Cotton Babies Grand Opening Celebration
January 22, 2011 7:09 am

We’ve heard it a lot this week, how many of you wished you live close enough to one of our stores to participate in our Cotton Babies Grand Opening festivities. We definitely haven’t forgotten our online roots and wouldn’t want to leave you out of the fun.
We look forward to meeting lots of our local fans today in the store, but we want to “meet” you as well. Join our virtual Grand Opening Celebration by uploading a photo of you and your favorite Cotton Babies product to your favorite social media or online photo sharing website. Be sure to “tag” Cotton Babies so we can find it and then leave a link to your photo in the comments section below.
Be as creative as you like. Have fun. Let your personality shine so we can learn more about you, our customer.
Random winners will be selected from all entries to receive Cotton Babies prizes which may include Cotton Babies cold cups, bum{Flip’n}Genius t-shirts and one “Grand Prize” winner will receive a 12 pack of bumGenius 4.0 cloth diapers!
Eligible entries must be posted today, Saturday, January 22, 2011. U.S. Residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be notified via e-mail by end of day Monday, January 24, 2010.
*** Contest is now closed. Congratulations to Nicole P. of MI, Jessica M. of TN, Ashley L. of MN, and Kat P. of WA, winners of Cotton Babies prize packs. Congratulations to Belinda P. of FL, winner of the grand prize 12 pack of bumGenius 4.0 cloth diapers. Thanks to all who shared their creative and fun photos with us. ***
I think I misunderstood this post yesterday. I posted my pics on your Facebook page. My FB wouldn’t let me tag you. Here are the links to my little one from yesterday: AND
If you check the date, you will see I really did post it on the 22nd as you’d requested. Please consider us for your giveaways. Thank you!
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com
My one year old cruising in the kitchen for some dinner in his BG =p
here is my now one year old in my favorite pink diaper! She’s on a bed of roses. She’s such a sweet little girl and the flowers just make her look oh so sweet!
Here’s the link to our little stash of BumGenius 4.0 Elementals that we have received so far as gifts. :~) We are SO excited to start using them. Hopefully, our little one will be arriving in the next couple weeks! It wouldn’t let me tag Cotton Babies or BumGenius on Facebook, by the way.
I just noticed my comment posted at 1:23 AM, but it is still Saturday on the West Coast, only 11:24 pm 🙂
Here is my sweet girl in her Zinnia Flip!
And a little bit more from our blog 🙂
This is Hayden (4 months) wearing his BG 4.0. We have had 2 out of our 3 kids in BG 3.0 and 4.0 and love them so much. I wish I wasn’t so scared with the first child to try cloth. I recommend them to everyone. Thank you for making such a wonderful product.!/photo.php?fbid=1828943970382&set=a.1653825672534.92421.1443827425&pid=2019934&id=1443827425
Pretty much our entire stash is from Cotton Babies. Until very recently (two hours ago), Oliver had only worn prefolds and covers. We got fluff mail from you yesterday with three BG 3.0s, so we’re putting one of those to the ultimate test: nighttime!
Here’s a photo of what’s clean:
Here is a pic of my beautiful little girl in her Flip diaper. Just started with the Flip diapers thanks to my sister.
adylin.lyla at yahoo dot com
Here is my Addy bug in our FLIP! we love cottonbabies! I also could not figure out how to Tag on FB but here is the link to my pic
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Me, my son, and my–I mean his diapers. I loved them so much I bought the T-shirt.
We love our AIO diapers.
littletikes2009 at yahoo
My som in baby legs and a cloth diaper.
This is a pic. of my nephew in his CD. He (and his mom) are the reason I just started cloth diapering… as in, they are currently in the wash getting “prepped” haha.!/photo.php?fbid=685502740102&set=a.685502735112.2252375.25109754
Stephanie H, Jacksonville, FL
So, you say a pic of our favorite CB product-here’s our flip! We have a zillion pics of her in fluffy CottonBabies goodness (and other cb products underneath…), and this is my favorite PIC of her in a CB product! She’s so happy to have such a trim cover over her prefold…and snappi…all from CB of course! So sorry to have missed you today-we are in town and were planning to come, but alas, a molar came through today and she was way to crabby to have fun. Awesome that you’re including us in this!!!/photo.php?pid=3789377&id=505110731&fbid=376467310731
We have been loving our BG diapers for 2 years! Although our son has now outgrown them, we love the 4.0’s and are saving most of our 3.0’s for the next baby whenever that will be!
I wasn’t able to tag Cotton Babies the real way ~ but here is the link!
Ashley L
billnash @ hotmail . com
I posted a photo of our new Artist Series diapers, the jetsetter is truly my favorite diaper!
I live to take pictures of my kids, here is one I took of my guy a while back in his Elemental. I can’t take a new one since he is in bed and i just saw this post!
Just posted this pic of my son and I on Facebook:
I would have needed to post at least a dozen pictures to show off all of our favorite Cotton Babies products. 🙂 Congrats on the grand opening!
kendylann3 at yahoo dot com
Here is Noah sporting his BG 4.0. We LOVE the Butternut color. My happy guy wears it well.:)!/photo.php?fbid=491290049233&set=a.140826274233.111962.657619233
Lauren Turner
My little peanut (one month and 7.5lbs) just managing to fit in his BG3.0:
Here is a pic of our sweet baby girl in her Zinnia BG 4.0. Love it!
Aawww, I dont have any babies in diapers right now. My newest LO isnt due for 2 more weeks. Wish I could enter this contest but I guess I’ll have to wait for the next one. Bummer!! Good luck to all those who entered!
Here is my little guy wearing a grasshopper flip playing with his favorite toy sophia.
My youngest son “enjoying the snow” wearing his fuzzi bunz one sized diaper… from cotton babies!/profile.php?id=605924950
angela_heffner at yahoo dot com
Did we need to post email? If so, helg3198 at
Here is my little guy in both a Bumgenius butternut diaper and BG BabyLegs.
We’re on vacation, so I’m very limited with photos! Here’s a picture of the play kitchen my husband and I made our daughter for Christmas. It now contains (this photo was taken before she opened her gifts Christmas Eve) a Plan Toy microwave and several Plan Toy food sets purchased from Cotton Babies. She LOVES playing with her kitchen!
I love bgos this picture is actually in the 1.0 and still working amazing we dont have any 4.0 yet but we have 1.0-3.0 they are all GREAT. We use bg exclusively right now!/photo.php?fbid=1830082790881&set=o.167815334815
Here’s a silly pic of my daughter emptying the kitchen cabinets. Her zinnia Flip diaper is peaking out from under her onesie. Looking to order more as soon as my taxes are filed and I get my return. This was the coolest freebie I ever got, and I’m totally in love with it.
Rainboots and a Flip! Oh, and a smile, too!
This is my favorite picture.
This was my son’s first time in a cloth diaper. He was 2 weeks old, wearing a BG 3.0… This is my absolute favorite pic!!/photo.php?fbid=10150373700260508&set=o.167815334815
Kelan with his Plan Toys – Sit N Walk Puppy! We gave it to him for Christmas…it’s so cute! I ordered the puppy months ago when you had the crazy website issues with the seconds sale and got a great deal on him and some Haba toys! I’m sure he’s wearing a BG 3.0 under those pants! 😉 I’d love to win the 4.0’s and make all my diapers BGs!!! They are the best diapers I have!!/photo.php?bid=1784574851664&set=a.1155967576875.24481.1158275502
My hubby is sporting our Moby Wrap, which we both love. Our daughter is a big fan of it, too.
I couldn’t “tag” cottonbabies. I don’t think Facebook with let you.
We love our FuzziBunz!! Our daughter’s newborn pictures turned out great wearing them.
My sweet baby Luke in his BG Baby legs. We LOVE them!!/photo.php?fbid=10150163234028976&set=a.10150126176278976.330969.641173975
This is my little man learning how to crawl in his cow, Happy Heinys purchased at You guys are always awesome!
Here’s a picture of my little guy in his moby wrap with me! This was taken back when he was having severe stomach issues and cried most of the day. The ONLY thing that would calm him was riding with me in the moby. You can even see that his eyes were still watery in this picture!
Showlove40 at hotmail dot com
Enjoying some watermelon in his Flip:
and…crashed out with a good book, also in Flip:!/photo.php?fbid=413242722021&set=a.59915897021.67333.544877021&pid=4354370&id=544877021
Here’s our 6 month old in his bumgenuis 4.0! Still trying to figure out how to tag cotton babies in the picture on facebook though
Here’s a pic of my big guy dancing in his BG 3.0! I would have come out for the event today but I’m sick!!!!/photo.php?fbid=1784545330926&set=a.1155967576875.24481.1158275502
No baby yet but here is my pup and one of my bg 3.0s os!!/photo.php?fbid=849977276816&set=a.795870716796.2379486.25519018
It won’t let me tag the fan page though?
hismrs2010 at aol dot com
I tagged cotton babies in a pic of my son in his BG 3.0 on my facebook page!! 🙂 Hopefully I did it right!!!/profile.php?id=116507030
Double Bubble babies wearing their Econobum Cloth, and adorable babies legs. Twice the baby, twice the fun, twice the DIAPERS!!/photo.php?fbid=1767636599649&set=a.1657017834249.91439.1501201681
Posted on facebook.. Gwen wearing an Elemental. I love these diapers so much. I even use them at night.
Here’s a pic of my little man in a Twilight bumGenius! 🙂!/photo.php?fbid=10150127164261351&set=o.167815334815&comments
I couldn’t find Cotton Babies to tag you. But here is my little man doing the Jersey Shore fist pump in his favorite bumGenius!!
Here is one of my princess in her pink bumGenius!!
I uploaded this picture to Cotton Babies’ wall and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to “tag” it!!/photo.php?fbid=491275267967&set=o.167815334815
monicadee at gmail
Tagged this photo of my son Bryce in your grasshopper flip.!/photo.php?fbid=1389695347762&set=t.1393455181
Karen Bridges
southcarolinamommy at gmail dot com
This is me… practicing cloth diapering my pug. Of course, now I have a baby… and sadly… some days I think it was easier to get this diaper on the dog!
Here are all the items i have purchased at cotton babies, minus the wet bag full of dirty dipes! 🙂!/photo.php?fbid=1603296755218&set=a.1603296715217.2077178.1020073120
I posted on Twitter under my name @busylandB
Look @cottonbabies I’m ‘double stuffed’ for nap time! (BumGenius inserts)!/photo.php?fbid=574526218015&set=a.552786868845.2078677.32400529
Here I am wearing an Ergo from Cotton Babies and a mei tei (bought from Babyhawk). Both boys are in BGs. I have got my hands full but I just ordered my Ergo backpack to make things a little easier.
…and here is another one from my blog:
PS For some reason I can’t tag the photo for Cotton Babies, it is only letting me tag friends, not pages. Hmm.
Oops! I forgot to include an email address in my previous comment. Sorry! This is Leigh Anne B and my email is
Here is a picture that I uploaded today of a Bum Genius Diaper and Wet Bag that my mom bought for me! I am expecting my first baby in July, and I plan on buying many more Cotton Babies products to help me prepare! The photo can be found at:
Thanks for the contest!
baby is still gestating, but here are some pics of the bumgenius diapers I’ve bought for her and her sonogram picture! Tagged cottonbabies and bumgenius as well!
emma g.
My little guy in Clementine! I love me some Clementine!
On facebook, Sara Griswold Walther
Here is a picture of my daughter in a BGOS 3.0!
loriannapage at gmail dot com
Posted one of my favorite bumGenius pictures on Cotton Babies facebook wall. Tagged both Cotton Babies and bumGenius.!/photo.php?fbid=1744564728908&set=o.167815334815&comments
saywah_j at yahoo dot com
Here is the link to my photo…goodies we have gotten from cotton babies! We love our blueberry diapers and our diaper spray!
Here is the link on Facebook!/photo.php?fbid=1798720334019&set=o.167815334815
Facebook pic of Marshall in a blue Flip!
I posted this on Twitter and @cottonbabies and @bumgenius!
Here is my tweet:
@cottonbabies A little FL sunshine is just what these @bumgenius ‘s need 🙂
My twitter name is @CDMW
I love Cotton Babies! So here is our latest cotton babies order! I really like those bubble all in ones!!
My son Noah at 19 months old in his Clementine 3.0
I even tagged the piece of muffin on the floor next to him, haha!
Side note: You can’t actually “tag” companies and pages, only friends in photos.
Here is a picture of my son, Max, opening his favorite Christmas gift from his Uncle Jimmy! They are new BG 4.0’s! Such a great gift! Way better than toys!
Here is a link – I posted a FB photo of my son examining the latest mail from Cotton Babies!
I think he understands exactly what comes in the white plastic mailers each month! For this one, he was really interested in the print on the Bummis wet bag!
Here’s my babe in her BumGenius:
I hope I’m doing this right!
Here’ me with some of our CD stash. I’m holding my FAVORITE diaper! The limited edition spring BG 3.0 in zinnia and blossom!!!!¤t=100_8654.jpg
Here is a picture from today of me and my favorite bum Genius diapers! I so wish that I lived closer to an actual store they look like so much fun! 🙂
Just placed my order with cotton babies yesterday, but here’s a photo I have of my sweet little boy in a bummis cover. And his t-shirt reads “If you think I’m cute, you should see my diaper…. cloth diapers, they’ve come a long way baby!”
Lilli following the Cottonbabies Blog!
My baby boy with his favorite diaper! He’s wearing one too 🙂
Here’s a picture from today. My little girl loves your site just as much as her diapers!¬if_t=photo_comment#!/photo.php?fbid=1533863868719&set=a.1533863668714.2068755.1298464912&theater
Here’s my current favorite bum genius diaper on my 2 1/2 week old~ sweet baby Luke 🙂!/photo.php?fbid=492078282851&set=a.492077752851.264397.525557851¬if_t=photo_comment
My youngest delighted to be in his BG4.0s.!/photo.php?fbid=446286217422&set=a.421512417422.204588.560927422&pid=6021044&id=560927422
I am not on facebook, but I have a pic on my blog of my cutie in a BG 3.0, and she is STYLIN’!
Here are my two cuties in their BG3.0’s. There were too many to pick just one! :o)
Here is my little guy in our favorite CD 🙂
(Maybe I am being silly but I couldn’t tag Cotton Babies on FB.)
Facebook tag! Jill Andrews Shoemaker
Here’s a picture of me wearing my baby in the Moby wrap the moment it came in the mail: