The wee wiggler finally filled her diaper this morning! I tried out the diaper spraying bottle idea with much enthusiasm!
I’m not so sure how I feel about it. It wasn’t a raging success, that’s for sure. I really couldn’t get it to squirt with enough pressure to do a good job of cleaning off the mess. There was alot of brownish splatter left all over the toilet, yuck. I sure don’t want to have to scrub the toilet every time I change a dirty diaper.
So, I’ll hang in there and try my idea a few more times…but it might be a good idea if you leave a comment and share your bum Genius Diaper Sprayer success stories, cuz I think that’s the direction this momma is headed. Does it leave a “brown splatter” all over the toilet??? That’s what I’d like to know:)
***Original Post***
We have had one or more babies in cloth diapers since June of 2003. There has not been a time since then that the cloth diapers were put away. Wow, that’s alot of washing. And that’s alot of figuring out what to do with, you know…poo.
I have tried it all, dunking, liners, flushable liners, scraping, swishing, more scraping and more swishing.
The only thing I haven’t tried is a diaper sprayer. All my cloth diapering friends rave about them. They get great reviews, 5 stars out of 5. Apparently, they’re the greatest thing since sliced bread!
So, why, why on earth haven’t I tried one?
The answer is this: I have 5 children…one of them is two years old and he LOVES to play with water guns. Installing a water gun (aka “diaper sprayer”) in my bathroom would be great for cleaning off messy diapers, but it could potentially wreak havoc on my sanity (and my dry house)!
The reason for my post is this: I may have brainstormed an alternative to the diaper sprayer. I was cleaning out closets and I found a squirt bottle. I was going to throw it in the garbage (I like to pitch anything that could offer the possibility of any kind of indoor water shoot out–I know I’m a party pooper) until I realized it could be used like a diaper sprayer. The beauty part is that I can keep my diaper spraying bottle up on the top shelf of the medicine cabinet, where it is not plainly visible and tempting for my two year old potty trainee.
This idea is just that at this point…an idea. For the wee wiggler has yet to dirty a diaper for me today. I’ll be sure to post a follow-up “review” of the diaper spraying bottle idea as soon as opportunity has lent me a few chances to test my theory. There are rare moments in a parenting career that one is impatient for the next stinky bum:)
We baby gated the bathroom to solve this problem. With only a few exceptions, anyone who uses the toilet can generally get in/out thru a (swinging door) baby gate also.
I’ve been using CD for 6 months now and we are a big fan of the flushable liners… The daycare workers like not having to clean anything, just throw out poopy liners. Non-poopy liners go into the wash with the diapers so we can re-use them. Less water wasted and less work for me!
I am so glad you said you use the sprayer from the kitchen sink with Hot Hot water. I am switching to CD (waiting for them in the mail) and that is what I was planning on doing. As it is I always rinse off my DDs clothes this way when they have blow-outs, which happens like every day. This works great for getting poo out of clothing, no stains yet and they are 5 months old.
You may think what I do is gross, but I’ve been using BG 3.0 now for about 2 months (sorry I got them from another store) and this is what I do for poo…. I dump out any solid pieces in the toilet, take out the insert and dump it into the pail, then I head to the kitchen.. yes my kithen sink. I turn the water on hot and all the way on and use the sprayer on the disposal side. It works great and gets the diapers totally clean. I then just drop a dab of antibacterial soap in the disposal and let it run for 30 seconds. I figure the disposal can take nasty rotten food that I forgot about in the fridge so why not, poo! Anyways that’s what I do and it’s wonderful.
Hi Bekah,
I have no idea, because I did not cloth diaper any of my kids – I’m so not worthy to comment on this blog, but I wanted to say hello and thanks for all your sweet comments. You don’t have to publish this comment, but I didn’t see a way to email you, so this is it. Glad to know you are also raising five!
You know that this Momma LOVES the diaper sprayer. Of course…we have GIRLS. But…it does have a shut off valve that can be hidden behind the toilet. We rinse every poo…and would not turn back! We have a diaper pail in the bathroom and just have the bathroom as an “off limits” place for the kiddos that aren’t potty training. Those that are…just need to be carefully watched or taught what is off limits. It has worked for my 4 kiddos so far…and there are no plans for change! We’ll see what happens when our little man is potty training!
We use a diaper sprayer and I LOVE it! There is some ricochet spray but I just keep some Clorox wipes by the toilet and wipe up if it’s too bad…which it usually isn’t. I lift the seat and make sure the that diaper is down in the bowl before spraying.
We’re traveling this month with the cloth diapers and it will be interesting to see how it goes at my in-laws where there is not beloved diaper sprayer.
we use the diaper sprayer and i would not do cloth without it! it makes cleaning the diaper (even for diarrhea) a snap! and no mess on the toilet, some water splashes on the seat, but it is easily wiped up! i use a waterproof bag inside a plastic cat litter container with a snap on lid! it keeps the smell down and is easy to clean up!
I like the old bottle brush scraper idea. I’ve just been picking it out of the diaper with a wad of toilet paper, and then flushing it like the waste it is.
Hmmm, the Potty Pail, that’s interesting…I’d never heard of it;) Thanks for sharing!
I have a diaper sprayer that I bought along with the Potty Pail (see http://www.pottypail.com) and I love it. The water to the sprayer can be turned off between uses easily to curious little hands can’t spray the bathroom! The Potty Pail is nice so everything goes into the toilet and I don’t have a brown mess to clean up afterwards. I actually would have had a hard time sticking with cloth diapering when my DD started eating solids if it weren’t for the Potty Pail. For me, the price of the Potty Pail and sprayer have been well worth the investment.
We use our diaper sprayer with nearly every poo now that our son is eating solids multiple times a day. It doesn’t leave a mess, and you do get more adept with it over time. In my opinion, it is totally worth the money!
I used a long handled dishes cleaner, very similar to the bottle brush, to quickly get most of the poo off. I didn’t soak it. I just rinsed it in the “clean” newly flushed toilet water and left it in a plastic container behind the toilet. It worked well.
Don’t have any solids yet and actually practicing EC so haven’t had a diaper poo since my daughter was two months old. Before that, we just threw the diapers in the wash, poo and all. The liners tumbled out of the PUL, the poo washed out and didn’t stain. I don’t know if it gets worse with poos, but we’ve never had a problem. (ps, we always wash on the “hot/whites/heavy” cycle)
Hey there! We LOVE our diaper sprayer…couldn’t do it without it! Our almost-2-year-old hasn’t ever shown much interest in it (yet) and we need it oh-so-badly for the 6-week-old’s breastmilk poo! Don’t know what we’ll do when we have 5 of them running around… 🙂
I have the same dilemma with the sprayer. I had the idea to keep an old bottle brush next to the toilet, soaking in detergent water to scrub/scrape the poo off. I tuck it back behind the plunger so it doesn’t get dumped by water loving boys and change it out once a day.
I really like the spray bottle idea though. I am going to try that out, too! I can’t wait to see how it works!
P.S. I am a lurker, but I do so enjoy this blog!