Free Cloth Diaper Week: Where Do You Live?
September 8, 2010 11:48 am
Our random winner of 3 Limited Edition color trim Econonbum clothdiaper covers is Holly Muth Kurozawa. She responded on our Facebook page:
“dark chocolate, and escobar chocolate from Mexico is THE BEST!!!”
Our next question, for a chance to win two free Flip cloth diaper covers and a pack of disposable inserts. What city do you live in? What local store should carry our bumGenius products?
We’ll choose a random winner from all Facebook, Twitter and blog responses in an hour.
I live in Winder, GA. I think the closest store here that carries your products is The Natural Baby in Watkinsville, GA
Near Charleston, SC and the Charleston Birth Place carries some BG products. I’d like to see it more local children’s boutiques, though.
I live in Broadway, VA right outside of Harrisonburg, VA. There is a new grocery store co-op, the friendly city coop opening soon in Harrisonburg that should carry your diaper products.
I live in Wendell, NC and I’m kinda out in the middle of nowhere. I would love to see Target carry your diapers in their stores. I am really in Need of some more Flip covers I love them and the new colors! (
Oh how I hope to get this one!! … I live in Jackson and I have to TRAVEL AN HOUR to get to a “local” store, but it is totally worth it! I go to Goores in Sacramento!
Conway NH Would love it if babies r us carried them in store!!
We have a store in the Seattle area called Mothering Grace that sells cloth diapers and accessories but she doesn’t carry bumGenius products. I once told her that I wish she carried Flips…
alana.m.whittaker at gmail dot com
I live STL and go to CB.
St. Louis!!! We are lucky enough to have the retail store 10 minutes away!!
amandaleighweiler at gmail dot com
oh and my e-mail is
I’m in Springfield, MA. I’d love to be able to by them at our local Babies R Us….
I’m in St. Louis, so I go to the Cotton Babies store! 🙂
I live in Madison, WI and think it would be fabulous if the willy street co-op sold bum genius products. What would be even better though is if Cotton Babies would open a retail store here!
decatur IL, Target….It’s less than two minutes from my house!!!! It would be so fabulous to be able to go down the street to get some BG’s!!….then again maybe not…I’d be broke all the time haha!
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Dallas, Tx- the Changing Station is the most fabulous diaper shop in Cedar Hill, Texas where I’ve purchased your products.
Nashua, IA – Peekaboo Baby in Cedar Falls or Target.
I live in Cibolo, Tx. which is not very far from San Antonio, Tx. and we just love Eden’s Baby! 🙂
I live in Grand Rapids, MI. TipToes in Holland DOES carry your products. I can’t really think of any stores that would sell diapers that don’t already carry bumGenius products!
I live in Norfolk, NE, ok, Stanton, just outside of Norfolk. Either way, unless Wal-Mart or Target are potential carriers.
I’m starting an online store:!/pages/Stanton-NE/Just-For-You-Wood-Crafts-Fabric-Crafts/145932475447509?ref=ts
My husband does custome Oak Furniture and I’m trying to increase awareness in this area of CD’ing and BF’ing by making nursing covers, wet bags, slings, baby blankets, etc. If we ever “take off” I’d LOVE to carry your products. But for now, I do my shopping online.
Paso Robles, Ca. Personally I think we should have an entire store dedicated to cloth diapers… but in the interim Mollywoggs should:)
North Florida needs some kind of retail store! i would also love to see them in target or somewhere large that could carry lots of options!
Raleigh, NC -SmartMama
Huntsville, AL – it’d be great if local retailers would carry them! Such as Target, Walmart, etc!
I live in Springfield, MA and Sisters’ Kids should carry bumGenis products!!
I’d love to see them in our local Target (Redmond, WA)
jdeemarie @
Austin, TX. We used to have a great store called Austin Baby that carried them, but they have closed :(. Maybe Nursing and Maternity? They have a limited supply of cloth diapers.
trob4 at hotmail dot com
I live near providence, RI. Mod Mama would be a great place to carry your diapers!
Minneapolis, MN (the land of 10,000 lakes!!…it’s actually a lot more than that, and many of them are named things like “Devil’s Lake” or “Crooked Lake”.) I think your dipes would sell like hotcakes at Target stores, especially around here!
Tallahassee, Fl and Best Beginnings should!
Springfield, MO — I think we are getting our first cloth diaper store soon and they do carry bumGenius.
Asheville, NC- and all our local stores already carry BumGenius!
watertown ny, target would be a good store
Lansing, MI~ I wish Meijer would carry them.
The Willy Street Co-Op and Wild Child in Madison, WI
ruthievincill at gmail dot com
I live in St. Louis and we are lucky to have the Cotton Babies retail store here.
I’m just outside of Syracuse, NY and it would be great if a place like Target carried your products!
I live in Cincinnati and am lucky b/c @Park+Vine already does!
I live in Omaha. I can’t find any stores that carry bumGenius diapers, but it would be nice to have one that does.
Grand Forks, ND – Adley Annes is our only baby boutique, so I guess they should!