Zucchini is getting cheap around here, summer must be right around the corner! I bought a bunch the other day and made some very yummy zucchini bread. I had some extra zucchini when I was done mixing so I figured I would just pop it into my Fresh Baby Tray and make good use of it. When I have been making veggies for the family it has been easy to pop a little of the leftovers into the blender and put them in the tray as well. I have just made sure to cook the vegetables without butter or salt,
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Lambies are the best. For my last four kids I have used one and it has been so handy. That fuzzy little rug can do just about anything. We have had our lamby for over ten years now and it still looks pristine. It has been through 4 kids – well it is on its fourth kid and there is not a stain to be found on it. It is still lofty and cuddly and perfect as ever. Some uses for your Lamby Lambskin: Before baby is born, sleep on it yourself. It is wonderfully cushy on those sore hips
Dental work. I hate dental work. But what must be done, must be done. So I dropped off the two under-school-aged little people with a good friend of mine so that I could go and be tortured in peace. My friend has a bunch of her own children, including two close in age to my youngest two. Mine are 6 months and 3 years and hers are 1 year and 3 years. So I knew the kids would have a pretty good time. She has never been one to understand my love for cloth diapering. It’s just not her thing,
When my husband is working a lot of overtime I get tempted. Wandering through the grocery store, those cute little boxes of disposable diapers sing their siren song, “I’m so much easier, you can do a little less laundry since this week is so busy.” I begin to falter, reaching out towards a particular favorite brand, realizing no, I don’t want the smaller package, because then I have to worry about running out. But the price sets me back a bit. $20 for the big box. I look at my cart. $20 adds a lot to a grocery bill. Especially
Fold a piece of clothing, hand Lily her toy, fold a piece of clothing, hand Lily her toy… so it went as I tried to catch up on folding the mountain of laundry while Lily was willing to sit in her Bumbo chair. Unfortunately, though, Lily’s grip is not the surest and she can’t reach the things that fall on the floor from her seat. So up and down I went, handing her the toy and then folding something. It was so nice to see her interested in something besides me for a moment, even if her dexterity wasn’t quite
I asked Maryanne to explain some of the mistakes she sees that she listed in the first post. Some are very self explanatory, but here are her answers: Facing forward too soon How long should a child Rear Face? A child should remain rearfacing to the limits of their particular carseat. The limits being the carseat’s rearfacing weight limit AND you must ensure that they have 1″ or more of plastic shell above their head. Boosters being used too soon When is a child old enough or big enough for a booster? A good goal is to keep a child
During the last year I have been reading up on Car Seat Information. I even briefly considered taking the course to become a Certified Car Seat Safety Technician, but the class fell on a week when I was 36 weeks pregnant and one of my babies was starting kindergarten… I just couldn’t miss that! Since I am not certified or really the one to ask about these issues here is the first part of my interview with Maryanne, a CPST. How did you become interested in Car Seat Safety? Maryanne: Thanks to some online parenting forums, I found out that
There are as many ways to approach potty training as there are children in diapers. Even in the same family, different kids will require a different way of learning. But there is one thing about potty training that I think needs to be made very clear: Potty training is a process, not an event. Think of it like weaning your child to solid food. You wouldn’t ever expect them to go straight from getting all or most of their nutrition from bottle or breast to getting all of it from solid food. Their little bodies, minds and habits need to
I realize that in many places Spring weather hasn’t yet hit. But here in my neck of the woods it is creeping up fast. One of the difficult things about Spring is that I never know what to wear. In one day the temps can go from cold to hot and back again and while that is only a minor annoyance for a grown-up, it is a little trickier for babies. Cold babies are crabby babies, hot babies are crabby babies, but babies who are just right are happy. And since happy babies make happy parents, we want to dress
Phthalates, BPA, mercury, dioxins, smog, sunburn vs. vitamin D shortage, MSG, developing too slowly/too quickly, hormones in meat and dairy, pesticides on foods, trans fats, child too chubby/too skinny, too short/too tall, breastfeeding, bottle feeding, when to start solids, vaccines, antibiotic resistant bugs, just plain BUGS, did he just eat dirt, do hot dogs cause cancer… The list of things we worry about as mommies is very nearly infinite. I am sure you can dream up new ones to add to my list. And that list was just the things we can worry about with a small child, is seems