Taking the whole cloth diapering show on the road can feel like a challenge. First of all because it does become a show. Cloth diapering is still a novel idea to most people. Even Grandmothers who never used a single disposable will be astonished that you use cloth diapers. They seem to think that it is ludicrous to use the old fashioned stuff when the ease of disposables is to be had for just a few dollars. Every time I change a diaper when we are out and about, someone pokes their head over my shoulder to ask, “Is that
Tag Archive: basics

Even if you have to carefully budget $3.50 each week towards purchasing cloth diapers for the 40 weeks that you are pregnant, yes, you can definitely afford to cloth diaper. If you are diapering a newborn, start with 24 infant sized prefolds ($18), one Snappi ($2.99) and six pairs of Dappi Nylon Pants ($15). If you want to add in overnight diapers, get two bumGenius One-Size Cloth diapers for an additional $35.90. You will have spent less than $72 to get all the diapers you’re going to need until your baby is approximately four months old. When your baby is

One of our customers recently asked a great question on the Cotton Babies forum. It got a wonderful answer from another cloth diapering mom and with her permission, we are sharing the exchange here in hopes that it helps some parents who are still in that ‘what do we pick’ phase. Original Question: Is it really just a pure trial and error with types of CD and absorbencies until you figure something out? Does that mean I should just buy a few of each kind to begin with and hope something jumps out at me as a “this works, I

One of the most frustrating things for a new mom doing her cloth diaper research online has to be deciphering the alphabet soup of abbreviations floating around the discussion forums. If a line like ‘my DH uses CPFs but I prefer FBs and roos’ makes you go hmmm, this little piece of blogery is for you. Here are some of the more common terms you’ll see floating around about cloth diapers online: AIO – All In One diapers (diaper with waterproof outer and absorbent inner all in one piece.Aplix – hook and loop fastener a-la VelcrobG – bumGenius: one-size cloth

When new moms call and ask about what kind of cloth diapers they should buy, they are typically focused on a single product. They want to know how many bumGenius one-size cloth diapersthey should get, or how many Kissaluvs, etc. When I tell them cloth diapering is more of a system than a “how many” question, they are intrigued because they haven’t thought of it that way. They’ve read the reviews and are trying to settle on a type of diaper to use. But what comes out of the baby changes over time and even through the day, so only

Customers always ask ‘how many diapers will I need?’, and the honest answers is ‘we have no idea’. Of course we have a general idea, but every baby is different and produces different amounts of poop and pee through the day. A heavy wetter will need more diaper changes through the day to keep him dry. A baby with liberal intestines will also need more diapers than the baby who saves it all for one spectacular explosion (the almighty super-poo). The number of diapers also depends on how old your baby is and what they eat. A new breastfed baby

When people think about cloth diapers, they think of sticky vinyl pants and big scarey pins better suited for shish-ka-bobs. If you tell someone you use cloth diapers, they get a quirky look on their face and think you’re a little strange. Using cloth diapers really isn’t that bad and regular people still use them. Back in the day, cloth diapering didn’t have many options. If you wanted to cloth diaper, you bought some cotton prefolds, pins, and covers. Today, technology and creative moms are moving cloth diapers forward. We have things like bumGenius, inserts, All-In-Ones and contours to choose