Everyday I see something new for babies; some new gadget, toy, or item that is guaranteed to make your life as parents easier. When reality hits though and your sweet bundle of love is home and in your arms, the items you will use the most are pretty minimal. Here are some tips of things you really need and how to get them when baby prepping your life. Prepping a Sleeping Space for the Baby Figure out where your baby is going to sleep. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends baby sharing a room with you for the first 6
Tag Archive: baby clothes
A Doula’s Guide to Baby Prepping Your life
March 3, 2017 8:00 am | by Kim Borchert
Baby Registry Etiquette & How To
February 24, 2017 8:00 am | by Angela England
Sometimes pregnant mothers can be confused about how to register for baby gifts before a baby shower without seeming tacky or rude. Here are some tips to help. Is a Baby Shower Gift Registry Tacky, Rude, or Inappropriate? No! Most people appreciate being able to quickly and easily find a baby shower gift that will be something they are sure you will need or want. This is especially helpful for matching nursery décor, infant items in a certain color theme or for subsequent pregnancies when you may already have many baby items. Shower guests and other well-wishers may still choose