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Mom Tips: Making Time for YOU
June 19, 2017 9:00 am | by

Self care is super important, but unfortunately many moms forget how important it is. We need to take some time for ourselves to recharge our batteries and take care of us. How are we supposed to take care of our little ones to our full potential if we’re only half-charged? Here are my a few tips to making time for you!

Wake up a littler earlier.

I know this is super hard – especially if you’re still waking up in the middle of the night with the baby. I’ll admit – I don’t wake up early very often because I love my sleep, and I take advantage when the kids are all sleeping to catch some extra Zzzz myself. However, when I do wake up a little earlier than my kids, not only do I get to drink an entire cup of coffee, but I also get to drink it fresh… and hot… without microwaving it!

Stay up a little later.

This one may be easier said than done. I’m always ready for bed once the kids fall asleep, but I’ve also learned that sometimes, it’s nice to stay up, curl up with a cozy blanket, eat ice cream without having to share and watch an adult tv show. (By the way… If you don’t watch “This is Us,” get started). Beware – You may regret it through the night during feeding sessions or in the morning when your kiddo wakes up before the sun, but in the moment, it’ll feel amazing.

Lock yourself in the bathroom.

I “let” my husband take over once a week after dinner so I can lock myself in my bathroom. I usually end up just scrolling through Facebook while the shower is running in the background, but if Facebook is boring, I’ll take care of me… I’ll shave my legs, put on a facial mask and take a bubble bath.

Plan nap time or “quiet time” once a day.

This has helped me so much in the past. If the kids were just past the napping age, then they would still go into their room to watch a movie, look through books, or play quietly. This would give me at least 30 minutes to eat alone, drink some coffee, and just rejuvenate after a hectic morning.

Take a Target trip.

My husband makes fun of me for my love of Target. When I can get away for an hour, with or without the kids, I usually end up at Target… and probably the Chick-Fil-A drive-thru too. I’m not sure why, but Target trips just make me happy. And making yourself happy, is taking care of yourself. 

Take a weekend trip.

My sister-in-law and I have decided to make one weekend trip a year… We go to MommyCon! We travel 6+ hours and get a hotel room for a few nights. It’s so nice to just get away from the everyday hustle and bustle of being a mom. It’s also pretty nice for our husbands to get that one-on-one time with the bigger kids too.

Girls’ night out.

Sure, this may mean something a little differently now that you’re a mom. (Or it may not – no judgement!) Get together with some of your gal pals for dinner or go catch a movie. You deserve it! It’s always amazing to catch up with your friends without little distractions.

Date night.

This may not be “self-care” but it is important to get some one-on-one time with your partner. Go on a date night! Throwing kids into the mix of your relationship can be pretty difficult. It’s sure to cause a little bit of a fuss between you. Sleep deprivation, crying and whining kids… get away from that for a few hours. If you don’t live near family/friends, or a babysitter isn’t an option for you, have a night in once the kids are in bed! Eat a late dinner, rent a movie and have a date night at home!

Just because you’re now a mother, doesn’t mean that you lost a part of yourself. You still need to take care of you. It may be tough to find the time, but it’s really important. Forget about the spit-up stain on your shoulder, get out of those pajama pants, and brush your hair. Try to find the extra 20 minutes a day to just take care of you. You deserve it. You are one a good mom.

About the Author

Amanda is a stay-at-home mom of three who keep her on her toes! Her family resides in Columbus, Ohio — the Buckeye state! She ventured into cloth diapering a little "late," but is a firm believer in "better late than never!" Amanda enjoys her morning coffee, spending time with her littles, buying too many cloth diapers, much-needed pedicures and the rare date night with her husband. Get to know Amanda on her personal blog, Fluff Bum Babies. Instagram: @FluffBumBabiesMama


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