember it, but I am thankful I was able to get a picture so I can one day tell her about it.
Here is one of my favorites of my husband kissing our little girl when she was about a month old. 🙂
Our baby is due any day now, but my husband is already getting ready. In these two adorable photos, he’s practicing wearing the Baby Bjorn baby carrier and hanging prefold diapers out to dry. 🙂 So sweet!
p.s. I can’t get my email to show up here without posting it in the comments! Bummer! It’s photos at thelandlockedsailor dot com.
Here is my 2.5 year-old daughter giving her firefighter daddy a kiss. She loves pretending to drive the trucks, so we stopped at the station during a family photo session. My husband is the one who asked me to research cloth diapers when we were pregnant with our daughter, and now we have two in cloth every day. I’ve shared information about your diapers with several friends who are now using cloth, too.
Sarah B.
sarahmay77 at aol dot com
My contest entry:
And for fun, a second photo so my sweet baby boy who turned 1 today isn’t left out!
Oh, and my email is – jgrimbleby(at)gmail.com
This is for the first photo on the blog post. I love how happy both my guys are in this photo. My son adores his dad so much and gets so excited every day when he gets home from work. It makes me so happy to see my husband as a father.
hope i linked right! This is a picture of my husband with our son and daughters first meeting when our daughter was just 10 hours old.
It was hard deciding on a picture for this but my son said to choose this one so here it is!
emma g.
03elewis @msn.com
I love watching my husband hanging out with our boys when he gets home from work in the evening. Here’s my oldest son and Daddy hanging out in the tent. Hours of fun in that tent!
Carrie Butcher
This picture captures a really funny memory for me. It’s my husband (who is a proud stay-at-home dad) and our daughter. When he stepped out the door, an 8 yr. old neighborhood boy speeding by on a bike spied him “wearing” our baby girl and yelled, “That is so uncool man!” To which we both busted out laughing!
This is my most favorite recent picture of my husband, two daughters and a friend fishing! He is an awesome dad:)
My sweet girl Jemma and her Daddy enjoying a warm day at the park. And yes, that’s a Clementine Flip on her booty!
This is a pic of daddy and son right before father’s day.
wyvernsmile (at) yahoo (dot) com
My Daddy and my Girls.
I sort of cheated 🙂 I blogged about my wonderful husband. Featured is a photo of my husband glowing after the recent birth of our 3rd daughter. I also included a picture of my Father and I on this past Father’s Day…I just couldn’t help it!!!
This is my favorite picture of mt husband with our baby girl when she was only 2 weeks old. He didn’t realize I was taking this picture, so it is a true Daddy/Daughter moment captured. So much love!!
This is my hubby with our daughter, she was a day old in this picture and we had just gotten home. I love how they look like they are discovering each other, both with a hint of a smile. The beginning of a long life together <3
“First look at Daddy” <3
This is the first time my boy saw the ocean. Watching the waves with daddy. And daddy’s wearing the wristband I gave him for Father’s Day. His name is on the outside and his birthday is on the inside.
Here is my favorite photo of my husband and son. My son is telling him a long “story”, all about the fan on the ceiling. 🙂
This is one that I was standing away from the boys telling them to smile; at first it may have been forced but then this perfect photo came out of it. Love it!
sandicriswell at yahoo dot com
Here is my husband and our two boys enjoying some down time before they head to bed.
Melissa K.
mefish32 at hotmail dot com
As soon as I read this post, I knew the picture I wanted to post. I took this picture the day we came home from the hospital. Daddy and daughter are happily enjoying their first nap together on our couch!
Evie R.
This was so hard to choose just one picture. I have taken so many photos in the six and a half months since my daughters birth. I especially love all the sleepy cuddly moments captured on my camera and this one in particular.
The funny thing is that I was the one who really needed the nap!
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It was hard to pick just one picture, but this one melts my heart. Our son was 8 months old and would still fall asleep in our arms. When Jack dozed off, Daddy took the opportunity to share a nap with him at the St. Louis Botanical Gardens. Here is the link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jackmeyer/4988026756/in/set-72157624949645080/
Name: Katie M.
E-mail: k_herbert@hotmail.com
My husband and son being silly. Brendon loves to mimic his daddy, no matter what!
sugarbabydiaper at gmail dot com
finchjh at gmail dot com
My hubby and our kids! Ahhhh I love this pic
my email is jenneyschump@yahoo.com my Name is Jenifer
I love this pic of my two favorites from last weekend. She’s showing off her BumGenius while talking a walk on the beach.
Email – wacissej AT yahoo DOT com
My husband went for six months of training for the Army one week before our youngest arrived. The first time he got to see him in person was at two months old and this is one of my favorites from that trip.
This is my favorite picture of my husband and our twins who were just a couple of weeks old at the time. It melts my heart every time I see it!
Email: trinac2004@yahoo.com
Link to picture: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=504721258984&set=a.504676738204.2004239.159300432&type=1&theater
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Here is my other half, and his 3 loves…Princess, Big man, and the Camaro 🙂
email: mikerenea55@comcast.net
My favorite Daddy in the world!
This is a photo on my husband’s first Father’s Day as a daddy of two! When I look at this picture I overflow with love and can’t believe how very lucky I am!
jennifer_atchison at hotmail dot com
I love this one of my older daughter and my hubby, being goofy for the camera while Mommy tries on clothes at the mall. No one makes her laugh like he does!
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com
Here is a photo of my husband and son last fall while my hubby was home on leave from Iraq: http://www.flickr.com/photos/55511339@N07/5861922126/in/photostream/
This is one of the first pictures of my husband and our son, Xavier. He was a preemie in the NICU for the first 15 days. Xavier looks like he feels so safe and cozy in his Daddy’s arms despite all of the scary equipment attached to him. I love how you can see the father/son bond even at 2 days old. 🙂
kaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com
This is a picture of my husband who had just returned from his second deployment, and our daughter Kelsey who quickly took to him and remembered that HE was her daddy! Melts my heart every time I see it.
My email is megan.lubbers@gmail.com – This is my husband with our kiddos at the beach a couple weeks ago:
and if that link doesn’t work, the same picture is on my blog too:
My husband with our son, he met up with us at a park for a picnic during his lunch break. We have lots of great memories with him there. Wish he didn’t have a 3 hour commute these days no more meeting up for lunch. My son is 7 months old here.
Rachael Schroeder
Daddy with his little one’s before leaving for another long offshore job. He is always missed.
her is sage and her daddy when she was about a month old. i love when they would take maps together
The children playing with their father at the park.
The children playing with their father at the park.
garconnie at hotmail dot come
Proud papa – April 2011
I LOVE this hilarious picture of my husband with our daughter Gracie. I unsnapped her onesie to find a pretty…ahem, interesting…cloth diaper job. I made him hold her up so I could photograph the event. I’m thinking year book picture. I mean, it’s not everyday you get to see a baby plumbers crack 😉
melissaleemarquis at yahoo dot com
Also here in case you can’t see it above:
My boys when we went to the aquarium in San Diego. I love how you can see they have the same eye, eyebrow, forehead, eyelashes in the picture!
This is my favorite. It’s from his first Father’s Day, last year.
tonymooresmom @ yahoo dot com
I love this picture of my daughter and husband. I think it perfectly sums up their relationship and his adoration of her.
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Sorry, forgot email.
This is my husband with our son (2 months old) in 2010. I picked it to share because hubby’s facial expression says it all. He is a great Father to our baby.
Here’s a photo of my husband with my children. He’s such a snuggler! He is definitely one who motivated by his children to be the best father he possibly can be.
This picture has always been one of my favorites. It seems to capture so much about the fierce love and protectiveness that my husband feels for our son.
emily.h.freeman [at] gmail.com
So hard to pick only one!!
But this photo is one of my favourites because it is a quiet moment–none of them knew I took the photo, and it brings so many things to me when I look at it. I can feel the warm toddler body pressed closely, I can hear the quiet trio of breaths, and I can remember the serenity of that one moment–which ended when they woke up and were ready for the day!! I love to see my kids snuggled in with Daddy.
I love this picture of my husband and son having a snuggle. He was about 2 months old at the time (my son, not my husband :-)) – he’s almost a year now and so big! This picture means a lot to me because they both look like they love each other soooo much, and they’re so peaceful!
My husband, Jacob, with our daughter, Betty
This was our last disposable diaper before switching to cottons full time. I think my husband loves cottons more than me. That’s of course when he isn’t letting her “air”out with no diaper on. He loves to let her be free and I think she’s only peed on him 3 times!
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I love this picture of my husband and our oldest son. Like father, like son!
My husband and our son… http://wishbonephoto.com/?p=1021
Here’s a picture of my husband and son sharing a good book. To me it captures a quiet shared moment despite the colorful chaos of the toys. It was so cute to hear my husband making the animal noises from the book, and so sweet to see our son captivated by the story.
My first link didn’t work. Sorry. 🙁
Here is the new one.
This is a photo of my daughter when she was about eighteen-months-old. It was her first time “fishing” from the dock with Daddy. Her little pole barely reached the surface of the water, but she kept waiting for a “fi-ee” to bite anyway! 🙂
My oldest child Maelynne and her Daddy. I just adore this picture.
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Nap for daddy and Maddy after a long day for both:)
I love the way this photo, taken by my brother-in-law, captures the adventurous nature of my husband and my son’s relationship. And it was taken at the MO Botanical Garden!
Here is a picture of daddy with twins Charlotte and Evie
Above is the link to my fav. pic of My Fiance Todd and his Son Joel. It was taken in my Granparents swimming pool during a road trip we took as a family last summer. Joel loved swimming and was, as you can see, a natural 😉
silverroses2 at hotmail dot com
The first night with our baby … Daddy was smitten from the moment Baby was born!
*The album this picture is in is private, but I’m giving permission to the Cotton Babies FB page, so you should be able to see it.
Abby and Daddy, day one…
My macho, outdoors, manly husband never imagined having a girl could be so much fun. He came from a family of boys and was unsure about little girls. This picture was taken this Father’s Day weekend as my husband prepared to take our 2.5 year old daughter to their first Father/Daughter dance at our church. It is a precious moment when a dad speaks love and life into a little girl. Hopefully the dance will be a annual tradition that my daughter will carry memories from for the rest of her life. She woke up the next morning and said she wanted to go back to the dance with her daddy because “it was her favorite.” He is an amazing Father and loves his kids with all his heart.
One of my favorites. This was from a year ago.
EVERY little boy needs a father-figure that’s willing to help his son take risks in a way that his mother never could, LOL!
My husband and I went hiking with our son Ransom and accidentally did not bring warm enough gloves for him so my husband let him use his own. The sacrificial love of this father touches my heart and inspires me to be a sacrificial mother as well. This picture of them playing brings back sweet memories (top picture of post):
email: fresitamariana@hotmail.com
Here is a current favorite. Our daughter was 6 weeks old (and it was a disposable diaper day…) http://s1113.photobucket.com/albums/k508/jdwooden/?action=view¤t=DSC_0016.jpg She adores her daddy, and was making lots of faces at him, smiling and ‘talking’.
Michael having fun with his dad on the Tractor.
This is a pic of my hubby “studying” with our baby boy the day after we came back from the hospital b/c he had an exam that day! His professor had no sympathy and wouldn’t give him an extension… he was exhausted. But such a good daddy!
My husband and 5-day-old sweet baby, Melanie. He is a wonderful daddy!
loriannapage at gmail dot com
This is a photo from our first family crabbing trip on the Oregon coast. Graham was fussy as he was teething but Pappa was always able to make him smile!
Heather Dalton
I have way too many photos to choose from. Love the artistic feel to this one though. Thanks!
cholita41 (at) yahoo (dot) com
In memory of my dad:
jmye2001 at yahoo dot com
E-mail address: elissacs@gmail.com
Hmm…I hope I’m doing this correctly. My husband is a wonderful daddy to our son, our first child. When I had to go back to teaching for six weeks before summer vacation began, DH would often end up taking DS to work with him. So Baby spent a lot of time in Daddy’s office with him. Not only that, but Daddy works at our church, so he’s very busy on Sunday mornings…but never too busy to take some time to snuggle our little man. That’s why I love this picture!
This is my Dad and his 9th Grandchild,(my daughter Erin.) All of the Grand-kids love their “Papa”. He is not afraid to be silly with them and is just as good a Grandfather as he is a Father.
This is my favorite picture of my daughter with her great great grandpa (taken at her 2nd birthday party) he passed away 3 months later.
kmonkey13 at yahoo dot com
This is my husband stream walking with our daughter today on his second father’s day. He is sharing his love of the natural world with her, while she is just sharing with us in her pure joy of the moment.
This was a wonderful day.
Snuggle moment. Makes my heart happy every time I see it.
Our daughter’s name is Virginia Rose (aka Ginny) and my husband found out that there is actually a flower called a ‘Virginia rose’ so he got a tattoo of it on his arm so he could always carry his Ginny Rose with him wherever he goes. My favorite detail of the picture is that they are both wearing Gin’s costume necklaces.
This is a picture of my husband holding our son, Jakob. So precious as he tries to figure out how to hold him on his shoulder- his first baby experience. Daddy’s love is so present in his awkwardness. 🙂
This is my husband and our son walking up to HIS dads house! Jack was just learning to walk and didn’t want any hand but his dadas!
Here is my hubby and my daughter the he got home from his year long deployment. They just clicked. It was amazing to see them pick right up where they left off. Nose nuzzles for all! http://inspiredbyamara.blogspot.com/2011/06/happy-fathers-day.html
oops my email is jvoigt76@verizon.net
Here’s picture of my husband playing the guitar for our baby Lily.
I love love love this pic of my two handsome guys!
This is my favorite picture of my DH and my son Nikolai on his first coast trip! lol love his baby blue eyes.
thanks Amanda
Email- teahyas_mommy@yahoo.com
This blog post has a great picture of my husband and my daughter together!
My husband and son getting ready for the playoffs!
Like father, like son! 🙂
annaholczer@gmail dot com
My boys love that their dad will carry them everywhere–anywhere–and all at the same time.
cecilydavis dot gmail dot com
This is a picture of my dad holding my son on the day he was born. He was so excited to meet his first grandchild!
elizabeth.kemker at gmail.com
Here is a picture of my husband playing with our two boys. They are all hiding from me in a little upside down ball pit. Those boys can make him do anything! We just had a little girl in April and I can’t wait to see what she gets him to do!
email: aliciamariegut@yahoo.com
Here is one of my husband playing horsey with our two boys. He’s always said that he can’t wait until they are old enough to play these types of games with them. I’m posted two links to the same picture in case one of them doesn’t work.
Email: hatcheson @ tampabay . rr dot com
My DH went in to put our daughter back to sleep. When he didn’t come back after awhile, I went in to check and, sure enough, he was also sound asleep. We always tell our childless friends “parenting is FUN, but tiring” and here is the proof.
I couldn’t choose a favorite moment between my wonderful husband and our new baby boy, so I let him choose for me! He picked this sweet moment of them playing in bed before one of their signature naps together. So precious… just love these two!
Amy Smith
my husband holding our first son in the NICU. he was scared but after i made him do it he has hardly put him down in 22 months!
The only thing we love more than books are our daughters (17 years old and 3 months old)…..Here’s Graham reading to our youngest, Bea. They are obviously quite smitten with one another.
This is a picture of my husband hiking with our children. We have had a seventh child since this picture was taken. I just love how he has one on his back and one on his front.
I walked in to find my husband napping with our daughter. He has sleep apnea, so he sleeps with a CPAP machine. It just cracked me up to see them both sleeping with something in front of their faces. 😀
My husband was on the phone sharing the news of our second daughters arrival (March 14, 2011). He couldn’t wait to tell the world! We are very lucky to have him. This is one of my favorite pictures of all time.
SarahMiley425 at gmail dot com
Sarah Miley
Here’s a picture that I think portrays how much they love each other. It’s so amazing to watch them interact. He loves his Daddy so much and it makes me smile every day.
(We’re friends on Facebook, so I hope you can see it!)
skklemm at gmail dot com
Proof that my husband will do anything for his daughter (and our soon to be born baby where the prize would be a big help! …I should state that is not a hint to the judges;)– and I even asked permission from him to post this, too!
Jane loves when Daddy reads to her. Even if she can’t sit up on her own yet!
Heather Morrissey
My hubby and our new baby daughter, Brooklyn, playing just a few days ago. She loves her daddy and it just melts my heart when I see her smile at him:) It will be his first Father’s day!
Olivia Howard
Here is a picture of Jonas with my grandpa, who was a father figure in my life. This is his first great-grandchild and the first baby in the family he held at such a young age.
My husband is a great dad too, so I have to include his picture. He’s doing very well considering that he doesn’t have any experiences with babies!
My DD LOVES her daddy! I never get grins like this on camera unless he’s around.
My husband Dan became a first-time dad on Sunday 6/12 when our daughter Jessie was born. Here he is with our midwife checking Jessie out during her first minutes outside the womb. Happy First Father’s Day, Daddy!
Ok I had a really hard time deciding between this one and one of my husband and son sleeping together (can’t beat a sleeping baby and daddy pic!) But this is one of my absolute favorite pics of me and my dad. I was and still am a daddy’s girl 🙂
I love the photo that you posted. It is heartwarming and I wish that I had something similar to share. My biological father was not in the picture and my first step father (who I thought to be my father for many years) ceased to be when my mother and he divorced. I don’t have any photos of me young with a man who made my world ‘all better’, but when I was in 8th grade, my mother met the man who she has been with since. We didn’t always see eye to eye, or even anything close to it. As I aged, we became closer and so the photo I share is at my wedding, when our relationship closed the gap. He walked me down the aisle and these years later he continues to be a wonderful father and now grandfather. This moment solidified his place in my heart, and mine in his.
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The hubs being the best kangaroo dad around!!
I love this photo of my husband and our daughter. It was taken just after a wacky hailstorm. We went and waded in the creek, inspected the hail, and let the sand squish in our toes. It really signifies who we are as a family, and highlights their relationship– hanging out together outside, with huge smiles on their faces! Tagged CB and posted on my facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=838636693485&set=a.630259098855.2197502.30405760&type=1&comments
This is a pic of my DH with our youngest, Luke. He’s about 14 months in this pic – wearing his BG 4.0s under his cute zoo clothes. When he’s tired and can’t fall asleep in the stroller when we’re out, Daddy’s arms work every time!
This is one of my favorite pictures of my husband with our daughter. It was in the NICU right before we could bring her home. She was 13 weeks early and had many serious issues. She is a Daddy’s girl and a blessing to us both.
This is my husband with our youngest daughter (she’s a week old in the picture.) One of his co-workers took the picture for us, after one of their jobs.
This picture melts my heart and cracks me up all at the same time!! I was pregnant with our 3rd child and VERY sick so my husband told he not to worry about “being Santa” and to get some rest… Being Santa= 3 hours of sleep I guess. Such a trooper! LOL
email: ach1011@hotmail.com
My hubby is the stay at home dad.. Here he is helping her take her first steps on his birthday. I took the pic watching them through my kitchen window.
gretchen (underscore) mangrobang (at) hotmail (dot) com
Nap times with daddy!!!
My husband has loved being a dad since day 1 and his favorite thing to do with our 7 month old son is play. This picture was taken when our son was 5 months old, right before daddy left for a deployment for 6 months. I love it because it captures how happy they both are together.
lauren_bio (at) hotmail.com
my profile picture on FB was already Daddy and the kiddies! love them! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150221922474015&set=a.433705224014.203805.516529014&type=1&theater
I have 2 pictures here only because there is a little story. My husband is in IT and we used to work at the same place before I became a stay at home Mommy so I know everyone he works with. I took these pictures and one has my husband’s head half cut off (which is why I submitted the first one) I sent these pictures to my husband’s entire department with captions stating our baby was actually doing all my husband’s work from home!
sradke1024 at gmail dot com
This is one of my fav pics of my hubby and our kids. They all just look so happy and content! 🙂
My husband, a Colorado dad, taken on our daughter’s first long hike last year: http://i750.photobucket.com/albums/xx149/aejanis/Summer2010/IMG_0249.jpg
This is my husband and our son Jack, about a month after he was born. They are as thick as thieves!
My husband survived a really bad car accident several years ago. He often wonders why his life was spared. It is evident to me every time my son looks at him just why it is so. Jack’s eyes light up every time his daddy walks into the room.
Happy Father’s Day!
my husband and our son, joseph, in washington d.c. this spring:
I can’t get enough of the total bliss on my daughters face whenever she looks at her dad:
In fact, I’m planning to print and frame this photo for my husband on his first father’s day!
One of my favorite father son moments
Here is a blog post that I did last year on Father’s Day…my husband’s first father’s day! This is one of my absolute favorite pics of the two of them. She’s only 8 weeks old and already staring into her daddy’s eyes…big and blue just like hers.
love this pic of my baby girl snuggling with her daddy!
My husband with our two kids taken just this week.
I have to pick this one of them relaxing after a day at the beach because of the way my son is looking at his daddy.
katehflanagan (at) gmail dot com
This is a photo my husband and our son at less than a week old. Its so cute and it cracks me up. I think if there is one word to summarize a typical Dad’s #1 parenting strength, its their ability to IMPROVISE.
moore.emily.c(at gmail dot com)
My husband sharing a quiet moment with our sweet son.
Liz Franks
My email is liz_thandiwe@hotmail.com
this pic is definitely one of my favorites because SO is an avid gamer and it just looks like DS is peeking over his shoulder playing with him! haha. It is the perfect “like father, like son” picture for our family.
my email is ohstella11 at yahoo dot com
My hubby is just like BBQ3’s hubby: working 10hr days and going to college full-time (about to graduate so his classes are soo hard right now). He is so busy being the money-maker, college student, first-time dad, and awesome husband! Our daughter has special needs AND she just started teething… So, daddy and I need a financial blessing such as this to lighten the mood around the house! 😀 The pic if of he and DD(Kathleen McKinley after my mother who is deceased) after DD fed with Daddy! She always gets a bottle with daddy after he gets off work. That’s their time he does schoolwork and lets Kathleen cuddle with him. They’re so much alike I call Kathleen DH’s mini-me and twin LOL Please pick us! (both pics are the same just thru our family website and facebook 😀 idk which is easier for you to access)
thru our family website:
same picture but thru facebook:
This how my daughter greets Daddy when he comes home from work. One of my favorites! Thanks for running this contest. I hope we will be able to see the entries at some point. 🙂
This is my Husband with our first child and only son Kai. It is one of my favorites!!
Love this pic of my husband reading to our little girl.
My sweet husband works 12 hours a day and is in college. So before we all go to bed is his time with his 1st daughter, Lillian. She loves him dearly and in this picture you can tell he is her hero. I love them both more than I knew I could love. Xoxox.
I absolutely love this picture of my hubby with our 2 boys. I am preggo with number three and it’s still a surprise, so we’ll see if I remain the lone princess in the house!
My hubby loving on our very tired little man. His favorite place to fall asleep is in daddy’s arms!
My email is: cassieclooten@gmail.com
This is my favorite picture of my daughter with her great great grandpa (taken at her 2nd birthday party) he passed away 3 months later.
kmonkey13 at yahoo dot com
My husband is a mechanical engineer who works on energy conservation projects to save the environment (he LOVES our cloth diapers), so on the weekends, the boys are the ones who do the gardening, not me!
Proud daddy of two sweet little boys. My favorite picture of all my favorite boys right before we left the hospital.
Angela K.
This is a recent photo of my daughter and her daddy walking down our street. She’s 14 months and loves to walk everywhere. It’s easy for me to hover over her to make sure she’s ok, but her daddy always gives her lots of freedom to explore. I love this photo because he’s just walking with her at her own pace, letting her explore the world, but he’s right there with her the whole time.
elaine dot zuber at yahoo dot com
This is a photo of my husband snuggling with our then 10 day old son and 2 year old son. He loves his boys!
this is my favorite picture of my Boyfriend and baby! i captured the best moment! I love this picture! She is our first and only child!
my email is 0907charlie@gmail.com
This is of my husband and our oldest. My baby boy loves to give LARGE kisses and daddy took them, loving every minute!
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You make us choose just one! So difficult, because I lapse into, “Awwww!” with every photo of my DH and DS together. I have to pick this one, though, because it includes his favorite dog and one of my son’s DGFs (Dear Grandfathers); he was named for both of grandfathers, and they adore him for it!
goodgracious at juno dot com for fb profile.
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I forgot to post my email in the original post..sorry. It’s saleli00@yahoo.com
Here is a picture of my husband and my oldest with my middle child right after he was born I just love it. http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa154/mrsabel/DSC04031.jpg
This is a picture of my husband the day he got promoted. Shortly after this he left for a deployment, so it is very special to us!
My husband was never a ‘baby’ man, he likes kids older…but when our third child was born, that little girl melted his heart like no one else could. This picture was just after we got home from the hospital, while we waited for our older 2 to get home from their friends. It makes me tear up, because you can SEE how much he adores her!
This picture is of my son, Harper, and my husband, Robert. We were out at the Tulip Festival in Holland, Michigan. I just love that they are both smiling so big. Harper looks so happy to be outside and in his daddy’s arms. Every time I look at this picture it makes me so happy. I love my husband so much! Happy Father’s Day, Robert!
This is one of my favorite photographs of my husband and our daughter: http://flic.kr/p/8EzPu9
My email is noirbettie at gmail.
this is my husband and our 10 month old DD on the beach at sunset during our vacation to chincoteague island VA 🙂 love it!
My Husband and our son yesterday on our trip to Seaworld before baby two is born this weekend. Truly expresses the fun they had. He is an amazing dad to our son already and I look forward to seeing his love for baby two.
Beth Hodges
This picture is of my daughter and her engineering graduate Daddy. It was taken this past May right before his commencement ceremony. So proud of him and all that he’s accomplished for our little family!
Heres a photo of my sailor husband and our sailor girl 🙂
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Here is a pic of DH and my DS. We went to Disney World last month and it was hot hot hot! My son did not want to be in the stroller we rented, so my husband carried him the 3 days we were there. They were both quite happy with the arrangement. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.829626933916.2310201.10506633#!/photo.php?fbid=829627767246&set=a.829626933916.2310201.10506633&type=1&theater
olivia at jrhdesign dot com
This is my favorite photo of DS and DH. DS was just a few weeks old and they are cuddling in bed, it shows them both as a profile looking at one another. 🙂
DH is a wonderful daddy. And this is his first fathers day.
serenajean1 (at) aol (dot) com
This is one of my favorite photos of my husband and my first son. It was shortly after getting home from the hospital. This photo is so special to me because this is when it hit me that we finally had the family that we had been trying for 6 years to have!
This is a picture of my dad and my daughter in September 2010. My daughter is my parebt’s 12th grandchild and this was taken at her baptism when she was 6wks old. My dad passed away in March 2011. It’s still so hard for me to believe that he is gone, but I am so thankful to have this wonderful picture of them.
Here is my favorite of my husband with our son (and first child!)
My husband with our baby boy. Less than an hour after he was born 🙂
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All my life I looked forward to reading to my babies. But it’s even cooler to watch my husband do it!
My husband had to go on a five-month work trip overseas. He made time every day to see his little lady on Skype and kept up with photos and videos from us. The photo is at the bottom of this blog entry; when he came back to the States we met him in the Pacific Northwest for a vacation. This is my husband and daughter reunited on the Vancouver waterfront after several months away–and they never missed a beat!
deannaniles [at[ gmail [dot] com
Here is one of my favorites of my husband with our baby: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150322357834517&set=a.10150095864844517.292927.654034516&type=1&theater
I love this picture of my dad with his 4 granddaughters. He is such an amazing Poppa and all of the girls fight over who will sit in his lap. I’m not surprised; he was an incredible father, too!
Now he has 4 granddaughters and 3 grandsons so the competition is sure to get even more fierce!! Somehow I think he’ll manage.
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