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Introducing Cotton Babies’ Share The Love
February 15, 2012 4:15 pm | by
Share the Love now shipping diapers to families in need. #sharethelove

Yesterday, for Valentine’s Day, Cotton Babies announced the creation of a new cloth diaper bank.

“Share The Love” was created by Cotton Babies for the purpose of distributing donated, re-loveable cloth diapers to needy St. Louis families. Eligible families who complete the application process and agree to the loan terms may qualify to receive a set of cloth diapers to help them care for their child through a tough time.

According to a recent study, one in three parents in the United States is choosing between buying diapers and providing certain essentials (food, utilities, or child care) for their family. The same study reported that approximately 1 in 20 disposable diapers are reused because these parents cannot afford to purchase new diapers. Stories from families living with these realities broke our hearts and challenged us to find new ways to reach out to our own community

We know the need in other communities is vast. If donated diaper resources exceed the diaper need in the St. Louis area, we are exploring other options for distributing those resources to other cities. With that in mind, we are actively planning for expansion of our Share The Love program. If you would like to become a Share The Love host site, please email to receive more information when it is available.

For more information about the Share The Love cloth diaper bank and how you can help, as well as to find information about our other corporate giving projects, please click here.

We look forward to working together to change the lives of even more families, like Jordan, who shared her story with us yesterday on Jenn’s blog. Thank you for your long-time support of Cotton Babies. Together, we’re changing things.

About the Author

Heather is mom to four, born within 40 months (single, twins, single). She writes transparently about her chaotic household to encourage others through the twists and turns of parenting.



  • Jennifer said...
    February 16, 2012 at 5:11 pm

    I donated 16 elementals this week to 2 mamas in need! Such an amazing gift for them and made it possible for them to not wash everything daily by hand just to make it through the day. Awesome program!

  • Cheerful Homemaker said...
    February 16, 2012 at 1:50 pm

    This is such a wonderful idea!

  • Jill M said...
    February 16, 2012 at 9:41 am

    Wow. I am blown away by the generosity of this. I hope that the bank is wildly successful, and that the donations do exceed St. Louis’ need. We are just starting out with CD’ing our newborn twins, but I will definitely be donating our used diapers when they are potty-trained.

  • Lannon Family said...
    February 15, 2012 at 4:43 pm

    I absolutely LOVE this idea. If it was available in my area I would have donated. (San Diego) In fact on Monday (using the FaceBook page of the local store that I buy my BG’s) I offered to rehome my 19 used BG 3.0’s for free to someone who wanted to start CD’ing and didn’t have the resources to do so. They ended up going to a sweet young mom of twin boys.