Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow earlier this month, so as the legend says, we should expect an early spring. I’m not sure about you, but I’m definitely ready for spring. However, for many of us, spring means lots of rainy days, which can be a bit challenging when drying your cloth diapers.
If you read the packages of your bumGenius, Flip and Econobum cloth diapers, you’ll see that we recommend “line drying” most of your diapers. Not only is line drying environmentally friendly, it also puts less wear on your cloth diapers than a trip through the dryer. But you don’t have to own a clothesline to line dry your diapers.
Here are a few of our tips on how to line dry your cloth diapers indoors during less than ideal weather conditions:
Use an indoor drying rack. Cotton Babies carries a few drying racks that we’ve tried and love. My 3 tier drying rack has a permanent home in my basement. However, if space is at a premium in your home, I’ve been told the 2 tier version fits nicely in most bathtubs. Hang your cloth diapers to dry during the day or overnight and collapse the rack and store it for bath time.
Toss them over a shower rod. This is another great way to keep clean diapers up and away from toddler hands while drying. Maximize your space by using plastic clothes hangers along the shower rod if you have a larger cloth diaper collection.
String a line indoors. If you have a basement or other area, you can install a retractible clothesline. They are found at many home improvement stores. Just be sure to follow all safety recommendations and find a safe place that is away from little hands.
Do you have other tips for drying diapers indoors during cold or wet weather? Share them with us in the comments below!
My husband hung a rod in my laundry room for me to hang dry his shirts. When I started using cloth diapers, I just hung the diapers on hangers and the hangers on the rod. Works like a charm.
I guess this is why I love FL, although come summer, I will probably need one for all the afternoon showers here. Although, I suspect, if I just got up earlier and got them on the line early enough I could beat the showers.
Also live in Washington and am waiting for sun! I know you can dry outdoors without sun…but its too cold for me! I got this awesome drying rack at Ikea that mounts to your wall and you prop it out to hang stuff. When not in use it collapses down against the wall. Its called Grundtal drying rack. Diapers are up high away from toddler hands!
I have wire shelves in my laundry room, and on the front of them there’s a rod that I hang all my diapers on. Works out great because it doesn’t take up any extra space. Definitely looking forward to spring though! My diapers could sure use the power of sunshine.
I do my diaper laundry at night so I can hang wet diapers throughout the house while the kids are sleeping. Usually by morning most are dry and I can scoop them up before my kids grab them and start running around the house with diapers on their heads.
If you live near an Ikea, pick up two of these, Pressa Octopus Drying Racks:
I have two of them which accommodates 16 diapers. You just need a place to hang them- a closet rod or shower rod works just fine.
We dry our diapers on a small drying rack over the tile floor, we haven’t had any dripping, they get dry enough from the spin cycle to prevent that. 🙂 We have a baby gate between where our daughter plays and the drying rack, so hopefully we won’t have to worry about toddler hands anytime soon! 🙂
I just bought a drying rack a few days ago! It’s small enough to fit inside my laundry room. I’m hoping when it’s warmer I can use it outdoors some to let my diapers get some sun!
We are ready for Spring!! These diapers are in dire need of some sunning! 😉 But in WA that means at least late April….