It has been more than a year since we shared information about the different styles or types of cloth diapers currently available. There are a lot of new products that have been introduced in the last year, so we thought a little refresher course might help. Just like any new hobby or skill you learn, parenting and especially cloth diapering, comes with its own jargon. I was really confused when I first started, then I got the hang of it. I felt pretty confident when I joined the Cotton Babies team only to learn there was a lot more to
Tag Archive: diaper sizes
Cloth Diapers 101: Types of Cloth Diapers
March 19, 2012 1:46 pm | by Heather Vaughn
Kissaluvs Size Comparison
May 9, 2008 6:09 pm | by Jenni
Picking a kind of diaper can be a little befuddling, and once you do that you have to figure out which size to buy. Unless you buy one size diapers like bumGenius, but then you still need to experiment with the right settings. Well I am here to clear up a little confusion on that! Lily is a mildly chubby 15-16ish pounds right now. I tried on all the sizes of Kissaluvs, and was pleasantly surprised at how flexible the sizing options really are. I haven’t used the size zero on her in a couple of months, but low and