Change 3 Things Giveaway!
July 19, 2011 5:13 am

It’s been a little over 4 months since we launched our Change 3 Things campaign. In that time, Change 3 Things participants have changed more than 3,250,000 cloth diapers. That’s more than 3 million diapers that are not going into landfills! This means that together, participants have prevented waste equivalent to more than 1,895 babies wearing disposable diapers for a year. That is an amazing amount of impact in local landfills by parents who commit to change at least 3 cloth diapers a day.
We want to spread the word about Change 3 Things, so for today’s giveaway, share Change 3 Things with a friend. It’s easy. However you choose to share, whether it’s through social media, e-mail, text or phone, just tell someone about Change 3 Things today! Leave a comment on this post telling us who you shared with (first name or relationship is fine) and how you shared.
Winners will be drawn at random and will each receive a Change 3 Things t-shirt, a bumGenius 4.0 cloth diaper for you and an Econobum trial pack to get your friend started on their cloth diapering journey.
Eligible entries must be posted by Wednesday, July 20, 2011. U.S. Residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn at random on Thursday, July 21, 2011 and notified via e-mail. (Please make sure Cotton Babies staff can see your e-mail in your comment or through your Blogger profile page.)
I have shared about this on Facebook and I have also convinced my friend to use cloth when she has her baby in February.
I told my friend Pam about it through Facebook!
I discovered this campaign a couple weeks ago and it inspired me to try cloth diapers. Originally, I thought I would try 3 a day, but I found it so easy that I have fully converted 🙂 We are now 100% cloth! Thanks for giving me the confidence to take the leap!
I have shared this information with my friend, Kate. She is hesitant to try but I’m thinking if she had some supplies she would be more willing! Help me help Kate!
I posted on facebook and my cousin will be cding very soon:)
I posted on FB too, but also I’m always telling friends about the great products made by cottonbabies! I have converted at least 8 people to cloth since I started using cloth diapers….i’ve even started a “stash” of diapers to lend people who want to try cloth diapers without investing the money in it until they know how it functions.
I posted on facebook!
I tweeted this! gnatchat at gmail dot com
I told my sister on the phone!
I shared this with all of my friends on facebook 🙂
Rebekah Grymonprez
I shared on facebook with my cloth diapering mom friends 🙂
Francine Miranda
I shared on facebook!
I shared via facebook and told a good friend who’s just had twins!
I tell everyone I can! I’m all over Facebook with it and have made some great friends all around the country (and continent) because of my cloth diapering. I talk about it all the time at work, too.
candyland121 at hotmail dot com
I shared this with the wife of one of my husbands co-workers who are struggling to afford diapers, I told her about the econobum diapers and she was excited to learn more:)
I told my cousin Janelle about it.
I have shared with four friends at work that are expecting. I have also brought in some of my stash to show them all of the options.
I shared with one of my best friends and completely converted her!
I told my sister in law and i’m going to share on facebook
~ emilie
dangergirl0138 at
I told my friend Missy who is pregnant with her third baby and might try cloth diapering. I told her in person.
douglauraneal at windstream dot net
I told my sister for her newborn.
I told everyone who has asked where we are registered at.
I shared via email with my best friend, who has two kids. I don’t think my email will show up in my comment above.
I sent an email to my best friend who is a great candidate for cloth diapering (home washing machines, a second kid on the way, very granola, etc.).
I spoke over the phone today with my best friend who is 37 weeks pregnant and shared with her the change 3 things and all about We are both expecting and are exactly 6 weeks apart, she is having #4 and I’m having #5!!! I’ve been cloth diapering since #2 and I think I’ve finally got her convinced on giving cloth a try. Thanks cottonbabies for making it easier for me to share the wealth.
I shared this with a neighbor and on an online mom’s group.
I shared with a friend who is on the cloth diaper fence via fb 🙂
I shared with my SIL through and email.
I shared with my sister who’s baby girl is three weeks younger than my little one! 🙂
gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com
I shared with my bff, Lindsey who recently started cding her #2!
Mk1girl at hotmail dot com
I shared with my sister, via Facebook. I love talking about cloth diapers with anyone who will listen!
apinette at
i shared with my friends in ceramics today!
sbmanes at hotmail dot com
That’s incredible!!
I shared on facebook 🙂
popita624 {at} gmail {dot} com
Chastine baker
I show off my cloth diapers to anyone who is willing to listen everyone gets excited to see how cute and Eco friendly they are. I got my best friend to stop using pampers and switch to bumgenius elementals!!
I told my friend Emily! She is pro-cloth and due in the spring, and her husband thinks disposables are dumb! haha!
nchernandez6 at gmail dot com
I shared with my friend Vicky via phone and offered her some of my BG’s to get her started.
I shared as EcoChicSidekick on facebook
Shared with my sister Cassie. She had her second child a few months ago and I would love to help her cloth diaper at least part-time. She is worried about the extra laundry! 🙂
Shared today with my friend amanda! (due in november) love sharing about cotton babies and cloth diapering.
briutiful at gmail dot com
Can I enter for my friend? Wendi. That’s how she got me started, and now I’m trying to get a good enough stash to CD full time!!
I told my friend who just had a baby 3 weeks ago. She is very interested trying out cloth.
I just wrote a facebook note and tagged several of my momma friends with diapered babies who have mentioned their interest in cloth diapers before. I usually get interested responses when I post about my cloth diapering online, so maybe someone will bite soon! 🙂
Natalie G
Shared on FB!
Shanzetti at yahoo dot com
Shannon J
I called my friend who is expecting her first next month–did it when the Change 3 Things was just introduced. Also plan to do a presentation at our MOPS group about cloth diapering–would love to be able to offer the Econobum pack as a prize during that meeting!!!!
I shared with my friend, Dave. chiolip at earthlink dot net
Sharing this on Facebook!
Talked to one of my rugby teammates, Alex, about cloth and she’s interested but concerned. Someone gave her a couple of gdiapers (way back at her shower) that she’s tried a few times but wasn’t crazy about buying the disposable liners. Her son just turned one and I think she’s interested in trying a different brand but worried about leaks, water usage, laundry time, etc.
I shared with my cousin who’s due in October!
Kj_paine at yahoo dot com
I called my mom and shared with her. She tried to convince me not to cloth diaper because I am so busy. But, I am going for it! It’s so worth it!
I shared it with my friend Brie!
I shared with my pregnant sister via email!
I posted on twitter 🙂
I shared with a random person at swim lessons. She noticed I was cloth diapering my 5 week old and I told her all about the campaign.
shawnajoy78 at hotmail dot com
Shared with a friend on the phone that just had her baby a few days ago.
I shared this at
I just shared with my friend Suzy, who is switching to cloth diapers for her baby #2 due in December!!
jennifer_atchison at hotmail dot com
My husband and I showed his sister how easy CD’ing is when we used our Bumgenius diapers on a recent trip to Hawaii. I then helped her register for them, as she’s expecting in October. 🙂
I shared with a new friend from my Mindful Mommas group (Tiffani), and with two other friends that I have know for a long while who just had babies this month. 🙂 I texted them, because I have been on the go most of the day!
I shared with my friend Cheri who is expecting this Christmas.
googlehug at yahoo dot com
I shared with all my Facebook friends
i would share with a friend named kim she is trying for her second and currently low on diapers
I shared on facebook with friends who are expecting, as well as emailed K.R. who just had twins.
I shared with my friend Stasha about cloth diapers and Change 3 Things
Started a Cloth diaper swap with a mom group that was an info session as well. It was a comfortable way for mom’s to get together, share and learn. We are still doing the swap every few months and each time new moms come and try out cloth! very exciting that is is catching one. It also helps expose different birth options to the moms as well…lots of natural parenting and going green in this group!
I shared about cloth diapers yesterday with a friend on facebook!
I shared the most recent “Change 3 Things Challenge” post on my Facebook wall for all to see. And I am always telling people about cloth diapers. I have several friends who are expecting their first babies right now and would love to share an Econobum pack with them!
(FB ID Erin Ford Becker)
I shared with my neighbor.
Shared with my sister on facebook!
meghan.r.dorey at gmail dot com
I told my sister, Elizabeth H, about Change 3 Things via a phone conversation. They didn’t cloth diaper with my niece but they will be trying for their second baby this fall and are planning to cloth diaper the next time around.
I texted my friend Tina to tell her about this! She is expecting her first baby in the next 2 months!
I emailed my best friend from high school, who considered using cloth with her firstborn (born before I made the switch to cloth myself), but didn’t because it seemed too complicated. I bet I can help her figure it out for her 2nd baby! 🙂
I texted my sister who is pregnant with her 6th. She has 3 in diapers right now and could really benefit from using cloth!
I told my neighbor who just had her baby last week and I brought her a BG XS as a baby present/encouragement.
jenniferbleiler at gmail dot com
I shared with my best friend via email!
i emailed my friend Stacie who just had a baby boy! I think I could convince her to use cloth and change 3 things, too!!
dmoretti1967 at
I shared with my sister and several friends via phone and email. I am trying to convert as many people as I can to cloth diapering. We cloth diaper 100% of the time and love it! I wish I would have known about this for my older children, I hate to think about how much waste we put into the landfills before we switched to cloth.
I shared on facebook and told a women in my store today with a young baby.
I shared with my best friend via facebook!
Shared with my friends on facebook…and now I’m officially signed up for the challenge!
I shared with all my friends on facebook!
Shared on facebook with a new mom and another friend who is a mom-to-be
kesrya at gmail dot com
I shared this with my best friend, all of Facebook, and my cloth-diaper-forum friends.
Its amazing how many of my friends cloth diaper—about half of them after seeing how much I loved them! More of my friends cloth diaper now than disposable! I take pride in every friend I convert! I converted one more last week by giving her a few old ones to try!
Its starting to be surprising when I meet someone who doesn’t know about cloth! Almost every time I mention cloth diapering now, someone says “Oh, so and so cloth diapers too!” I’m loving how popular its becoming! People thought I was NUTS for doing it 2 years ago. People actually bought me disposable diapers “just in case” when I was pregnant with my son! HA!!! I showed them! 2 years and counting!
I shared this information with my husband (old school style–we talked in person). He was so impressed with the numbers: 3.2 million diapers in four months!! We full time cloth diapered our baby. I know he got tired of it at times, but now that it’s over (YAY POTTY!) and he sees this and knows what a difference we made, neither of us have ANY regrets about it!!
I shared this with my sister and two friends!
Posting to facebook, and tagging my BFF, who’s expecting her third in November. . .she’s been watching how happy we are that we made the switch to cloth, and is seriously considering making the change for her new little one =)
I shared on my fb wall. 🙂
I shared via Facebook. I have converted 2 friends already, and would love for more friends to switch as well!!
armywife2120 at yahoo dot com
I told my friend Meagan who just had a baby boy!
I told my cousin and my sister!Shared on facebook 🙂
I shared with my ds’s girlfriend who is pregnant with our 1st grandchild! I think she is gonna give CDs a go so this would be great for her!
Tvpg at aol dot com
I shared Change 3 Things on Facebook. I’m hoping that all of my mommy-friends will take the challenge! emi(dot)hellman(AT)gmail(dot)com
I shared on Facebook and to my sister-in-laws’ that are trying to get pregnant!
butterfly734 at yahoo dot com
I tweeted, and I’ve also spoken to my brother about it 2-3 times. Every time I talk about CD, he just raises his eyebrows and once declared it as “Gross,” but he and his wife don’t have children yet.!/mummytocharis/status/93345884951154689
I shared via facebook, babycenter and email!
I shared this with my mom and my best friend on the phone and in person (I think my bestie thinks I’m nuts, but her husband seemed intrigued!!!)
I told my two cousins, and one of my friends who is expecting. I have 2 of the three convinced to use cloth and plan on giving them my stash after my LO’s are potty trained.
I talk (and did again today) to coworkers who can’t wait to see how I do when my little man is born. (my newborn aio BG 3.0 stash is beautiful! someday I hope to try out the 4.0, too)
Cntrygrllam (at) aol (dot)com
Just sent a text to my friend, and shared the link on my Facebook page.
Peggy W.
Sent this to my sis who is expecting – she isn’t allowed to use anything but cloth 😉 Also helping a a mom get started with cloth right now. Yay!
I sent a text this morning to my mommy friend
Jennie (1 baby in diapers)
Anne (expecting, given a cover by me)
Jennifer (expecting)
Rebecca (given econobums by me)
Brittney (sister, 1 baby in diapers)
I told them about Change 3 and offered my stash to look through the different style of diapers and to try on their babies. I also offered to sew fleece covers if they want to try prefolds/flats from cotton babies.
Bridgett Zaidi
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
Shared via Facebook!
I shared on facebook!
Shared by email with my cousin in law who is expecting! So fun!
I shared on my FB wall!
I shared on fb and my blog!
Shared with my sister via txt 🙂
tiffany dot osheal at gmail dot com
I’m sharing with my fellow CD and breastfeeding mamas on Facebook.
I shared on Facebook. MY SIL wants to CD now, too!
I shared via FB
I shared via phone
I shared via email
I shared and converted a mama to cloth last week!
I shared with all my mom friends on facebook, and my mom friends at work. angelapostal at hotmail dot com
I invited my cousin Chloe, who I introduced to cloth diapering, to join Change 3 Things.
I have told several friends and family about cloth, sister, sister-n-law, family friends, and others, such as nurse, dr. and other patients in the peds office 🙂 I have gotten several to think about and/or switch to cloth, yay!
I shared on our playgroups message board
I’m telling friends & family…and sharing on facebook!
rachelc0816 (at) gmail (dot) com
I’m sharing with several girls, namely my friends Tara and Misty who are expecting, at tonights La Leche League meeting!!!
I shared on my Facebook business page with my clients!
I tell anyone who is willing to listen about cloth diapers, haha! My sister, my step mom, my mother in law, my sisters in law, my pediatrician, anyone who asks about it!
I shared on my facebook page, which is 620 of my closest friends! 😉 🙂
I told my sister in law Jen about this. She has a six month old baby girl and is always talking about the high cost of using disposables!
Shelbyvaladez at gmail dot com
Shared to all my friends on Facebook
I shared with everyone on my FB and I also told a friend at work about it who is pregnant. =)
I shared it on FB and I told my two sisters about it. I love seeing the different reactions to the choice of cloth diapering! 🙂
I’ve shared it with my SIL, Grace, who’s still on the fence about CDing. I would share with her if I won.
I shared it with the girl who sits next to me at work who announced last week that she is expecting her first baby in December. I’m hoping to put the bug in her ear early and convert her to cloth by winter!
I told my sister and my sister-in-law’s best friend about the benefits of CDing when I had to change my son’s CD in front of them.
lecpsyc (at) gmail (dot) com
shared with all my friends via twitter and facebook
I shared with a woman at the store who had twins. She had mentioned that before they were born she had been interested in CDing, but since they were preemie she hadn’t gotten around to researching them.
If I won, I would share the prize with my SIL who is expecting.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com
I shared Change 3 Things with all my friends of facebook. If I win, I will give the Econobum Trial Pack to my friend Joanna. She just found out on Friday that she will be expecting her 2nd in March.
I tell all my friends with babies all the time how much I love my BumGenius diapers! We’ve been able to easily get into the groove of cloth diapers at home and disposables at Daycare! My baby is a happier baby when wearing cloth!
I shared with my friend Liz via texting! I’ve been trying to talk her into CD but she’s been resitant!
I shared this with my business partner via email.
I shared on facebook
I told my friend Melissa about it!
I posted to all of my fb moms and dads. :0)
I shared this with my sister-in-law via email!
I am sharing this with a ton of my momma friends via facebook.
I texted link to my friend who is always on her iPhone when nursing her baby!
I shared on facebook and told some friends in person today.
I told my best friend, who just found out she is expecting her first child. suzrevell at gmail dot com
I called my sister, Sarah S and told her about it!
rahuss85 at gmail dot com
I shared this on Facebook
I shared this via Facebook and told two of my friends who are parents.