Planning for #2 —
We’d been trying for baby #2 for around a year or so now, and as soon as we found out that we were expecting, the “OH MY GOODNESS WE ARE HAVING ANOTHER BABY” mode kicked in. Since then, I’ve felt just about every emotion imaginable thanks to those ever-changing pregnancy hormones. It’s been almost four years since I had a baby, so I’m trying to take things slow, enjoy my time with my little guy and still prepare for our newest arrival! Here are a few things I’ve learned so far in planning for this second little ball of love.
Your second pregnancy may be different from the first.
This time around, I’ve been much sicker than I was with my first one. I’m not sure if it’s because I have less energy than I did nearly four years ago or what, but the first trimester in this pregnancy has been much harder than the first. One thing I can say is don’t expect this go-around to be the same. Prepare yourself for all the possible outcomes and get plenty of extra rest when you can! They say that symptoms with the second babe can be sooner and stronger!
Be prepared.
Not going to lie, I haven’t been completely on the ball when it comes to getting ready for a baby this time around. After chatting with my husband and it really soaking in that I’m due right around the winter holiday season, I finally stepped my speed up a bit and started organizing my existing baby stuff and ordering a few new things. Sure I have plenty of stuff that I can reuse for this baby, but lets be real… there are some awesome new baby products on the market right now, especially right here at Cotton Babies, AND I can always spend money on some new fluff! From here on out, I’m trying to buy what I need and have everything ready. That way, I’m not rushing around last minute during the holiday season.
Prepare your first child.
The first few weeks after I found out I was pregnant with my second, my heart seemed to be a little confused and worried. Of course we were over the moon excited to be expanding our little family, but the reality of having more than one baby started to soak in… my little guy would have to share his time with us and I worried about how that would affect him… That might sound silly and could totally be the hormones talking, but for the past four years it’s just been him. He’s been our whole entire world and some. After breaking the news to him that he’d be getting a baby brother or sister, he immediately fell in love and that’s when I realized that everything would be alright. We’ve kept him pretty up to date on all the baby happenings and planning, (my doctor even printed an extra ultrasound picture just for him – which he loved), let him pick out some things for the baby and even bought him a few new books on becoming a big brother, which I highly recommend!
Cherish this time!
Things are about to get really busy over here so I’m soaking up as much time as I can with my little guy and husband. Day dates, date nights, family dates, we are doing it all while we’ve got some free time. Of course we will continue these traditions when the new baby gets here, but for now I soaking up as much one-on-one time with my little guy as possible.
What were/are some things you are planning for with baby #2 on the way?
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