I’m just kidding there, I would never throw my baby. But I do still swaddle her at 10 months. My first baby was swaddled until she was a year old and I’d like to believe it’s because my womb is so comfortable they can’t bear the wide open world around them as they sleep.
There’s always talk about SCHEDULES! as it relates to naps and bedtime and oh believe me, I have a schedule. But nothing solidifies the “SHOOSH AND GO TO SLEEP NOW” message like swaddling to my babies.
With my first, Addie, there weren’t really any fancy swaddling products out, there were a few here and there but nothing that really worked, especially on a one year old. I became really good at hog tying her with a couple of receiving blankets and only rarely did she escape. I don’t remember how we quit the swaddle with her but I figure not remembering means it obviously wasn’t that traumatic for anyone involved.
Enter Vivi, baby number 2. I was so happy she didn’t need to be swaddled in the beginning but it became more and more apparent that she needed to be as she got bigger. Around 6 months we switched to Woombies which are ridiculous looking bean shaped sleeping bags for babies. WE LOVE THEM. She can’t escape from them or kick them off but she can still move around and nom on her hands if she wants to.
We quit the swaddle cold turkey at the beginning of February and it went just fine, but then we went on vacation in Florida and things got a little tossed around so back in the bag she went (I call it her butterbean, Cody calls it her straightjacket.) Life’s continued to be a little bonkers around here so until things slow down she’ll be staying in her little bag purely out of comfort and consistency.
Do you still hog tie your babies or are they free to roam about their cribs at night?
Hey, I really love woombie and I used them it for my son when he was six month old. It really helpful so your post is covering with valuable content and i really like it.diapers for babies
AH! I was also worried that we were swaddling our little girl too long. She is 10 months now and just won’t sleep long unless she is swaddled. We love the Miracle Blanket for bedtime and use the A&A swaddles for naps. LOVE THEM!!
This is such a timely post for me and can I just say I LOVE hearing how other mommies do it. 🙂 Our daughter is 4 months and definitely needs to be swaddled at night to sleep well. She sleeps about 12 hours a night (although I have to replace her binky about 5 times a night…ugh!). I was so worried I was swaddling her too long and she’s going to never be able to sleep without it, but this post and the comments are helping me see that IT’S OKAY! haha 🙂 We use the miracle blanket and LOVE it! It’s the only swaddle she can’t houdini her way out of!!
I think we’re going to try swaddling again. We use a sleep sack and it’s okay, but our little man is a terrible napper. We need an intervention!
we used a miracle blanket for every nap & every night. we absolutely loved it! it came from a recommendation from our birthing nurse. our daughter loved it & slept through the night by 5 weeks. we stopped swaddling her around 9 months when she was suddenly fussy one night & once we took her out of the blanket she was happy. that was it! we have recommended them to everyone & will definitely use for baby #2!
I loved the woombie! We stopped using it a few weeks ago (he’s 6 months) when he started to roll onto his tummy. Our first was done with swaddling at 6 weeks, but I think if we had the woombie then, we would have swaddled him longer. He was just constantly busting out of his blanket and we discovered that he did fine with free arms, so we went with it and used a sleep sack.
I swaddled a 21 month old in a large fleece throw the other day. She was over tired and miserable, 5 minutes after the swaddle she was peacefully sleeping on my lap.
I swaddled Vicki until 8 months when she started rolling onto her stomach in the swaddle and couldn’t get back onto her back. Most of the time I double swaddled her in an A&A blanket and a SwaddleMe. That fortress was difficult to escape from!
Jonathan was swaddled in a swaddler until he was about 8 months old.. now he sleeps in a sleep sack
We love the woombie! We used them with our little one until he was around 9 months old. It was the same thing with us. As soon as he was swaddled he knew it was time to sleep.