Happy Mom’s Week!
May 10, 2010 8:57 pm
Our first Mom’s Week Event was a PILE of giveaway diapers during the Twitter chat (the chat is going on right now) at http://www.tweetchat.com/room/clothdiapers.
- Giveaway #1 went to a random #clothdiapers participant
- Giveaway #2 went to Susie Pearson. She guessed what the original logo colors were and why we chose them.
- Giveaway #3 was a fairy gift to a momma on Twitter who wanted to try Flip.
- Giveaway #4 is going to a special momma who tweeted a photo of her baby wearing bumGenius, Flip or Econobum.
- Giveaway #5 went to a random fan of Flip Diapers!
- Giveaway #6 is going at 10:30 to random commenter on this blog post (you must follow the blog too to be eligible to win).
And then I think I might need to be done for the night! Phew! This has been a busy evening! Have fun following and commenting!
Check back tomorrow for our Tuesday event during “Mom’s Week” at Cotton Babies.
I hope Im not too late….PICK ME!
I love my new flip diapers that I ordered from cottonbabies!
I just converted to cloth this week… talk about a journey! Would love any help at building the stash for my 8 month old!
So glad I found this blog! I <3 my Flip, as well as all my Cloth Dipes 🙂
I love fluff!
Pick me!!! The diaper will go to my pregnant friend that (I think) I convinced to CD!
Just sold my used BG 3.0 and switched to Flip. Love ’em!!
Darn… missed the tweet party, but would love a chance to win here!
PS.. i think you should come out with a clemintine FLIP 😀
I am a follower!
So… this is where I comment to enter Giveaway #6, right?
I love my BG diapers!
I follow this blog and would love to win!
Cloth diapering momma of three over here! pick me please!
Love the cloth diapers…I thought my wife was crazy, but you helped her to prove me wrong.
I follow your blog and loooooove Cotton Babies!
pick me!
I am a follower and hope to use flips on my upcoming arrival. I am looking forward to trying these out!
It’s amazing how addicting cloth diapers are. Yay bg for making the cloth diapering world so accessable. Keep up the great work!
random commenter who follows your blog 🙂
I’m a follower of the blog and a FB fan. I’m hoping to try the organic Flip as a nighttime dipe. We’re also going to try Flips while traveling!
Im a follower! I would LOVE to try the flip!!!!:)
I don’t see a winner posted, so is it too late?
I follow pick me!! 😀
bummer, didn’t realize you guys were doing anything this week, just thought it was the one contest, and I missed the chat! Hi from Metro East anyway! ‘waving’
I am a follower and just started my cloth diaper journey a week ago. So excited to be cloth diapering!!!
flips are why we started cloth diapering. we love them! i never knew you could love a diaper, lol.
Yay! I love Cottonbabies!
Yay! I love Cottonbabies!
You guys are so generous!
I follow too. Oh pick me! 😀
I follow! Am I too late? What time zone is the giveaway in?
Are we still in the game? I do love my BGs, and so does my hubby, that makes them priceless! Am looking forward to trying the Flip!
I’m following! Love your giveaways! They’re so fun!!! 🙂
following, and it’s my bday….
Hope it’s not too late…I follow!
I’m a new follower and I bought our first pack of Flips today! PICK ME!
I follow! Need more diapers for our little guy due in September! Crossing fingers! =)
I follow… pick meeeee pleeeeeeeeeease!
Me! Me!
I’m a follower and I have three babies full time in BG AIO’s. I’d LOVE to win!
I hope I win! 🙂
i follow and would love to win 🙂
follower and I’d love to win!
I agree Kristin, the tush is so cute in cloth! My daughter is rocking her BG right now 🙂
I’m a follower!! BG’s & Flips are pretty much all my twins use!! Pick me!:)
I am a follower of this blog and on facebook. We LOVE our Flip diapers but we need more! Awesome giveaways this week by the way. Hope I get picked!
I am a follower and I love, love, love Cotton Babies! My son is wearing his BG one-sized in bed right now. 🙂 Thank you for all these fun contests you are doing!
Love my fips. Love cotton babies more and more each day!! Thanks for such a great product!
love you guys! thanks for diapering so many the fluffy bottoms all over the world!
Congrats to a fellow twin mom!
i follow your blog, and i love my flips!!!
You guys are fabulous! I love showing off my BG diapers to all my friends, so far I have converted 2 of my BFF’s to cloth diapering. Now I need to work on my cousin who will be ttc in the next few months!
congratulation to the winner!!!
Congrats!! I was so close!!
Love, love, LOVE my BG one-size AIO organic diapers! They rock! And, never liked sized diapers until I got a BG sized. Just as good and a great fit. I would love to win another BG diaper. =)
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I <3 Bum Genius!!
Love my 3.0’s for the past 1.5 years and counting!
Still crossing fingers, toes, and changing last dipe of the night
The winner (picked very scientifically by scrolling my screen with my eyes closed and pointing to a random comment)… is
Cutest Twins Ever @ 10:07PM!!
Congratulations, mama!
Pick me please. Welove are BG AIO that’s all we use
Oh I need some more cloth diapers!!! Pick me and my daughter will thank you!
Pick me! I love my bum genius 3.0s and organic AIOs!
I would love to win something one of these days 🙂
ooooohhhh… I’m a follower and want to win!
It’s 10:30! Ready for a winner?!
WOOHOO!!! I hope I win ONE of the contests. I am now following and I LOVE your diapers. PICK ME PICK ME! My son looks so dang cute in your diapers.
Ooooh, is it true that the Flip diapers are awesome for overnight? When my kids reach 15-16 months, they can no longer do cloth overnight and I don’t know what to do about it. I’ve tried so many different things, but they always wake up wet. My current 16-month-old sleeps for 12+ hours, so maybe there’s nothing that can be done. I would love to get rid of disposables forever around here (for the environment and the cost).
I have 2 sets of twin boys…3 years old and almost 8 months and we have decided to make the switch to cloth diapering! I am so excited and am trying to build up my stash! I love BG and Cotton Babies and would love to win a free diaper to add to my growing collection. With two babies, I can use all the help I can get!! 🙂
BG Mommy!
Following this blog! What a great night for lots of give aways…Thanks CB!
I’m a follower!!
I have twins that were born at 26 weeks. We cloth diaper and use BG and LOVE them! Yay for cloth diapers!
Pick me
I love BG diapers and with two in diapers I need all the help I can get. 🙂
Wow, what a great night with all the give aways.
Now a follower — yay for BG cloth diapers!
I’m on pregnancy bed rest now for over 2 months..I’m pregnant with baby #4! She keeps wanting to come out early! (I think she is just too excited to wear her PINK bumgenius cloth diapers! What do you think? 🙂
I follow your blog!
3 minutes left until 10:30…I hope I’m not too late!
I’ve already converted 3 of my “real life” friends to bumGenius diapers, and I’ve converted at least 5 other “message board friends” to bumGenius diapers. I love spreading the word on how easy cloth diapering can be.
Thanks for this giveaway, I’m working on a CD stash for my sister!
I love my 3.0’s!!!!
I am so thrilled with all of the information you gals have put together regarding cloth diapering. I’m brand new to the game and it has been so, so helpful! Gee *hint, hint* this would be a great way for me to try Flip!
Please pick me! I’m new to all of this & would LOVE another diaper! My 7 month old baby girl would love you!
I {heart} my bumGenius. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love my Bumgenius!!!! (And my Bumgenius baby!)
How exciting! You have been busy! I am a follower of this blog and FB. Not twitter just because I don’t have an account with them! 😉 good luck everyone! 🙂
I have a collection of 30+ bumGenius diapers. I want to buy more, but I don’t have a good excuse to, especially since one of my two kids is in underwear now. Maybe I should get pregnant again? 😛
i love cotton babies! new to cloth diapering and totally addicted. 😀
follower gosh id love to win
<3 bumGenius
Pick me pick me!!!
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I’m following! I love my 3.0s!
I LOVE Bumgenius! It’s the only diaper I will put on my 10 month old.
I LOVE the flip diaper and would love to try other BumGenius diapers!
I am a follower! We are expecting in July and could most definitely use some give-a-ways. We are looking forward to using BG diapers and saving money!
I really want to switch my baby over to complete FLIP cloth diapers; especially after a few really bad diaper rashes because of disposables. I haven’t been able to buy more FLIP diapers because of some other financial problems we’ve encountered over the past few months. I would love to win!
This was my FIRST Mothers Day- would love to win!
BumGenius diapers are the perfect blend of convenience and savings that convinced my husband and I to give cloth diapers a try nearly 2 years ago. Thank you!
I’d love to win!
I am soooo all over this! I need new diapers for my new baby girl!
LOVE, love, LOVE my Cloth diapers by BumGenius. Will never go back to disposable 🙂
Getting to cloth diaper my second baby in bumGenius and that is all that is in my stash right now. I would love to have more or to try some flip diapers! Cloth diapers are the best.
I am a new follower too!
well who doesn’t love giveaways 😉
follower pick me!
What an awesome thing your doing! We love our BG’s!
I would love to win a flip organic! I’m a follower of this blog and LOVE my flip diapers (and cotton baby!)!!! 😀
I’d love to win. I LOVE bumGenius!!!
Ohhh my 4 month twins would love these!!!
I would love to win some free fluff!! We love our BG diapers!!!
I’m a follower, and I’d love to win!
Would love to win a flip, to wade into overnight Cd’ing!
I would love to win, I just started following your blog and I love my cloth diapers. We are on a very tight budget right now and using cloth diapers is one way that we are saving money. 🙂
Great giveaways. Thanks for the chance to win.
Me me! Pick me!!!!
Wow, you’re a busy mama. Love the bG!!! My little one is 10 months old and I can’t imagine him in disposable dipes. Every time we’re away on vacation or need to put on a disposable dipe, they always leak. Never the bG!
I would “flip” if I won! 😛
How exciting! Maybe I’ll win!!!
I am a follower, on twitter, the blog and facebook. The BG and Flip fit my little guy so well, they’re the comfiest for him, would love to have more 🙂
I’d love to try the Organic AIO!
I’m a follower and I love the blog and Cottonbabies!! 🙂
A pretty new diaper would be a perfect 1st birthday present for my beautiful little girl! 🙂
I absolutely love love LOVEEEE my bg’s!!! I’ve had them a year now and I always telling all my friends how great they are!!!!
Im a follower
I’m checking in late – but pick me! :=)
my wife would be so happy with me if i won this!
Love your blog!!! Thanks for a fun giveaway!!
I think I’m a follower and I have been wanting to try flip so bad! I need to revamp my stash as the pockets I currently have keep giving my boy a rash and he is in sposies at the moment 🙁
I’d love to win. It’s great you’re doing this.
A father and Son really love the 3.0… If not a winner tonight, may I suggest a Fathers day event? Ill send pics of our stash if anyone wants to see our favorites
I LOVE Cotton Babies! Phenomenal customer service! I would love a new diaper for my new summer arrival. = ))
I am a follower and received my BG’s as a gift and LOVE them, I have purchased more since!!
I too am a follower, and would love to win! 🙂 Thanks for the chance
I’m a follower! I love Bumgenius diapers and would LOVE to win one!! You guys are great!!
We switched to cloth diapers and I will NEVER go back to disposables! Besides my sons little tush looks so cute in his cloth diapers! 🙂
More Flips for my twins are always welcome!!! 😉
I’d love to win this!
How fun! I am in love with fluff!
blpore at yahoo dot com
Follwing, LOVE BG products here for years! Need more!
I didn’t even know about these giveaways today. I’m glad I signed on to twitter tonight! It was a fun time!
I’m a follower and love love love our BG Organic dipes. Always looking to get more!
Looks like I’m missing a fun night of chatting! So exhausted! Have fun and thanks for all you do for #clothdiapers!
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Amazing giveaway list! Thanks for the chance to enter!
stephanie at mynewlifeasmom dot com
It was my first twitter party. I loved it. Would love to win a BG product. They are the best.
I’m a follower and I would love a new dipe to add to my stash!!!
I had a great time tonight! And I still love my bumgenius. They were my first diaper and still my favorite after trying numerous brands!
What fun!
Yay for free diapers!
I have been wanting to try flips. I love the BG 3.0’s. Im sure these are awesome as well 🙂
I would love to win. Looks like u have been pretty busy . Mom_of_Owen@yahoo.ca
I’m a follower and I would LOVE to win! We’ve just had our first baby and have cloth diapered from the start… love the FLIPs for their portability, trimness and excellent sizing. BumGenius 3.0s are wonderful for The Daddy. Help us grow our stash, PLEASE! 😀
Oh My Holy Cow…. could it be me:) I am a cloth diaper freak!!!! Cant… Get …. enough 🙂
I am a follower and would love to win!
i follow. PICK ME! i adore BG 3.0
I would love to win! =)
We are 72 hours into cloth diapers thanks to your website. I hope iwe win, we are just building up our supplies.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I would love to win one 🙂
livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com
My sister is having a baby, and I can’t wait to make her a BG addict like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m a follower! Pick me please!
Pick me would love some new flips
This blog is awesome by the way!
I love giveaways! I had a lousy 1st mother’s day- this would really make it better.
I’m a follower and I would love to win! 🙂
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Hooray for giveaways!!! I’ve stuck to flats and thirsties covers, along with some other random hand me downs. I’d love to try something new…of course I just might like it TOO much, lol.
I’m a follower! I have 2 little girls (20 months and 1 month) in diapers now so it would be wonderful!
Giveaways are such a great idea on getting people hooked…I already want to buy more diapers. I need more diapers- cloth diapering two at the same time requires lots of cloth! 😛
i follow! i never win anything!
I’m a follower and definitely would love to win a freebee! Pick me, please! 🙂
Thanks so much for providing the fun giveaways! It has been fun chatting with everyone on Twitter and it’s fun to possibly win some cloth!
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I’m a follower!!
I am a follower too! =)
I’d love to win! New to CDing so anything will help!
I am a follower! I would LOVE to win…I’ve been cloth diapering my 3-week-old for a few days now and am loving it (I have BG AIO, Flip & Econobum in my stash!) I do need to build up my stash more!!
Thank you guys for doing these giveaways!! You’re awesome!!
P.S. You can pick me 🙂
am a follower of the blog
Thanks for the chat. It was fun! BGs are my favorite diapers in my 12 week old stash.
Yeah, hope to win!
We are loving our organic AIO’s. Have converted our entire stash (was Blueberry, Swaddlebees, and Fuzzibunz) over to Bumgenious organic AIO’s and some sized AIO’s for DH. Love, love, love the organic AIO’s!
Following now, Oh I’d love to win a flip, Ribbit is my Fav color from all the BG diapers.
First time here! Loooove me some BG’s! Using the OS Pockets I used for my first son for over 2 years on my 4 month old now. 🙂 And Flips…and AIO’s…and Bamboo Fitteds…*ahem*. 🙂
I follow your blog!
I really want to win some diapers…. please pick me…. pleaseeeeeeeeee
I am a follower and I love the Flip Diaper System!!!
Fun! Thanks for doing this. So exciting. BG Rocks!
I’m a follower!
I just have to add you are super sweet for all the giveaways!
Thanks for all of the give aways! Cloth diapering is now my way of life and I never want to leave. I want more babies, just so I don’t have to give up my CD!
me me me i <3 flips
1st time at a twitter party tonight, kind of confusing, but I’m trying!! New to CD too….it’s the effort that counts, right?!? 😛
You have been busy tonight! Hopefully the Twitter party helped encourage some new people to cloth diaper. I saw quite a few ‘first-time’ Twitter party participants and lots of great questions flying.
I’m a follower. Thanks for the fun giveaways!
I want to win! The look on my kids faces when we get fluffy mail is enough to make me enter. Needing more diapers is a great reason too! 😀
Can’t keep up with the TweetChat, but I’ll keep trying to win a diaper. 😛
I follow!
I am a follower and I LOVE Cotton Babies! Thanks for all of the giveaway opportunities – The contests are so much fun!! 🙂
kaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog now and would love to win!
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Follower 🙂 All these giveaways are so fun!!
follow! the twitter party was fun. 🙂
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It’s been fun! Thanks! 🙂 @graciekate
I’d be so glad to win a new CD for my baby girl..
I follow!! Wow what an awesome twitter chat this week. THanks for the chance.
This is my first tweet party. This is actually pretty neat and fun! WOOHOO!!!
I am a follower and I love love love my BGs!!! and Cotton Babies rocks!
Thanks for hosting the fun chat event! (I follow too.)
chalcedonia at gmail dot com
LOVE all the work you do Jenn! Cotton Babies rocks. Thanks for the giveaways!
I would love to win. I am working up enough of a stash to be able to cloth full time and never have to use disposables again
Woot! Love this fun party!
es1237 at gmail dot com
pick me pick me pick me pick me!! i want to win a diaper pleaseeeeeeee.
I’m a follower, and I LOVE Cotton Babies. PICK ME, PICK ME!!!