Free Cloth Diaper Week: Baby Gifts
September 9, 2010 3:41 pm
Congratulations, Kelly Sherretz, you won a free Econobum trial pack and wet bag! She posted her answer on our Facebook wall:
“Clothes line, reusable bags, and clean with vinegar”
Oh baby, we have more free cloth diapers to give out! What is your favorite gift to give at a baby shower?
The random winner from all Facebook, Twitter and blog responses will receive a bumGenius 4.0 cloth diaper and one each of our five bumGenius Baby Legs: Dorothy, William, Henry, Olivia, and Rory.
I like to give matching baby gloves and socks in an assortment of colors, so they have some to match most outfits
I like to make baby shoes out of felt (especially for little girls!). They are so inexpensive to make but always the big hit of the day…
Very nice.We always try to find out the stuff for bebies which is very soft whethet it is baby clothes or baby shoes.The stuff should be soft and a bit loose.So that the beby feels delight in wearing them and enjoyed the dressing.
A Gift Card! It may seem like a cop out but I remember after bringing home my first LO I had to go back and forth to the baby store for items I didn’t know I needed and those gift cards really came in handy!
I like to give bath wash, lotion and towels and wash cloths!
A handmade baby quilt and some hand embroidered onesies.
If the mom plans to breastfeed, then a “Nursing Mommy Care Package,” stocked with nipple cream, nursing pads, storage bags, milk supply increasing tea, nutrition bars, etc. It was my favorite gift to receive when I was a new mommy!
“My Breastfriend” nursing pillow.
I often give cash with my suggestions of the best items I’ve found useful. It depends on who it is for though.
A baby basket of goodies, inluding a relaxing gift for mommy!
A scrapbook with baby pages and accessories ~ Children grow so fast, I like to capture every moment I can…
Baby legs they look so cute with cloth diapers!! I also like gifting boppy pillows, and sling carriers. Some of the most practical items I had with our babies. : )
Belinda Parker
I love giving homemade gifts! Tutus, stuffed animals, burp cloths. Whatever I can craft up!
I really haven’t been to too many baby showers, but the last one I went to I gave them bumGenius 3.0 one size and a set of prefolds with a cover. I loved the fact that another cloth diaper momma was added to the ranks!
Earth Mama Bottom Balm by Earth Mama Angel Baby and newborn prefolds
I love to get them some kind of cute out fit and diapers.
A super-soft baby blanket (I love minky!!!)
alana.m.whittaker at gmail dot com
BabyLegs and Miracle Blanket
i usually give hand decorated onesies and a crocheted hat in addition to something off their registry.
a swaddle blanket
Next to cloth diapers?! A boppy pillow!
Something personalized (if they know the babies gender/name) and a boppy nursing pillow!
For most baby showers, I love to give a Jellycats Bunny – either a Bunglie Bunny or a Bashful Bunny. These stuffed bunnies are so soft and squishy, perfect for a lovey.
Anything natural or organic that I know they need. We use all natural products for our babies so we know what to buy. *All the good stuff is at! We love your products! Thank you!
baby clothes in larger sizes since everyone else gives newborn and stuff mommy can use-like breast pads, lansinoh etc. Baby books are another one i like to give…
I would say dipes and wipes all the way! For someone I know well I love to make baby goodies like a blanket/bib/burp cloth set to go with the necessities.
a gift card to somewhere like target or amazon so they can get items no one has given them that they really need, or items they didn’t know they’d need until baby arrived. 🙂 OR something to pamper mom and baby from Burt’s Bees.
I always pick something off their registry. It’s nice to get the stuff that you picked out for your baby.
Aden and Anais swaddling blankets! You can use them for swaddling, breastfeeding cover ups, picninc blankets, and everything else you can think of.
jessicalrbyers @
If the mom is planning on breastfeeding I like to make a breastfeeding basket with Mother’s Milk tea, a reusable water bottle, a good book, some gossip magazines, lanolin, and breast pads.
Otherwise I like to buy receiving blankets and use them as fabric to make soft blocks and burp cloths out of.
I give babylegs and a custom made onesie, usually with the baby’s first initial.
I like to give the miscellaneous, indispensable items for life with a new baby, like outlet covers, breastmilk bags, and other not-so-fun stuff. I pile all the items in a basket and cover it with a huge bow. I think it helps the parents-to-be to have all bases covered for when baby arrives! I know it’s not fun, but it’s FUNctional!
wrap, sling, or structured carriers
and books – a book is always part of my gifts. 🙂
mcintosh dot kimberley at gmail dot com
I like to give something handmade which incorporates the theme in their nursery. I’ve given decoupaged toy box & storage boxes using photocopies of their bumper pad & quilt fabric. Something unique that I know they won’t get from someone else.
I like to give something just for mom…like a massage or mani/pedi and then something for baby too, maybe a couple books and a few “gift certificates” for free nights of baby sitting, free dinner delivered to your house, etc.
It’s always nice to give something off the registry. But, I always love to add something handmade like an embellished little onesie or two!
The Happiest Baby on the Block!
I love to give any older siblings a gift. For the baby, though, I love to give clothes in larger sizes – 9-12 months… so many people give tiny clothes but not larger!
Depends on the gal, I might get them something I think is a good idea off their registry like a bath or medical set or their chosen diaper bag. A close friend I might make a blanket or something else special for them.
a hand made bib and burp cloth from the Cuckoo’s Nest Clothing – so sweet and EXCELLENT quality.
ruthievincill at gmail dot com
I like to give practical items, such as wipes, prefold diapers to use as burp cloths, or breastmilk storage bags if they’re breastfeeding. Sometimes I make a baby quilt for them.
a wrap/sling! They are so helpful for newborns and tired mamas!
I Love to buy an outfit then crochet a matching baby blanket… I also like to give a small stuffed toy.. If the parents to be are going to cloth diaper then I give those and wet bags as well but if they are not then I don’t do diapers at all.. I also like to make receiving blankets and cloth wipes to match..
If they are having a girl, I LOVE to get them a girly outfit since I have boys and don’t get to buy cute girly clothes… if unknown or a boy, I usually get something off their registry.
I like to give a nursing cover, lanolin, and breast milk storage bags as a baby shower gift unless I know that they are not going to try to breast feed. I think that breast feeding goes along well with cloth diapering. My son is now 11 months old and we do both.
I love to give something handmade. It’s usually a baby blanket or a sweater and bonnet.
Arbonne baby set and a hand made blanket 🙂
If they are expecting a girl, I a girly dress and bows because I don’t have any girls and it’s my only chance to buy girly stuff. If it’s a boy, it varies. No matter the sex I get the mama something for recovery, like a good novel for those hours she’ll be sitting on the couch feeding a baby. 🙂
Babylegs and a copy of Baby 411