Tag Archive: Change 3 Things
Using cloth diapers is easy. But sometimes, it can be difficult to convince others to feel the same. When it comes to persuading people to WANT to use cloth diapers, what is the biggest challenge? Is it the poop? Is it the misconception that cloth diaper systems haven’t evolved over the last 20 years? Is it the thought of endless laundry? The upfront cost? Whatever it may be, the reality is that modern cloth diaper systems like bumGenius are just as user friendly as disposables and also provide a ton of benefits. Real Diaper Week begins April 19 and we want
Monday, April 22 is Earth Day, a time to celebrate things that encourage environmental responsibility. Cloth diapers are a great way to reduce your environmental impact every day, on Earth Day and beyond! That’s why we began Change 3 Things. We hope you will join us and pledge to change (at least) three cloth diapers each day. We chose three diapers because we feel it’s an attainable goal. Even if your daycare doesn’t accept cloth diapers, you can change three cloth diapers each day. Even three cloth diapers a day can have significant impact. Are you up for the challenge?
One of the many reasons that parents may choose to cloth diaper their baby is to reduce waste and help the environment. We know that with each cloth diaper you change instead of a disposable, you prevent landfill waste, but exactly how much is saved every day from local landfills? Last year, we introduced the Change 3 Things challenge. We asked parents and caregivers to change at least 3 cloth diapers a day instead of disposables. We set up a Facebook page to track the progress and even have a form available on the website so you can report exactly
It’s been a little over 4 months since we launched our Change 3 Things campaign. In that time, Change 3 Things participants have changed more than 3,250,000 cloth diapers. That’s more than 3 million diapers that are not going into landfills! This means that together, participants have prevented waste equivalent to more than 1,895 babies wearing disposable diapers for a year. That is an amazing amount of impact in local landfills by parents who commit to change at least 3 cloth diapers a day. We want to spread the word about Change 3 Things, so for today’s giveaway, share
Last weekend, many of you celebrated Earth Day in lots of great ways – festivals, crafts, The Great Cloth Diaper Change and more. Last week, we celebrated 700,000 cloth diapers changed since we began counting in early March through Change 3 Things, which may have prevented waste equivalent to more than 400 babies wearing disposable diapers for a year! We also released a new addition to our Change 3 Things challenge, a way you can report more than 3 cloth diapers changed per day. To keep the Earth Day celebration going, today we are giving away prize packs that each
Last weekend marked another new milestone for our Change 3 Things Facebook page. Since we began tracking cloth diaper changes on March 3, 2011, together we have changed more than 500,000 cloth diapers; that more than HALF A MILLION cloth diapers changed in a few weeks’ time! Also this weekend, we passed the number that represents the potentially prevented waste equivalent to more than 300 babies in disposable diapers for a year. To celebrate, today we are giving away prize packs that each include a bumGenius 4.0 cloth diaper, a Change 3 Things t-shirt, silicone band and 25 Change 3
For those who may not have heard already, our Change 3 Things project encountered a little hiccup. We had to begin again with a fresh Facebook page, which you can find here: Facebook.com/changethreethings Unfortunately, we lost all of our 6,000+ commitments from those of you who had “Liked” the page. If you are willing to make the commitment to change at least 3 cloth diapers a day, help us count by clicking “Like” on the Facebook page. Our goals are: 100,000 parents committed to change 3 cloth diapers per day.* 30-50 million pounds of prevented landfill waste* 100 million disposable
To celebrate reaching 5,000 “Likes” on the Change 3 Things Facebook page over the weekend, today we’re giving away some Change 3 Things items to help you strike up conversations about cloth diapering. We have a Change 3 Things t-shirt, silver silicone reminder bands, and Share Cards with some quick facts that you can hand out to those who ask you about the benefits of cloth diapering. Today, we’re giving away Change 3 Things promotional packs that will each include a t-shirt, 10 reminder bands and 25 share cards. To enter to win one of 10 packs we’ll be giving
Earlier this week we shared with you the Change 3 Things Challenge for 2011. The goal is to have 100,000 parents committed to change at least 3 diapers a day. We believe 3 diapers is a manageable goal for that almost any parent can do. To assist you as you share the benefits of cloth diapering with others, we’ve created some promotional materials. We’ve created a t-shirt and a silicone band that you can wear. Our hope is that these materials serve as conversation starters. We also have designed Change 3 Things Share Cards with some quick facts