Many of you have already taken advantage of our free book with purchase offer on We wanted to take a few minutes to share a little more about the book “You Can Be You and I Can Be Me – Our Differences Are Not A Mistake” with a brief question and answer session with author, Anni Shelton.
Cotton Babies: What inspired you to write “You Can Be You and I Can Be Me – Our Differences Are Not a Mistake“?
Anni Shelton: Two struggles actually. One was chronic, the other acute. This book addressed them both. The chronic struggle was my own. I needed to liberate myself by incorporating this message into my own life. The acute struggle was that my daughter and my granddaughter, being seven months apart, spent all of their time together and the younger one wanted to “copy” absolutely EVERYTHING the older one did, ate, wore etc. It made us all a little nuts! (laughing)
Cotton Babies: What made you choose to self-publish the book instead of going the traditional route? Would you do it again?
Anni Shelton: I self-published because I had a fabulous illustrator, Kelli Green, working with me. She caught my vision for the illustrations 200%. I would probably go with a traditional publishing company for future projects though because they are able to reach far more children than I am on my own.
Cotton Babies: Do you have any other projects in the works?
Anni Shelton: Actually…I just finished the copy for the next project two weeks ago.
Cotton Babies: What is the most exciting part of how your book is taking off?
Anni Shelton: That’s easy. I have a vision that is greater than I. It’s “Validating EVERY child, everywhere…” I’m an absolute kid freak! If I could personally talk to every child in the world, look into their beautiful eyes and speak words of value and worth into them until they believed me, I would. I can’t even come close, but my hope is that the books I write would come close. They are like a great big hug from me, in writing.
Cotton Babies: How did the folks at Cotton Babies originally find out about your book?
Anni Shelton: The owners Jenn and Jimmy Labit purchased a copy for their children, and things progressed from there. I love the way Cotton Babies honestly cares about every detail that affects their customers. That’s how I am…I really, really care about these kids!
It’s not too late to get your FREE copy of Anni Shelton’s book with any $50 Cotton Babies purchase. Just add this product to your cart and use code FREEBOOK at checkout. Offer valid while supplies last.
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