Genius Gear Giveaway!
September 20, 2011 1:33 am

For today’s Tuesday giveaway, we are continuing the fun from our announcements last week. For those who have been around the cloth diapering industry for a while, you may already know that the All Baby and Child Expo will begin later this week. ABC Kids Expo is a trade show for the juvenile products industry and Cotton Babies is proud to be a part of it. Not only do we demonstrate our bumGenius, Flip and Econobum products to retailers, but our Cotton Babies buyer travels the expo hall to find great new products to bring to you, both online and in our retail stores.
Each year, when we show photos from the show, our customers ask for the gear that our team wears to coordinate with our show theme. This year, we’ve invited you to participate from home even before the show starts. Be sure to check out our “I’m a genius” cold cups, travel mugs and t-shirts.
This week’s winners will each receive a free I’m a Genius t-shirt and their choice of a cold cup or travel mug. To enter, leave a comment below telling us what is the most genius thing you’ve ever done. We’ve all had at least one great moment in life, so share with us what you are proud of and what makes you a genius.
Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Central time, Wednesday, September 21, 2011. One entry per household, please. U.S. Residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn at random following close of contest and notified via e-mail. (Please make sure Cotton Babies staff can see your e-mail in your comment or through your Blogger profile page. Note: there may be some delay in winner notification and shipping as several of the Cotton Babies team will be at the show.)
It might not be the MOST genius thing I’ve done, but I thought it was smart when I made a make-shift “belt” for my skinny 2 year old by twisting 2 twist-ties through his belt loops. I felt smart, anyway 🙂
krista at playdatecrashers dot com
Nice blog . I really enjoy visit your blog. very informative info on this blog
One of my genius moments was choosing to not just cloth diaper, but to ditch the diaper service and buy our own stash. I will never again be caught in a snow storm without diapers!
The most genius thing I’ve done is continuing down the road to becoming a mom and not listening to the doctor who said it would not happen. I have a perfect Little Man who is now 18 months old and the joy of our lives!
kddhall at yahoo dot com
i have an HE washer, the most genious thing i’ve done is utilize my unused jacuzzi and a agitator for my pro soak/wash for my diapers!
The “most genius” I did was marry my wonderful husband 9 years ago to this day. We had nary a dime. Today, we have two beautiful children who are the best people we know, and we have managed to remain debt free.
The most genius thing I’ve ever done: go bumGenius, of course!
Creating an awesome little person! Can’t get more genius than that!
The most genius thing I have ever done is…
take my time and wait to become a parent until I was responsible enough to be a parent who is present. I am by no means a perfect parent, but feel secure in my decisions and trust my instincts.
The best thing I’ve ever done is leave my home to travel 3000 miles to a different country (America) to go to college. It led me to Maine, which led me to Virginia, where I met my husband (to-be at that point). Since then, I’ve gone to grad school, married, and now we have a bumGenius-wearing little munchkin. :~)
Genius moment? Deciding to become a parent. Well, I’m not sure genius is the right word, but it’s definitely the most rewarding (and most trying! ;))
Being a mommy. I am a young mom, 23. I have never done anything better, and it is the most important job that I do/have. I wouldn’t trade any stressful, crazy, hair-pulling moment for anything in the world. When my baby boy smiles at me, I know that the decision my husband and I made to be parents was the most genius decision we have ever made and will ever make! I am forever changed for the better 🙂
My latest genius move was the decision to rent out our house for Texas A&M home football games. We currently have our house on the market and are moving into our new house in 2 weeks. It is hard to get excited about moving to the new house knowing we still own this one, but renting it out only on the weekends to fellow trustworthy aggies(and I booked out in 36) has given us peace of mind for a few more months!!
pick me, pick me!
The most genius thing I’ve done was doing really really well on the LSAT. Although I never used it…
I’ve done a lot of dumb things, but I’m probably most proud of my 5 kids and that I took the leap to stay home and raise them rather than send them to daycare for somebody else to
beccasboutiquebows at gmail dot com
My genius idea was the realization in high school that every one was just as self absorbed as I was. Therefore no one really cared what I wore, etc. They were more worried about how others thought of them. It was a liberating thought.
angiedkelly at gmail dot com
The smartest thing I have ever done is to associate myself with positive people. Surrounding yourself with good people makes you a happier person, who can take on anything!
smartest thing I’ve done is become a mom!
Most genius thing I’ve ever done? I switched to cloth diapers when I saw that disposables were having blow outs and causing diaper rash.
I’ve done plenty of smart things in my life but this by far was the smartest as it has improved life twenty-fold for our family!
My genius moment happened this July, after the birth of our third child. With support from my family, I became a stay at home mom! Though my work in child care was incredibly rewarding, nothing compares to being at home with my three sweet-heart babies!
The most genius thing I’ve ever done was marrying my husband who is the best husband and father to our 2 beautiful children!
My genius moment was after getting laid-off 2.5 years ago, going back to school. As life is wont to be, by the time I graduated with my addictions counseling degree, we had been placed with our daughter. So while I found a career I am passionate about, I have not yet worked in the field, because I am a SAHM to my most awesome baby girl. Soon enough I will have a chance to fulfill all my needs, but right now, it’s all about the girl.
that’s easy, Ive had 4 pure genius moments in my life- they were deciding to bring each of my 4 beautiful, amazing children into this world. Being a Mother is the most rewarding and challenging thing i could ever pursue. I am grateful each day for the opportunity i have to foster growth and learning in 4 of our world’s citizens.
The most genius thing I’ve ever done was to go to the Air Force Academy and joined the Air Force to serve our great nation!
The most genius thing I’ve done was really God working in me. Converting to the Catholic faith has shaped everything else in my life and led to many more genius moments.
floscarmeli at gmail dot com
The most Genius thing I ever did was join my local Moms Club. I stayed at home with my first child and I really loved it but I really needed adult time. I considered going back to work to get adult time but then I joined Moms Club. I got to know some wonderful friends and my kids all get to socialize with other kids.
The most genius thing I’ve ever done is marry my amazing hubby and start our loving family. They both challenge me everyday but I wouldn’t change a thing :)!!
Marrying my husband!
The most genius thing I’ve done is switch careers after my kids were born – I love my new job and I can work from home too.
The most genius thing I did was to have the guts to call this guy 20 years ago and not wait for him to call me! I had always been so shy, but something made me be a bit forward and ask him out. That guy is now my husband of 14 years and we’ve been together for 20 years with 2 beautiful children to show for it. So go ahead, push yourself to go outside of your box!
The most genius thing I’ve done is marry my husband-he’s made me a better person and helped me bring our little one into this world! Definitely genius! 🙂
Most genius moment? When I realized that becoming a mom does not mean that I have to give up everything I was before I became a mom too. Sometimes moms need some “me” time too.
The most genius thing I have done was choose to be a stay at home mom. It is financially straining, but I love being home with my boys!
The most genius thing I’ve ever done is marry my amazing husband and make 2 beautiful babies with him. Without my wonderful family, I don’t know where I’d be.
The most genius thing I’ve done (so far) is to stay at home with my sweet little boy. While it has made some things more difficult for our family, it has made others much easier and has made us all much happier.
steigerwaldlaura at gmail dot com
The smartest, and most rewarding thing I’ve done to date is make the initial appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist. We did IUI, then went straight to IVF. I am now 35 weeks pregnant with 2 little miracles.
Next smartest things- deciding to live a more frugal life so I can stay home with them, and living a more green life so that they inherit healthy habits and a healthy planet.
The most genius thing I’ve ever done aside from getting my Computer Science degree, is deciding to breastfeed my children. Once I made that decision there was NOTHING that could possibly change my mind. Having made that decision makes me feel much like a genius!
My most genius moment was giving birth to my daughter. All natural, no medications or interventions. Hardest thing I’ve ever had to do but so worth it in the end. The ultimate rite of passage!
Though marrying my husband and having my children and quitting my job to stay home are all smart choices, I would say that one of my genius moments was realizing the value of having close, multi-age women friends. I used to think I could do it all and do it all on my own–now I know I can’t. I am a much better mom and wife because of the wisdom of other women.
The smartest thing I ever did was leave my soul crushing cubicle job, jump into the unknown and return to graduate school to become a therapist working with survivors of sexual trauma and domestic violence.
The second smartest thing is that when I got pregnant and became a stay at home mom, I started a project from my dining room to raise money and awareness about the same issues. (
The smartest thing I have ever done was to allow myself perspective. Take a step back in all your situations you deal with and allow yourself time to process it as you and as the others. It makes resolution so much faster and better for all parties involved.
The most genius thing I’ve ever done is two-fold. I cloth diapered my little man from birth, which is the first part. But because his little bum was so sensitive he wouldn’t go more than 2 days without a rash. A lot of times it would turn into a yeast rash. None of the over-the-counter remedies worked so I invented my own.
After a lot of reading coupled with trial and error, I came up with Magic Bum. It’s an all natural, cloth diaper safe diaper rash treatment and preventative that works great for both regular and yeast diaper rashes. It also works for eczema too!
We just filed a patent on Magic Bum last week and to date we’ve helped about 100 babies get rid of their diaper rashes without the use of chemicals and petroleum jelly. My hubby and I are both chemists so we understand how important it is to keep chemicals away from our little ones. Magic Bum helps us do just that. We’re extremely proud of this and can’t wait to help even more babies.
I think that’s pretty genius. 🙂
My genius moment? Taking a chance on a man I had been with for less than a month & starting our wonderful family 🙂
The smartest thing I have done (and am still doing) is researching the major decisions I make regarding my baby… this is how we left him intact, starting using cloth diapers, and became natural parents.
Most genius thing I have done is deciding to stay at home with my baby boy so that I do not miss a thing with him!
The most genius thing I’ve done is get flushable diaper liners. Now cleaning up poopy diapers is so much easier!!!
The most genius thing that I have done is cutting back on work to enjoy the children. They are only little for a small amount of time.
Most genius thing I have done is marry my genius husband and make a genius baby boy who wears bumgenius diapers! katrisha.hawks at gmail dot com
OOPs forgot my email. One more time:
Smartest thing I have ever done was say “I do” to my wonderful husband. I am the most blessed woman I know.
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the most genuis thing i i have done wsas to become natural INFORMED parent!!!!!
The smartest thing I ever did was to leave the country for the big city. It was an absolutely horrible year, but it made me realize how wonderful small town living is… and that I’m a country girl at heart! It taught me a lot about myself.
The grass really isn’t always greener on the other side, but it’s something you have to figure out for yourself!
jenmoldham at gmail dot com
I had a genius moment in second grade that taught me a lot of great lessons. My teacher ran a mini-economy (play money, rent the desks, run some sort of business…). I chose to run a business that was essentially a gambling game. I made a lot of money, caused the teacher to change the rules (to no gambling!), and I’ve never gambled, played slots, or bought a lottery ticket since. I learned that the house always wins!
My “genious” moment arrived when I finally decided to stop being the troubled teen who lashed out a lot and was dabbling in drugs and negative influences. I went to college, got married, and became a mommy to my beautiful babies! I became the person I wanted to be.
Recently we went to a restaurant that didn’t have high chairs and had REALLY tall tables. I tied my 13 month old to a chair using a ring sling and a scarf that were floating around in my car. She couldn’t go anywhere, and she could join us at the table. People thought it was amazing. 😀 alicia morris 2008 at gmail dot com
The most genius thing I have ever done is put God as the center of my life, our marriage and family:) Everything else just falls into place.
Skcontreras @
The most genius thing I ever did was leave my insurance adjusting job and go back to get my teaching credential. Much more rewarding job, and I get summers with my boys!
dmoretti1967 at yahoo dot com
Marrying my husband and having our son together are my genius moments. He’s our legacy!
The most genius thing I ever did was deciding to be a stay at home mom! I love that I am able to be the one raising my sweet 8 month old boy and not a daycare. It gives me the opportunity to breastfeed and cloth diaper him. If he were in daycare that might have not been possible. Babies are babies for such a short time, lets enjoy them!
My 4 year old thinks I should be an angel for Halloween because he thinks his mommy is so sweet and good. 🙂
my most genius moment for me was a no brainer. a surprise pregnancy on treatment drugs and a dr who asked if i would like “other options”. Heck no! I have a wonderful, healthy, vibrant almost 2 year old. sometimes being a genius is just listening to your heart 🙂
My genius moment was knowing that I want and will do best for my children. Who cares what societal norm is!
Smgrizzard @ hotmail dot com
I can think of plenty of dumb things that I have done over the years, but I think the smartest thing I’ve done is marry my husband. He keeps me grounded while still letting me dream.
Feeling pretty stupid that I can’t think of a genius thing I’ve done. I suppose having the guts to quit my job was the smartest thing I’ve done, because it has really opened doors for our family.
Genius = stay at home mom and cloth diapering! I love my life!!
Decide to clothe diaper. It is so simple.
The most genius thing I ever did was decide to stay home with my baby! Even though its a big financial sacrifice, I am so happy! And of course bumGenius diapers help us spend less each month (that’s pretty genius!!)
The most genius thing I ever did was to become a fire fighter. 🙂 As a stay at home mom and homeschooling the oldest I am a better Mommy with that little bit of adult conversation/stress relief in my week. My marriage is also better as my husband is also a fire fighter and we got to spend time together and understand what the other is going through. (If you ask him, the best anniversary present ever was both being at the same house fire and getting to fight it together.) Incidentally, my kids are safer with all the medical knowledge that we know and proper car seat installation etc. I can also proudly say that over 3000 kids are also safer because I have taught them fire safety.
Breatfeeding. Even though its the natural thing,I did have to make the choice to do it!
For me, it is becoming a wife and mother.
My genius moment – kissed my best friend at a party about 11 years ago. As odd as that may sound for a genius moment, it’s lead me to everything I have now. 2 amazing kids (thoughts of 1 or 2 more), an amazing husband that provides us with anything (including helping me be a stay at home mom to our children…), a natural parenting lifestyle, thoughts of homeschooling… silly how blessed I’ve become from one kiss. 🙂
The most genius thing I’ve ever done was buy a hybrid car. My Prius averages 58 mpg. Woo hoo to saving money!
my genius moment? Teaching my children the value of love, life, and each other… and seeing those teachings come to fruition. Like last week when my oldest (4 1/2) saw someone changing a disposable diaper. He shook his head and said, why do you want that to sit on the earth forever? It’s not pretty. Then his sister added (3 yr old): And it does not smell good. ha! And they’re both right!
The most genius thing I’ve ever done is realizing that it doesn’t do any good to worry about all of the possibilities the future may hold and instead live in the circumstances of today with the goal of raising wonderful children so that when the future arrives we are prepared for anything it throws at our family 🙂
the most genius thing I ever did……. was hmmm
convincing hubby to have my son! 🙂
This is going to sound canned, but honestly one of the smartest things I’ve ever done is start cloth diapering from birth. It has saved my family a ton of money, not to mention all the other benefits. Happy to say CottonBabies has been a huge help along the way.
I’m a genius for starting my green living blog. It wasn’t really planned, but it has been a labor of love ever since it began. It reaches out to people and makes an impact. I am so proud of it!
I love the new cold cup btw!!!
myecoblog at gmail
The most “Genius” thing we’ve chosen is to raise our child with an organic diet and wear cloth diapers. She is happier and healthier and has a leg up on the rest of her “class”. My next Genius Move: I am excited to be going to St. Louis in a week and getting to shop at the Cotton Babies store!
calcmonkey at gmail dot com
The most genius thing I’ve ever done was marry my husband and start a family with him. We have 6 beautiful children (some of them cloth diapered;) so far and I have never regretted that decision once 😉
I had a genius moment the other day. While stumbling around in the dark in the wee hours of the morning hunting for a pacifier for a screaming baby, I thought, “I bet if I pull the crib out from the wall, there are some stuck behind the railing.” Sure enough, out popped 3 pacifiers. *Sigh*
The most genius thing I did was marry my husband and move from the city to the country. Everything here is so calm and quiet and everyone is friendly. now up in the city where I used to live there are murders every few days and I think wow I was a genius tomove here because if not who knows if id even be alive!
The smartest thing I ever did was quit working to stay home with my girls! I have loved getting to know them better. This is truly a joy! I am so happy I get to be with these two amazing people so much now.
The most genius thing I’ve ever done is easily gonna be switching to cloth diapers!
The most genius thing I’ve ever done… I decided that only I have the right to choose my mood! Just that simple thought process helps me in every role I play in my life! Mommy, wife, daughter, etc. Simplify!!
raising cain at live dot com
The most genius thing I have ever done is to marry my first ever boyfriend! He is the most amazing husband, member of the military, and the best father to our beautiful children!
Thrushdk at gmail dot com
I gave my husband a chance. I never gave out my phone number to random people, but when we met I broke my rule. 🙂
Best decision ever. 🙂
The most genius thing I have done is enroll back in college full time after having my daughter. I have so much more motivation to finish my degree because I know I’ll be able to provide her with so much more if I have a degree.
elizabethernst413 at gmail dot com
The most genius thing I’ve ever done is when I was willing to go on a first date with the person who is now my spouse. After 10 years together, we’re expecting our baby this fall!
My genius moment was choosing to give birth to our second child in the comfort of my own home. Without the constant interruptions from hospital staff, unnecessary interventions, and arguments about hospital protocols, I was able to plan a quiet and joyous birth. Holding that 9lb baby in my arms in my own bed is the crowning glory of my mothering career.
i don’t know if i’d call it genius, or more of an ‘ah ha!’ moment that i realized how many of the ‘things’ we think we need to raise children are just a waste of money and resources. babies require little more than to be clean, fed, and loved! and if i can do that, save money, and not create tons of trash, why not?
Marrying my husband was genius! He is my best friend and an amazing father to our kids and husband to me. I couldn’t have found a better guy!
The most genius thing I’ve ever done? Decide that the only person I have any control over is ME. 😀
The most genius thing I’ve done is just being a “natural” parent overall, especially the switch to cloth and BFing for this long:)
The smartest thing I’ve ever done was move away from my toxic and traumatizing childhood 2,000 miles to start a new life with my husband. My relationships with my parents are much better, but I don’t think I would be the person I am today without my husband’s support and love!
Switching to cloth diapers/trainers. Disposables are bad for so many reasons, but the cost is what was killing us.
The most genius thing I’ve ever done is become a wife and mother. There is nothing more amazing than that! Seeing the world through my children’s eyes reminds me every day how smart I was to have them!!
I like to think I’ve had a number of genius moments, from marrying my husband, teaching in an underresourced school, earning two masters degrees, and choosing to cloth diaper (especially after this last diaper change – thank God for my Bumgenius 4.0! Another outfit saved). But as I am about to go get my 13 month old daughter from her nap, I know I am going to be greeted with the biggest smile ever, and I know that she is the most genius thing I have done so far.
elishafrumkin (at) yahoo dot com
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The smartest thing I’ve ever done….that’s a tough one! probably educated myself on the importance of car seat safety. This should be a no brainer, but many many parents are unaware of just how important it is to follow the manuals instructions to a T and to rearface as long as possible and then harness as long as possible. I’ve unfortunately been in a couple of accidents (not my fault) with my kids and none of them have had ANY injuries. Meanwhile, I’ve had to have therapy after a couple of them despite wearing my seatbelt. Protecting them in the car is the smartest thing I do!
My genius idea…..never quiting college! I waddled around campus for 9 months, delivered during spring break and graduated with a 9 month old. I’m so proud to tell my son I never quit with the help of his dad (my hubby).
The most genius thing I ever did was take control of the finances from my husband, and prepare us for baby raising on the cheap, which definitely included cloth diapering our boy!
smartest thing? learn how to deal with MY problems on MY terms. It’s a recent revelation based on a new level of stress in my life and it’s life-changing for sure! I’m a much better person for it to boot!
The smartest thing I ever did was marry my husband, because he gave me the second smartest thing I’ve ever done – had kids!
The most genius thing I ever did was have my sweet babies and decide to switch to cloth diapers with them.
popita624 at gmail dot com
The smartest thing I’ve done is to let go of little things and try to see others’ perspectives. My husband is normally in charge of the dishes. He didn’t wash the dishes last night, which frustrated me until I remembered that he was holding the baby pretty much from the time he walked in the door until he went to bed.
The smartest thing I’ve ever done is become a “natural parent”– some might refer to me as a crunchy momma…. Just trying to feed my son natural or organic products, cloth on his bum, breastfed as long as I could. My family doesn’t support the lifestyle but I know it’s what’s best for him. DanaLKroh at gmail dot com
The smartest thing I have ever done was stay at my current job when I felt like I was not getting anywhere. I got promoted to office manager anf was able to bring my sweet baby to work for 6 months. Which made for an amazing 6 months.
amanda dot aynes at gmail dot com
The most genuis thing i have done is marry my dh! We have made it through so much together including the loss of a baby and we are still going strong. He is my soul mate!
Tvpg at aol dot com
I think the smartest thing I’ve ever done was marry my husband! He’s given me more than I could have ever dreamed! Most importantly the 3 little ones we have & the opportunity to stay home from work and be their mommy!
I’ve done a lot of really stupid things, it would be easier for me to answer that! But the smartest thing I probably ever did was take a chance on a job overseas in a country where I knew nobody, it changed my life in every possible way. And a close second was probably choosing to cloth diaper my second, because we have saved a massive amount of money and we have barely left any landfill in our wake!
Deciding to follow my husband wherever he went, and being a full partner with him is the smartest thing I’ve ever done. We are good as individuals, but together we make great decisions, and adorable, bum genius loving babies!
The smartest thing I ever did was leave my run-down hometown and go to college. It was scary, but my life has improved ten-fold. I am now married to an amazing man and am about to give birth to my first bumGenius-wearing baby. 🙂
I LOVE that cold cup!
As my sweet, thoughtful, totally grown up 3 year old and my adorable newborn sleep upstairs, I think… genius? yep, having them is the smartest thing I’ve ever done.
cntrygrllam (at) aol (dot)com