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Beyond the Diaper… Alternate Uses for Cloth
March 24, 2012 10:45 am | by
Cloth Diaper Creams

So you had your kids, they used the cloth diapers, and now everyone’s in college (or kindergarten, or preschool, or whatever) and those diapers are not getting used anymore. What are you supposed to do with what you have left? Some people use cloth diapers with the express intent to resell the diapers when they’re done using them. And that’s definitely an option. But not the only one! Lending/giving diapers to friends is another way to go. A good portion of our tiny newborn diapers have been lent out to friends. In 2010, I was due with my youngest and

Newborn Cloth Diapering
March 3, 2012 11:13 am | by
Prepping Cloth Diapers

Cloth diapering a newborn can seem intimidating, especially if it’s your first child that you’ll be diapering. But then again, everything about newborns can seem a little intimidating, right? It’s because it’s new, not because it’s hard. Now that I have the diapering of three kids (and the potty training of two of them, more or less) under my belt, I’m going to go ahead and say it: diapering newborns is the easiest part. Newborns don’t move around that much. Not that they can’t wriggle and squirm but at least they can’t get up and run away laughing in the

How to Use a bumGenius Refresher Kit
February 18, 2012 4:34 pm | by
Cloth Diaper Creams

A few months ago, my son’s bumGenius one-size pocket diaper started to leak around the legs. When I took his pants down to change his diaper, I found there was a gap between his legs and the diaper. Then he started coming to me pointing to his diaper and asking for help – the hook and loop holding the diaper closed had let go! Our diapers were all well over 2 years old and are now servicing two children simultaneously. I tried to ignore the signs for a while, but it was clear: we would need to repair the diapers

Introducing Cotton Babies’ Share The Love
February 15, 2012 4:15 pm | by
Share the Love now shipping diapers to families in need. #sharethelove

Yesterday, for Valentine’s Day, Cotton Babies announced the creation of a new cloth diaper bank. “Share The Love” was created by Cotton Babies for the purpose of distributing donated, re-loveable cloth diapers to needy St. Louis families. Eligible families who complete the application process and agree to the loan terms may qualify to receive a set of cloth diapers to help them care for their child through a tough time. According to a recent study, one in three parents in the United States is choosing between buying diapers and providing certain essentials (food, utilities, or child care) for their family.

The Diaper Sprayer – Cloth Diapering’s Best Kept Secret
January 27, 2012 2:54 pm | by
Cloth Diaper Creams

Poop. The one thing that stands between most people and cloth diapering. Poop is a formidable enemy. It stinks, it makes a mess, and it’s just plain gross. Moms for some reason aren’t as bothered by this. We dads on the other hand, would rather roll it up and chuck it. But, mom likes the cute prints and pretty colors, so our protests fall on deaf ears and here we are trying the cloth diaper thing. Babies must have a sense of humor, because as soon as a brand new, clean, super cute bumGenius Genius Series diaper is put on,

How to dry your cloth diapers
January 9, 2012 1:12 am | by
Prepping Cloth Diapers

It has been almost a year since we’ve shared information about how to dry your cloth diapers. In that time, we’ve retired some products and created some new ones. Today, we are updating this information in case you are new to cloth diapering or just needed a reminder. We get a lot of questions about how to dry diapers. Many of you want to know more specifics about how to safely dry your diapers, especially during the cold, damp winter months. Our basic instructions are “Line-dry covers and diaper shells. Tumble dry inserts, fitteds and prefolds.” Making sure to dry

Wet Towel Trick
October 24, 2011 1:10 am | by
Prepping Cloth Diapers

Sometimes a very small load of diapers in a front-loading washing machine needs a little bit of help to get enough water in the machine. Try our “Wet Towel Trick”. Adding a wet bath towel to the beginning of your wash routine. Let the towel go through all the wash cycles (hot, cold and rinses). For washers that are weight-sensitive, this will encourage the machine to add more water to every cycle. If you have further questions or need more detailed troubleshooting for your laundry routine, please give us a call at 1-314-892-1855. We’re always glad to learn more about

How to store your dirty diapers
June 27, 2011 9:02 am | by

Once you decide you are ready to start cloth diapering, another major decision is how to store your dirty diapers once they are dirty until laundry day. There are two main types of dirty cloth diaper storage a wet bag or a pail. Types of dirty diaper storage Diaper pails designed for cloth diapering are a little different than those designed for disposable diapers. Most disposable diaper pails are designed to keep air (and smells) out. When thinking about storing dirty cloth diapers, one of the key things is to make sure you have air flow. This air flow helps

Overnight Cloth Diapering With Hemp
May 12, 2011 5:01 am | by
Cloth Diaper Creams

As your little one grows, at some point, you finally reach the elusive goal… your child will actually sleep for more than 3 hours at a time. About the time you begin to revel in this blissful state, you may begin to discover the dark side of more sleep. Your little one’s diapers now require more absorbency to last through the night, requiring an overnight diaper. One of the most common questions we receive at Cotton Babies is how to adjust absorbency to adapt to your growing child’s overnight needs. The simple answer is extra absorbency. You can start by

Almost Free Diapers
April 1, 2011 12:21 pm | by
Almost Free Diapers

Need diapers for your baby? This article is full of help tips! Almost Free Diapers: how to diaper your baby when you can’t afford disposable or cloth diapers. Diapers are expensive Over the weekend, a customer shared with us this news report from Manhattan’s NY1: High Cost Of Diapers Forces Some Parents Into Risky Practices. It breaks my heart because I personally know what it feels like to have to choose food OR diapers. When my husband and I started Cotton Babies, we were living on $30 a week for groceries plus a WIC check. That certainly wasn’t enough to