The clock is ticking. Only a few days remain to get your entry posted online for our 2nd Annual Virtual Stroller Parade! The grand prize winner will receive a 12 pack of bumGenius, Flip or Econobum cloth diapers in the style of their choice. Yes, that means you could win 12 bumGenius Elementals or Freetimes if that is what your heart desires. All it takes is a little creativity and a few minutes to upload photos of your creation.

To participate in the Cotton Babies Virtual Stroller Parade, create your own stroller float at home, take some photos and submit up to 3 photos in the comments below this post or by using the #CBStrollerParade hashtag on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest or your other favorite social media. To check to make sure your photo is entered, please visit THIS Pinterest board. Only photos visible on this Pinterest board are officially entered and will be eligible for the prizes. Make sure to check your privacy settings for your photos so our judges can view your entry.

- Grand prize is a 12 pack of cloth diapers any combination of bumGenius, Flip, or Econobum.
- Second place is a 6 pack of cloth diapers any combination of bumGenius, Flip, or Econobum.
- Third place is a 3 pack of cloth diapers in any combination of bumGenius, Flip, or Econobum.
Did my comment/entry never go through?? I tried it twice last night.
Hi Cotton Babies! I posted mine yesterday around 5 pm but it still hasn’t shown up on your pinterest board OR here on your blog post (I commented with the link as well)…just wanted to make sure we made it into the contest! Thanks for your consideration!
Here’s our parade float pictures!!
This was ours!
This is our stroller parade entry! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4604883126928&set=o.251448294967101&type=1&theater
It was raining on our parade, so we had to take our parade indoors! Yabba Dabba Doo!!
This is our entry! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4604883126928&set=o.251448294967101&type=1&theater
Here is my entry! https://pinterest.com/pin/281967626640899139/
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Couldn’t get instagram to work-sorry.
Our Eiffel Tower on wheels is ready to roll! http://pinterest.com/pin/457819118339376053/
There should be an international reusable diaper fashion week–ooh la la!
We should declare a reusable diaper fashion week! Ooh la la… http://pinterest.com/pin/457819118339376053/
This was ours! http://pinterest.com/pin/254031235202373800/
Cotton Babies are modern day genius for your baby!
I tried uploading my picture to the Pinterest board, not sure if it worked though.