The great debate: HE vs. Top/Front Loaders.
Despite the type, wash machines all do the same thing: clean your cloth diapers. And with this logic, you would think that you could wash cloth diapers the same way in a HE or top/front loader, but you can’t.
HE wash machines use as little water and energy as possible to clean your laundry, so when washing dirty cloth diapers, it is extremely important to be sure that your bumGenius, Flip and Econobum covers are getting cleaned enough. If not, your cloth diapers may start to stink due to detergent build up and left over messes, which could irritate your baby’s sensitive skin.
Finding the perfect cloth diaper laundry routine for a HE wash machine is tricky, but we have a few tips that can help:
- A full load of cloth diapers is 12 – 15 cloth diapers or covers and inserts. Putting more in the machine can keep your diapers from getting as clean as needed. Your diapers need room to move around freely to get as clean as possible.
- We recommend washing every other day, regardless of what type of machine you have. This prevents bacteria growth and stink issues.
- If your little one is eating solid foods or drinking liquids other than water, formula or breast milk, we recommend rinsing your diapers before you put them in your wet bag or pail. This also helps to prevent staining and stink issues.
- Try our “Wet Towel Trick.” To ‘trick’ a high efficiency machine into adding more water to your laundry cycles, add a saturated towel (or two) to the beginning of your wash routine. Let the towel go through all the wash cycles (hot, cold and rinses) to make sure the machine adds the most water possible to every cycle.
- Always be sure to use a recommended detergent.
For additional questions about washing your cloth diapers, give us a call at 1-314-892-1855.
I had plenty of doubts on how to wash the cloth diapers as I had a fear that I would damage them. Thanks Brittney!!!
No problem! Let us know if you have any questions, or give us a call at 1-888-332-2243!