Save some green with the bumGenius Spring Sale! We’re celebrating the beginning of Spring with a great deal at Cotton Babies. You can add a little bumGenius color to your life and save yourself some green in honor of St. Patrick’s day 😉 Four days only, Thursday, March 17 through Sunday, March 20, 2011 bumGenius 4.0 solid color cloth diapers are on sale for $15.25* each! Additional discounts apply to bumGenius 4.0 3, 6, and 12 packs. One of our customers, Trisha, wrote this in her March 2, 2011 review: “The BG 4.0’s are an amazing product, and I can’t
Tag Archive: Artist Series
The Artist Heist is a steal of a deal! Have you been casing Cotton Babies, waiting to make your move on the Tiny Socialite Collection? The Tiny Socialite Collection just received full-page editorial coverage from American Baby Magazine. The entire collection is on sale at Cotton Babies (while supplies last) during the month of March! Now is your chance to grab some of these tiny masterpieces for your very own collection. Add a little bumGenius artistry to your life. Save up to 20%! * 2 bumGenius 4.0 Tiny Socialites – $33.99 * 5 bumGenius 4.0 Tiny Socialites – $76.99 *
Happy first day of March! I don’t know about you, but I am definitely ready for spring this year. On Sunday, we had mild weather and my family had a lovely afternoon. We played outdoors, basked in the sunshine and let our creative juices flow all over the sidewalk in chalk. To celebrate the first day of March, today we’ll be helping you prepare for the warmer weather when you get to put your love of cloth diapers on display for everyone to see. Before we know it, the weather will be warm enough for most of us to let
Wow, I mean, WOW! You all are amazing parents and grandparents! Do you even realize how amazing you are? It was a joy reading all of the entries for our bumGenius Artist Series Giveaway contest. What seemed like such a simple question brought a variety of answers, many unique and unexpected. Many of you let your little ones choose their own clothes, play with food, explore outdoors, dance, sing, create noise and messes all in the name of creativity. You are an amazing bunch of mothers, fathers, grandparents and caregivers who nurture and inspire creativity in your children. You should
We’ve had a great time sharing the new bumGenius Artist Series with you this week and reading all of your comments. To wrap up our fun week, we’re doing one last BIG giveaway and leaving it open all weekend for all our fans to have a chance to enter. Here are the rules: Write a NEW blog post, MySpace blog, Facebook note or other online post that answers the question below. Be sure to tag Cotton Babies and bumGenius or link to our websites and Return to this blog post and leave a link to your answer in