Ah, the age-old question: “Why should I cloth diaper my baby?” There are a ton of reasons you should want to use cloth diapers. If you were to speak to a hundred cloth diapering parents, you would likely hear a hundred different reasons why they chose to cloth diaper. Here are a few reasons that offer an immediate impact upon making the switch. Let’s take a look at why cloth diapers are the best option available for your baby.
You’ll Save Money Cloth Diapering
When you buy disposable diapers, you are throwing away money with each diaper change. Literally. Exactly how much you’ll save will vary depending on several factors, including the brand of disposable diapers you (don’t) purchase and the brand of cloth diapers you choose.
Cloth Diapers Help Prevent Waste
One baby in disposable diapers can generate as much as one ton of landfill waste before age two. Think about that; 7.6 billion (yes, billion) pounds of disposable diapers are thrown into U.S. landfills each year. According to The Real Diaper Association website, disposable diapers are the third most common consumer product in today’s landfills. Cloth diapering can help change that trend one baby at a time.
Cloth Diapers Are Convenient
Planning for the unexpected is the responsible thing to do. Whether or not you choose to use your cloth diapering system full-time, it is wise to have cloth diapers on hand in case of an emergency. Can you imagine running out of diapers and the grocery store not having any diapers on their shelves? Your diapers will be with you all day, every day. You will never be out of diapers… ever.
Tired of Disposable Diaper Blowouts?
Who wants to change the diaper and the outfit? Thankfully, most cloth diapers are designed with flexible fits that adjust through a variety of ages and sizes. This improved design often reduces leaking and the need for as many outfit changes. Learn more about how cloth diapers should fit and join the Cotton Babies Mob Facebook Group to post questions any time you need a hand with your cloth diapers.
The benefits listed above don’t even begin to touch on the concerns many parents have about the ingredients in disposable diapers, but many parents find their cloth diaper journey begins with concerns for their children’s health. If you have any additional questions about getting started with cloth diapers, give us a call at 314-892-1855. We’d love to help.
References: The Diaper Debate via ABC News accessed April, 2017.
1 Comment
Yes! I’m convinced and ready to start! My husband was worried about blow outs and I didn’t really know what to reply with, other than it will happen no matter what. But now that I’ve read this, then I have a stronger answer to give him! Thanks!