Axel was born 5 weeks early and weighed 6.5 lbs. He weighs 8 lbs now and I am feeling nearly normal. So I have been trying lots of cloth diapers on him. Flip and Econobum were at the top of my list to try on an itty bitty. I have to be honest, though, I had my doubts about how they would fit my long, skinny boy. I thought there might be gaps around the legs, but here I sit… thrilled again, with the fit of diapers made by the bumGenius people! I took several photos to show you why I am so pleased.
My only regret with my use of Flip and Econobum is that I didn’t try them on Axel sooner. After a challenging pregnancy it took some time to feel up to pulling out the cloth diapers. Now I am left to wonder how they would have fit him when he was even smaller since they fit him so well at 8 lbs!
Newborn baby feel comfortable with soft products, everyone will get good info from this post diapers for babies
@Anonymous: You really only need a few covers. I got by using two Flip covers when my daughter was a NB. I had several inserts though and I used prefolds as well. I would say having 24 inserts on hand should be plenty for full time use. But your stash sounds amazing already! Hope this helps. 🙂
Just curious…if you were to use Flips exclusively with a newborn, how many covers do you need and how many inserts do you need if you plan to do laundry every other day? I have 8 Flip covers and 8 Flip inserts. I also have 12 bumGenius OS 4.0 (w/ 12 newborn inserts and 12 regular inserts) and 10 FuzziBunz OS ((w/ 12 newborn inserts and 12 regular inserts).
thanks so much! my son will be born early and i was worried it would be months before we could coth diapers with econobum and flip! have you tried flip inserts in econobum covers? thats mostly what im buying! again thnks!
My son’s name is Axel too.
i have to say that i like that those fit newborns and for ppl saying there too bulky and diaper u put on a baby is going to be bulky and place u read will tell u that. its cause there so little . and i dont think it matter as long as the job gets done!
wow those look huge!!! I would never put a diaper that bulky on my baby….
Great info! thanks for posting!
This is so helpful! We use Flips for my son (now 17 months) but i had no idea how it would fit on a newborn.
I think it will take a few weeks for my baby to fit into a Flip, but probably not as long as I first thought!
I ordered one Flip diaper to try it and I love it. However, I was wondering: Is it normal for them to get poop on the cover?
Those look enormous but I bet they get the job done. The Flip’s look like they fit a little better. Looking forward to hearing an update on how they are working out.
Thank you so much for this! I’ve been using g-diapers, and they’re not bad, but I want to try these really bad! I had my son a month early and he was 4 lbs 8 oz, and now at 6 months almost (Jan 31st) and 10 lbs, I have a long skinny boy too! I was worried that they would be bulky since they’re one size fits all and worried that the gussets would be too big, which is the main problem I have with the g’s. But seeing this has upped my confidence! 😀 Thanks so much!!!
Thank you so much for this post! I have a bunch of Flip’s and seriously was just about to click “purchase” on a whole order for newborn prefolds and covers when I googled your post. You saved me at least $100!!! 🙂
Inspired by this…I judt tried the Flips on my 7 pound 3 ounce 2 week old and they do fit! He still has his umbilical cord so I’m going to wait until that has fallen off to start using these in case they rub against it, but that should only be a few more days (hopefully). 🙂
I love those covers! Not much fits my little one! Those are adorable, and what a great fit!
I had my son on December 5th and he weighed 5lbs 4ozs. He now weighs 5 lbs 14ozs and the Flip is WWWAAAAYYYY to bulky unfortunately. So now I am at the drawing board until he is obviously 7-8 lbs. Therefore you starting using them just in time.;-)
Those look great! I love my Flip and Econobum covers, but wasn’t sure how they’d fit a newborn. Now I see that they truly would work, and that I could recommend them to others.
That’s awesome!
I’m so excited! I purchased both econobum and flip … I thought to myself, “surely, I won’t be able to use them for a while … they’ll be too big for a tiny newborn” but WOW … I can’t wait to try them out when our baby arrives early March! Thanks!
oh my gosh. i am drooling on my keyboard! LOVE those legs! really makes me sad how fast they grow. flip is a favorite of mine. i haven’t tried econobums and assumed the covers were the same. guess not. the econobum cover looks alot like the kissaluvs onesize cover…as far as i can tell in these pics.