New Year, New You, New Diapers
January 4, 2011 10:13 am

Happy 2011 from the Cotton Babies team! New year inspires fresh beginnings and lots of promise. Every year our Cotton Babies team spends the first work day of the new year the same way, with inventory day. We spent the day counting, cleaning and organizing the warehouse to give a fresh start to the new year.
The new year also brings thought of the much debated New Year’s resolution. Do you make resolutions? What are you hoping to change this year? Are you working on changing old habits or establishing new better habits?
Yesterday, Jenn shared this in the Cotton Babies e-mail:
Working on a healthier you?This morning I pulled my Belly Bandit Mother Tucker (sigh) out of my drawer and pulled up “LoseIt” on my iPhone. Time to start counting calories, working out and working towards a firmer me. Are you working on it too? LoseIt even has a community on their website. Let’s work towards our goal together! There’s nothing quite like having some friends helping you get healthier!
During inventory yesterday a bonus box of “giveaway diapers” was found! So here’s the deal, share with us the changes you are working on to make 2011 even better than 2010, and I’ll randomly draw some winners to each receive a bumGenius 4.0 in a “bright” color. A bright start to the new year with a bright cloth diaper!
Eligible entries must be posted today, Tuesday, January 4, 2011. U.S. Residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be notified via e-mail.
My resolution for 2011 is to get my application in to the local school district, and hopefully start my teaching carreer this year! I graduated almost 2 years ago, but have since been stuck at my current office job. I’m ready for a change!
Our goal is the same as every year, to actively listen to God and follow where He leads us, but we are really hoping for a 2nd child!
Setting the financial goals high…two in cloth diapers will only help us meet those goals! 😉
This year my husband and I are going to eat cleaner and greener (local) and stick to our budget closely. Thanks to Cloth Diapers (entire stash of BG 4.0’s) we can save tons of money in the Baby Category!
I am determined to make the most out of the opportunity I have to become a stay at home mom and leave my legal career on hold for a few years. That means really being present with my kids and living in the moment!
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
This year’s resolutions:
1) lose the rest of the weight (not baby weight, but the leftover from what I was trying to lose BEFORE baby.)
2) get more organized!
This year, I am working on weaning my 27 months old and TTC for one more baby. I just love CD my little guy so much that I just hope to continue on my next babe 🙂
i just had my first on halloween, so my resolution is to lose the last of this baby weight!!
Im working on losing those last 15 lbs of baby weight. Im also working on spending more time with family and friends and less time doing “time-takers.” Id like to get organized and keep my house cleaner. Id also like to forget the small stuff, like the the fact that my house isnt clean. 😉
I’m hoping to drop some weight too, and get pregnant again. 🙂
beautyformyashes @
My new year’s resolution is to make a “bucket list” and do one thing off of it! Life is too short! I’m only 24!
I plan on making 2011 better than 2010 by making more home-cooked healthy food. We are trying to cut dairy and gluten out of our diets and eat organic as much as possible. I REALLY want to make this happen this year!
well for me my goals for this year… were to honor and glorify God each and every day…
also I want to go on a date with my husband every month..
enjoy my babies more
and be healthier
I want to work harder at our debt this year!
Eat healthier. Camp more. Hike more. Play more.
I am working on cleaning out all the closets, and utilizing the resources we have (giving away, selling things, organizing, etc). Also, personally working on being more neutral to situations, instead of emotionally reactive. 🙂 Helps with a toddler on hand!!
My new years resolution for 2011 is to stick to the “Love & Logic” style of parenting….very tough at times to remain calm with 2 toddlers, but I am going to try my very best! I don’t want to be that parent that yells at their kids all the time 😉
In 2011 my goal is to be less hard on myself (especially me!) and my family. We’re all trying our best…no need for me to be so critical all the time!
I’m tackling a virtue a month. I’m working on building my spiritual life to better serve my family and in turn, I hope to find the discipline to start running/cross-training again this year.
I am trying to spend less time on the computer so that I can spend more time cleaning when the kids are asleep so that I can be less stressed during the day. So far. . well, I’m at the computer! LOL.
This year I hope to potty train my soon to be three year old before her new brother or sister is born. Have myself in bed before 2 am! Join a hiking group with my family annnnnd try out some bumGenius dipes 🙂
My Email is Idk how to enter it in the website thingy :/
I would like to get our house organized. And lose some weight.
I started running again after 2 years (i.e. the age of my daughter). I couldn’t run far, but it was farther than I ran yesterday.
My goal is to train for a half marathon sometime in 2012.
Find more time for myself. I think it will make for a more relaxed mom which results in a happier family.
goal is to stress less, family more!
I’m trying to eat more vegies and fruit and less processed foods. Also would like to make my life less hectic with more time to “smell the roses”!
colljerr at comcast dot net
This year I hope to lose The remaining weight I gained while pregnant with my daughter. I also hope to become more “green” in terms of household items we use daily like cleaning products.
This year I am determined to pay down as much debt as I can, cloth diapering is my first money saving step
I hope to lose the last 10 lbs even and somehow keep it off when I wean baby in a few months.
Also, sleep more! and try to get baby to make the same resolution.
My resolution is to save more money! Somehow the surplus each month disappears… I’d like it to pad our retirement or go toward a down payment on a larger house!
Were going to start saving for IVF. We watched extreme coupling the other day and want to become as good as those people with saving money.
I want to own a Clementine or lavender(sweet?) 4.0 or elemental to add to my Bg stash. I am on my second daughter in your dipes and love them. Thanks for helping me keep my resolution to reduce my family’s carbon footprint!!!
First thing I want to do is be more green. I have been using CD’s for several months but am ashamed to admit that I don’t own a recycle bin. We originally switched because my son got a chemical burn. Along with being more green I would like to give up paper towels and use more natural cleaners. Secondly as a family we are trying to save more money. Our savings has been depleted since I was laid off last year, so I’ve started clipping coupons and looking for deals this year.
To get and STAY organized!
I am not really good at making and keeping resolutions, however, this year I really want to work on keeping calm in stressful situations, being patient, and encouraging learning and creativity in my baby.
Drink mode water!
My main resolution was to selfish. I have neglected myself since the day my princess was born. I am just so busy caring for & entertaining her. Then add on maintaining the household. There’s always dishes to do or laundry to be done. So this year I am going to do more for ME. A happy mama = happy baby right? So I vow to get my hair cut every 3 months. I am going to be joining the gym and going 3-4 days a week. I am going to eat healthier as well. I am also going to take up some sort of crafty hobby to get my creative juices going. I’m excited to take better care of myself this year.
pmannarino05 AT yahoo DOT com
My goal this year is to get dd, 3, on a regualr sleep schedule. Right now she is going to bed around 10:30-11pm and then up at 6:30am because mommy & daddy have to work. She doesn’t usually take naps with grandma so she is either cranky and tired when we get home or she falls asleep and we don’t get to spend time with her 🙁
I love New Year’s resolutions! This year, I will be more flexible – worry less about how and when things get done, who does them, etc. With full-time graduate school along with my home life keeping me busy, it is only essential that the important things do get done and that we are all still having fun!
I want to eat more locally grown, seasonal produce. This also means I have to figure out how to prepare things like turnips and button squash. THEN I have to get my husband and 17 mo. old son to try it. 😉
My resolution is to spend less time on the internet and more quality time with my family. (Which is why I was so late finding out about this giveaway!)
I am getting back into the coupon routine and working on saving every penny to pay my truck off and hopefully be able to go back to Disney World the year after next when our little one is 3.
i want to be healthier by exercising more and eating healthier so my baby will grow up eating healthy.
I’d like to be a more organized mommy, one that plans more engaging activities, cooks more nutritious meals, and not so harried all the time.
hwannie dot shen at gmail dot com
I will set some goals so life just doesn’t happen, we will make it happen!
This year we are making an effort to make our money count. We are committed to living simply and giving richly this year and every year after.
Also – I just bought my first set of econobums and I am so excited to try them!
This year I will play with my children everyday – even if it’s only for five minutes.
I am running a half marathon in may with my husband.
I am determined to nurse this baby for at least a year – five months longer than I nursed my middle child and 8 months longer than I nursed my oldest.
And I will carve out “date time” with my hubby once a week.
My husband and I are planning to start trying to get pregnant this year. My resolution is to get healthy. I want my body to be in excellent condition to carry our baby.
Eat more vegetables.
Walk more days each week.
Write another helpful blog post…maybe this time about how amazingly easy (and economical!) it is to use cloth diapers!
I’m working on *paying attention*: being present, noting what’s going on within me so that I can engage in healthy, thoughtful ways with others. People familiar with traditional spiritual disciplines might be familiar with the Ignatian reflection called Examen. I want to practice that more often.
For curious folks (please disregard if this isn’t your thing):
I am trying to juggle being back in school to finish my degree with raising two kids- an autistic middle schooler and a 1 year old. This year I have the goal to balance those two huge tasks better rather than bouncing from one to another- and to ask for help when needed, which I am not good at doing.
For myself, I’ve committed to working on my food blog twice a week. I am trying to be more committed to using local, fresh ingredients, as well as what I already have in my cabinets. Its really more for me than anything else; as a stay at home mom, sometimes it feels like I don’t do anything today that doesn’t need to be re-done tomorrow (dishes, laundry, cleaning). But with the blog, each entry is special and permanent. Its something lasting in sometimes what seems a very temporary work-day.
No resolutions for me but purchased 2 dozen bumGenius for my grandaughter who will arrive in April
I’ll be working on studying more as I am entering nursing school in April. I’ll also be working on balancing my life to where it actually feels balanced with somewhat of a routine since I’m a new mom and will be juggling that and school.
I am getting my tail in gear and going to be more financially organized – and I am making a REALLY big effort to be as green as I can – whether it be cutting down on paper towels or purchasing greener cleaning products, etc…
I’m going to lose baby weight, Hubby is going to lose baby weight… baby is going to gain weight, but also she’s committed to sleeping in her crib (she’s 2 months old, she’s very goal oriented). So far the only one of us who has been successful is the baby. But it’s day 4. It took me 9 months to gain this weight… it’s going to take 9+ years to get it off!
This year I plan to get healthier, get time for myself, even if it is just a long bath on the weekends. I hope to also learn how to be happier, greener & get to know myself again.
Elise Hightower
twinky2287 at yahoo dot com
My goal is to try to spend as little as possible and upcycle and thrift as much as I can for this new baby on the way!
libby dot bloom dot hunt at gmail dot com
Sigh. I have got to figure out how to discipline my 33mo DD without screaming at her. I know, I shouldn’t yell, but I’ve tried everything.
My goal is to get my yard looking pretty come springtime. Our grass croaked last summer while I was pregnant and is looking totally sad and ugly. It’d also be nice to lose this muffin top I’ve had since giving birth to baby #3… not so cute! J l w 9 2 4 9 at y a h o o . c o m
I don’t really do New Year’s Resolutions b/c I try to change things I don’t like as the year goes along. However, I am resolved to take a breathe and think about the situation before I get really upset about a situation.
This year I want to get my family to go out and do more family oriented things! We normally do this a few times a month, but I would like to be able to do it more often!
sacholn at gmail dot com
Hoping to lose some weight! I need to lose 20 lbs or so! Amazing how much harder it is to lose after 5 kids!
I’ve resolved to continue being the best wife/mom that I can be – that means that I’m going to continue efforts at eating well, exercising and setting aside “me” time so that I’ll be there for them in the long term. I will continue to make choices with their best interest at heart, even if that choice is a different one than I’ve made in the past because I’ve become more educated on a subject. I will continue to set aside time after working for cuddles and kisses, feeding the baby and making sure that my 2 year old also feels like he has access to mommy. I will continue to make time to spend with hubby during the week, alone. I will continue to tell all three of them, verbally, how much I love them.
One of my resolutions is to improve my knitting and keep at it! My other is to get my toddler comfortable in a swimming pool.
This year, with our first child, due in April, I have resolved to be more easygoing.
Most of my friends have gone ahead of me into this Mommy thing, and with son’s ranging from 7 years to 9 months, I hear that rolling with the punches is a critical ability for parenting boys.
This year I want to spend less and find new and easy ways to be green. One thing I want to do is purchase a sewing machine and make simple items on my own (cloth wipes, bibs, curtains, etc.)
Well, this year, despite some other obstacles that need my attention, I’m GOING To put the focus back on ME! DD is 2 now and DH is a big boy and can deal with caring for her and looking for a job for an extra little bit 3 days a week while I go workout. Funny some mention baby weight….mine came off within 3 weeks of having DD, NOT kidding! but nearly all of us has mysteriously come back on since then….it’s just sick to me and I’m tired of it, so it’s going to be a fairly selfish year and you know what? I deserve it!
I am working to make 2011 more organized as I will be welcoming our 3rd son into the world this year. My husband and I are also going to train to do a 5mile run next Thanksgiving, which will hopefully help me get back into shape after this little one is born!
I will do my best to lose the last of my baby weight and eat healthier.
This year I want to work to be more organized and to grow my business. I also want to use my cloth diapers more even when out and about. I started a business two years ago and I really want it to grow in to something, but I haven’t put as much work as I should into it. I want to change that this year!
This year’s resolutions are to lead a more active lifestyle and to cut down on the superfluous shopping.
My resolution this year is to be better at meal planning. It seems so easy to just sit down once a week and plan the meals for that week- easy shopping, easy to plan leftovers for when hubby is home with the kiddo. BUT… it never gets done! Hopefully this year.
I plan to spend more time playing with and enjoying my children, as well as exercise on a regular basis. My husband is committing to exercising with me, and that makes a huge difference.
I have 4 haha, I like to call them “goals” instead of resolutions since most people break their resolutions:
1. Family Breakfast on Saturday’s
2. Regular church attendance again
3. More family prayer
4. And the big one for mom: STOP YELLING!
I am going to finally be putting in a vegetable and fruity garden, that I can [hopefully] get most, if not all, of my family’s fruits and vegetables from.
~Crystal Shannon (every time I try to post with my ID, my computer tells me it’s an invalid URL)
I plan to start taking better care of myself. Since my son’s birth in June, I’ve been so focused on him and being tired that I haven’t been taking care of myself. I’d also like to find a home church. We haven’t had a home church in 3 years and now that my son is here, I want him and his parents to be part of a church community.
While I typically do not make resolutions (because I almost always end up breaking them), but this year I made an exception. My 2011 resolution is to stand up for myself and stop letting other make me feel inadequate as a person or as a mommy.
I am going to do more meal planning that includes more whole foods! This was the goal last year, but I’m feelin it this year.
As a newer, still sleep-deprived mom, I don’t want to say that I’m shooting low, but I’m trying to shoot for something attainable. The goal: sit-ups everyday (20 minimum) and floss everyday.
Keep everything my 6mo breastfed baby is allergic to (pb and dairy for sure, testing in a week to find out what else) out of my diet for a whole year! Also, get out and move as soon as it warms up enough to take the baby and 2yo out! Hoping these will help me lose the weight from two pregnancies and breastfeeding 2 babies, yikes! (Yes, I’m lucky enough to GAIN while bf-ing)
Also plan on reselling everything of value we don’t use to afford things we need, then donating what doesn’t sell to get the clutter out!! YAYA!! 2011 will be a happier healthier year for my family!!
I have several this year though I usually do not make them.
Losing the post-baby fat from #3, budgeting, decluttering and being more patient with my oldest (6 acting like a teenager already)
Finding time for me again with taking care of 3 and working and cleaning
My New Years resolution is more of a month of January resolution as I resolve to have the house organized – including the basement! – before this little one comes in Feb…
I have, at times, had issues with taking on too much. My resolution this year is to try not to over commit myself and prioritize my time better, so that I have more time for my family.
I am working to balance the have to’s with the want to’s.
With 8 month old twin boys, we’re a rather busy family. Sometimes I need to let the dishes wait so I can get on the floor and play!
I have several goals for this year……spend time reading the Bible each day, have better home management/organization, and build up my homemade gift stash to avoid having to go out and buy baby/wedding/housewarming gifts.
Jenn B.
I need to loose the baby bulge and I need to be more consistant in my child training.
Getting more organized, finances in better order, and sticking to some sort of diet are my top 3! 2011 has got to be good! I was so done with 2010! It’s gonna be a good one I know it!
I’m trying to focus on spending my time on things that really matter.
My new years resolution is to pay attention to what myself and my family eats. I’d like to eat more fresh foods than canned pre-prepared foods!
Exercise and lose weight. Really, I’m going to do it!
I am going to spend more time with my friends and family. I want to let them know just how important they are to me and that they make the world a better place just because of who they are.
My resolution is to be a more patient mommy and wife. 🙂
Little stuff… this year, I have promised myself to floss daily, and take my multivitamin. Little things can have a big health impact!
This year I WILL go back to school to work towards my degree. And in order to do that, I will use my calendar EVERY DAY!
Spending more time with the friends who lift up, not the ones who drag down.
Having a more Calm and Relaxed home. More Joy and Thankfulness.
Play, Laugh and have more Fun with my Husband and Children.
Creating a monthly meal plan and making the meals before hand to freeze…aka simplify Dinner time.
Eat Healthier. We do already, but I want it to be even more.
Zumba five days a week. Fit THOSE jeans.
Here is a link to my blog post with the rest:)
2010 brought many changes to my life. I had already cloth diapered 2 kids, family and I went from standard american diet (sad) to a completely organic diet and then when diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes for the second time with my now, last pregnancy- we have gone to a raw food diet! Oh, and we also rid of all toxic cleaning supplies/body stuffs in our home!
2011 is about kicking things into higher gear. Remaining raw after the birth of our baby, using your brand of diapers for the first time (The ones I used on my son didn’t last long enough to use for this baby, so I ordered 2 dozen bum genius diapers from you.. wish I could afford more!)
It is like someone lit a fire inside of me and I feel unstoppable now! May ALL of us have a healthy, vibrant, sustainable, 2011.. may it be a year of renewal for everyone!
I want my husband to feel needed and appreciated. Because he is and he should be.
I want to donate boxes and boxes of “stuff” to Goodwill, and become even more organized.
I want to only buy what I actually need or totally fall in love with…
I want to work at least 2 Scentsy parties each month (I’m a consultant).
I want to take more pictures of my kids.
I want to exercise regularly.
I don’t usually make resolutions, but I do want to work on being more patient with my 3 year old. There are days when I feel like I just yell ALL DAY, and I hate it! So I want to try to be more present and patient, and not sweat the small stuff.
To spend more quality time with my family and leave work at work!
I’m working on reading the bible this year! So far I’m still on track!! 🙂
I resolve to prepare healthier meals for my family and to start exercising. I lost my baby weight but need to tone up and get into shape to feel better.
This is the year I get de-cluttered and ORGANIZED!!
our 2011 goals are to cloth diaper {we just placed our FIRST order!} and to set the savings in motion for international adoption!! i LOVE the fresh start of a new year!!
This year I will procrastinate less, finish some projects around the house, and take more pictures!
My goals are to learn to knit and to start journaling!
I am going to try to read the Bible every day. I’ve tried this so many times in the past but this year I really, really want to do it!
This year…
– implementing daily bible reading with the big kids to see is we can read the bible cover to cover.
– Started a new couch to 1/2 marathon running program on runkeeper. I am hoping to lose another 10-15lbs and buy my first skinny jeans or be able to buy a bathing suit this summer with less drama!
– still need to figure out the time to read all the books that are sitting/waiting on the bookshelf…
I want to give more and worry less.
Part of my goal this year is to put time every week into the novel I’m writing and work towards a debt free lifestyle, including finding ways to payoff our hefty student loan debt.
I’m trying to be more thoughtful of my family and friends. I’m terrible at sending bday cards and want to send hand written notes and pictures more often. I want them to know how much I appriciate them and feel like I’ve been slack over the past couple of years since I’ve had two little ones.
Less tv on in our house. It’s always on even if we are not watching. Less noise more time with my lo’s
i WILL use the treadmill that i saved for months to buy..
This year I plan on losing some weight and enjoying every minute with our son.
skklemm at gmail dot com
I have cut out all fast food from our diets (mostly because my dh won’t stop complaining about how expensive it is) and we bought a Wii Fit, so that I can work out from home. Let’s face it, if I haven’t used my gym membership in the last 18 months, it’s not going to happen now 🙂 After my daughter it took 5 months to get back in my jeans, my son is now 7 months and I can finally get my jeans on again…if I don’t mind that I can’t sit/breath I could even wear them out of the house! This year I WILL lose the last 10 pounds, even if it means finally going back to the gym…
I’m going to find a job!
and reading all the 2011 lists is fantastic!
Our family goal is to de-clutter and organize to reduce stress and the risk of injury in a disaster of a basement!!!
continue schooling my children– only DO BETTER!!!!!
make my house presentable to each person who comes to the door.
keep up with laundry and dishes……..
grow my family to the best of my ability with God’s help!
save money! 2011 is all about cutting back for us. cutting the cable cord on 2/1 (when contract is up). we’ve also just turned off our landline and moved my sis in to help pay the mortgage. we’d like to have a second baby and this will help us get there.
My goal is to get some aroebic activity in every day. Not for weigh loss, but just to increase my energy and get me in a better mood!
angburt at hotmail dot com
I have two goals for this year. The first, and biggest, is to kick the smoking habit. Blech. Not good for me, or my family. I’m so over it!
Second, losing weight. I will work on that once I’m smoke free! 😛
My resolution is to be kinder to myself. I am due to have my 3rd baby in two days and I am going to give myself credit for the miracle my body just went through to grow this baby and get it here safely instead of instantly monitoring the scale and being hard on myself with demeaning self chatter. Instead, I am going to say one great thing about myself each morning as I get ready.
We’re going to do wills this year! Getting our legal life in order for the sake of our little guy.
this will be the first time i’ll be a stay at home mom while my husband is overseas. my resolution is to stay sane.
At the same time I was experiencing the birth of my first child there was a pertussis epidemic in my county. Our doctor recommended that we don’t bring our baby in public places and even require all visitors to be vaccinated. Being a new mom, I not only took the advice of my doctors, I took it to the extreme. Although I’m glad I protected my son, It’s been easy for me to turn into a complete hermit-not leaving the house a single time in weeks to avoid bringing my son around people who might be sick.
My son will be 6 months in a few days, and I feel that we’ve missed out on exciting experiences to instead be bunkered in the house. My New Years Resolution is to do something fun with him, OUT OF THE HOUSE every single day. Right now we are still making baby steps, today will be out favorite cloth diaper boutique, but soon we’ll go to the zoo, mall, and all sorts of places with people, maybe germs, and lots of fun!
This year I plan to breath deep when I feel annoyed and tell the person nearest me that I love them or pay them a compliment (even if I’m at the DMV!). I don’t want to be the grumpy mommy in 2011.
This year I am looking to tame the clutter. My newest addition is 5 months old already. Time to get the house back in order.
My goal is to lose the baby weight from baby #2 (due in April) by the end of the year!!
My goals this year is to work on my patience, have more date nights with my husband, and to become more organized!
I’m going to try to take up knitting again, spend more one on one time with my husband, and put more time into my prayer life.
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com
I don’t need to lose weight, but I do have high cholesterol and haven’t been taking it seriously. I need to start eating healthier, especially because it’s effecting my 2 year old’s eating habits. I also want to pray more, and try to work on being a better teacher for my son. I need to spend more time thinking about how to best approach disciplining my son, and we all need to get to bed earlier and rise earlier too! Thanks for this giveaway!
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
I want to work this year on balancing life with a new baby.
In 2011 we are looking forward to welcoming a new baby! My biggest goal is just to balance life and survive while still having fun 🙂
I’m going to say no to more so I can spend more time with my baby boy and learn more about being a mom! I need to give myself a learning curve!
This year I will actually go on a date with my husband…maybe even 2!!! Maybe have another baby…:)
husskl at comcast dot net
We’re having a baby…any day now! Also hoping to move closer to family.
I am working out consistently and not drinking soda. I already feel so much better!!
im trying to be more active, eat healthier and keep a cleaner house
My resolutions are 1) for me and my boys to spend every possible moment with my mom who was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, 2) to start using cloth wipes instead of disposable, 3) to be more patient and 4) to start exercising and get back to my pre-preggo weight. no diets until next year when i stop breastfeeding 🙂
I will become a better housekeeper. With another baby on the way I need to get into a better routine with doing the laundry and cleaning the house.
MUST SIMPLIFY AND DECLUTTER!!! oh, please let this be the year!!
In past years I’ve set big goals, only to be disapointed when “life happens”. This year, I just want to set the best example I can for my children in all areas of my life. I’m taking each day one at a time!
Working on patience with my children & letting go of anger in general.
I’d like to use cloth diapers more consistently, lose the baby weight I have (just had a little girl Dec. 9th), and spend more quality time with each of my children – they are growing so fast!!!
also working towards taking a little more time to take care of myself
I am working on loosing weight this year ( not much) just to be healthier.
Mine is to be a better person and serve others more willingly. Also, to go on a date once a month with the hubs!
I’m trying to eat healthier overall and cook better meals for my family, as well as trying to go walking everyday as we can.
smj at trozzort dot com
We made resolutions as a family this year which include: Eating healthier and exercising regularly, reading from the scriptures daily and having spiritual devotional once a week as a family, and night time potty training our 5 year old! There are others, but those are the main ones.
In 2011 I plan to devote more time to my own biz. I have so many ideas running thru my head that I just need to sit down and implement them. I really want to see my biz grow this year. I’ve been in biz now since 2007 and it’s time to step-it-up a notch!!!
we are moving into a mold free, larger home in a couple weeks. we’ve been stuck here for 2½yrs and glad to finally get the kids out of her and into a nicer house. I’m also planning on finding more “green ways” once we move
This year I have chosen to better our family by eating healthy and limiting soda intake. So far we are doing really well! I can already see a difference in our energy levels!
I’m trying to be a more patient Mommy…one will will try to cut back on the rush rush of life and enjoy my munchkins as they grow
Oh, gosh. I’m DETERMINED to finish the Couch-to-5k this year, finally! I keep getting knocked off the wagon by getting knocked up. 🙂
healthier living, going green, and working on making more money for my family
We’re working on living simply and within our means.
My husband and I are working to be more financially responsible in 2011
I’m not worried about losing weight (yet) because baby #3 is weeks away. My resolutions are all about my kids. I’m going to try and make more time for them individually and teach #1 to read, teach #2 to talk, and breastfeed #3 all year.
My resolution – be more ducklike. Let the little things roll off my back. Will the bus being late and messing up my morning routine matter in the long-term, let alone next week? Nope. Follow the lesson my 9 year old with autism learned at school — there are little problems and big problems, and I’m not going to let the little problems get to me! I’m going to work on patience with my 7 mo old DD, too — she’ll only be a baby a short time and I won’t remember the little problems of day-to-day life, but will miss the little joys if I’m dwelling on the bad stuff!
This year I am trying to simplify things. We have a new little one on the way (making it 3 under 4 years of age), and I get stressed out very easily from clutter and busyness, so I’m trying to implement some new organization systems for the house, get rid of some toys and clothes to make some room, and cut out some activities that aren’t really necessary.
This year my husband and I are really trying to go all or mostly organic and natural (cleaning products etc) in our house so we can live healthier and more aware.
I resolve to be more forgiving of myself when things don’t go right
We moved a treadmill into the garage and my husband and I schedule time for each of us to get in a quick workout. Sure beats the dreary rain this time of year in Portland!
Since I will be breastfeeding all year, I am trying to drink more water, eat healthier and get back into a regular exercise routine.
saywah_j at yahoo dot com
My resolutions are to blog more, tone up, and take better care of my dog!
2011 – We are hoping to pay off my husband’s car, so we will be debt free (with the exception of the mortgage). Also *crossed fingers* we are hoping to have another baby – and to potty train our son so we don’t have two in diapers at once!
We started a new detox this morning and plan to stick with our all vegetarian meal plan once finished. No more meat!! We can do it!
as always, trying to eat healthier and getting the whole family to do the same!
My goal is to keep finding ways to save our family money–like cloth diapering!
peanut2507 at yahoo dot com
I’m praying to be more patient with my family. (It can be hard with 7 kiddos aged 3 mos to 13 years.)
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com
I signed my hushand and myself up for rocking climbing classes. It is something we can do together and exercise. Plus it is different from the humdrum of the gym.
Something better that’s happening to me (us) in 2011 is hopefully, God willing, get pregnant with our second child! 🙂 Beaming inside just by typing it!
I already lost the baby weight but I need to do some SERIOUS toning back up. And I am going to work very hard to cook most of our meals at home this year instead of eating out so much. Also I am going to make more of an effort to have quality time with my husband, which isnt as easy as I thought it would be with a baby in the house.
lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com
This is the year for organization! We live in approx. 1600 sq. ft.+ an unfinished basement. We are expecting #4 in February and, while we live in a lovely 50’s ranch with a very open floor plan, we feel squished. It’s time to purge all the unnecessary stuff: old clothes, numerous unused toys, extraneous fluff we don’t need, etc…it’s also time to attack deferred maintenance on the house. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
I am determined to actually take care of myself- remembering to eat, taking time time to read and exercise.
This year I am hoping to lose the baby weight from my July baby. I am also resolving to clean more. I am a horrible housekeeper and I want to change that!
2011 is going to be a great year for us! I am finally a complete SAHM and I’m going to be able to watch my 8 month old son hit all the milestones from now on. We can also cloth diaper FULL time now! I’m really excited about that because before this year, he was still in sposies at the babysitter’s house 🙂 I love BG!!!
I’m going to become a birth coach/birthing class instructor. My family is also in the process of making our lives healthier (food wise). Learning about nutrients and supplements, and also hoping to (like everyone else in the world) lose some weight!
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I’m going to potty train my oldest and lose baby weight from my last baby who is 5 months now (I’m getting a late start, I know). I’m drinking more water to help lose the weight (like I should be doing anyway since I’m breastfeeding). My husband is going to try to be more organized so I am going to try as well. I have a craft room and a stash of cloth diapers that are both begging for me to put them in some kind of order!
I am also trying to stick to a more regular schedule. Hopefully that will be a stress reducer!!
This year is filled with changes for my family. We are welcoming baby girl #2 into this world any day now and my husband is starting a new job in March, which means an out-of-state move. My resolution is to spend more time in prayer and reading the Bible in order to help me stay grounded with our many changes.
I joined WW on the 1st so losing weight from our 4th is my resolution 🙂
I’m going to try and be more organized at home. We’re drowning in clutter! At least we’re not drowning in packages of sposie diapers. 😉
I’ve been working on a PhD for most of my married life and the dissertation for years and years. This year I’m going to stop procrastinating writing and finish two chapters. Then, hopefully, they’ll let me graduate.
2010 went down as one of the worst years on record for us, so beating it in 2011 won’t be too difficult, but to help make sure it is better, I will be getting the house more organized to prepare for the arrival of baby #4 in April. After three girls we are finally getting a little boy and need to make room for things that are pink and covered in princesses!
Losing weight so I can have a baby, I hope!
Getting in shape.
Enjoying every fleeting moment of my son’s toddlerhood.
Finishing Grad school by July 31
I want to work on speaking nicely and clearly to my children (no yelling!)
I’m expecting my first baby this March. My resolution is to forgive myself when things don’t go exactly as I plan and to allow myself to change what I previously thought I wanted.
My goals are finishing school asap, getting rid of things we don’t use that have been in boxes for years, and exercising so I can lose weight!
I want to get my papers organized and spend more time on my sewing machine! I have so much fabric/projects lined up that I can’t even move in my craft room!
Lose ten more pounds, night train my son so he is completly potty trained! Keep loving life and counting my two blessings! Also try to do more cloth diapering!
I am planning on losing 50 pounds this year. Easier said than done since I’m nursing & am constantly hungry! lol But I do need to get out & walk/jog more.
Also, I’m going to keep working on helping my husband see the green way to do things. He refuses to change any diapers cuz they’re cloth! He likes his paper plates & towels. Wish me luck! lol
This year my boys will eat some vegetables…no really! I think I may have to get a bit more creative & even a little sneaky, but I am determined to get some veggies in them one way or another.
I am going to try and be “greener” (yay for CDs!) and just overall be healthier.
megs coupons @ live dot com
(no spaces)
my only resolution is to tidy up my kitchen every day…it seems to be the room the stresses my husband out the most when it is messy!
I am going to be a 2nd time Mom sometime this month and I am going to be trying cloth diapers for the first time as well as breast feeding. My 2011 goal is to stick with both and make the world a better place for my current and future little ones!
I am also a photographer and my business goal is to focus more on quality than quantity while in studio this year!!!
I want to spend more “quality time” with my 14 month old. I have the blessing and privilege of being a stay at home Mom, but feel like between housework, bills, shopping and life, I don’t really spend time with him like I should be. I also love to scrapbook and want to make it a goal to sit and work on his baby book!
My goal is to have a healthy baby!
This year I have asked myself for the inspiration to be MORE patient with my children!! Some days it just feels like the world is closing in!!!! I just try to take a deep breath and do one thing at a time… I also remember a friend with little ones who we recently lost.. and enjoy my babies…EVERY DAY!!!!
To get a washer at our cabin so we can cloth diaper year around!
highjumper04 at yahoo dot com
-Savannah B
I am hoping to start my day earlier. I’m not much of a morning person so we’ll see. I just know it would benefit me and my little one. I also, like many others, would love to start date night again with my hubby. 2010 was rough for us and date nights took a back seat due to pregnancy/having our baby, moving away, transitioning me from full time work outside the home to stay at home wife/mom, and having two house payments for the majority of the year. yikes! but God was/is good! Would love to win a new BG! We love our CD stash!
My resolution is to take a shower in the morning and get dressed while little one is taking her nap. I have the biggest habit of staying in my pajamas till 1 pm or something when I finally get motivated and get in the shower, get dressed and “start” my day. Sigh.
I am taking more time for myself for exercise and eating healthier. But I am refusing to put labels like diet or resolution on what I want to do!
i worked out three times a week with my last pregnancy. that has sort of gotten pushed to the side as a juggle the kids, the house and all my other responsibilities. this year, i will make time for myself and get back to the gym 3 times a week!
I am going to try to save as much money as possible and try to pay some stuff off. And loose the baby weight after baby is born.
I want to run a 5k, get a 4.0 in school and get into nursing school! This is a BIG year for me and I love it!
This year, I want to love my children more, and care less about the little things, that need to get done around the house. I also want to spend more quiet moments with Jesus.
doulagirl81 at gmail dot com
This year I have promised myself to stop being so hard on myself! & as always…make sure to always take the time out of my ever so busy schedule to do whatever my kids want to do. Oh…and lose some weight. HA!
My goals are:
to be less serious and have more fun.
to be more productive in my WAHM business.
to eat the same foods I try to get my kids to eat (green beans, yuck).
and to tell my kids and my husband every day that I love them.
I’m going to try to get the rest of my babyweight off now that my kids are almost 1 and almost 2! I think I did pretty good last year taking them on daily walks and outings and I am just going to try to keep it up in 2011!
In 2011 I am vowing to not be on Facebook as often. I need to spend those extra minutes in my day loving on my 3 year old and 4 month old and my husband of course! If only I could live on 5 hours of sleep… 🙂
My new year will include one very new baby girl due March 26th. That will probably be a big enough change! Including things like getting my two year old twins fully potty trained by March and such. I’m also looking to get back to the gym as I was going daily before I got pregnant and I miss it dearly.
Well, I’m actually “de-resolutionizing,” to coin a phrase. That may actually be a “resolution” in itself, but what I mean is that I have decided to let go of a lot of expectations I have for myself that only keep me frustrated and therefore unable to focus on what matters most. I have spent much of this last year trying so hard to establish a really good routine going as a new mom, to somehow become a perfect housekeeper, and still spend a good amount of time with friends, etc. all the while failing at my goals in all of these ways and feeling frustrated.
This year, with God’s help, I’m going to take one day at a time, pray for grace to focus on what matters most and do what God leads me to do, and though I still desire to have a good routine and neat house and quality relationships, I’m not going to stress about how I’m going to do it!
So I guess that’s a resolution. I hope to stop striving and just LIVE!
cheapnchoosy at gmail dot com
I also need to start using my LoseIt program on my phone. It’s a great tool. As well as reading my Bible more and trying to get closer to God.
I’m trying to eat a lot healthier. My biggest obstacles are sweets and also drinking enough water.
It’s all about the money…spend less, save more!
As cliche as it sounds, im working on being healthier and losing weight. Now that I have my baby, its time to get serious!
probably the same as most other people,LOSE WEIGHT! I actually just discovered EA Sports Active 2, why I have never heard of this before! I am def going to buy it and work out a lot more and eat better.
Losing the even though I’m breastfeeding I’m not losing the weight weight…
and figuring out how to finish my dissertation and be a full-time mom and part time teacher!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Classic lose some weight thats it! 2010 was a great year and I hope the same for 2011
I am going to try extra hard to finish college asap! I’m also going to cut back on spending. For January, we are not going to the store. We have so much food here! It’s time to eat up what we have and make room in the cabinets. It’s bad when you have to keep food stocked in other rooms because it won’t all fit in the kitchen. We donated a bunch to a food drive.
mk_mitchell90 at hotmail dot com
This year I’m going to spend a LOT more time outside and to hopefully start my own business!
My new years resolution is to spend more quality time with my husband and myself with a 2 year old and a 8 month old mommy time is non existant and an hour here and there would be nice..
My goal this year is to keep up healthy eating habits I have while pregnant, and lose the baby weight when my child is born this year 🙂
I have decided to run the Detroit MI 1/2 marathon. My husband is a runner lover and I have never had the passion for it. He has been bugging me for yrs to pick it up and when I watched him run the full marathon this past October it really inspired me to want to make my life better not only healthier but my marriage too. By adding something that he is so passionate about to our relationship it will help us become stonger and closer. It will show our kids that we like to exercise!
I WILL definitely work on keeping things organized and will spend more quality time with the DH!
On of my resolutions/goals for 2010 is to cloth diaper my baby due in May, breastfeed exclusively (failed with DD), use NO credit cards, pay down debt, and continue to maintain/adapt to eating healthier.
My e-mail is michelle (at) traditionalsimplicity (dot) com. 🙂
My goal is to keep pursing my hubby and putting him first over my 2 year old!! Which is really hard to do at times!!
I really, really want to start eating healthier for the sake of my husband. He struggles with weight and I don’t. I’m actually underweight and can eat anything I want so I tend to buy all sorts of unhealthy stuff and he gets tempted. I have to help him lose weight and get healthy again. I think once he feels better physically, he’ll start feeling better emotionally (he struggles with PTSD and a variety of other things related to the military/deployments).
This year I plan to work on myself more! After having 2 babies in 21 months, I need some time to focus on myself. I plan on taking some art classes, hanging out with friends more.
I’m not much for new year’s resolutions, but my hubby and I have decided that we’re going to keep a month’s worth of food in the house at all times for emergencies. Also, in this new year I’d like to start back reading my Bible on a daily basis, as I’ve gotten out of the habit since my first LO was born. And lastly, I vow to make it through the next 7 months of my husband being deployed! 😉
This year I’m going to make more of an effort to at least once a month arrange to have our 6 month old and 3 year old taken care of so that my husband and I can have some alone time together whether to go out on a date or stay at home. I am also taking a sewing class.
I am working on truly being in the moment and present for my daughters. They will only be this age once and I want to soak it in and not be obsessed with email and other distractions of everyday life. I’m working on it!
angiedkelly at gmail dot com
I was talking with my neighbor yesterday who has four kids ages 5 and under. She was telling me that her husband said they should actually have goals this year instead of the usual “surviving each day” goal of last year. I thought that was great considering I am expecting our 4th child in a couple of months. So I decided our family goal for the year is to be more organized, that way “surviving each day” should be easier! Right?
Loving what we are blessed with and really focusing on enjoying the simpler things in life. We have love, health, a beautiful daughter and another baby girl on the way. Can’t wait to enjoy 2011 as it unfolds!
Our baby is coming on Friday (scheduled c-section, adoption), and for his/her sake, we’re going to work on getting healthy.
Tolerance and acceptance of life as it comes, not as I wish it to be. I think it will be a great way to reduce stress with a new baby on the way. What could be better than loving what we already have in life!
In 2011 we are looking to start becoming financially more sound. We would like to make an emergency fund, save up for our next adoption, and start contributing to my husband’s 401(k)
my husband and I are teaming up this new year with a co-resolution… to be better prepared for anything that might come our way… that sounds complicated, but it just means that in all areas of our lives (spiritual, physical, social, emotional) we want to be ready for anything that could happen (good or bad), so we’re working on being better stewards of our finances… wiping out gossip and negative attitudes towards others, and spending more time praying together (to just name a couple examples) it is exciting, and having someone to partner with is motivating!
I resolve to be nicer to my hubby this year. I’m not a meanie even now, I promise, but a long day at home with the baby while he’s had the “luxury” of a day of adult interaction sometimes leaves me a little snappy. I will start trying harder to remember that I am the lucky one, for he sacrifices his time with us to secure our lifestyle and future.
It’s been almost 10 years (since 21) that I’ve had a heart healthy enough and muscles strong enough to do something truly athletic. Getting degrees, building a house, marriage, 2 kids, jobs have distracted me from what is truly important: health. And I don’t just mean eating organic fruits and veggies, I mean taking time to exercise. Nothing crazy, but I am utilizing our gym and its daycare and my husband to take time for myself (away from two small kids) to do yoga, step, centergy, and ski (when weather allows–we live in Interior Alaska and it’s often too cold to be out) so that on June 21st, Summer solstice, I will be able to jog a short race. On the Summer Solstice, thousands of people come together to run or walk a 10K at 10:30 at night (in the sun!). It is an amazing time of year, and I’d really like to show myself I can jog it with the crowd rather than walk it with the oldies like I’ve been doing since I was 21. Wish me luck!
Cooking at home more and even with a brand new baby and 1 1/2 year old have time for me an my husband.
Ran my first 5K in 2010. Going to run a 10K by June. Started a podcast in 2010… RADIO show in 2011. I need to finish my book proposal that I never got to and finish applying for 501c3 status for my organization (Things that got pushed aside when my daughter decided to show up early!) I might even get to the point where I can earn a paycheck off of my work!
Also I need to beat Angry Birds and take a nap.
made my 3 year old resolve to brush her teeth 2 times a day — not just at night. so really it’s my resolution as i have to enforce it.
i will sew more!
I got a One Line A Day book and I am committing to writing in it. I am horrible at keeping track of things that my kids have said and done so this is my solution. I figure if I only have space for one line it won’t feel like such an overwhelming project!
I am going to enjoy my pregnancy since this will be my last. I’m going to also do more fun activities with my boys! Oh, also spread awareness about autism. My 3 year old has autism and I feel it is important to educate the world on exactly what autism is. Early intervention is key!
We just moved into a new house and will be ORGANIZED this time. A perfect resolution to make life so much easier!
jenn454ss (at) hotmail (dot) come
I don’t have a resolution, but I *am* planning on starting cloth or reusable diapering with my 6 week old soon so this would be perfect!
This year, we’re going to be healthier. Baby is 10mo now, and husband and I could stand to improve our diets. So healthier eating.
Also, baby’s old enough for bike riding, so we’re going to try to get out on the bikes a few times a week.
Two things: I want to get to bed before 11 and to try to exercise at least once a week.
My resolution is to get the house in shape and keep it organized.
With my third child due in June I’m resolving to put the baby books and photo albums together for my first two children before #3 arrives. I’ve printed off all photos and bought photo albums. I’ve also set a date for my mother to come visit so we can start this process.
My goal for 2011 is to be a better friend. I want to actually see my friends’ faces, talk, eat pancakes together, wander around the mall together–not just read their facebook updates.
There are lots of big ideas for this year, but my biggest goal is to eat fewer processed, convenience foods, and more freshly prepared foods. My baby has finally gotten into finger foods (at a year and a half!), and I’d like to make more healthy choices for both of us.
I will work on spending on time on me, i forget to do anything for myself. i have 2 children so sometimes its hard but i am going to set out time for myslef even if it is 30 minutes a day=D
I’m going to get more sleep and drink more water. I think both will help me to be healthier and have more energy for my kids!
This year my husband and I are going to get fitter and save more money. Simple things we are trying fore already, but it is so nice to have a reason to jump start them!
This year I will eat good and take care of myself, so that I can deliver a healthy and happy new baby in June! Hoping for a girl, so I can buy some pink flips and bum genius, to go with my blue!!!
I’m working on being more organized and getting rid of the excess! Too much clutter, too many toys, too many clothes, shoes, etc! Simplifying our home and our stuff so we can focus on what’s important.
I am working on being more organized so mealtimes are not super-stressful.
We just found out we’re expecting a new baby this year! My first change for the year besides re-learning to love my expanding body, is to get organized and stay organized. I want to spend less time worrying about school and more time with my kids at the Children’s Museum 🙂
twitter @amandavarva
To be intentional in how I spend my time. To not use the excuse of being “busy” for not doing what I know I should do. To love my husband and kids better and to also take care of myself.
I need to get organized! I don’t want our 11 month old learning my bad habit!
And I need to be better about using cloth on the GO too, instead of grabbing some sposies!
I need to lose the rest of my 4th trimester weight and do a much better job meal planning.
I’m going to try to develop more patience this year and be more optimistic!
I plan on doing all I can to have a successful VBAC in the future!
My husband and I are working on bringing back the passion in our marriage. After 5 years and 2 kids, it’s certainly easy to let it slip away. So we’re actively trying to “keep each other interested” and support one another.
I am also working on developing a business plan to start my own natural-parenting store!
While I don’t make resolutions, I do want to eat more healthy food. I’m a very picky eater, and I want to include more fresh fruits and vegetables in my diet. I’ve succeeded with the fruit thanks to my fruit-loving daughter, but the veggies are still in the works.
Oh boy…I have big plans for myself…
1) Pay more attention to my poor husband
2) Eat healthy lunch and light dinner
3) Find new ways to redirect my baby other than : “No!”
4) Eat more organics, especially dairy!
5) Find “me” time every week (ok…every other week for sure minimally)
Thanks for making me write it all down!
I’m going to get myself into better shape…mentally AND physically!
Elizabeth K
elizabethknost AT gmail DOT com
This year I WILL lose the weight! not the baby weight…my baby is 2. the “i still eat like a breastfeeding woman” weight. sigh.
2011 is a big year for us. We’re working on spending actual grown up time together this year (a whole whopping 2 dates in 2010 isn’t near enough!)…but the big thing is our fresh start. We are moving a few states away, for a change of scenery and to leave some of our old stresses behind!
I’m trying to quit drinking soda. I am down to one a day, which is where I have been for a while, but I’ve done it before and I will do it again!!!
I am going to increase my exercise and decrease my weight so I can keep up with these two little girls!!!
I told my hubby that I would lay my 1 y.o down by 7 (his usual time). He will take the 4 y.o to play for 40 minutes so I can go exercise on the treadmill or use my Zumba DVD’s! That is my resolution and I’m sticking to it! I need the time alone and the time to work off a bit of the fluffiness I have!
I have no idea how you contact people off here so here is my email 🙂
My resolutions are more of a continuation of last years: Eat healthier and incorporate more organic foods, and eliminate all consumer debt. I would also like to get and stay more organized as well.
Emma G.
03elewis @
This is a year to complete things already begun.
As soon as the weather is warm I’m putting the twins in the jogging stroller and we’ll get some exercise!
I’m trying to be a little more organized in my day for my kiddos. Like we will try to have one organized activity a day and will also try to get outside a little more (weather permitting of course).
During the holidays I was making quick (and not so healthy) meals. I am trying to get back on track now that things aren’t as busy! I am also trying to cut back on the unnecessary snacking! It’s so hard with 4 little ones around all day!
Clearing out and donating things we just don’t use! We have made one huge donation already and it feels great to know that my house has a little more room.
Trying to incorporate more whole grains in our diets, as a family. Trying to cook healthier foods (just tried tofu parmesan, and it is amazing!), and I’m not a milk drinker but I’ve found I do like almond milk! I’m nursing so I can’t go too crazy with dieting or exercise, but I figure some lifestyle changes for the entire family will help a ton! Now for the warmer weather to get here so we can get outside more !
My husband and I will spend one day a month taking our 4 year old son out for a special day. So he knows that even though we have the baby, he is still special, too!
I am planning on eliminating the clutter in my life. Things around my house, unneeded bills, credit cards, etc, and people who are not positive in my life. I want to declutter all aspects of my life and have a more simple, meaningful life.
I’m with Rikki! I’m going to finish using all the jars and cans of stuff ASAP and then continue on this year making my own ingredients!
Showlove40 at hotmail dot com
We are starting the potty training adventure with our oldest daughter. Looking forward to only having one in diapers again!
We are trying to not only save money but try to save waste in the process. Since cloth diapering we started using cloth wipes and this year I am trying to use napkins and towels instead of paper products!
My baby boy turned 6 mo on Dec. 30. I guess its time to get back into shape. Eating better and exercise are in my future. I hope to get into running shape for the spring race season.
one goal of mine is to cook more from scratch…and like it! 🙂
With baby #2 on the way, we are working on fine tuning our household routines so we can make a smooth transition to a family of 4. I am also hoping to exclusively breastfeed which wasn’t a possibility for me last time. 🙂
bb___ at yahoo dot com
Cutting back and saving more money are it, as baby #2 will come in March and we’ll need the finances.
I plan to help more moms choose cloth diapers by completing my photo journalism project on the subject.
I’m pregnant with #2 right now and taking it easy b/c of colds and a few early contractions, but I can’t wait until she arrives in May. I am looking forward to bike rides and parks this summer/fall! I can’t wait to take our two girls out and explore the world with them. It will be so nice to run, splash, and do all the fun active things that aren’t possible right now again!
My resolutions are:
1) To finally conquer the clutter in the office.
2) Do a better job on the veggie and herb garden this year so we have a higher yield and can share a little healthy food with family, friends, and neighbors.
3) Keep the house tidy for us each day instead of just when company comes over. 😛
My goals are to exercise 3 times a week, do a daily devotional with my husband amd incorporate healthier foods into our diet.
My resolution is to be confident with my body after two babies and workout to achieve my goal of participating in two spring triathlons this summer. Training has already started! :O)
I am due with #2 in May. This year, I am determined to exclusively breastfeed. I didn’t have much support with #1 and had a lot of trouble, so I ended up just going to bottles after 4 weeks. I have much more knowledge and support this time, so I know I’m going to be able to do it.
Making it a better year is so exciting! We are actually taking our first ever family vacation to Disney World. Plus working on just being healthier 🙂
After the birth of my son (in the next month!), I hope to re-start the C25K program and my goal is to run a 5K by June. We are also working on meal-planning more to eat healthier and save some money instead of eating out so often!
And ultimately, I just plan on working to be the best mom for my son 🙂
heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
Eat healthier and save money! I need to step away from the cupcakes!
i am vowing to give myself a little “me” time each week. no matter what. happy mommy=happy family
I am going to work on creating a more active lifestyle after the birth of Baby #2 in May! I want to show a good example to my kids.
My goals are to be more healthy (and in return lose 20 pounds), go on one date each month (with the hubby of course), spend one day a week as a family, and continue to succeed in sonography school.
I plan to continue to be mindful of the meals we have as a family and to get back into more family exercising (mostly family walks) once the new LO gets here in February and it finally gets warmer! I’m going to try not to worry and stress out about everything as much!
My resolution is to spend more time with my kids. I sometimes forget how precious they are and lose my patience too easily. I want to fully appreciate my kiddos this year! 🙂
I am pregnant now, and I’ve been so sick for 6 months. I started feeling better physically, which helped me mentally. I decided to keep the momentum going, and popped in one of my excersize DVDs. I don’t think I got a good workout, but I felt mentally happy with myself and more like “me”. I also started to splurge on the already cut up fruit salads at the grocery store. I haven’t the energy to select the ripest cantelope or wash berries or anything these days, and that has been a positive step forward for my snacking!
My goal is to run a marathon PR next fall…otherwise I don’t set big goals each year (ie weight loss, etc) because then I won’t let myself down. My lifetime goal is to feel happy, confident and enjoy my children-they are growing way too quickly!
We’re going to be planting an organic garden, raising laying hens and will have a dairy goat. Trying to make things healthier for our little 1 year old and our 2nd one on the way.
I’d love to lose 15 lbs. this year and also pay off a huge chunk of our debt!
Johanna (
My resolution is to be more patient, especially with my teenage daughter and my mother-in-law.
jdeemarie @
I have the most cliche of all! My resolution is to loose weight. I need to get back to my prepregnancy size! I’m serving in a wedding and I want to feel better and be healthy for my little boy and my husband!
New Year, New baby, New attitude! My goal is to relax and not try to “do it all!”
-Lauren staples (
I am resolved to make the entire family more healthy, by serving healthier foods.
In 2011 I plan to cook better foods for my family. I find myself in a rut of the same old recipes over and over so this year I am actually opening the cook book and buying all those random ingredients better dishes require!
Spend more time learning about Jesus!
I’m going to aim for a much simpler, organized year in 2011.
My resolution is to live life. I need to loose weight but feel better too. I want to make sure that I’m not making the same resolution every year. I want to be fit and healthy so we can start trying to get pregnant again this summer. I’m really looking forward to 2011!
I am working on keeping an optimistic attitude even through these tough financial and emotional times for my family as well as starting a regular work-out routine via our Wii. I have just discovered how much my little ones enjoy the dance work-outs too with Mama and they make great cheerleaders to help boost my go-get-em attitude to keep me going! I probably do a couple extra songs just because they are having fun.
We are working harder at being more healthy and living a greener life. ~Annette R.
Definately trying to get healthier and work out 3-5 times a week. Start fixing more balanced meals too.
This year I am working towards being at peace with our previous failures (Infertility, Adoption) at building our family. I am looking forward to a new year full of potential for great change and motherhood. ‘Being at Peace’ means many things including putting aside past pain, insecurities and fear of the future, and cultivating hope. Cultivation, I am learning, is often made up of tiny steps. Lately a step has been to keep the door to the nursery open instead of closed. Another? To see (and emotionally embrace) several times a day the stacks of little clothes and the beginning stash of cloth diapers -like tiny bundles of hope. Ultimately that is the heart of my resolution this year – nurturing hope. I am so very tired of sorrow…I am kicking it to the curb! 🙂
I am going to make 2011 better by being more organized! I was to declutter my house and live more simply!
Trying to reduce our consumption including energy (our heating/cooling bills have been killer!)
Patience. I think many of my frustrations would be resolved if I paused before I spoke/reacted. 🙂 I will try to be more patient with my husband, kids & coworkers.
I always vow to be healthier, work out more, etc., but I just never follow through. Today, though, I am signing myself up for a 10K. In February. Here’s hoping that kick starts me this new year.
I am training for a half marathon with my mother!!!! To get into shape, to bond, and to have fun 🙂
We have a 7 month old daughter who will soon start eating what we eat so our major goal this year is to eat better and keep her body as pure as possible.
My goal is to read through “The Daily Bible” this year. I’m shooting for reading daily WITHOUT having to double up days to be caught up. Also to spend more time with my family.
My goal is for 2011 to be the year in which I become a more organized mother. It will help my family and better equip my children for their futures.
I would like to get a healthier meal plan in place at our house. The not so healthy hotdogs, chicken nuggets, fries usually win with the little ones. More home cooked, non-processed foods are what I’m aiming for.
I am on a mission to get our home organized, de-clutter, become a better student of God’s word, and lose this weight for good! (Now that the baby is 6 months, I can’t use the “I JUST had a baby” Line, right???
Also – could u please pick me!!! Our whole family has the flu (all 5 of us!!) and this would be a great pick me up! :):):):)
I always do a “word of the year” and this year I’m working on “Harmony”. Making my life more balanced!
I am working on finishing projects I started and for some reason or another I never completed. Last night my husband helped me sort through FOUR plastic tubs of yarn and fabric, I emptied one box and made it my box of projects to complete. The goal is to empty the box out by completing the projects inside it and refill it with more projects once it is totally empty. So far I have already started making progress on one project and I’m looking forward to a productive year!
Goal #1 is to have a baby! I’m 39wks2days so the saying “anytime now” is right on!
Next, I’ll need to learn to balance life as a wife, and mama to a toddler and newborn, and still find time to get to Curves so I can be a healthier me!
I am working on making 2011 better than 2010 by becoming more organized and less cluttered. We are simplifying!
My mission for 2011 is to adopt at least one new “green” change in our home each month. January – we got rid of bottled water…each month will be something new added so we can help save the planet for our little ones! 🙂
couch to 5k
My goals this year are to save more ( dave ramsey, here i come!) enjoy my children more, and drink more water!
I am pregnant with baby #2, and my goal is to eat healthy, gain a healthy amount (no more) and enjoy the ride. 🙂
My goals this year are to be kinder, take at least one picture every day, and drink more water.
I’m trying to focus on one word for 2011…UNSELFISH…in as many different areas of my life as possible.
We just had baby #6 in August, so some of my goals are to work on getting myself into better shape, and increase water intake while decreasing caffeine intake (our 5 month old is still exclusively breastfed). We will also be tackling organization this year, working on completing our play room, and getting rid of old toys and clothes. We’ll also be painting some rooms in the house this year! We have decided our family is complete with 6 kids, so we’re ready for a new challenge, and getting things whipped into shape around here!
I am learning to sew, make my own baby food, grow my own food, etc…I am learning this year to get back to the basics and be some what self sufficient. I feel better about myself wen I accomplish even the smallest task!
My goal is to make mini goals for myself & family! I need to be more organized as a mother with a growing family. I plan on losing weight, but again, mini goals: eat at home more, eat healthier, exercise more often! And also to enjoy & savor every moment 🙂
My goals this year are to keep the house a little neater, stay on budget, lose a bit of weight and try to keep a positive attitude!
My goal for this year is to be more intentional about our mornings. I tend to just let things flow instead of getting things done!
Every year I say I’m going to lose weight. This year is no different, except now instead of simply losing weight I want to be healthier for my son.
But my biggest resolution is patience. I want to have more patience with my son, with my partner, with life in general.
I’d also like to finally tell myself I’ve reached “stash nirvana” but if that were the case I wouldn’t be entering this giveaway LOL!
I’m going to really learn how to sew and sew something useful.
I am trying to cut out convenience foods and try to plan and make healthier meals for my family!
Yesterday we found out that our 15 month old son is lactose intolerant. I am glad we finally have a cause for the nasty runny diapers, so now we can get back to using our cloth diapers. So with this new diet change for my son, my goal is to be able to make dinner every night that he will be able to eat and not have the same old thing all the time. It will be a big change for the whole family, but it is what we have to do to make it better for him and for us.
Buy more diapers! 😛
But seriously, learn how to be a better mom and wife, find a new job before I become a lunatic, meal plan, eat better, work out….
Mel W.
Here are my 2011 resolutions:
To not be preggy or breastfeeding by the end of the year? First time in 5 yearsish that I will have my body back! (Pretty sure I won’t be pregnant, not so sure missymoo will have weaned.)
To be more healthy (to lose the baby fat) and start getting more exercise
To not gripe about my children and enjoy them even when they are driving me crazy.
I have a few things I’m working towards that are all encompassed by this: Discipline. Discipline in my eating, exercise, Bible Study and prayer, etc. I turn 30 this year so it’s about time to grow up, right?! 🙂
I have started back to doing fitness classes. Since my baby was born in July, I’ve only focused on him and his big brother. Dealing with the blues longer than the first time, I’m trying hard to do things that make me a happy mama. And exercise is one of them!
I’ve named 2011 the “Year of Faith”. I’ll be working on trusting in God rather than giving in to my fears. I’m also starting a list of “1000 Gifts”, inspired by Ann Voskamp’s new book. It’s already made me into a more thankful, worshipful, happy person! 🙂
My goals for 2011 are to organize my home, drink enough water, cut out caffeine, and conceive a baby girl! (I have 3 boys so this is my last chance LOL)
We’re going paper towel free. I’m also going to start exercising on a more regular basis so that I feel better and hopefully have more patience with my daughter.
I am taking continuing education classes to improve my standing when I return to work. I love being at home with my new daughter, but I miss all my other children from my sixth grade class.
This year I want to take more time for myself. I need to focus on making sure I’m a good example of a whole and healthy person, for all of my children but especially for my daughter.
Mine is to learn to cook better food. For the past 3 years my hubby has worked far away for at least 4 months of the year. Right now he’s actually in another country (canada) and setting up a new home for us. Its gonna be the first time in 3 years of being home every night and me not having to work too. Its really crazy scary changes for all of us but I’m excited to be with him and finally learn to do housewifey things. So cooking is on my list. And having more patience with my 3 year old is another big one. I think I want to start encouraging her creativity. Once we get settled I want to get her in swim lessons and dance lessons.
Oh and to not be afraid of messes. (which is hard when you have your house on the market and feel the need to have it be clean 100% of the time. but kids got to play too!)
I want lose 15lbs, and be in great shape so I can be the best mom I can be for my 3 kiddos, and want to get debt free this year!!
Working on being more of a present parent. I ended last year with Mama-Overload. I feel like I’m always trying to handle some grown-up task. In the eyes of a child, the dirty dishes don’t matter, but the fact that I sat down and played Thomas for 20 minutes is a big deal 🙂
This year my husband and I are working on making our family a more God centered family. We have always attended church but have never truely given everything to God. There is not better time then now to start. I am also going to try and bring healthier choices into our home to eat. At the end of 2010 my aunt had a double knee replacement. I grew up in a family with extremely overweight people and now I have let that become my norm. I do not want to be in the position that my aunt is in right now when I am in my late 50’s……it is time to make a change!!!
I am working on a fresh new start. I was not in a healthy marriage, so I am starting out on my own with my two babies. I am working to have more patience with myself as well as others. Also come to realize that I don’t see the big picture all the time. I’m working on sewing more and doing more outdoor things with my two children. Learning the only person who can make you happy in life is yourself, you can’t expect others to do it for you. :o)
I promised myself we’ll get into a better (more efficient) routine in the mornings, and that I’ll have more patience and spend more time playing/reading/etc and less time on housework.
So far, I’m failing miserably.
I am really going to try and get healthy this year. Lots more fruits and veggies for this family.
This year I plan to focus more on my family, especially with our baby girl on the way. I want to live in the moment more instead of stressing about what the future may or may not bring.
I am going to attempt to make more me time, I am SAHM and never get out or away to do me things. I am also going to do my hardest to not stress about things that are out of my control!
I am trying to do a few things this new year. First is lose weight and get into shape…2 kids in under 16 months took its toll on my body so I want to get back into shape.
Secondly, I want to decluter my house. I have so much stuff sitting around that doesn’t get used it drives me nuts and I just can’t take it any more.
Thrid, is to spend more time just playing with my kids. I stay at home with them all day but I don’t take enough time to get down on the ground and play with them
My families new years resolution is to live simply. We have a bunch of details of what that means to us, but I won’t bore you with all of them.
heartsetfree (at) gmail (dot) com
My goal is to be more patient with my oldest daughter. Sometimes it seems like all my patience is spent on the baby. I also plan on doing a budget this year and actually sticking to it!
I’m going to keep breastfeeding! And become more organized within my home, car and life! I’ve been letting things (especially clothing) clutter my life for far too long!
I’m making my own baby food.
I’m determined to lost weight! After 4 pregnancies I definelty had my fair share of weight gain. I lost 30 pounds over the summer and I plan on losing another 30. That would put me back at my pre pregnancy weight from over 9 years ago!!! I know I can do it b/c I’ve done it already!!!
My resolution isn’t technically because of the new year, but the timing works out that way. I’m due to have my first child in a few days, and that brings on all sorts of resolutions. I resolve to eat better than I did prior to pregnancy, to be more motivated in all aspects of my life, and to make sure to take the time to go places and do things that I generally put off– enjoying the beauty of the area around me, and spending more time with the extended family. Above all, I resolve to be less selfish.
mine is marriage related, and kinda personal, but I would still love to win a new BG!!
I’m trying to take better care of myself so I can be a better Mommy and wife 🙂 I really need to work at being happy with what I have and being more optimistic.
I plan on working on myself by eating right and trying to work out more. I am also planning on doing a dat night once a month to reconnect with my SO
mellanhead74 at
I’m working on a few Eco-Endeavors for 2011 including mamacloth; starting ECing w/ my son: planting a garden; buying local produce only; plastic-free kitchen and paperless kitchen. I’m also starting to train to run my first mini-marathon and have made a commitment to get back into writing through journaling and writing each day.
My resolution is to find 5 ways my family and I can live healthier lives throughout the year.
My goal for this year is simply that. To set goals. My hubby and I plan to have a quarterly meeting to review our finances and other family goals. Our first family goal for the year is to follow a better evening schedule so we don’t find ourselves fighting so many bedtime battles.
Our family had a tough 2010 so we have decided as a family to learn what is needed vs. wants. To downsize in hopes to save more money so we are able to spend more time as a family and save so one day my husband and I can enjoy ourselves; just the two of us.
For myself I am working on cooking from scratch and lessening the amount of food that comes out of a box. I am also training and running in a half marathon this year.
we are focusing on cleaning up our language so our little boy doesnt pick up on bad words. I am also working to make our home safe for toddlers. I also resolve to make dinner more often!
I resolve to lose weight this year. I’ve kept about 30lbs between my two pregnancies and its time to get it off! I will start by eating healthier and going to the gym more.
Jessica A
jaje1 at yahoo dot com
My resolution is to become more organized adn cleaner in the new year. I want to be a better example of good habits for my daughter.
after celebreating my 8th anniversary last night, I have decided to be a better wife. I need to be a better encourager, have more patience and show my thankfulness to my husband.
I think the biggest thing that I plan to work on this coming year is to be happy exactly where I am at. Sure I will push and strive for greater things, but I don’t want to be longing for those things. I will be working on being content and happy with the way things are in that moment. 🙂
My resolution is to start “date your kids” day. Meaning I want to spend more one on one time with each of my kids so they feel special and know that even with a new baby we haven’t forgotten our oldest son!
spend less, eat better, exercise more!
I’m working on two big things–getting healthy for my family and myself, and being a better, more supportive wife for my husband. He does so much that allows me to be a SAHM I want to make sure he knows he’s appreciated and loved and what better way than a clean house? 🙂
Working on being the best mommy and wife that I can be!
2010 was a really awesome year so it’s going to be hard to top it. We are, as a family, going to try to be healthier. That includes less TV, healthier snacks and an emphasis on family outings that are physical, i.e. swimming at the rec center rather than the movies.
Here is my list!
~Have my daughter (due Jan. 23rd) naturally, no pain meds
~Lose weight after having baby
~Spend more time talking and praying with my husband instead of TV/Internet/etc.
~Spend more time focusing on my children, just sitting with them or playing or reading books or taking them to do fun things
~Cook dinner more often instead of eating out
~Pay off remaining debt (hopefully with our tax return!)
~Try not to go crazy buying diapers when Cotton Babies comes out with more amazing products! 🙂
We’re moving out onto an 80 acre ranch and going to raise as much of our food as possible. My resolution this year isn’t just to loose weight or be organized.My resolution is to make a lifestyle change so that I can be the best mother and wife I possibly can.
I’ve done lots of reading and research and just feel like I need to break away from what’s become the normal western lifestyle. I NEVER thought I’d be writing any of this. But I want to grow our vegetables, make our bread and pasta, our butter and cheeses. I want to be healthy organic and whole!
Can highly recommend that anyone who has netflix and is interested in what goes into their bodies should watch Food Inc and Food Matters. Two really great documentaries!
I am going to attempt to run 500 miles this year!! Off to a late start since our latest hasn’t even made his arrival, but I am hopeful!
Im seriously trying to start the new year out healthy. I am trying to lose weight so that I can be happier and healthier for my little boy. I want to be a fun and energetic mommy!
I need to buckle down and start listening to my childbirth prep/relaxation CD’s! My surprise bundle is due in a few short months. Time flies!
My resolution is to try to say yes more to my kids, well mostly the older one as the other one is still a baby!
Last year was quite crappy and she had to sacrifice quite a bit, so we’re starting with the birthday party that was cancelled last year when I lost my job 3 weeks before. I mailed out the invitations last night!
More of a goal than a resolution really but I want to explore my options for going back to school to finish my psychology degree. I want to use it to help teenage and young mothers in the prevention of pregnancy but primarily in the assistance they will need after becoming pregnant. I had my first child at 17 so I know first-hand all of the obstacles these girls will encounter. I wish I had had more of a mentor for help and guidance.
to convert more mommas in my area to cloth diapers. in a town of 25,000 our pediatrician says we are one of 3 families he sees that uses cloth. i dont know if there are more than just us or not, but i want to try my best to convert more!
I want to focus on eating more healthy raw unprocessed foods. I also want to set aside a few hours a day just to be with my little kids and have a little homeschool preschool with them.
I definitely plan on trying to do just as well for ME as I do for my daughter, that means if she eats a fruit or veggie, then I do too. We shared an apple for a snack a few minutes ago. I’ve been taking vitamins for the last couple of months and they really seem to help me feel better and get through the day less tired and cranky!
With baby number 3 due this July, I am not going to be over ambitious in my self expectations this year. My main goal is to adujst to life with 3 children ages 4 and under! That being said, I would like to do more Yoga this year. I would also like to learn something new…like how to knit.
I’m committed to start using coupons as opposed to just carrying them around until they expire.
My resolution is to not NEED a resolution next year! We are not looking at this as a diet but a lifestyle change. Better food, better sleep, better activity.
In 2011 I want to use more cloth diapers, buy less stuff, get rid of the rest of the baby weight, and finish some projects around the house. I am also going to try to do an art experiment or project each day, although I haven’t actually started that.
aprilkek at verizon dot net
this year I am hoping to re-center myself and focus on my relationship with my husband. With a 6 month old, 3 dogs, and his 13 year old daughter living with us, life is pretty hectic and hopefully we can strengthen our relationship.
kristingates at bellsouth dot net
My new years resolution is to start using cloth diapers even when we are on trips (day trips and weekend trips). I would like to almost never have to put my baby in disposables.
Also I would like to get back to doing yoga as often as possible!
Green smoothies are making their way back into my life. Bottoms up!
hennasarai26 at gmail dot com
This year I’ve made two resolutions:
#1 To not buy foods with ingredients that I can’t pronounce while grocery shopping
#2 To read at least one book to my daughter every day.
I am working on getting and keeping our family more organized with a family calendar. We have a small amount to debt to pay off and then we can start looking to buy a house. Keeping track of all of our bills out in the open is hopefully going to make us more conscience of the money we need to be saving and not spending!
I managed to be back in pre-baby shape by her first birthday as I hoped, so this year I’m focusing on our household. I’m getting organized and focusing on our mental health. We want a low-stress 2011!
Biggest change in 2011 is becoming a family of 3!
I’m disabled and can’t do most traditional ‘exercise’ so I’m going to try to start eating healthier and lose weight that way.
dibz a t hot mail do t com
My goal is to meal plan every single week. And have a baby in the next 4 weeks 😀
This year the goal I’m setting for myself is to finish those projects that I start. Those home improvement things, crafts… just so much that needs to be finish. And since I’m expecting my first baby in April, I’m just hoping to establish some more healthy routines for this growing family! 🙂
trying to “green” up our lives–already CDing (LOVE our BG’s!!), but gonna add wipes, un-paper towels and napkins and start using less chemical cleaners. also, i am GOING TO get back my pre-baby bod! (but actually started that process in december)
I’m resolving to get and STAY organized!
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My goal for 2011 is to save more money so that my family will someday have the means to buy a home. I also am trying to be grateful for everything I already have, and for all the wonderful people in my life, by keeping a “gratitude journal.” I’m trying to write down the things that happen during my day that I’m thankful for, be they a beautiful sunset or whatever.
We are looking to make 2011 better by adopting our first baby!
I am resolving to organize our house, live on less, live greener, learn how to freezer cook and take a few minutes for myself each day. It seems like a tall order but I just have take one step at a time so that this time next year I can check these off my to-do list!
I am hoping to eat healthier and exercise more!
This year I am trying to clean a little each day so that I feel like I can relax in our house instead of waiting until the weekend and spending alllll day doing it.
We are also trying to do a mass decluttering of the house and giving away what we no longer need (or possibly never needed!!) 🙂
kaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com
Patience. I could always work on patience. Especially with a soon to be 2 year old and a newborn coming in a few months. I would love to be a more patient mommy for all the questions that always come my way!
Happy New Year!
jennifer_atchison at hotmail dot com
My husband and I are expecting our first baby in only 5 short weeks. We are so excited! With becoming parents we have decided we need to do alot of things to make the world a little greener for our baby girl.
We are starting with Cloth Diapering! And we are both 100% committed to it. There is no turning back now.
We’re also looking forward to making our own baby food!!!
Happy 2011, definitely gonna be our families best year yet!!!
melissaleemarquis at yahoo dot com
Im working on taking time to relax and eating healthy.
No NEW ME on the way, just a BETTER VERSION of me. A more compassionate me. A more patient me. We started better food habits in the fall, more adventurous cooking ME. A me that tries a little harder instead of just doing the “same ol'” or just getting by. A stronger me. A more loving less judgmental me. It’s not the new year that brings it about, in fact, we sorta slept right on through it, it’s a desire to BE better, live better and love more. Be a more positive life force to those around me. Every day will bring change I hope 🙂
Trying to remember that just because I’m nursing doesn’t mean I can eat anything I want.
This new year I am striving to raise even better educated, responsible, contributing children of our tomorrow! By far my kids are great, but I see way too many kids put status updates “I’m bored, text me” . My daughter did this once and I sat down to discuss how I felt about this. I feel that it is disrespectful and appreciative towards parents. I will instill good family values, appreciation, dedication, love and empathy in my chldren.
We are trying to declutter our house – give away what we don’t need, organize what we do. Let the nesting begin! 🙂
lauraclarekelly at hotmail dot com
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I am resolving to make menu planning part of our sunday ritual to aid in the “cook healthier meals” movement in our home.
I am also going to attempt to find time for myself (i.e. getting to the gym, getting my hair done, relaxing with a good craft project.
sklwiliams at hotmail dot com
2010 was a rough and yet amazing year – we learned a year ago today that we were expecting after over 9 years of secondary infertility! We now have a family of four, and one of our biggest goals is to keep growing our cloth-diaper stash. We have a rather small budget to work with due to some unexpected medical bills. 🙂
I’m working to add more order to our household. I have started meal planning and have set up a cleaning schedule. We’re also cleaning out all the unused clutter we’ve accumulated.
I have so many!! My husband and I have decided to spent more time to get back to the two of us.
I personally want to tone back up. Just still have too much “flab” from number 2 hanging around.
Our last goal is to get in a better situation financially so I can stay at home with my girls full-time.
I’m working on a healthier lifestyle…much better than a diet!! And hopefully being the best mommy & wife I can be =)
I’m striving to be more patient w/ the kiddos and better at sticking to the budget! (losing a few pounds after baby 4 would be nice too!). Feiockfamily AT gmail DOT com
Like many others, I am too trying to slim up a bit. I am moving more while eating better to reach my goal!
This coming year I simply want to be a wonderful friend, mom, and wife. I want to make selfless decisions that show humility.
This year I am going to work harder on helping kids in need. My husband and I have been fostering children for four years now. There is such a need for children to have stable loving homes. We have two birth children and two foster babies right now…all 5 and under! There is always time and space to help. My dream is to recruit more foster families to help relieve the shelters this year. Changing one small life…changes a whole generation of people!
This year we are going to try and find the beauty in the simple things and simplify life as much as possible.
I’m resolving to quit buying disposables! We’ve got to solve our ammonia/hard water problems and get back on track with our beloved bumgeniuses. 🙂
I’m also resolved to get the kids toys organized… after christmas it just got really really ridiculous.
I want to cook more, get healthier, and be more “green”. I have looked up a ton of easy recipes (a lot in my crock pot), and started walking every other day with a friend who has a baby around my LO’s age. I also plan to start using cloth wipes, napkins, and recycling. :D.
I want to up my raw vegetable intake, and get more private time with my hubs!
I’m not one for resolutions set in stone, but more of things I want to try to do.
I downloaded a home organization/cleaning routine app yesterday for my phone and plan to use it to keep on top of my tasks. With 4.5 kids I sometimes forget when was the last time I scrubbed the bathroom or dusted. More pressing things like crumbs on the countertop get taken care of quickly, but I don’t remember to change my AC filter without a reminder.
I’m also just trying to soak in my kids’ childhood b/c it’s going by so fast!
Well, I spent most of 2010 pregnant and let my healthy diet fall to pieces. So it’s back to the good stuff, real food, etc. I also have a goal to stop buying diapers. I’m about done with the fluff stash, will be potty training the 2 year old- and voila! No more diapers to buy. Ever 🙂
I am working on making quality family time.
I am going to try to eat when I am suppose to not just when I can find a minute. I have five kiddos and am homeschooling so I guess I need to put some me time in there to be healthy too! 🙂
I don’t make official “resolutions,” but for the past year I’ve been working to plan our meals and grocery shop once a week, rather than making multiple trips. Saves time and money!
Me and my husband were reminded a few weeks ago that life is truly a precious thing when we found out that our new baby twins are conjoined and are expected to carry to full term but not survive once they are born. We have been learning to rejoice in the times when we just don’t understand why things are happening and to cherish our time that we do have with loved ones because you never know how much time you have with those you love. We have decided to never take our time for granted and live life to the fullest each and every day.
I aim to enjoy more and fret less. To reach that goal, I want to take 15 minutes at the start of each day for a little yoga and if I’m lucky, that’ll result in a firmer me, too 🙂
I’m gonna work towards my first post baby triathlon. (elaine dot zuber at yahoo dot com)
My resolution is to be around my house more and taking better care of it!! As much as I can being pregnant with twins due in May!
I’m going to work on eating healthier and packing healthier lunches for my kids.
I’m trying to find balance in my life. I excel at some things but am not so great at others, I need to spend more time working at the things that challenge me. I’m also hoping this will be the year that I manage to get my family to STAY organized. 🙂
I am getting myself and my family healthier, as well as attempting to live on a better budget.
My resolution is to spend more adult time with husband. Iam going to try to eat healthier. (more fresh fruits and vegetables) I make balanced meals with fresh ingredients for dd so it should be easy. Lastly, I am going to try to pick up the house and organize on a daily basis
We are saying goodbye to the diaper world. Today my baby girl is now a big girl. We officially made the switch from diapers to undies at 16 months. Cloth really does wonders for potty training!!!
I am training for a 5k with the goal of working up to a 10k!
jennifer dot gartside at yahoo dot com
The family goal is to eat more colors and fewer white things. The dog wants me to include him in our goals and to walk him more!
This year, I promise to myself to allow me to have time for me and to be happy. For 10 years now, I have focused consistently on helping my dad through a horrible illness, and doing everything to make everyone else happy. This year I really want to focus on me, my loving son, my husband, and the baby on the way. We need to in order for us to succeed as a family unit. I guess another thing I am working on in 2011 is to not be stretched so thin mentally. Have a happy new year!
I’m working on becoming more confident in myself.
I’m working to perfect my sewing skills and open an Etsy shop selling the things I love that I’ve made for my baby: bobby pillow covers, nursing covers, wetbags, cloth baby wipes, bibs, soft (cloth) books, and more!
I’m not much for making New Year’s “resolutions” but I’ve recently been trying to cut back on convenience meals and working on cooking better, healthier things for my family.
I am working incorporating a fruit or veggie into each and every meal (for my son and myself!)
I am working to eliminate white starches and up my fruits and veggies.
My husband and I are signing up for a 5K in April, despite never run a race in our lives! Training will be starting ASAP!
My resolution is to go on a date night once a month with my husband. With an almost 5 month old, we rarely go out and do anything just us. Our conversations at home are about baby and house work and things we need to do. This will help us reconnect and enjoy just us.
My other resolution is a fun one. To document my daughters life, i am taking a picture every day of her and posting them on a blog to share with my family across the country. This way I know I will have many pictures of her and can share her with my parents who we only see once or twice a year.
I’m discovering the world of Smoothies this year. Finally, right?! Gotta get in those fruits and veggies!!