A gentle breeze, warm weather, and sun means spring. And you know what spring means? Line drying your cloth diapers, which we recommend for diaper covers and shells. You can learn more here.
Line drying your cloth diapers is also a great way to save money. It can put more than $10 back in your pocket each month. Plus, drying your diapers in the sun can also remove stains and sanitize your stash.
Most people think you have to have a clothesline in your yard to dry your diapers or clothes outside, but that isn’t necessarily true. You can use a folding drying rack or set your diapers over a deck rail (we do not recommend this if there are high winds in your area). You can even just lay your diapers across an outdoor chair or table if you can’t find a place to hang a clothesline or don’t have enough space for a drying rack.
If you’re line drying your cloth diapers this spring/summer, there are a few things you will want to keep in mind:
- Don’t leave your cloth diapers outside for too long. High temperatures could potentially cause damage!
- We only recommend keeping your diapers outside until they are dry.
- Check your diapers frequently
Remember, inserts, fitteds and prefolds can be tumble dried! For additional assistance, give us a call at 1-314-892-1855!
1 Comment
On a local CD group, someone keeps telling people that hanging covers will wear elastic sooner. This does not seem likely to me. Does laying diapers flat to dry preserve elastic? Thanks