Happy Real Diaper Week, everyone! As we do around this time every year, we’re hosting a scavenger hunt on Pinterest to kick off Real Diaper Week! Help spread awareness about cloth diapers, learn about some awesome natural parenting products, and win some great prizes along the way. Why wouldn’t you want to play?! Here’s how to join in on the fun: 1. Create a new public Pinterest board titled, “Cotton Babies Real Diaper Week 2016.” 2. Click the “Pin It” button at the top of this page to pin this blog to your board. 3. From April 22 – May 8, check the Cotton
Tag Archive: Flip Diapers
The story behind our accidental genius is an interesting one to tell. It’s a musical print featuring Latin musical expression terms… called Giovanni… that…. wait… well… hmm… now what? Now, pretend you’re sitting with me as I worked on a description of this really fun, new print…. We’re shouting FORTE Dancing LEGATO… Jumping for joy STACCATO… If you’re a musician, typing those words might make you smile… Because it all culminates with a beautiful cressendo! Wait! Why does spellcheck keep saying this word is not correct… Hang on – Let me go and… google it… OH NO! CRESCENDO! Not CRESSENDO! Life just went
The title of this giveaway says it all: Let the festivities begin! It’s a new year, and however you wish to celebrate, we’re going to make it a bit more festive —! with our Festive Flip Giveaway If you’re catching our drift here, this giveaway is about Festive Flips! From disposable to cloth, Flip One- Size Covers can be used with any type of diaper! Flexible, convenient and adorable, Flip has you covered when it comes to battling blowouts, dressing up your diaper and more! The one-size cover is made to grow with baby and is available in a variety
Is your little one ready to start using the potty? It’s going to happen sooner or later, and if that time is now, we’re here to make things a bit easier! The Flip Potty Trainer Kit comes with a one-size cover that adjusts to fit most kids 20-50 lbs (or approx. 18 mo. to 5T) and three organic cotton inserts. The trainer is made to slide up and down like regular underwear while the inserts are designed to catch accidents, allowing your little one feel wetness. For this week’s giveaway, two people will win a Flip Potty Trainer Kit and a Genius Series T-shirt because every
Hurry! This week’s cloth diapers giveaway will be gone in a flash! Don’t worry, though — your cloth diapers won’t be! Since cloth diapers are reusable, you can use them from birth to potty training and for multiple children! But not only that, cloth diapers are also an eco-friendly way to save money and care for your baby, which is why many parents want to make the switch from disposables. For this week’s giveaway, one person is going to win five bumGenius, Flip or Econobum diapers of their choice. To enter, simply tell us why you want to win. a Rafflecopter giveaway Eligible entries must be
Is your little one an early bird or a night owl? Whatever they may be, you can find an insert to meet your cloth diapering needs with Flip Hybrid Diapers. Three different insert options allow parents to choose their absorbency. Flip Day Time Inserts are made with organic cotton and can be folded in a variety of ways to customize the absorbency just where you need it. The single layer creates a trim fit and dries fast after washing. Flip Night Time are made for heavy wetters and overnight cloth diapering. These inserts are very similar to a prefold. This week’s giveaway is for
The Cotton Babies team is growing! A few of our staff members have welcomed — and will soon be welcoming — a new baby! It’s such an exciting time in the office. Outside the 9-to-5, these parents spent a good amount of time planning and prepping for this new addition, especially those who are experiencing motherhood for the first time. From cloth diapers to carriers to swaddles and sprayers, bringing a baby into the world can take a lot of work! So wouldn’t it be easier if you just had everything you need bundled together in one nice pretty package? Well, good news! You can.
Happy September! Labor Day is next week, which means fall is right around the corner. The best thing about fall is sitting back and watching the seasons change. You’re surrounded by so many beautiful colors, sights, smells and sounds. Finding time to enjoy the seasonal switch up is important — and that’s where convenience and versatility play a role. With Flip Diapers, parents can can choose from three absorbent cloth diaper inserts to meet their changing needs. Real life demands flexibility and Flip allows you to mix it up and enjoy life wherever, whenever. For this week’s giveaway five people will fall for Flip
It’s early. Or, it’s late, depending on how you see it. Either way, you probably can’t even think straight right now. Sometimes, especially when you’re a parent, it’s hard to jump-start your mornings when you’re up in the middle of the night. Let’s not even mention how difficult it is to change a cloth diaper or feed your little one at 4am when you have to drag yourself out of bed. Because.. sleep. However, there’s a cloth diapers giveaway happening RIGHT. NOW. So, if you’re awake, you may want to get out of bed for just a few minutes and enter! This week, two people
Care packages are a thoughtful way to share the love and send someone a few of their favorite things. When a few of those favorite things are cloth diapers, a care package stuffed with different bumGenius, Flip and Econobum products can be extremely practical and beneficial. As you know, cloth diapers are an eco-friendly way to save money and care for your baby, which is why many parents want to make the switch from disposables. For this week’s giveaway, we want to send a special care package filled with three bumGenius, Flip or Econobum diapers and one bumGenius accessory to two lucky people.