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Product Reviews
May 29, 2009 4:20 pm | by

The product review system online is starting to get murky as more and more companies begin to solicit posts from bloggers. While we value the blogging community (I am a blogger myself), we also believe that value and reliability of a review lies in the unsolicited, unbiased opinion of the person writing the review.

With that in mind, I wanted to state a few important points about how we handle product reviews:

1. Cotton Babies does not solicit rewarded or paid reviews of our products or our website. Reviews that you read can be trusted as unsolicited reviews from real parents using our product.

2. Cotton Babies does have a tester program. As part of this program, we do not solicit or pay for product reviews.

3. With only a few exceptions, media attention to our company is initiated by the media. We are pleased that this approach has resulted in coverage from Time Magazine, the Wall Street Journal,

About the Author

Jenn is the founder of Cotton Babies & creator of bumGenius, Flip, and Econobum, worldwide leading cloth diaper brands. She has four children (Andrew, Oscar, Elsie and Louis) and holds an MBA from Washington University. When she's not working full time, she enjoys teaching business leaders how to implement sustainable economic & social change.


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