Happy Tuesday!
November 30, 2010 11:08 am

Happy Tuesday Cotton Babies fans! While you are waiting for the mail carrier to deliver your packages from last week’s sales, we thought we’d spread a little holiday cheer with some random giveaways.
We have a variety of prizes we’re giving away today, including our Cotton Babies 2011 calendar:

Good morning!
Well it’s midnight now and officially Wednesday. I wonder if any of my posts from now on will count?
I really like the snaps better than the aplix. Well the aplix is faster but it seems to wear out quickly on the 3.0’s. I don’t mind snaps and plan on having more babies that I want them to last through.
I am mailing a growing up in cloth return tomorrow. I am hoping to get enough credit to buy 12 4.0’s. I hope 24 3.0’s gets me enough!
I am drying my inserts right now. I can’t wait to get them out and stuff my BG 3.0’s!!! I would love to get a 4.0.
It doesn’t specify whether or not it ends at midnight. Facebook just says to just keep posting and the winners will be drawn in the morning.
I just updated my blog profile. I had no idea that no one could see it. So I decided to change my name while I was at it.
I am totally neglecting my other giveaway blogs to post here. Can you tell I REALLY want to win!
I always ask my daughter what color her diaper is. So tonight when I asked her what color it was she said “it’s a big white one mommy”. It was too cute. She said big because I layer a one size BG insert, a hemp babies doubler, and a flip stay dry insert(on top of course)all inside of an econobum cover.
I just might have to pull an all nighter, thats if I can find enough things to post.
I wonder if you have to post before midnight or if you can post up until they draw the random winner in the morning?
Lindsey said…
it’s still today where I live! Am I too late? 🙂
Nope you are not too late!
Jennifer said…
Could you ever have a “bad day” with such cute babies to look at???
I don’t think so. Everyday is a “good” day with babies in cloth!
it’s still today where I live! Am I too late? 🙂
Cute calendar! I <3 CottonBabies!
I can’t wait for my fluffy mail to get here!!! It shipped today! 🙂
Happy Tuesday! I love Cotton Babies!!
The 2011 calendar is so cute.
Super fun!
I’m anxiously awaiting my grab bag. I love surprises almost as much as I love cloth diapers.
I left my Flip review while I was here 🙂
Could you ever have a “bad day” with such cute babies to look at???
That calendar is *adorable*!!
Woohoo, entering 🙂
The babies in the calendar are super-cute! My 2nd child is due this Tuesday, 2 December, and I can’t wait to try out my Econobums!
I am really wanting my baby boy to have some baby leggings. They are so cute!
Yay for giveaways!
melissaleemarquis at yahoo dot com
I like the contemporary styling of your calendar, especially the block-print flowers on the middle right…Does something that have a future in the BG Artists series?!
I need me one of those calendars!
BG diapers are our traveling, never fail diaper!
Gotta be in it to win it! Thanks CB!
I’d love to win!
Gosh I wish my husband would let me have a face book account so I could enter there too. I guess I am headed over to twitter to post there. I will be back though.
valerierouse said…
I just saw this yesterday while browsing the site!! Too cute!
I need to win some goodies….somewhere between laundry mat and home 5 BG 4.0’s disappeared!!!!!!!!!
Oh bummer. I would be soooooo mad, but it would give me an excuse for my hubby so that I could buy more!
Catherine said…
I would love a calendar! Are these going to be for sale too?
YES…It’s only $2!! Here is the link to it:
Dani B said…
I have been without my BG’s for almost 3 weeks now. I’m so sad. Using prefolds until my exchange is made has really made me miss stuffing pockets! Thank You Cotton Babies for your wonderful giveaways, great products and amazing customer service!
I have a damaged return and a growing up in cloth return ( a total of 31 diapers ) that I am mailing out tomorrow. I hope it doesn’t take two weeks because without them I don’t have enough to CD both of my babies. I totally agree about the customer service though. Dede was answering my emails at 10:30 pm on Saturday night. I was super impressed.
Mandie said…
Sweet calendar, great company!
Cotton Babies has the BEST customer service I have ever come across. Their employees go beyond 100%. They are the reason I recommend BG, well that and they are so dang cute and never leak!
Would love to win!
So cute!
Cindy said…
i think DH will think i’ve lost my mind if i had a fluffy butt calendar in my kitchen *giggle*
lol. My husband thinks I’m crazy to always be on the Cotton Babies website “window shopping”. He would probably admit me to the loony bin if I hung this calendar up.
BeeBaker said…
I was just CB shopping this morning!
lol. I “window” shop at Cotton Babies every day!
Colleen said…
i think getting packages in the mail is one of the best things in the world!
I agree. It’s like Christmas to me!!! I love it. I even live by a Cotton Babies store but order online, just to get the package in the mail!
Emma said…
Never imagined myself using cloth diapers but now that I am, I can’t imagine not using them! Love your products..my little boy is a Bumgenius baby 🙂
That’s funny. When I was pregnant with #1 I about fell to the floor when my husband said I was going to cloth diaper (he is from West Africa and that is what they use. Only the rich are able to buy disposables) Now I have two in cloth and have loved every minute of it. All it took for me to convert was education. When I first heard cloth, I heard “plastic pants” like my mom used. Once I discovered the modern cloth and BG, I was hooked.
Thank you yet again cottonbabies!!! You are always doing something great =)
I’ll be waiting on my package I ordered the other day, for baby #3!!!
i think getting packages in the mail is one of the best things in the world!
Tami said…
Too cute! Did someone say giveaways?!?! Just found out we’ve got a third on the way- we could use it!
Congrats on the news!!! I love being pregnant.
Amanda D said…
I just convinced a friend to try Bum Genius!
ME TOO!!! She is due in March. I am hoping to get her some for her baby shower!
Kim said…
Cute calendar! But then again, everything you do is cute!
I totally agree!
omgeez i would love a calendar! and maybe a new diap 😉
Kimberly Cuilla:
The Ribbit trim Ecomobum IS really cute! My DS wears it every night to bed! This is the ONLY cover that gets him through the night.
The calendar is too cute. Maybe I will get some $$ for Christmas to purchase one!
I am so upset I also wasn’t able to take advantage of either the Black Friday nor Cyber Monday deals. We are sooo broke right now. My DH is going back home to West Africa for the holidays and the plane ticket alone cost over $2000! YIKES. He hasn’t been home for 10 years so this was more important than me buying more cloth diapers.
I think the ribbit trim econobum is too adorable! I just snached up one of the seconds yesterday, can wait to see it on my cutie patootie!! I may have to order one of these calendars!
My fluffy mail has just been shipped! Great blog!
Oh man I was just now able to get on the computer and find this (cotton babies is always the first place I go!). Congrats to all of the winners so far!
What a cute calendar! Very unique!
Totally love cotton babies…never won anything, but always good prices!!
Oh how sweet!! I wish I had commented earlier for this. YAY Cotton Babies!
Cute! This gives me an idea for a Christmas picture with one BG-clad little baby! 🙂
Can’t wait for my Black Friday surprise. Shipping notice says it’ll get here tomorrow. Yay for fast shipping!
Super cute calendar!
I would love that calendar! Very cute 🙂
im sooooooo excited to see what is in my surprise package!!!
Cute calendar!
Keep checking the mail for my mystery package!
Woo Hoo!!! I hope I win!
Great as always!
oh I would love to win, I never win these things!
Love the calender! Perfect way to display my love of fluff!
mclouthjessie at hotmail.com
Cute calendar! But then again, everything you do is cute!
Love the calender!
I just convinced a friend to try Bum Genius!
Super cute. 🙂
I LOVE the calendar!
Your random giveaways are so fun and generous! You guys make so many mamas and daddies and babies happy 🙂
I’d like to see one of these hanging all over the place!!
Very cute! My package is supposed to be here tomorrow! Can’t wait to see what it is!!
Happy Tuesday!
Love the calendar!
Who doesn’t love a fluffy diaper butt? 😉 Cute calendar!
Love Cotton Babies…and giveaways!
Love it — wish there were more brick and mortars carrying Cotton Babies around the country!
I <3 Cotton Babies!
Love the Bum Genius Artis series so much, I need to get one in each color! Can’t wait for the Brights either. LOVE THEM!
well I am not waiting on fluffy mail but I did go to my local fluffy store today to buy some stuff that I needed.
I love winning stuff! Thanks!!
NOTHING like seeing chunky babes in cloth! what a beautiful calendar!
I love the babylegs!
Such a cute calendar!
Very nice!
Too cute! Did someone say giveaways?!?! Just found out we’ve got a third on the way- we could use it!
I would love to win something! BG’s are my favorite dipes.
Did we need an email it’s mommy2acdhsurvivor at yahoo dot com
Enter me please thank you Cotton Babies 🙂
The calendar is so cute!! Love our BGs the best! They are always our go-to diaper for home, outings and nighttime!
so adorable!!!!
es1237 at gmail dot com
How cute!!
love it!
loveliveshere2 at yahoo dot com
Awesome idea! Thank you!!
Love your site(s)!
Cotton Babies is the best.
Wow, how fabulous! Gotta love free fluff!
Never imagined myself using cloth diapers but now that I am, I can’t imagine not using them! Love your products..my little boy is a Bumgenius baby 🙂
Cotton Babies is the BEST! : )
I absolutely LOVE the BumGenius Artist Series! I bought 2 already, but I wouldn’t mind winning another! Or winning anything really! Plus I do need a calendar for the new year! :0)
What a great idea!
I can’t wait to buy more diapers…for a girl this time after 4 boys!!!!
very cute!
I love Cotton Babies for my two kiddo’s! I really wish you guys were in Indiana!
How awesome!
Michelle Baker
Oh the calendar is adorable!
Happy Tuesday everyone! I heart Cotton Babies!
Love the calander!
hismrs2010 at aol dot com
Ooh, winning things is fun! Giving away any wipes? If not, I’ll just ask for them for Christmas.
adorable calender!!
Cotton Babies is my favorite websight for buying CD’s. Can’t wait for my order to come!
Sweet pictures on the calendar!
I just saw this yesterday while browsing the site!! Too cute!
I need to win some goodies….somewhere between laundry mat and home 5 BG 4.0’s disappeared!!!!!!!!!
So glad we found cottonbabies. Love the free shipping and low-priced quality diapers. and all the customer reviews!
I would love a calendar! Are these going to be for sale too?
The calendars would make great gifts for the two moms I recently convinced to try cloth!! The both ordered BGs from Cotton Babies, got great deals on the 2nds and the buy 5 get 1–and the love them!! Recently found out we’re expecting number 3, so can’t wait to get some new 4.0s!
Hmmm. I wonder what the next person will win.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com
Love this adorable calendar!
yay! i love giveaways!!
Adorable! I saw all of the facebook posts and had to check this out!
I would love to finally win something!
Melanie Nygaard
my_rabbit_barn at yahoo dot com
How fun!! 🙂
Adorable! I can ‘t wait to get our fluffy mail. I will be sad when ds fully potty trains which will be shortly
I {heart} cotton babies 🙂
Very cute calander, great job guys!
What a nice calendar with such cuties on it!
My comments are not showing up for some reason, one more try! I love the calendar! You have the best ideas!
so cute!!
cute calendar
I love bumgenius!
Super cute!
Fantastic 😉
Love babies in Cloth diapers!
Sweet calendar, great company!
Really cute
What a fun idea! Love the calendar
love the colors! so peaceful and calm…
very cute!!
Great calendar and cute pics! We <3 Cotton Babies!
Hoping to get some 4.0 snaps for my new babe!! 🙂
So cool! I would love to win!!!
Count me in!
Too cute!
That’s awesome!! Good luck everyone!!
Very cute!
Love the new artist series – can’t wait for the next artist!
Yay for giveaways! Thank you!
Jessica A
jaje1 at yahoo dot com
Babies in cloth diapers are the cutest..!!
Calendar looks cute, excited for those who have won.
This calendar would look really cute on my fridge!!! #justsayin
Gorgeous calendar!!
There’s nothing cuter than a baby in a cloth diaper!
Cotton babies is so awesome!! I’m addicted to fluff thx to you 🙂
Didn’t use cloth with my first but LOVING my BG’s with my second! Proud to call myself a cloth diapering momma!
All of my cloth diapers come from you guys. My mom was amazed at how much easier they are to use now vs when she used them.
super cute
Were the calendar pictures professional or sent in by customers?
Thanks Jenn for all the awesome giveaways you do!
So very nice of you to have giveaways today 😉 Happy Holidays you little bumGeniuses!!!
Wouldn’t be awesome to be picked?! I would love some little bG legwarmers for my little boy. Moving to South Dakota, those would sure be nice!
Please enter me in the drawings for today!!
I would love one!
the calendar is great!!! i love it!!
How cute! I especially love that little one in the cowboy hat 🙂
Cotton Babies has great style. 🙂
Pick me! Pick me! Today is my oldest son’s 3rd birthday, which means it is my third anniversary of being a mom! Hard to believe!
Love this adorable stuff! Can’t wait to try our Cottonbabies stuff as soon as tiny gets here in late April or early May!
did I mention I love bumGenius diapers? They make up 100% of my “at home” stash. I still use gPants with disposable liners out and about.
I love that baby in the green trim econobum, I have that one too!
I’m in dire need of some great stocking stuffers, and I’m pretty sure my LO would take anything from Cotton Babies and LOVE it!
jennyvangy at gmail dot com
Love the calendar!
That’s awesome! Look at those cuties 😀
That calendar is great!! It would be perfect in the baby’s room above his diapers!
acove2006 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I have been without my BG’s for almost 3 weeks now. I’m so sad. Using prefolds until my exchange is made has really made me miss stuffing pockets! Thank You Cotton Babies for your wonderful giveaways, great products and amazing customer service!
You guys are the best!
love it!!!
frannybadger at gmail dot com
Would love a calendar or even a diaper for our Newbie on the way!! =) Thanks for such amazing giveaways.
How darling! Thanks!
Love the fluffy calendar! So cute.
angiedkelly at gmail dot com
Love the calender! Next year I’ll definitely be cloth diapering for 365 days with my currently 17 month old and new little one to arrive at the end of March!
Love this! Thanks, Cottonbabies!
Bumgenius are the only diapers my hubby has said that he really likes!! They’re my fave 🙂
Oh I’ve been wanting one of these for my DS soo bad!!! had to cut back on diaper purchases for the holidays though!
Hope to see my package shipped soon … I ordered some well-loved elementals. So curious to see what condition they are in!
I would love to win a CB give away…I’m just sayin’ =)
How often are winners chosen?
Love the calendar. Wish I were waiting for fluffy mail.
Love Giveaways!
The calendar is cute! I just found out I’m going to be expecting baby #3! I’m going to have to get some new BG’s. I can’t wait to try out the new 4.0s on my two older guys first!
I love everything Cotton Babies! I’d love to win!
Cute calendar, even better fluff from cotton babies! We love our elementals. SO awesome.
Love this!!
The calendar sounds adorable, but let’s be honest. We all want the free stuff right?! 🙂
This is a very cute calendar! So happy that you have opened a store in our city of Vancouver, WA!
Thanks for the giveaways!
Cute calendar, what a fun idea!
I would love to win!
Would love this!
Cute callendar!! I’m so excited to get my package from the sale! Now, how do I explain to hubby that I bought MORE diapers….
Cute calendar. I hope I win!! :O)
The calendar looks so cute. I can’t wait to see my order from last week either!
I love the calender, so cute!
Very cute. I should make one with pics of my kiddo!
Nothing cuter than babies with fluffy bums! Well, correction, fluffy baby bottons in BG!
So adorable!!!!
Awwwe what a great calendar!
OMG!! Love the calendar, hope to get one.
michelebweller @ gmail dot com
Very adorable…cannot wait for my black friday package! And do you need any other babies to model your diapers??? 🙂 Have a great day!
So cute! :o)
N_Tarpley2004 at yahoo dot com
Super cute calendar!
I’m mostly stocked up on diapers, but I ordered the Black Friday sale to try out different ones and just to see what the accessory would be. I’m addicted!
Cute calendar!
Haha “cyber tuesday hangover”! LOL I was feeling the same way.
What a cute calendar! 😀
we’re a BG family so a calendar would be fun to have 🙂
Awwww~ <3 <3 <3 it!
Can I win???
Can’t wait for my new diapers to come!!!!
Love it 🙂
I love Cottonbabies!! My LO loves his oh-so-comfy bumGenius diapers! & I love telling everone how great CD’ing is lol.
I love these diapers. So cute!
That is such a cute calendar!
the calendar is super duper cute!
I can’t wait for my package…I think I dreamed about it last night 😉
aww cute i want one
Adorable! 🙂
Very cute!
Such an adorable calendar! Love the giveaways :):)
That calender is so cute! What a great idea!
So cute!
I can’t wait for my mystery package either! Cute calander!
Love the calendar. There just something about chubby little babies in cloth diapers that makes you smile:P SOOOo cute!
What a neat calendar!
That is about the cutest calendar ever! LOL
Rebecca O’Brien
The calendar looks great! I love my bumGenius diapers and flip covers!!!
This is just precious!
So cute!!! I hate winter. My daughter has to wear clothes over her cloth. :(. This would tide me over to spring! 🙂
Love ya Cotton Babies!
I’m going to have to hide my mystery package from my husband!! lol
Oh, how much fun is this!
i think DH will think i’ve lost my mind if i had a fluffy butt calendar in my kitchen *giggle*
This is adorable! <3 Thanks for the chance to win CottonBabies!
I love this!
pin-up babies, too cute. 🙂
Cute calendar!!
Very cute! I love the cute baby butts! Thank for everything Cottonbabies! My little one is in love with her new sophie!
this calendar is adorable – pin up fluff!!! who can resist?!
Too cute ! Cottonbabies is amazing !
Wow! I didn’t know you guys had a calendar – I’d love one!
Great idea for the calendar!
I love it!!!
soo cute, i love it
Nice calendar. Great job!
Funny how any cb diaper can make a baby look even cuter!!! I love the calander! I love cb diapers!!!
Cottonbabies is the best!
Since hubby says I have enough dipes, I’d love to win one!
Happy Tuesday!!
Can’t wait to pick up more BumGenius Elementals for Liam this weekend. Love ’em!
very cute!
So glad I found Cotton Babies! you’re the best!
I’m so excited!! I can’t wait to get my mystery package!! Love our BGs!
Oh I love the calendar! Too cute!
Happy Tuesday!!! Our family loves CB! Thanks for the fun giveaway!!
wow the calendar is cute 🙂 and I love your dipes can hardly wait to get my mystery package!
Mama needs a calendar! And an Elemental!
who doesn’t like to win? cute calendar….cute diapers, but my baby is the cutest thing ever!
Can’t wait to get my order from Cyber Monday!
love the calendar!
winner winner?
Such a cute calendar!! I love my Flip diapers. They are what made me LOVE cloth diapering (I started out using prefolds and covers).
Awhh so sweet!!
love the calendar!
Adorable calendar
Super cuteeeeeee 🙂
cute calendar!
… I think I need that cute baby calendar (Crossing my fingers)! Hehe.
So Cute!!!
tweeted and fb’d too 🙂
Real Cute!!
Ooh! I need a calendar. This would be perfect!
Great calendar design!!
Very cute
We <3 Cotton Babies!!!
yay for freebies, and fluff!
Thank You Cotton Babies!
Fun fun! You sure do know how to spice up a grey day!
Very cute! It’s so nice to see cute babies in their fluff!
Here’s another Cotton Baby fan. o/
I love the baby in the cowboy hat! :o)
aww, how fun!
Looking forward to my mystry Black Friday package! I love free stuff too!
There’s nothing cuter than looking at pictures of babies in cloth! 🙂
this is so cute! love it!
Love Cotton Babies and love giveaways! Yeah!
khwoods at gmail dot com
Love the calender
mellanhead74 at hotmail.com
This is an awesome thing for you to be doing! The calendar is so cute!
What a great idea to do a calendar! I love it!
SO adorable!
Fun! I wish I could afford to buy new diapers all the time! 🙂
I wish I had fluffy mail on the way 🙂
Cute calendar- I’d be thrilled to win of course!
Adorable! 🙂
Such an adorable calendar!
Love this pictures in the calendar. So cute!
My husband would probably cry if he saw a total for how much I have spent at CB’s in diapering our two babies! lol It is such a healthy addiction to feed 🙂 I can’t wait to get my newest order…..is it bad that I JUST got 2 rather large packages last month??
Ooooh cute!
so cute!
Ooh, I’d love one! 🙂
I was just CB shopping this morning!
I hope I win I hope I win I hope I win…. lather rinse repeat.
Twitter ID: Gville
Cute calendar!
I wanna win something!! 🙂
Thanks for all the giveaways like this one, Cotton Babies! I hope I win something finally!
Thanks Cotton Babies! This is fun!
Super cute!
love the econobum cover with ribbit trim!
I love prizes!
So cute!
adorable! 🙂
Awesome calendar, such a fun way to promote cloth diapering.
Cute calendar. I’m always up for a giveaway from cotton babies!
Very cute idea! 🙂
That is such a cute calendar!
Anyone get their packages yet?? Let me know what’s in it, I am waiting for mine and I wanna know what I might get!!!!
wow.. my patootie would’ve looked great on this!!
I really wanted this calender anyway :o) And I can not WAIT for my fluffy well-loved BGE mail!!
fun idea for the “hangover” of cyber tuesday! 😉
I’d be happy with just the calendar, so I can show off all the cute diapers!
cool calendar, super cute!
nothing cuter than some babies in fluff 😉
Would be cool to have a year of Cotton bums! very cute idea
Adorable!!!!!!! HOPE I CAN WIN!!!!!
I wish I’d known about Cotton Babies before I started buying cloth diapers for my two newest grandbabies. I’m making up for lost time now, though. ;D
Very cute! I hope I win!
Very cute!!
Cotton Babies rocks…’nuf said.
Very cute! I cant wait for my mail to get here!
cute calendar!
Very cute! And we just learned that we’re adopting a baby in January!!
Cute calendar! Love the picture of the baby with the cowboy hat. So adorable. My husband said I already have a package at home waiting for me. I fly home tomorrow, I can’t wait to open it and feel the fluffiness. Unless it’s my package from Staples. No fluffiness there and not as much fun.
Yay for fluffy mail!
Very cute! I need a calendar still 🙂
kaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com
cant WAIT for my package to come!
Love it 🙂
super cute!
Super cute! Can’t wait to see what my mystery package is!
This looks cute!