Change 3 Things Update
March 8, 2011 1:14 am

For those who may not have heard already, our Change 3 Things project encountered a little hiccup. We had to begin again with a fresh Facebook page, which you can find here:
Unfortunately, we lost all of our 6,000+ commitments from those of you who had “Liked” the page. If you are willing to make the commitment to change at least 3 cloth diapers a day, help us count by clicking “Like” on the Facebook page.
Our goals are:
- 100,000 parents committed to change 3 cloth diapers per day.*
- 30-50 million pounds of prevented landfill waste*
- 100 million disposable diapers not purchased.*
- $24 million of combined savings for participating families**
It’s truly amazing to see how a small commitment by each of us quickly adds up to significant change with lasting impact.
We know many of you are eager to help spread the word about the benefits of cloth diapering to your friends and family. Today, we’ll be giving away some Change 3 Things packs to help you spread the word. Three winners will be randomly drawn from all eligible entries left as comments here on the blog.
Prize pack #1 includes:
- For you: Change 3 Things shirt, reminder band and one Econobum trial pack
- For a friend: one Econobum trial pack and bumGenius Detergent samples
Prize pack #2 includes:
- For you: Change 3 Things shirt, reminder band, one Flip diaper cover and 3 Flip Stay Dry inserts
- For a friend: one Econobum trial pack and bumGenius Detergent samples
Prize pack #3 includes:
- For you: Change 3 Things shirt, reminder band and three bumGenius 4.0 cloth diapers
- For a friend: one Econobum trial pack and bumGenius Detergent samples
To enter, please share who you would share your prize with and how you would share. Would you give them a demonstration? What about going to their house for a cup of coffee and a cloth diaper tutorial? What would you do to give your friend a great start on their cloth diapering journey?
Eligible entries must be posted today, Tuesday, March 8, 2011. U.S. Residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. All winners will be drawn Wednesday, March 9, 2011 and notified via e-mail.
* Numbers are approximate and based on information published in the Environmental Agency’s Science Report SC010018/SR2.
** Based on approximately $0.25 per disposable diaper NOT purchased by participants because they chose to change a cloth diaper instead.
i would set up a cloth diapering demonstration at my breastfeeding group.i’ve done it once before and it was a big hit with all the moms and expecting mothers.
i would share with my friend who is considering cloth diapering her two babies. it would be great to give her a diaper to start her stash and to show her how to use them.
I would share them with my sister in law who has thought about cloth but has not tried them. I would show them to her and help her try them out.
I’d share the diapers with our local WIC. I’d show up and demonstrate how easy it is to use the diapers, clean the diapers and how cost effective it is to use cloth diapers.
I would give the diapers to my sister and brother in law. My niece is nine months old and they struggle to pay their bills. They live in a small town and would like to try cloth but they are young, not very resourceful and have no idea where to begin to learn about cloth diapering. They are frustrated with disposables because they leak often for them. I would love to be able to educate them and provide them with a ready-to-go set if cloth diapers that they will be able to use with future children as well!
One of my best friends is pregnant after being told they couldn’t have kids…an awesome miracle! She wants to use cloth and I look forward to sharing diaper advice, encouragement, and stories. She lives far away, otherwise I’d love to sit and chat with her about it in person!
amanda c
oldfashioned07 at gmail dotcom
I have a couple of great friends who are interested in cloth, but I think they’re scared of making the investment. I’d love to share something with them to encourage them.
On a bigger scale, I’d love to rock out cards at an Earth Day event in the spring, toting my lovely baby in her BGs. I’d even do demonstrations! We are just normal, simple people. And WE LOVE CLOTH!
My next door neighbor is pregnant with twins and is thinking about cloth diapering, but is a little hesitant. If I won and I could start her stash – I know she would do it!
I would share with my cousin… I’m just now venturing into the cloth diapering world and would like to introduce my family to CDs as well… Maybe have her come over and frustrate how they’re used.
Would LOVE to share the package with a friend who has expressed interest in cloth diapering. I don’t have enough in my stash to loan her some so this would be the perfect opportunity to get her started!
I would share it with my sister. She lives 8 hrs away so I would be sharing next time we went to visit. Her and her dh are TTC so now is the perfect time to introduce her to them! DD is still in diapers at night so she would get to see first hand how they work on a small scale instead of full time all at once!
I would share them with my sister in law, pregnant with her first and in a really rough job economy for the both of them. Cloth would save them lots of money, more for my new baby nephew Myles ๐
I would share them with a friend that thinks they are too much work. This will help her see that they are not.
Some of the ladies I’ve met in our medical group’s mom support group seem to be interested in trying cloth diapers whenever I talk about it, so this can help one of them get started! I’ve already showed some of them how easy it is to put on a prefold with a snappi. It would be great if I can convert someone else to cloth diapering!
I would love the package #3 to share with a friend. I would show my friend how to use the cloth by demonstrating on my 4 month old baby girl. My friend is 6 months preggo and so interested in using cloth diapering. This would be my first time getting to show off my new love of cloth with someone that wants to buy cloth…Thank you!
Hurricane, WV
I would share my prize with my cousin, Lauren. We are both military wives living on opposite sides of the country. Her new baby boy is 1 month old, and my cloth diaper daughter just turned 2. Lauren has been interested in cloth diapering. I sent her all of my favorite web resources and had a long conversation on how I got started and I went over the different systems with her. She and her husband are set to be moved and stationed in Alaska in six weeks. They will be there for at least 2 years and the closest Target will be 6 hours away! She will be in the middle of nowhere so besides the benefits for the baby, our environment, and finances… it just makes sense for her to use cloth diapers because of her location. My husband has even talked her husband into being on board with cloth. A prize like this would be the extra motivation they need to get going with the fluffy baby booty!
I have been on a crusade to convert people! I have a friend with a nine month old who I might be able to convince if she saw how easy it was and how much she should save. I’d invite her over for a play date with our toddlers and show her how to do it.
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
I would share with a friend of mine who recently had a baby and is wanting to use cloth. I’ve already given her a few demonstrations with my diapers but I’d bring it to her and show her another demonstration now that baby is here.
my friend K just yesterday put out a poll to her friends – “do i go with cloth or disposable”. i’d give this pack to her to get her started to show her how worth it it is!!
I have a pregnant friend who I go to church with who has asked me the “so how HARD is cloth diapering….REALLY?” question because she is considering making the switch to cloth when her new baby arrives. She already has an older child in diapers so she is concerned with how she will afford diapering two babies. I LOVED getting to show her my stash and how EASY cloth diapering is. Being able to bless her with cloth diapers that are easy, affordable and CUTE would be wonderful. And OF COURSE I’d give her demos on how to wash/use them! Love spreading the fluffy love!
I am so blessed to be surrounded by a group of CDing moms that introduced them to me! Since a great majority of them have given birth recently or are about to, I will share with the one who has given birth most recently. I am always encouraged by them when it comes to cloth diapering, so getting togther for a cloth diapering afternoon playdate would be fun! ๐
I would give them to my friend Jessica who is about to have a baby the end of April. I have talked to her sevral times about switching to cloth. I think if I had a few diapers to give her she would see what I was talking about. It took me getting a couple cloth diapers to get my husband to change his mind about it. He is a lot more open to the idea of us doing it full time now. I of course would show her the proper way to clean them and put them on her baby. I would also be there to answer any questions she might have.
I would share them with my friend Alicia. She is looking for ways to save money and is very interested in cloth diapering. We are already planning a playdate at my house so I can give her a CD tutorial and I’m going to let her borrow some of my cloth diapers so she can see what she likes before investing in a full stash. I love sharing the awesomeness of cloth diapering!
I have a few students who are now starting their own families this summer. One has expressed an interest so far and I would LOVE to give her a starter kit and detergent if I won. She’s had some experience already changing my kiddos diapers but sitting down and talking with her about it more including her fears and nervousness while demonstrating is the perfect way!
I’ve been trying to convert my co worker. I have her convinced but cost is the main hinderance for her. I convinced her by bringing 12 BG 3.0 OS diapers to work for her to try for a long weekend. I gave her care instructions from the web and plenty of links to the benefits of cloth as well. She was so impressed with them, no leaks or blowouts with either her newborn or two year old (even overnight), that she asked to keep them longer. I ended up giving her the dozen to get her started. She’s still using them at home but with two in diapers and a limited budget she needs more. I’m currently searching sales and swap boards for her but it would be really nice to get her something new to show off. Thank you as always for a great product!
I am new to cloth diapers..I would like share them with friend who is pregnant!! ๐ I would have liked someone to have shown me what all you needed and how to. ๐
Here in Hawaii we only have one cd store, and their stuff is pricey!!! I’d like to share this gift with a friend who is expecting soon, but doesn’t want/can’t invest the upfront money to start cding.
I would share with my nephews wife who is expecting in July and has shown interest. I would show her the few different types of cloth diapers that I use with my two grandbabies whom I watch daily and have used cloth diapers since I started watching them @6-8 wks. old. They are 12 months and 15 months, so I definitely change more than 3 diapers a day!She could practice on them any time she wants!
I would share with my friend K, we have been best friends since we were 12 years old. She is pregnant with her first child and is a single mama. She became interested in cloth diapering after I told her about how much I loved my bum genius diapers. She was able to buy 6 for herself and registered for more, however her shower guests opted for other gifts. Her due date was last Sunday and has only a one day supply of diapers. I would love to help her because I know cloth diapering is as important to her as it is to me.
I would share them with my friend whose husband is currently overseas. She would love to cloth diaper but cannot afford the start up cost.
I would share them with a friend who has been thinking about cloth diapering her new baby, but is not sold on it yet. I would like to let her barrow some of mine to see how easy it is, but I don’t have enough for my little one right now to let someone barrow them.
My sister and future sister-in-law are both pregnant with their first baby. I would probably give all of the diapers to them and just keep the t-shirt since I am pretty well stocked on diapers. Both sister and S-I-L have expressed interest in CDing, but don’t know much about it. I have already shown them some basics when I change my son’s diaper at family gatherings. I plan on doing another demonstration at my sister’s baby shower since one of her gifts is some econobums I bought during the sale. It will be great to show her and her guests how everything works and that it isn’t much harder (if any) than disposables.
I would share them with my best friend who is pregnant right now. She has shown some interest in cloth diapering and now that she is closer to the end of her pregnancy (and things are becoming a little more ‘real’) she is starting to ask a lot of questions. I have already given her some tutorials on my own children and over email, but I would LOVE to help start her stash and let her know she CAN DO IT!!!!!
My best friend is having a baby in July and we have been talking about cloth since she told me she was pregnant. When I first started with cloth when my own baby was born she was so intrigued and had wanted to CD her first but her husband at the time said absolutely not. Now, it’s an option and we have been talking about it ever since. we live in different states but right before she has the baby we are going to meet up and have a Diaper Day so i can show her how to use them, how to launder them, etc. If I can get just one person to stop using paper panties then I have done my job. =)
I would share the prize pack with my friend Katie – she had her first, a little girl, four months ago. I talked to her while she was still pregnant and they wanted to do cloth diapering, but didn’t really know where to start. I gave her a BG 3.0 One-Size (which is most of my stash) for her shower and recently gave her my four small BG AIO’s (my big baby outgrew these very quickly). It would be great to let her know that I support her – and maybe even be able to add some dipes to her stash that aren’t blue (I have boys, so I have mostly blue ones to share!). I have shown her how I used them on my two boys, and what works for them (I love Flips for my 2 year old and love my BG One-Size for my 5 month old). I’m also planning to make her some cloth wipes – I made some for myself using cute flannel I cut up. I love that I can not only use cloth dipers, but cloth wipes too – and it is all so much easier than I though it could be – I want to share it with the world!
I would share my prize with my best friend, who is interested in using cloth, but intimidated by it and afraid to take the plunge. I know that once she tries it she will love it! We get together every other Saturday, so I would take it to her house and show her how to use them. Once she’s hooked, I’ll take her shopping at the Cotton Babies store!
I am letting a friend borrow some different types of cloth diapers I have for a weekend trial. That way she will convince herself and see how easy and great they are! And then she can “change 3 things” at least for one weekend guaranteed! ๐
I would share it with my friend Jaime. She’s taken an interest in CD but is on an extremely tight budget. She’s tried to get in on the 2nds sales but has never been fast enough. She’s using a few borrowed diapers now to give it a try, but I’d love to be able to help her start to build her own stash! Although we live several states apart, we have already had several discussions about CD and how to use & care for them. Two other mutual friends who CD have also been talking with her and providing support (and the loaned diapers). We all wish we could actually talk face-to-face, but thank God for the wonders of modern technology that allow us to keep in close contact to provide a support network.
I would love to share with a friend who started CDing when her son was a newborn, but then gave up once he switched to solids because “it was too gross!” I know I can convince her that it’s not as much work as she thinks and it could still be a great way to save money (and keep plastic out of landfills!) to switch back until our boys are potty-trained!
lauraclarekelly at hotmail dot com
I would share this with my sister. She hasn’t taken the plunge into cloth diapering but I would love to help her. Unfortunately she doesn’t live near me, but we talk on the phone often. ๐
I would share the diapers with my good friend who is currently pregnant. She is very open minded and would like to try cloth diapering. I would have her come to my house so I can show her all the different types of cloth diapers. I own econobum, flip, BG 3.0 (hook and loop), BG 4.0 (snaps), and elemental (organic). This way she can get a better feel for what type of cloth diaper would work for her.
i would share with a high school friend of mine. she’s currently pregnant for the first time with twins! when she found out i CD she had all sorts of questions for me. she very much wants to CD, so i sent her to cotton babies! i’d love to get her something to help her get started!
I would share with a friend who is pregnant with her first. Her hubby is all for cloth diapering & trying to convince her (and has told me he’s happy for my help…lol). I would help get her started right by forgoing gifts off the registry & instead getting her a good start of cloth diaper detergent & a good quality wet bag for the dirty diapers.
I don’t know how to get this to link to my email address (since you said winners will be notified by email) so my facebook is
I would share with my sister in law. She has expressed some interest in cding and I know money is a bit tight for them. If I could give her some diapers I think she’d used them. I would have to mail them to her because we live in different states, but I could talk her through everything on the phone!
I’m interested (VERY) in CD’ing. I’ve attempted to make my own (Ritas Rump pattern) during my HomeEc middle school sewing unit while students worked on their projects but failed miserably! My baby is 7 mo and have yet found the time or $$ to attempt it. If I won I’d share and demo to one of my female pregnant teen moms.
I would share with my brother and his wife. I know people who cloth diaper but just don’t ever see anyone else cd’ing and it would be great to be able to share this experience with someone else!
I have a friend with one in diapers and expecting twins! I’m hoping to get her to using cloth so she can save so much money!
Hi! I want to start cloth diapering but don’t have the money for the start up! Also, all my friends live far away from me. I am making new friends but it’s slow especially with a little one. But I am very interested in cloth diapering!! Help me out!
I would share with my sister who is pregnant with her first child. I was hoping to introduce her to cloth while she was visiting me later this month (just having her see how I do it with my 2 who are still in diapers, I only recently began cloth diapering), unfortunately that trip has been canceled. But we talk, email, and skype often; so I’d be able to show her all about it when we skype.
If I won I would share the prize pack with a co-worker of mine who pregnant with her 2nd child and has decided to cd after me telling her about out decision to cd our dd from birth and share how easy an wonderful it is! Dd is 6wks and 4 days and never had anything but cloth diapers and wipes touch her precious bottom! I love me CDs
If I won, I would share it with my cousin! I LOVE cloth diapering and really think she would get a kick out of it too. It’s so soft on the baby’s bottom and my daughter has never (fingers crossed!) had diaper rash. Plus, it’s much better for the environment!
If I were fortunate enough to win, I would share with my friend Becky. 8 weeks ago I began my journey with cloth diapers and I LOVE it-I just wish that I knew others in my community that cloth diapered as well. I want to get the word out and tell everyone I know! My friend has sparked an interest and I would love to be able to fuel that even farther when she delivers her baby in six weeks!
I would give them to my sister in law. She’s got two in diapers, and I know it’d really help them save some money! She thinks it’s way too much work, though. I’d love to help her try it out when we move down there soon!
Showlove 40 at hotmail dot com
I have several friends expecting first babies, and they have been interested in the idea of cloth diapering. I’m sure I could find one who wanted to give econobums a try!!
I would share mine with my friend that has a 3 month baby. I think if she tried it for a little while she would like it instead of finding money for disposables. I would go to her house and show her how it fits on her baby and explain how to take care of them and wash them. I would help her find the right diapers for her and her little one!
I have a friend named Annie who is having a baby in June and I would so love to share with her!! She is interested in using cloth and I’d love to help her learn and build her stash!
If I won, I would share them with a friend of mine, who has expressed an interest in cloth diapering. Her parenting beliefs are very similar to mine, and cloth diapering is the logical way to go. I would suggest meeting perhaps for coffee, and our little ones could play, and I could show her how simple and effective cloth diapering is (not to mention adorable!). Econobums make it especially easy because the prefolds are super absorbent! I just know she would love them.
I have a few pregnant friends, but one in particular has asked me a few questions about “modern” cloth diapering. I would probably share with her! She doesn’t live far from me, so after her baby comes I’d probably go over to her place and show her how to use the diapers on her baby…I’d even be willing to come back and help her w/ that first load of laundry! We didn’t start using CDs until I our fourth was born. I really wish I’d known about them sooner, so I try to share what I’ve learned with everyone I can!
When I chose to cloth diaper with BumGenius, no one believed me. So no one bought any of the diapers on our registries!!! My mother was the only exception, buying me an EconoBum kit, because those were the most similar to what she used when she cloth diapered me thirty years ago! Thankfully, we got a lot of money as gifts, and we were able to use that to buy our stash.
I have several friends who are considering using cloth, and I’ve already shared my experience and answered a lot of questions. If they choose to use cloth, I WILL buy them diapers!!! (Or give them any diaper winnings; I have plenty of diapers now!)
I would share with a pregnant friend who has recently asked me about cloth diapering. I would definitely give the tutorial myself, and I would offer any help possible to make sure she sticks with it! People don’t realize how easy it is!
I would share this with the mom group I go to. We do diaper swaps and encourage new moms to come and learn more about cloth diapering…we have made a few converts ; )
I would share with a friend in my bible study who, in desperation to stop throwing her money away every diaper change asked me about cloth diapering.
If I won one of the prize packs I would totally share with one of the Moms from MOPS…. she has 2 babies… both in diapers! I think she could benefit tremendiously from using cloth diapers.. it would save her TONS!
I would share with my sister in law. She knows we cloth diaper our babies, but has expressed concerns about start-up costs and ease of use. This would be a great way to get her to give it a try because who can argue with free? I’d send her a zippered pail for keeping dirties in and some cloth wipes too, because I think that would round out the package nicely for a mama just getting started.
I would share with my friend that is trying to get pregnant. She has shown interest in them. Her mom cloth diapered and when she saw mine, she was amazed how easy and cute they are. So I know my friend will have family support. I think I’d have to walk her through the laundry part, but she is all about saving money. So she would be on board with trying.
I’d share with my friend, G. She thought that she would never have biological children. She has adopted two beautiful children. This fall she found out that SURPRISE! Sheis pregnant with twins! Asa twin mom myself who uses flips, I want to let hierarchy know how easy cloth diapering really is!
I would share (and will share my knowledge and experience anyway!) with my college friend, Jen, whose baby daughter was born the day after my daughter. We don’t live in the same state, but I’d love to go visit her for spring break so we can get our babies together while they’re still babies and I can bring some of my stash to show her how easy cloth is, even when travelling! She’s an environmentally minded woman, and once she sees how cute and easy cloth diapers can be, I know she’d be hooked like I am!
If I won any of the prize packs I would share it with my friend Marcie. She just had a preemie and wants to cloth diaper but doesn’t have a lot of diapers yet. I’d love to bless her with more diapers to make her job easier, especially since she’s having such a rough time now!
I’d share with a friend who just had a baby. She was surprised I did cloth, and I would love to show her how it really isn’t as hard as she thinks.
I can’t believe how easy it is to make a change in the world. Just by exclusively cloth diapering our son, we are making a huge difference. I tell everyone I know that we are cloth diapering and love it. My friends who are expecting, I have encouraged them all to try it. I have suggested they “like” cotton babies on FB and do some research. One of my best friends is pregnant with baby #4 and I have talked her into giving cloth a try. I will support her anyway I can through advice, also plan on giving her cloth diapers for baby gift. Lisa Busch
I would share with a friend that has a baby the same age as mine. She is having some financial challenges and could really benefit from the cost-savings of cloth diapering.
I would send the cloth diaper items to my good friend who lives in San Diego and is expecting a baby girl in May. Since I live in the Bay Area, I would do a demo for her through Skype. =)
I lead a Mom’s group and I am starting a free baby sign language class within it. This Monday I will be teaching a song in sign called “It’s time to change your diaper”. It is a fun song and I plan to use it as an opportunity to share “Change 3 Things” and also do a little demo with my BG diapers since I have some of each. We are located in Vancouver, WA so I have already had great luck in converting a few Moms and helping them benefit from the store!!! It would be awesome to be able to do a giveaway at the end of my spiel (:
I just had a reunion with one of my old college friends…and she just had her first baby in February 2011 and I had my first in June 2010. We live close by one another but have lost touch these past few years. She had so many questions when we had an “accidental” reunion in Target. One of which was about cloth diapering (which I have done since birth). Long story short…I plan on guiding her in her cloth diapering experience, so winning this would just help me provide her with a little more incentive (free product)to start cloth diapering.
Patty Williams Marquette, MI
I am so happy and thankful you guys are trying to “change” the world! ๐ I love telling my family/friends about how great cloth diapering is. I would definitely help my cousin Kara out and send her some cloth! She is a wonderful Mommy to 6! She is cloth diapering 3 of her kids, but does not have enough cloth to do it full time. Thanks for the awesome chance! and thanks for a great organization to help spread the word! Yay cloth!
marcoscruzart at hotmail dot com
i have a friend who has been considering CDing (at least at night) because her little ones keep waking up with their sposies exploded all over them so they have a bunch of little gel balls…thinking of those yucko chemicals literally on the skin gives me the heebie-jeebies
I would share with a old friend from High school who has voiced her interest in cloth diapering. I’ve been talking her into clothing for awhile. She had a lot of bad thoughts about cloth diapers and I will show her how easy it would be. Even if I don’t win, I will most likely still share my info with her.
If I were choosen I would share my friend prize with Kim from Bottoms up.!/pages/Bottoms-Up/164408070277797
Kim is collecting oonated diapers for orphans in Ethiopia. The orphans are using re-used disposable diapers. I have already donated and am hoping to donate more!
I would share w/ my sis-in-law who is in labor at this very moment w/ her first baby! She and my bro are leaving soon to be missionaries in Asia, and they have been considering cloth but don’t have anything yet. I will give her the prize and a demo!
I would share my prize with one of my friends with young kids ๐
One of my coworkers is very interested in cloth diapering her baby (due in August), but her husband is not so keen on the idea. I’ve raved about how much I love it, and I’d love to show him how easy it is! If my husband can get on board with cloth, hers can, too!
Well, I’ve recently convinced one friend to go cloth & she just created a baby registry with Cotton Babies! I have another friend considering it and would love to be able to give them something to try. Plus the little info cards would be great to give those skeptics who think cloth is more expensive than disposables!
Lauren Staples
I would give them to my brother and SIL who are expecting. My brother has expressed interest in the cloth diapers, but so far his wife isn’t on board. They are coming to visit the end of April, and they’ll definitely be getting a tutorial to show her how easy it actually is now, and show her how much money we’ve saved through switching. I’m pretty confident I’ll be swinging her over to my side, especially when she realizes how much cuter they are. ๐
I would definitely spread the word to as many mommas as I could! Your products are great! I’ve already convinced my good friend Elizabeth to use bumgenius or flips, and she just got married and isn’t even pregnant yet! When the time comes, I’ll plan a girls weekend (as we live in different states) and show her the ropes. Looking forward to it!
I would share with my best friend from high school. She just had her 5th baby and with each baby she say’s she’d love to try and cloth diaper and will start when she gets her income tax return, but never does. Once again, they’ve spent the entire return on other “necessities”. I’d share some of my stash with her, but I’ve just had a baby too.
I have shown her how easy it is and how much money she could save but it is so hard to start and build a stash. Even the most economical diapers are still out of reach for the very poor families.
Please help me give her this opportunity to start cloth diapering at least a few diapers a day.
I would share with my SIL who is expecting in June. (:
floscarmeli at gmail dot com
I would give the packs to a friend in South Korea. She is actually a Missourian, but is living there and pregnant. Cloth is NOT popular or even on the radar in that country. How cool would it be for her to start an international trend?? She also has limitted laundry, so I think a flip and inserts or a flip and flats would be perfect for her!
I would make a trip to visit my dear college friend, Kim, who I haven’t seen in two years, but who recently shared she is pregnant with her first at 38!! We talked about cloth diapering, and she doesn’t think her husband can do it–so she was just going to do disposable for the first six months, then switch to cloth!!! I think I’ve convinced her that it would be a much better decision to just start out with cloth and go with it!! If I won this I would absolutely figure out a way for us to get together, either before my 3rd arrives, or at least before her baby arrives!
I bought Econobums for baby shower presents and first birthday gifts! I have decided to prep the cloth (even though it voids a warranty) so a mom can try it out right away.
I would share these winnings with a local pregnancy resource center. I want to put out brochures and posters and etc up there instead of them just getting packs of Huggies to take home! I think this is a positive choice, along with choosing to be a mom, that a new mom can feel proud of, and also help with budgets!
I would share with my friend Heather! She just found out she’s preggers with her 2nd baby and I think she would enjoy cloth diapering like me! I plan in taking one of each diaper (4.0, BGE, Flip (both inserts), and Econobum with some flats) to a playdate and showing her how to use them and how easy it can be!
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com
I have several friends who are interested in trying cloth diapers. I would give it to my friend Becca, who is actually coming to my house Friday to look at my stash and see how to cloth diaper.
I love the Change 3 Things project! I’ve already converted my sister-in-law and my sister (she’s not due until September with her first). I would share the prize with a friend/coworker that is currently 6 months pregnant. I know they would not have the money to purchase the diapers up front and they will be struggling to purchase disposables along the way as well. I’d like to help her get started doing what’s better for her baby and the environment.
I would share them with my new sister in law who just had her first baby. I would drive 100+ miles to deliver them personally. I would do all the prep work and show her all the differnt folds. I would show her which ones work best for little girls and show her the amazing poop pocket fold.
I think the majority of parents would switch if they had a free trail to try and an expert to help out for the first week. Its easy and cheap. I spent $200 when my son was born and havent spent a cent since. As for the water and electricty that it takes to wash them. It raised them $3 more a month (and that includes baby clothes). If people just did the math they would be convinced.
I have been cloth diapering for 10 years. I am in LOVE with the FLIPS! They are so easy and well made. Can’t wait for them to come in prints ๐
I would give to a good friend who is pregnant with #2 and struggling with potty training with #1, she has seen me use cloth and is slowly dropping the negative feelings, but just needs a little push.
I would give the “friend” prize to my husband’s aunt. She just had her fourth baby and she is going though tons of disposables and having trouble with leaks. She has shown an interest in cloth diapering but is concerned about the price. I just showed her some of my diapers over the weekend, and she really loved the BG 4.0s. I would love to show her just how easy cloth diapers can be!!
If I won, I’d either share it with my sister-in-law who’s pregnant or with my friend who’s baby is about a month old. They’ve both been asking my about cloth diapering and are interested!
Darcy @ Tales From the Nursery
darcyzalewski @ gmail dot com
I would definitely share with a dear friend of mine who just found out she is pregnant with #3 just as #2 turned 1 year old. Two in diapers will be tough so I would hope I could turn her on to cloth for the savings and the ease of it. I would probably give her both packs since we are pretty much set with our stash. If she wouldn’t take them I’d give them to any momma in need.
M. Tapp
mhtapp @ yahoo dot com
I would share them with a friend of mine who has been interested in cloth diapering! I would definitely show them how to use them and tell them all the different types, etc. I would also probably give them a few of my things to help them get started ๐
My son’s babysitter is pregnant and i’ve been trying to get her to commit to cloth. She says she doesn’t have the startup cash so a trialpack would be PERFECT! She won’t need a demonstration because she’s been using BG 4.0s on my son:)
I would share with my friends Jessica and Labri who want to make the switch to cloth, and of course I’d go over to their houses and help them prep and school them on all things cloth! I am itching to share my cloth love!
What a fantastic giveaway. I would share with my friends Jessica and Labri who want to make the switch to cloth- yay!
I woukd share with my lil sis who is a teen mom with a almost 3 month old. I think id have good success with her with bg products to get her to use some cloth. She’s been interested in what I use on my two. Helping a younger generation see is part of the answer. Plus since she’s a teen mom she doesn’t have a lot of finances to start up.
Thanks ๐
smgrizzard@ hotmail. Com
I would share with my best friend from high school who is about to have a baby. We haven’t talked much since then but she saw my diapers pictures On facebook and started asking questions. I think she is to scared to do it. I would do a demo at her baby shower so she wouldnt be the only one getting to see how they work!
I would share with my cousin who wants to try cloth but is nervous about washing. I have been answering all her cloth questions and will continue to do so if I win!
I actually have 2 friends who I’d like to help. If I won I’d probably give both packs away. My neighbor is pregnant with her 5th and has been very interested since I started cloth diapering. Her kids have all had reactions to disposables, so she’s had to buy special diapers already. I’ve been showing her my Flip she’s almost convinced, it’s now just a matter of convincing her husband. My other friend has been a friend since high school. Since we are both military wives we no longer live near each other but are constantly sharing baby items/advise with each other. We’ve now had 2 kids born within weeks of each other. When I started telling her I was going to Cloth diaper she started getting interested, but I think she was intimidated by price. I’d love to give her the opportunity to try them risk free.
First of all I want to thank you for this challenge. I had a stash of cloth diapers I had sewn but hadn’t committed to use until I clicked your “like” button on facebook a while ago. Now we are CD almost exclusively. Last night was the first night we did a CD over night and it worked out perfectly. Thank you for inspiring me ๐
I am torn between sharing the gift pack with my friend or my sister in law. I actually have two sisters in law that have recently had babies and I would love to share CD with them. My friend had tried it once with her first child but didn’t really know what to do and it ended up leaking everywhere. If I got one of the prize packs I would show her how the new diapers work and how easy it is to use them.
Oh, I forgot the how part:
I think first I would like to get myself in the groove of cloth diapering, so that then I can introduce it to her and show her how easy it is. I will go visit her in a couple months and bring all my cd stuff to show her.
We’re new to cloth diapering for our 5 month old! We started at 4 months. We’ve only been able to buy a few diapers at a time, so currently we have 7 cloth diapers. I am unemployed due to lack of jobs where I live and my husband is a middle school teacher in a low income school district. We’re totally in love with cloth diapering, but wish we had more diapers. Slowly but surely we will CHANGE all of our disposables over to cloth.
If we won, we’d share cloth diapering with some of our good friends who are due at the end of August. They’re another family who teaches and would like to try to save money as much as possible and also all about changing our planet.
I would share with a close friend of mine who has wanted to cloth diaper since her first kiddo (now on number two). I know if she actually had some diapers to try out and use that she would more then likely make the change!!! I’ve already shown her all mine and how to use them but I would definitely head over to her place with her diapers and show her how to use them on her three month old and 2 year old!
I am not a cloth diapering mom yet, but hope to be soon! I would share with my SIL who is about to have her second baby, making 2 in diapers for her. They are tight on money and I think cloth diapering could be a great thing for her family. Thank you!
jaimiemildred at gmail dot com
I’d share with a friend of mine who is due just a couple weeks after me (later this month). I’d probably have to wait until we’re both settled in a bit, but a new baby playdate is NEVER a bad thing!
my sister in law just found out she’s pregnant again – that makes 4 kids under 6 (2 in diapers, 1 potty training). i would definitely share with her – she is the one who told me about cloth diapering, but i ended up going further with it than she did because of money/opportunity/needing a hobby :).
what a great idea for a giveaway thanks!
karilynaley at yahoo
I would share with my best college girlfriend. We had babies about one month apart and we are both cloth diapering. We regularly check in with one another for tips on diapering and secrets about what works great, and sharing a freebie would make both of our days!
If I won i would share with my sister. she is due in June with her 3rd baby and I think she’d catch on to CDing real quick. Ive only been cloth diapering for about 8 months and I now have two in diapers and in June she will also.
I would share with a good friend of mine that I couldn’t believe doesn’t use cloth. She just had number two (with both in diapers). She has agreed to try cloth, but needs some help getting started. I would love to help with a demo during a playdate with all four of our boys=)
I’d share with my sister-in-law. I know she’s considered it… maybe this will help! She’s coming to visit soon, so I can show her the whole (very easy) routine.
I would love to be able to share with a mom in my moms group. I was introduced to cloth diapers by a couple moms talking about their experiences. I would love to be able to help another mom by showing them how to use them, and giving them a couple diapers to use. I love cloth diapers now I wish I would have used them earlier!
I would share with my friend Melissa. She wants to have a baby soon and after seeing my son in his bumGenius one-size cloth diapers, she wants to cloth diaper her baby too! Yay!
I would share with mt skeptic friend who thinks disposables are cheaper than washing cloth. I’ve been trying and trying to convince her thats not the case!
And honestly my stash is big enough so I think I’d give my prize to my sister who wants to do cloth but is having trouble finding them used.
I would give them to my good friend’s twenty something daughter who is having her first baby next month. My friend is totally into natural things that are good for the earth. Also her daughter doesn’t have a lot of extra money and will probably be in for a shock with all her new expenses. It would be a thrill to show her daughter how to cloth diaper and show her how rewarding it is.
candyland121 at hotmail dot com
I have 3 or 4 friends expecting their first and second babies and I would love to convert even one of them to cloth. I never realized how easy it was and I wish I had someone around to show me a lot sooner. I am planning on showing them how easy it is on my 16 month old daughter and my new baby due in July.
I would share with my friend who is due today with her first baby. I think that if she actually could try them while she’s on maternity leave she would see how easy they really are! She just thinks that they’re too much work and maybe this would help her make the decision easier!
I’ve converted lots of friends and family and now I have 3 cousins who are pregnant for the first time and asking me about cloth diapering. I’d love to get together with all of them to teach them all I know after 7 years of cloth diapering!
A couple of my friends have expressed interest, but haven’t taken the dive. I would get together with them and give them that nudge they need by giving them their first diaper. I may even be tempted to give them my winnings as well.
I have a 2 or 3 friends who have shown interest in cloth diapering and I would have them over to my house for a play date (they have lots of kids and multiple babies in diapers, each) and I would show them all the different diapers I have, give demos, and try some on their kiddos so that can see how great they look. I would love to give one of them Econobums to try, but I would also offer to lend them some of our diapers to test out. I have more than enough!
I would share with friend Yvonne b/c its been 10 years since her last baby and she wants to CD but her hubby is not shore about it, so if she can have a free one that will help her get I to say yes. I want one b/c I very new to all this and could really use some more! thanks for doing the giveaway!
I would (God willing) share my prize with one of my dear friends who has been trying to conceive for almost 8 years now. They are starting the adoption process and I would love, love, love to throw a baby shower and pass on the gift of cloth diapering.
If I won, I would share with my niece who just had her first baby two weeks ago. I would share by going to her house and giving her a hands on demonstration using my winnings plus other diapers I have to show her the wide assortment of diapers there are.
angiedkelly at gmail dot com
I have a friend that expressed interest, and a sister that will really need to save money when she does have a baby. I’d give it to one of them and sit down for a lunch/play date to show them how they work, how to wash and prep, just how simple it is!
I would share with my friend who is due in June. She wants to cloth diaper, but her husband is not sold on it! I am already planning on sharing diaper tips and have shown her how our diapers work! I would probably share *my* portion of the prize with my sister who cloth diapers but is in desperate need of more fluff for my super cute nephew! We have enough diapers for our two fluffy bums!
I would probably share with my sister. She thought I was crazy until she saw me change one and is now on the fence. So hopefully it would push her over. Then she would just has to convince her husband.
I would share with my sister in law. I am committed to not only changing 3, but all my diapers! She has seemed interested in flips or econobums for around the house but she needs some convincing. I think a free sample of some dipes is just what she needs to get started. I have a 6 month old and she has an almost 2-year-old and one due in June!
olivia at jrhdesign dot com
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I would share with my friend who is expecting her first. She’s a conservation biologist who clearly has concern for the environmental impact of disposable diapers, but isn’t sure where to start with cloth. We talked on the phone last night for a LONG time! It would be great to be able to start her stash for her!!
I would share them with my sister-in-law. She’s just turned 21, and had our little niece at 29 weeks back in November. They got to bring her home a few weeks ago, she weighs 7 lbs now, and they are trying to figure out how to make everything work because neither have steady jobs currently because of health issues. I would drive to visit them (over an hour away), cuddle with my little neice, show her how easy it is to change a cloth diaper, and be open to any questions she would have. Cloth diapers have definitely made an impact on my family’s finances (and I just found out I’m expecting #2, with #1 only 14m old…)
great idea, I would share with a friend that has just found out she is pregnant and is interested in cding. Her family is against it so I would love to show them how easy it is.
theclothspring at hotmail
I would share with an outreach program call Spreading the Fluffy Love (!/Spreadingthefluffylove). I don’t know anyone personally who is pregnant, or with little kiddos. The program Spreading the Fluffy Love would be able to find these diapers a great home to someone who can’t afford to start up with cloth. Even going part time will free up a little bit of money that they might be able to purchase more diapers. They are in the process of getting 3 moms set up (though they will have to wash daily), and they know of many more moms would want to make the change but need help.
Atina Roberts
ghost-traveler at wdemail dot com
I would share with good friends who’s baby was born on the 4th. They already showed interest when I showed them my son’s BumGenius 4.0 while we were visiting them in the hospital on Sunday.
I would share with my pregnant friend who has started to show interest in cloth!
I am already a local spokesperson for cloth diapering! I’ve got 2 friends using cloth, and one of them has already passed on the love! ๐ I think if I won I would take it to my mom’s group and do a group demonstration/talk about using cloth, and woo everyone with my cute dipes and all the money I save. ๐ Then I could give them to someone ready to make a change. Maybe all 15 + moms would change!
I’d share with one of my friends who is expecting her first and has been asking me about cloth diapers. What a way to show her how great they are by giving her a free sample! ๐ Then she can see how easy cloth diapering can be before having to buy her own. I recently had to put my baby in disposable for a medicine she was taking (lots of diahhrea) and hated how much I was wasting (money and trash). So glad to be done with that and we are back in our cloth! ๐
I’d share with a friend with three young boys who showed interest in cloth diapering when I showed how easy it is.
I would share with a friend of mine that is in a tough spot right now. She is very interested in using cloth diapers but does not have the money for the upfront cost of buying cloth diapers. I bought her daughters 6 (3 of them were free) of the econobum diapers while they were on sale. She is loving the diapers I got her and they have already saved her alot of money but with 2 little ones in diapers the 6 diapers I bought her just arn’t enough.
I would share with a friend who has an inkling that she’s interested in cloth but thinks it’s too messy!!
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My cousin and his wife are currently expecting a baby girl in June. I would love to show them how easy and cost effective cloth diapering is, especially if you start from the beginning.
I would definitely introduce my pregnant friend to cloth diapering. She is a teacher so funds are limited. I would tell her how affordable cloth diapers are (by comparing disposable prices) and show her how easy cloth diapering is – even if she just does it part time.
annie8cu at yahoo dot com
I am already gathering together an ‘essentials’ basket for a friend whos due in a few weeks. She is wanting to CD and has a few covers and prefolds already, I am getting her some OS pockets. I am super excited for someone to start CDing also!! I feel like a black sheep sometimes, but its so worth it! ๐
I have the perfect friend to share with! She’s the mama of a 2 yo who was diapered with sposies. She’s PG with baby #2 right now and is totally on the fence with CDing! I’ve been working on her, though! A free dipe would be VERY cool for her, especially since she is going to try to do this on a budget. She’s into BFing and co-sleeping already, and just needs a little push to come over to cloth! Pick us! Pick us, PLEASE!!!! She lives a few hours away from me, so I’d pack up my 20 mo old and drive up for the weekend…so we can show off my DDs BGs and show her how great they are! cristenhyde at gmail dot com
I would share with a friend who just had baby #6 – she has used cloth before, but never cotton babies bumgenius awesomeness ๐ We would have a lovely chat and I would over to change her newborn for her ๐
I would share with my friend who was due a few days ago and is in the “forever pregnant” place waiting for baby ๐
I have given her the tutorial with my BG 3.0’s, but she’s a little nervous about committing. This would be a great way to let her try the diapers out in her life and see how great they are!
I would love to introduce cloth diapers to the ladies at our church. It seems like our daughter is the only one there that uses them. I would like to start off with giving some to another stay at home momto let them see how easy it is. I would love to have a get together lunch/play date at our church and give demonstrations, instructions on how to take care of them, and be able to show all the options there are.
I would definitely share with my good friend who is expecting to adopt her first child any day now. She and her husband can’t have children. Anyway, she is interested and has observed me cloth diapering before. I know she has poked around on the website, but hasn’t gotten anything yet. I would totally share my prize with her and encourage her to go cloth. ๐
Well one of my best friends recently fount out that she is going to be a grandmother. IF I were to win I’d share with her daughter. She’s barely 18 and going to need all of the support she can get but I think young mothers are completely unaware of the ease of modern cloth diapering. Id definitely explain and show her how easy the washing procedure is. I’d also share with her all of the diverse options – pockets, AIOs, hybrids. I’m sure the cuteness and cost savings would be most appealing to her though.
Cotton Babies – you’ve definitely converted one Austin momma ๐ This home will never use another disposable again! ๐
I am lucky enough to live in a very crunchy area of America, the NW. So many people are open to cloth diapering but have not because of the cost. I’d love to share this with some kiteborading friends who are due in a week!
highjumper04 at yahoo dot com
I would share with my friend who is pregnant with her first child, a son with a kidney problem. She wants to cloth diaper and is very interested in the Cotton Babies products. We would get together and go over all the ways and options to use cloth diapers and wipes. I have cloth diapered from the very beginning and am a huge fan.
Since my daughter is getting bigger, new diapering options would help us a lot too.
I have a few pregnant friends who are on the fence with CD. I would give them a demonstration and show them how EASY it is to use them! I love my diapers!
I am so excited to be a part of something BIG. My friend truned me on to cloth diapers with my second kiddo and I am still using them with my third. I have “converted” 2.5 of my friends to using cloth diapers (2 full time and 1 person about 50% of the time, hence the .5)
If I won the contest, I would share with my friend who is due in a month. She is on the fence about CD…she LOVES the idea but isn’t sure about the process or how truly easy they are. I intend to visit her after the baby is born and take over a few CD for her to use. I will help her with the changing, cleaning and care of them. I look forward to “converting” another mama.
That is kind of a tough one for me. Although I know someone close that is adopting a baby in a couple of months, they also know I cloth diaper and openly and vehemently oppose it out of disgust. (Can you believe that it’s my mother?) However I live in a community that is considered very ‘green’ and the local Breastfeeding coalition has just started a “Happy Heiny’s” program where they are helping families in need get into cloth diapering so I would donate my winnings to them. I’ve been wanting to do something but my own finances keep me from buying any and my stash is just exactly enough for my little guy. I was planning on donating them after he is potty trained though either way!
I would like to share with my nanny. She’s a beautiful person that loves cloth diapering our children but she has not been able to invest in cloth herself.
I have already share with a wonderful friend and my sister in law who is having her first in June!
I would share with my sister in law who is due in a month with her first baby. She would like to do cloth, but has limited finances. I’m going to lend her some, but I know she would love some new fluff, too.
I would share with a friend from work who is expecting her first and I would give as a shower gift and i would show her on my 3 month old
I would, without a doubt, share my prize with my sister-in-law. She is a mother of two. Her oldest daughter is now potty-trained, but has scars on her genitals from having constant diaper rash. Her infant son is in sposies and has had his share of rashes as well. I have shared information on cloth diapering and how my son never has a diaper rash, but I think she finds it intimidating. I think just having a starter kit given to her might help her ease into it.
I belong to a mommy club and I was thinking we should have one of the meeting topics be “Green Living”. I would love to do a demo and show some of the products that I have and then it’d be fun to have something to raffle off!
I’ve shared with lots of my online mommy friends already!
I would share this with my pastor’s wife, who is pregnant with her 5th child but has never tried cloth diapers. I have actually bought her some to try out, but I think she could use more. And I would give her a demonstration of how to put them together (whatever the style), put them on, and launder them. And drink coffee while our children play ๐
I would share with a friend who is due a couple weeks before I am due. She is on the fence about CDing and I’m wanting to give her a demonstration and show her just how easy CDing can be!!
mjhimes at
I would share with a lady I met at a BD party last weekend who is expecting and wants to CD full time from day one but has limited resources…so she is committed to part time in the beginning.
Although I continually get negative comments about cding, I have about 8 friends expecting babies, and they are always a little curious! (I actually have a friend who JUST posted on my FB page asking about it for her SIL, I recommended you!)I love showing people how easy and fun it is, (I feel like I’m always promoting, I should be a salesman!)and would LOVE to bless someone who is interested with both knowledge about CDing, and with a gift!
I would like to share with my cousin. She’s expecting baby number 2. She’s seen us using cloth diapers and now she wants to learn more about them so she can use them with her new baby! This would be a great way to get her started.
I would share with a friend who had asked about cloth diapering but never went through with it. I believe there is still that 60s mentality with pins and pieces of cloth lol. I CD’ed my now three year old and it was the easiest experience ever, and I must say not having to send hubby out to buy diapers in the middle of the night is great too!
I would go to my neighbors house. She has loved seeing my cloth diapers and really wants to use them when they have their next baby.
We are about to adopt and would love to put our new little sweetie into cloth … we also have friends who are about to begin their adoption journey and I would love to sit down with her over a cup of coffee and share cloth diapering with her. ๐
I would share with a friend that has shown interest in cloth diapering. Our daughters are only 3 months apart so we would definitely have some hands on workshops/play dates to help teach her the ins and outs!
I’ve been discussing cloth diapers a lot with women at my church lately. Several of them are pregnant or have small children in diapers and I hope to convert at least one to cloth diapers, so I would give the diapers to one of them. I’ve been planning to start giving cloth diapering workshops in my area one of these days for anyone who might be thinking of transitioning to cloth. I just love talking about fluff and showing others how easy it is to use cloth diapers.
I would share with a friend of mine who is also a low-income mom on a budget that’s been wanting to learn about CDing. I would get together with her and we’d have a CD playdate with our little girls, and watch our pretty princesses play in their new cloth diapers while being friendly for the environment! They’d look adorable, and we’d be eco-friendly.
I’m new to CDing, and I’m a mom on an extremely tight budget. Winning would make a great experience for myself and my daughter.
I have many friends from our Bradley Natural Childbirth class that are interested in learning more about cloth. I would get them all together and give them a brief overview of cloth diapering, including the types of diapers there are, benefits of cloth diapering, necessary accessories, and washing tips. I would assure them of how easy and fun cloth diapering can be, as well as some of the challenges!
If I won I would share with my friend Kate who is currently 6 months pregnant. Cottonbabies got me hooked on cloth and I would love to pass along the fun and eco-friendly addiction to her. My daughter is just 6 weeks old and I know the things about cloth I wish someone had told me now ๐
I would go over to her place with dinner in hand (The single most helpful thing our family did for us) and a cloth diaper tutor session we would have ๐ Along with some new mama girl talk.
Melissa M. of Maine
melissaleemarquis at yahoo dot com
I would share with my cousin who is due here any day now. I could bring her the diapers as a gift in the hospital and show her how to use them on her newborn son!
I would share with a family friend who I have already given a diaper demonstration/tutorial to. She showed some interest but shied away because of her concern about the start up costs. I just sent her 4 covers and 6 inserts (from three different types of diaps, BG 4.0, Flip, & econobum, so she could try them and see which she preferred) but I would like to send her some more so the laundry loads will seem more worthwhile and she can feel more financial relief. I also plan to collect cloth diaps for my sister, who showed a purely financial interest in them after I gave her a tutorial.
How I’ve shared in the past is to invite my girlfriend over that showed me cloth and then invite other ladies who are interested. We show off all of our stash while the kids romp. That way they get a wide variety of options, but we do tend to have a lot of the same stash! When people see my babies diapers they ask and I’m always telling them how simple and fun it is! I love my cloth!
I would share with my sister in law. She tried CDing with prefolds the OLLLLDDDD fashion way. I think she got lost and confused in the wet pails and regular detergents. They are constantly short on money, and I think cloth could save them greatly!
If I won I would share with my BFF who is due in a few weeks with her 3rd. She has expressed interest in using cloth with this baby after seeing me use cloth on my 3 girls who are all in diapers still. I have already purchased her a few Econobums from when you had the BOGO event but I only got 2. I would love to be able to help her start off with as many diapers as possible.
I have also told her about the Change 3 Things program and encouraged her to try cloth even PT because if she could do even 3 diapers a day it would make a HUGE difference.
She is excited to try and I already plan to go to her house after her baby is born to help teach her not only how to use the cloth but also how to clean and care for them as well.
I re liked the new page! I love this committment. If I won I’d share this with my sister in law. Her and my brother in law have seen me use cloth diapers-and while they really aren’t impressed, I think if they got a tutorial and a gift pack from me it might be enough to kick start them on the way to cloth diapers!
If I won, I would share it with my friend, Sarah, who is considering cloth diapering, but finding money to be an object. I’ve been trying to convince her that she can get started for the price of a case of sposies, and she’s coming around, but being able to gift her some diapers would definitely convert her. . .=)
I would share with my good friend who just gave birth to her first daughter this morning! She’s very interested in cloth diapering, and is eager to start! I’ve already given her a couple lessons with my own little one, and will be there for her if she needs any help along the way.
I would share my prize with my BFF Stephanie who is due in June! I would absolutely do a demo for her or anyone else! I am constantly trying to convert others! BTW make sure to share the page on FB after you like it! Almost anyone can do 3 a day!!!!
I LOVE this! I have lots of friends and family I could share this with! I think I would invite them to MY house to show them our routine and how easy it is! Cloth diapering is not difficult at all. And like I have told everyone who will listen, it’s SO much cheaper! IN this economy, why not at least TRY it! Thank you Cottonbabies!
I would share with my prego friends..and a particular friend who is having a very hard financial time. I would show then all the benefits of cloth diapering, along with how to use them.
I have many cousins with many kids still in diapers! I’ve already spread the word to one of them, and she is now cd’ing both her 6 month old and 2 year old! I’d share this info with all the other cousins too. ๐ Lots of baby showers coming up!
I would share with any of my husband’s three cousins who are expecting or have a newborn! I showed them our cloth diapers while we were camping last summer and they seemed interested. Sharing might just nudge them enough to switch!
I would share with my friend’s son and daughter-in-law. They live in France, so I’d mail it and write them an email.
I would share with a friend who is also pregnant, but not considering cloth yet. We see each other once a month, so I would share it then!
If I won, I would share with a high school friend of mine who now has 2 children under the age of 1! She is a single mother who is having a rough time right now so I would love to introduce her to the money-saving benefits of cloth diapering and the fact that she would only need one size in diapers for both children instead of spending countless thousands on sposies.
If I win I would share with my sister who is pregnant with her first baby. I didn’t start cloth until baby #3 was 6 months old so I want to get her started from the beginning!
If I won I would share it with my best friend who just had a baby 8 weeks ago! Thanks Cotton Babies for the opportunity to help another mama try out cloth diapers!
My great friend and former college roommate and I just had a talk last night about whether she would try them if I gifted them to her at her upcoming baby shower. She said yes, so if I won this giveaway, I’d be able to give her EVEN MORE diapers! She’s seen my daughter’s diapers and she even said that her husband had brought up trying cloth, but they couldn’t justify the expense with their toddler so close to potty training. Now with a new little one on the way, I’m excited they’re giving them a try!
I’d like to put together a whole package with a couple of different types of diapers, a pail liner, wet bag, and some detergent samples. That could be expensive so I’m entering plenty of giveaways! ๐
I would share with a blog follower of mine that is curious about cloth, I would give her the prize pack and have her over to share my stash for her to see and try!
I’d probably share with a friend who just had a baby and is hesitant to try cloth… (she lives in “the country” and is on well water, which wreaks havoc with normal clothes washing!). I’d also try to share with another friend who is expecting twins this summer… so very likely the ONLY thing I’d get to keep for myself is the shirt! ๐ I’d take my son along with me for a demo – that kid can demonstrate the power of cloth diapers like no other! (Heavy wetter AND blowout poops… he’s a machine!)
I have a cousin who is expecting at the end of April. I wuld share with her all the amazing benefits. Saving money, Making sure her son is in something very natural and how easy cloth diapering can be.
I would give her a demonstration by taking my 8 month old who wears cloth diapers.
I would share with my cousin and show her how easy it can be to cloth diaper. She has a little one and another on the way. I would go and give her a live demonstration. We love cloth diapering! Such a great way to save money and the environment!
I have a friend that is expecting that I would share my prize with. She’s already planning to CD but I would show her how easy BG’s are.
I would share with my SIL and would give a live demonstration w/ my little man ๐
I have a home daycare, and would share the gift with my daycare families! I would love to be able to offer them a chance to try cloth diapers! I have been trying to convert them for a while!!
If I were chose, I would share my prize with one gal on the mission field. Not only is money tight over there, but resources altogether! There is a family staying on ferlough right now from Chile sent out from our church and there’s a new addition to their family. I would LOVE to show the mama how to cloth her baby girl before they leave back to Chile! In fact I’ve been trying to figure out a way to get to know her better anyway, cloth diapering would be a great way to get to know her! Just a little humor here, but everybody I turn to CD’s my husband calls them my “diaper disciples”.
My old college roommate is due right around the same time I am. I’m sure she’s not familiar with cloth – I mentioned it once but she didn’t seem that interested, I think she was picturing something difficult. I think she’d be perfect to gift the econobums to!
I would share with on of my internet friends. She’s really excited about cloth diapers, and I think a diaper gift would really help her feel like she could do it.
I’d share with my SIL, the proud mother of five, including a four-month-old. She was thinking about it, but then decided she didn’t want to do any more laundry. I’d share it and spend a day showing her how easy it is to just throw the diapers in there and be done with it. It may not work, but it would be so worth the try!
I would share with someone at our church. There are lots of babies there and the nursery would be a great place to have a CD show and tell!!!
If I win I’d share the prize pack with my college friend. She is a new single mom who is doing a wonderful job! She mentioned not understanding the cloth diaper language recently. She seems interested in how everything works. I would have a playdate get together with her to show her the ins and outs of how to cloth diaper with ease.
If I win I’ll share with my newest pregnant friend who is curious about cloth diapers ๐
We’ll be doing a diaper demo at her house with all kinds of cloth for her to see.
aubreyea at gmail dot com
If I won I would share this with one of my many friends who are pregnant and are thinking about cloth diapering. Unfortunately, I do not live close to them. But I do talk about cloth diapering a lot in my working moms group and people ask me questions all the time!
morriganirene at gmail dot com
What a great giveaway! We have a 6 month old daughter who has been cd’d since the day she was released from the NICU. Since then I have given a demonstration to my sister who is due in June. She has already started to build her stash for my little nephew. If I won the prize I would share the econobums with my cousin in law. She has watched me cd my DD and is very interested in cd her next baby. If I gave her a demo it would be how to wash your diapers. People think its so hard and when I explain how easy it is they never believe me. This prize would be a great start to her stash. Thank you Cotton Babies for all you do. Cloth diapering is so easy and cost efficient for a single income family. Michelle
I would give the prize to my step daughters mother so she could be in cloth all the time. Then I could also quite buy disposables to send her over in. If she wanted I would be more the happy to show her how to use them and wash them.
akriket at gmail dot com
I am offering cloth diaper classes to the community starting the 16th of next month (I’m very excited!) I’ve been trying to gather different styles of diapers so the prize for me would be used for that for sure.
The prize for a friend would most likely go to a new friend of mine who is very interested in cloth for her baby boy. She’s a great woman and I’m confident that once she tries it, there will be no going back ๐
This is a great campaign, so happy to spread the word!
One of my college roommates is now one of my favorite playdate mommies but she is extremely skeptical of cloth diapering. If I were to win, I would share the prize with her. I would spend a day with her and take over all diaper duties (using cloth of course!) to show her how easy it really is!
evans.lacie at
I would love to win one of the prize packs to gift to a friend that just found out that she is pregnant with her second child. She will have 2 children in diapers for almost 2 years after her new baby is born and I would love to be able to give her another option than using expensive disposables. I personally use only Bumgenius 4.0, Flips, and Econobums so I would be able too give her a tutorial on any of those wonderful products. Thank you CottonBabies for the great giveaway and the Change 3 Things campaign!
I am a military spouse and there are a lot of women in this community that are pregnant or have just had a baby and I’d love to share cloth diapering with all of these ladies! Not only because they will save money, but because it will help the environment AND since these women will soon up and move somewhere else, we could help spread cloth diapering across America!!
I also have a passion for CDing and I REALLY like prefolds! Crazy I know, and of course I have pockets, AIOs, etc, but I think that a lot of people would rethink CD if they see how EASY and CHEAP it can be. (E.g., grab a prefold, fold it, slap it in a Econobum cover, snap it closed and VOILA! DONE!)
Thanks for your campaign! I hope that it spreads quickly! I know I am sharing it with all my mom friends!!! ๐
samtabulous at aol dot com
I think I would share with a coworker who is expecting. I’ve already talked to her some about cloth diapering. I’d tell her more on how to use them, clean them, etc. Show her that they really aren’t that difficult to use.
hismrs2010 at aol dot com
If I won, I’d share the prize with my sister-in-law. She and my brother had a baby a few days ago, and although she is overwhelmed with being a new mother, I think starting small with cloth diapering would make things a little more tolerable for her right now.
I would love to share them with the owner of our daycare as she has a son te same age as mine. I think that if she saw how easy it is she’d be more open to letting parents send them in for their kids.
If I won I would share the prize with a friend of mine who is having her second child very soon. She seemed generally interested in cloth diapers when she saw me changing my son last week. I have already shown her my favorites (the 4.0 and the Elemental) and I would take the time to share info about her new diapers too! The fact that cloth isn’t scary is one that I try to pass on to as many friends as possible.
I’m dying to ge my friend Annie to try cloth diapers, she works and since I’m a SAHM she thinks it’s something she cannot do, our babies are only 3 months apart and it would be very good to get together more often and show her how much money she could actually save by switching and she wouldn’t have to worry about rashes anymore. I would love to have this opportunity to show her how easy it is to wash and care for cloth diapers.
Thanks for this opportunity!
I would share with my pregnant friend. When I was pregnant and someone showed me their cloth diapers, I remember thinking, there is no way I would ever do this. It wasn’t until I was pregnant with baby #2 and the thought of paying for 2 babies in disposables was just daunting, that I considered cloth. I am now completely in love with cloth for my 2 baby girls. If I had some cloth diapers in hand sooner and had the chance to try them and see how easy to use and wash they really are, I may have become a cloth convert much sooner.
I’ll be honest, I don’t have a specific person in mind who could receive a gift. I have talked to all of my friends who have young children in diapers already, and so far none have been open to the idea. However, I would gladly try again to see if a free sample would change their mind about trying! I already talk about cloth diapers with friends who do not have children of their own yet- even some that are not yet married. ๐ I am passionate about cloth diapering because of the huge difference it has made for our household. In addition to the financial and environmental benefits, I truly believe that it makes my daughter happier. On the rare occasion we have to place her in a disposable diaper now, she protests! I am so glad we discovered cloth with our first, because we will never go back.
Even though I am new to cloth diapering (still awaiting our own little one) I am sold on it. I have four rugby friends that are all expecting this summer and I would love to share my prize with one of them! We talk about CDing and I think at least one of them would be open to trying it so a free set would go a long way towards her decision. I was going to get her a couple for her shower next month, too!
Good Morning! I think the FB page is wonderful! It is awesome to see so many people making the public commitment. I have several friends that are expecting their first child over the summer. I would share the gift with one of them and give them a tutorial at their home while bringing a yummy snack and herbal tea. I was so confused about CDing when I was pregnant and really wish I would had a friend to show me the way. I would also emphasize it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You can CD on your maternity leave and then on evenings/weekends when you go back to work!
Good morning! I just “liked” the new FB page. ๐ I know exactly who I would share this prize with too! I have a friend who’s new to the area and is very interested in trying out cloth diapers. I’d give it to her so she could finally get started. And I think I’d do it during a playdate with our kids. While we were together, I’d show her how to use them and explain my wash routine.
Everyone seems to want to know about this “cloth diapering business” and seem to think my kid is crawling around with my great-grandmother’s baby diapers with pins and rubber pants! They can’t believe when I show them the cloth diapers of today! I have told countless people how simple, easy, affordable, and earth-conscious cloth diapering is! I am a doula and I am currently working with military spouses in Okinawa, Japan. I’d give the goodies to my clients- because I firmly believe that once you try it, you’d never go back to those smelly old disposables!!
I have several people who have contacted me about cloth diapers since they are pregnant and don’t know how they will pay for diapers. I would likely contact them 1 at a time and see if they would like the free diapers and offer to give them a tutorial using a teddy bear or show them on my daughter with an old diaper of hers and let them practice.
Hi! Good morning for you, good evening for me! I live in Okinawa Japan and I would love to help my sister get started on cloth diapering. She is always asking me about my diapers and I know once she tried them out, she would be fully converted!! Since we live thousands of miles away, I would flat-rate them to her and schedule a skype date for me to go through the contents with her!! Probably my morning and her evening (because of the time change) so I know I’LL be having coffee! She doesn’t have internet at her house so maybe I can arrange for ALL my sisters (I have 6) to be at my parents’ house for a demonstation. We’ll probably ooo and aaaaah over each others’ babies and kids and eventually get down to business ๐ … Oh and in my flat-rate shipment to her, I’d include all the diapers my daughter has grown out of – she’s my 3rd child and last!
Glad to see the new fb page up and running, yay!!!!
If I won, I would share it with my friend from Brazil who is pregnant. Modern cloth diapers are practically nonexistant in Brazil, and I’d like to introduce my friends over there to the wonders of it! I’m going there in April, so I get to show her how to use them!