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Tag Archive: econobum

Thursday Giveaway: Give a Gift
December 3, 2014 7:22 pm | by

‘Tis the season for giving. The holidays are a time for joy, celebration and compassion. For many families, it’s a chance to shower your loved ones with all their favorite goodies, but for those who are less fortunate, the holidays can be extremely stressful — and unaffordable.   Today, many families struggle to pay for diapers and other basic necessities like food and utilities. Share the Love was created to help these families — all year round. It’s a locally-sustainable, nationally-accessible cloth diaper bank that provides families with cloth diapers. This program enables low income families with reusable diapers, which

Cloth 101: Cloth Diaper Myths
November 17, 2014 6:32 pm | by

There is a lot of information out there about cloth diapers, so how do you know what’s fact or fiction? You a. learn from experience b. do some research or c. ask a friend or d. let the Cotton Babies myth busting team provide some clarity! Check out some of the most common myths we’ve heard about cloth diapers… and see what’s really true below 🙂 Using cloth diapers will make my house smell like a diaper pail.  Wrong! You shouldn’t experience anymore oder with cloth diapers than you would with disposables.  Many cloth diapering parents actually claim to smell less diaper

Cloth 101: What cloth diapers are right for me?
November 9, 2014 2:41 pm | by

There are so many different types of cloth diapers available, so how you do really know what style will work best for you? To get started and help you narrow down the abundance of choices, why do you want to cloth diaper? Are you wanting to for environmental reasons?  Prefer something more natural? Do you need to save more money? Love the colors and prints? Whatever your reason may be, most parents tend to look to cloth diapers for the environmental, health, or economic benefits. Here are a few facts to consider: Disposable diapers are the third most common consumer

Thursday Giveaway: Cloth Diaper Mystery
October 15, 2014 7:58 pm | by

Life may be a mystery, but cloth diapers certainly aren’t! In fact, cloth diapers are very straight forward and just as easy to use as disposables.   When it comes to finding the right cloth diapers for your family, that, however, can be a bit of a mystery since there are so many choices available. But hey, who doesn’t love a good mystery anyway? The fun thing about cloth diapers is that you can try different systems like bumGenius, Flip or Econobum to find the solution that works for YOU.  We want more people to solve their cloth diapers mystery,

Thursday Giveaway: Everyday Cloth Diapers
October 8, 2014 5:32 pm | by

Modern cloth diapers are designed to make cloth diapering easy for every-day people.  We believe that cloth diapering should be as inexpensive and as simple as using disposables. And with bumGenius, Flip or Econobum, it is! These cloth diaper systems are an everyday solution meant to replace disposables. This means that these diapers can be used over and over at any given time on any given day. Despite what some may think, cloth diapers aren’t just for special occasions — but those HTF prints may be 😉 For this week’s giveaway, we want people to choose cloth diapers every day

Cloth 201: Cloth Diaper Leaks
September 14, 2014 5:40 pm | by
Cloth Diaper Creams

Lately, we’ve been seeing A LOT of questions about cloth diaper fit. Some people are worried that the fit may be too tight while others are experiencing leaks as a result. Let’s take some time to actually discuss cloth diaper fit and give you some tips on how to avoid leaks. When it comes to cloth diapers, you always want them to be snug. This will ensure that no moisture escapes from the diaper. If you can see any gaps or “air” between the diaper and their skin, then you need to refine the fit somehow. With bumGenius or Flip that might mean fastening

Thursday Giveaway: I love cloth diapers!
September 3, 2014 5:44 pm | by

Do you love cloth diapers? Well, do you!? It’s hard to not love cloth diapers. They save you money, they’re better for the environment, they are a healthier option for baby, AND they’re super cute! Today, there plenty of cloth diaper options available, so it’s easy to find SOMETHING you love. From All-in-Ones and All-in-Twos, to pockets and prefolds, you have so many choices at your disposal — it will be hard to love only one 😉 For this week’s giveaway, we want to help you find a cloth diaper you love. Four random people will win one bumGenius, Flip or Econobum cloth diaper and a #lovemyclothdiapers T-shirt

Thursday Giveaway: Back to the Basics
August 20, 2014 5:24 pm | by

The world is complex. There’s always a lot going on at any given moment, and if you don’t stop for a second, you could miss what’s important. But, how do you actually find time to break for a quick second when everything moves so fast? Try taking it down a notch and head back to the basics. Doing so will help you create a deeper appreciation for the simpler things in life. It may even help you see things in a new light, including cloth diapers. Easy-to-use systems like Econobum can really help you learn the fundamentals and principles of cloth

Thursday Giveaway: Ease into Econobum
July 30, 2014 6:12 pm | by

So you want to start cloth diapering, but don’t know where to begin? We understand — especially since there are so many different cloth diapering options available today. So many that it can even get overwhelming when it comes to actually finding something that will work for you. With Econobum, you can eliminate any cloth diaper confusion.  It is our most economical system and a lot of families tend use it as a gateway system. Econobum features a one-size diaper cover that’s compatible with high-quality prefolds made with 100% unbleached cotton. It’s the easiest way to try cloth diapers and allows many

Cloth Diaper Basics: Types of Cloth Diapers
July 27, 2014 5:29 pm | by

So you want to use cloth diapers, but where do you start? There are A TON of types of cloth diapers available, but sometimes, finding the right system for you can be overwhelming. Here’s a look at some of the options available today. Pocket cloth diapers A pocket diaper is a type of cloth diaper made of two layers of fabric sewn together to form a pocket that will hold an absorbent insert. bumGenius 5.0 are pocket style cloth diapers. This type of cloth diaper can be as convenient and simple to use as disposables. Pocket cloth diapers do require an extra step after