Cloth diapers and daycare: can it really be done? For many families, successfully using cloth diapers at daycare is simply a matter of routine. If you’re struggling with how to get started using cloth when your child is in someone else’s care, this guide will help you get started. Talking to Your Provider Whether you’re choosing a daycare provider for the first time or swapping to cloth with the provider you are currently using, you need to have a discussion with your provider about cloth diapering at daycare. Be prepared with: Information about modern cloth diapers and just how simple
Tag Archive: all-in-one
Taking Cloth Diapers to Daycare
November 23, 2016 8:00 am | by Emily Goodman
Your Cloth Diaper Guide
August 25, 2016 11:01 pm | by Francesca Abernathy
So you’re considering using cloth diapers. Congratulations! Many natural-minded parents like you have come to the realization that cloth diapers boast so many advantages over disposables. Cloth has officially made a comeback! With so many to choose from, we know you may need some help. This is your cloth diaper guide. To begin, here are just a few of the reason why people are choosing cloth diapers over disposables. Cloth Diapering Benefits Cost-Efficient Parents choose cloth diapers over disposables for many reasons; one of which is significant cost-savings. By cloth-diapering exclusively, you can save approximately $1,200 or more over the