Since my family began using cloth diapers, we’ve ventured into other products that will help us live a more natural lifestyle. When cold and flu season hit, we try to be proactive and prevent nasty germs from getting us sick, but I also make sure we’re ready when it finally makes the house come crashing down.
For prevention, my husband and I amp up our Vitamin C intake. Mainly, it’s just me because he forgets. I also make the kids some Elderberry syrup and I want to try making Elderberry gummies. I take a spoonful every now and then, but I have my kids take a spoonful daily. Elderberries are good for supporting your immune system. Also, for prevention, we step up our hand washing. Better Life No Regrets hand soap is something we use regularly. It’s natural and gentle, and doesn’t dry out your hands! Between regular hand washing and hand sanitizing, this cuts down the germs on common things like door knobs, the fridge handle, toys, etc. I’ll admit that I’ve never been a germ-a-phobe until recently, but I’m using the, “better safe than sorry” motto! Toy cleaning wipes and What-EVER All-Purpose Cleaner have become my best friends.
When we come down with a cold, raw honey is great for a sore throat. There is nothing more soothing than a spoonful of honey sliding down your inflamed throat. Yeah, it sounds gross, but trust me! I also switch out my morning coffee and afternoon soda pop for some warm tea with honey and lemon. The girls aren’t a huge fan of tea, but they’ll drink water when they don’t feel good.
Essential oils are also a must! Some Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Lemon, and Lavender can help dramatically! (Always be sure you’re using safe, therapeutic oils! And be sure you’re using them properly, especially around children!)
During sick days, my kids and I usually curl up on the couch or in bed (depends on how awful we feel!), under a cozy blanket and watch Disney movies. Sure, we’re being lazy and getting nothing accomplished. But we’re resting. And resting is a key ingredient in getting better!
Along with the natural remedies, I tend to lean towards the over the counter meds as well. I just do what I can to feel better. I always try to make the girls as comfortable as I can and really pick my battles. No one wants to argue with a sick 3 year old — trust me. You may think you’re gonna win. But she doesn’t feel good. And she’s 3. Enough said! 😉 Now, if mom doesn’t feel good, that’s an entirely different story. I’m sure you know how that goes.
So what do you do when your family comes down with a cold or how do you prevent it? Share your comments or suggestions below!
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