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One Small Step for Genius Kind: Neil
July 26, 2017 2:49 pm | by
TGT Neil

Today’s edition of Truly Genius Tuesday… err, Wednesday, highlights the latest print in our Genius Series, Neil.

Who was Neil…

Forty-eight years and 5 days ago, Neil Armstrong took an epic walk on the moon’s surface.

Neil Armstrong was an aerospace engineer, naval aviator, test pilot, university professor, but most notably, an American astronaut and the first person to walk on the Moon. Way back in 1969, Neil was as the spacecraft commander for Apollo 11, NASA’s first manned lunar landing mission. On July 20, 1969 at 10:56 p.m., Neil Armstrong took his famous first step on the moon. Since Neil’s famous steps, he has been known and celebrated as an American hero. From the Presidential Medal of Freedom to the Congressional Space Medal of Honor, Neil was acknowledged and honored for his work with numerous awards.

Our Neil print was inspired by history and adventure. Our space-themed design features iconic imagery from Apollo 11: Columbia, the Eagle, an astronaut and more.

Today, we have some exciting news for fans of Neil.


Without further ado, here’s a brand new style of wet bag available in Neil.

The bumGenius Weekender Wet Bag is an essential accessory for travel. The Weekender is a great accessory for travel, use it for wet clothing, or to separate dirty clothing from clean. Also a handing cloth diaper accessory, it will hold 6-10 cloth diapers. When not in use, it folds up nice and small. The snap handle allows it to easily hang wherever you need it. The bumGenius Weekender Wet Bag is our newest product and will be available in a variety of colors ands very soon!

wet bag


About the Author

Julia joined Cotton Babies in 2016 as Executive Assistant to Jenn Labit. She’s the proud mama to a toddler and a baby. She and her husband also have 2 dogs, a cat, a turtle and a pet fish. Julia is a diehard Cardinals fan who loves spending time with her family, shopping, crafting, and binge-watching “The Office.”


1 Comment

  • Daveanna Davis said...
    July 26, 2017 at 3:13 pm

    Definitely bummed that there weren’t any diapers for sale like other Truly Genius Tuesdays… I would love my little girlie to have one to match her NASA clothes.. :'(