“I would love to do the cloth diapers, but I can’t cut it. I’m ruining the Earth with my diapers. I’m sorry.”
from The Felicity of Motherhood (Newsweek)
We’re thankful for a variety of things in our life every day. Just a few that come to mind (below), in no particular order.1. Disposable Diapers – Don’t even want to imagine a life with cloth diapers in our house.
Posted at Thanksgiving from the mom of the Mcnulty Quads
A family adopts eight children and mom comments, “I had three in cloth diapers… I was doing my part for the environment — and it was a nuisance.”
I want to start cloth diapering right now, so bad! I hate this time of year because I never have any extra money to spend. I wish I didn’t have to buy diapers so I could save the money for cloth ones. Wait that is the whole point of cloth diapers.
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